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A group of 384 ninth-grade students were given a standardized achievement test, half under relatively poor physical conditions in an auditorium and half in relatively adequate physical conditions in regular classrooms. An analysis of covariance (using I.Q. as the covariate) indicated no significant difference due to the physical conditions.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the effect of the race of both the subjects (Ss) and examiners (Es) on the 5's performance on an individually administered vocabulary test. The tests administered by two white and two Negro Es to 88 and 113 white and Negro first-grade and kindergarten Ss, respectively, in an integrated urban school found a small but statistically significant interaction of E's race and S's race on test performance for the first-grade but not for the kindergarten. These findings are limited to young children who were in an urban school setting for at least five months and who were given an encoding type task by an adult whom they had usually seen at least once a day in their school environment.  相似文献   

论英格兰宗教改革对其政体演变的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代早期的英国政体经历了由君主专制到过渡性君主制再到立宪君主制这样一个嬗变的过程。在宗教改革初期,由于《至尊法》的通过而使王权得到强化,导致了君主专制政体的建立;随着宗教改革的进行,“国王在议会中”的“三位一体”的形成,使得英国政体成为君主专制和立宪君主制之间的一种过渡性君主制;斯图亚特王朝时期,由于国王与议会的斗争及宗教改革的影响,在英国最终确立起立宪君主制政体。  相似文献   

《圣经》马氏译本是历史上第一部完整的基督教《圣经》中译本,它成为洪秀全获取西方基督教《圣经》知识的真正源头。中西化的差异导致了《圣经》马氏译本的变异和洪秀全的误读,给这个回合的中西化对话带来了再创造的可能性。《圣经》马氏译本中的“上帝”译名对洪秀全最为深远的影响,就是有助于他创造性地形成区别于基督教的“信仰中心”,走上创立新宗教之路。通过运用中国化改造西方化的方式更新中国化,是洪秀全接纳西方化的显特点。  相似文献   

通过实险来观察大黄酚时大鼠肝过氧化脂质含量的影响。实验证明,大黄酚明显减少大鼠肝过氧化脂质的生成。结果提示.大黄酚具有抗衰老作用。  相似文献   

元代蒙古人接受藏传佛教伊始,翻译佛经即成为最重要的内容。16世纪后期,藏传佛教再度传入蒙古地区。俺达汗和林丹汗时期继承并发扬了这一传统。印度、西藏佛教经典的蒙译,丰富了蒙古人的精神生活,极大地推动了蒙古族文化教育事业的发展,佛教文化构成了全部蒙古文化最重要的部分。同时,译经活动也为佛学的深入研究、保留印藏文化的优良传统做出了具有世界意义的重大贡献。  相似文献   

我国不同地区的水热条件组合形成了我国基本的气候类型,复杂多变的气候条件,对我国各种民俗事象的形成、发展、演变和传播产生着重要的影响,同时也是我国民俗资源多样性的自然地理基础。气象气候因素与居住民俗、饮食民俗、服饰民俗、生产民俗、交通民俗、岁时民俗等民俗事象的发生、发展有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

The majority of physiotherapists are trained in hospital‐based schools outside the mainstream of further and higher education. It has been assumed that professional standards of competence are maintained through central control of the syllabus, nationally set examinations and centrally appointed examiners.

During the last decade, a small number of schools have transferred to polytechnics and begun to develop internally examined courses. It is essential that students who are successful in these examinations are automatically eligible for Membership of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

This paper describes the planning of an internally examined course which is acceptable to the professional bodies as well as to the Sheffield City Polytechnic. It explores some of the conflicts which have arisen concerning the extent to which control of the profession should extend to control of the curriculum in any and every institution. It concludes that the Chartered Society's need to control right of entry to the profession and to monitor standards of competence is reconcilable with lecturers’ desire to design a course and appropriate methods of assessment which reflect their overall rationale.  相似文献   

