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以瓷砖尺寸的检测为研究对象,研究了基于机器视觉的瓷砖尺寸检测。根据瓷砖的国家标准,利用机器视觉传感器,对采集图像进行降噪和图像增强,构建了一套瓷砖尺寸在线检测装置,并对该装置进行试验验证。结果表明,机器视觉对瓷砖尺寸检测达到国家标准和企业标准。  相似文献   

针对软包锂电池表面缺陷检测,基于机器视觉技术提出了一种改进的自动检测方法。 对图像进行预处理后,将Canny 算子检测法和Close_Edges 算子检测法相结合,分割出软包锂电池表面的缺陷?最后以最小外接矩形法计算出划痕的长度和宽度,以累加法计算出针孔的直径。 实验结果表明该方法能够有效分割出软包锂电池表面的划痕和针孔,缺陷尺寸计算的误差低于5%。  相似文献   

针对人工测量木材径级效率低、存在主观误差等问题,基于机器视觉技术开发了一个木材径级自动测量系统。利用Opencv设计算法流程,采用背景减法、均值滤波、固定阈值分割得到木材径向截面轮廓的二值图像,再利用边缘检测和椭圆拟合算法拟合轮廓的椭圆,将椭圆短轴像素点数转换为木材直径。利用C#编写人机交互界面显示木材直径的测量结果并将分类结果传输给下位机。经过实验验证,该系统的软件算法流程能够准确测量木材直径,得到的测量绝对误差在0.8 cm以内,单根测量平均时间为0.895 s,有效提高了木材径级测量的效率,为实现木材径级的自动化分拣提供支撑。  相似文献   

Based on a comprehensive study of various algorithms, the automatic recognition of traditional ocular optical measuring instruments is realized. Taking a universal tools microscope (UTM) lens view image as an example, a 2-layer automatic recognition model for data reading is established after adopting a series of pre-processing algorithms. This model is an optimal combination of the correlation-based template matching method and a concurrent back propagation (BP) neural network. Multiple complementary feature extraction is used in generating the eigenvectors of the concurrent network. In order to improve fault-tolerance capacity, rotation invariant features based on Zernike moments are extracted from digit characters and a 4-dimensional group of the outline features is also obtained. Moreover, the operating time and reading accuracy can be adjusted dynamically by setting the threshold value. The experimental result indicates that the newly developed algorithm has optimal recognition precision and working speed. The average reading ratio can achieve 97.23%. The recognition method can automatically obtain the results of optical measuring instruments rapidly and stably without modifying their original structure, which meets the application requirements.  相似文献   

基于机器视觉的车道标志线检测研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对车辆辅助驾驶或自主驾驶中的车道保持问题, 研究了基于视觉的车道标志线实时检测方法. 介绍了系统组成、工作原理和车道模型, 并着重讨论了车道图像的检测算法. 其主要思想是在图像上选取几个合适的处理区域, 通过对每个处理区域进行适当的预处理、边缘检测和霍夫变换等过程来提取车道描述特征. 试验结果表明, 该方法具有实时性好、识别可靠性高等特点, 在一定程度上能为后续的辅助驾驶或自主驾驶提供决策依据.  相似文献   

利用机器视觉系统获取养殖鱼摄食图像纹理特征来识别养殖鱼群的摄食行为。从养殖鱼摄食图像上直接提取能表征鱼群摄食行为的20维特征,通过归一化、PCA降维和支持向量机训练获得养殖鱼摄食行为识别模型,以实现对养殖鱼摄食行为的识别。结果表明,提出方法的平均精确度为92.3%、假负率7.34%、假正率4.15%,为指导养殖鱼智能投饵提供了参考。  相似文献   

为实现牛肉大理石花纹自动分级,运用机器视觉技术开发了牛内大理石花纹自动检测系统.阐述了检测系统的构成原理及功能,利用图像预处理和分割算法对牛肉大理石花纹进行提取,根据牛肉大理石花纹比率对牛肉进行分级.利用Matlab GUI组件开发了能够交互可视化的软件操作系统,实现了牛肉大理石花纹的自动快速分级.  相