松寿丹(SSHD)由黄精、何首乌、金樱子、葛根等17味中药组成,该方剂经几十年的临床应用证实对老年性心脑血管疾病有较好的疗效。本文对其胶囊剂对大白鼠肝过氧化脂质含量的影响进行了观察。实验证实,SSHD明显减少大鼠肝过氧化脂质的生成。结果提示,SSHD具有抗衰老作用。  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have examined the validity of scholastic aptitude measures as predictors of college performance for black and white students, few studies have investigated the validity of these predictors for different socioeconomic levels within a racially homogeneous population. To study the influence of socioeconomic status (SES) on the predictability of college performance, a sample of 1,631 white freshmen attending a large urban university was divided into homogeneous subgroups on each of three measures: (a) family income, (b) father's occupation, and (c) mother's education. Verbal and Quantitative Scholastic Aptitude Test scores and high school class rank were used to predict freshman grade-point average within each subgroup. For all three socioeconomic measures, lower cross-validated multiple correlations were associated with lower levels of SES. Possible explanations for these results are discussed and implications for research are presented.  相似文献   

从民谣看儒家文化对传统社会的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对清代至民国年间华北地区民谣中孝、择业、时政、待人接物等内容的分析 ,揭示了民谣的形象性、传承性、时代性、保守性、实用性等特征。可以看出 ,第一 ,民谣所表达的民间思维观念不断促使儒家的精英分子以“化民俗”为己任 ,完善儒家学说。第二 ,儒家的伦理观念、思维模式以通俗易懂的民谣形式与民众的日常生活紧密结合 ,深深扎根于民众之中  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to compare three methods of individual test administration (interview, self-paced tape, speaker-paced tape) and one group method (speaker-paced tape). Individual administrations were done in carrels in a portable van. Subjects were third-and seventh-grade students in 15 California public schools. Overall differences among test administration methods on multiple-choice test scores were not significant for either grade group; although for both grades, the mean score under the group administration method was highest. On short-answer exercises, third-graders performed significantly better in individual interview administrations. For seventh-graders, scores on short-answer questions were significantly higher under the interview and group speaker-paced methods than under the individual speaker-paced method.  相似文献   

伴随着网络信息技术的飞速发展,消费者更倾向于在互联网上发表在线评论,这类评论对潜在消费者购买决策和企业市场推广具有重要影响.文章分析互联网在线评论影响力,遴选影响力指标,借鉴主题划分思想,构建了基于主题划分的在线评论影响力度量方法,实现对网络社区在线评论影响力的有效度量,并采用大众点评网实验数据检验其合理性和可行性.  相似文献   

试论当代大众传媒对翻译的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
当代大众传媒对人类生活和社会活动产生了广泛而又深刻的影响。翻译作为一种社会活动,自然也受到其影响。当代大众传媒对翻译的影响表现在:当代大众传媒使不少被斥为死译的外来词常用不衰;当代大众传媒是新一轮音译浪潮的排头兵;当代大众传媒推动了零翻译缩略语的广泛使用。  相似文献   

该文通过实例,从理论上说明分子间作用力对有机物的熔点、沸点和溶解度等物理性质的影响。  相似文献   

钩端螺旋体病是由钩端螺旋体所引起的一种人畜共患疾病,其临床症状复杂多变,必须依赖于实验室方法方能确诊。本大综述了钩端螺旋体病的实验室检测方法及其研究进展,并且对这些方法进行了简评。  相似文献   

“五四”精神对我国社会的影响是全面、深刻的。受其影响,我国的科学心理学迅速构建和发展起来,并确立了以科学主义为指导思想的发展道路。“五四”精神对我国心理学的影响既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。其积极的一面主要表现在:促进了现代科学心理学在我国的创建与发展,确立了实证心理学和实证方法在心理学研究中的主导地位,促进了实证研究的迅速开展。其消极影响主要有:易导致对我国古代丰富的心理学思想的轻视乃至抛弃,易使人们忽视我国传统文化在心理学发展中的积极作用,从而导致对我国古代的在当今心理学发展中仍有重要作用的方法或方法论的忽视。  相似文献   

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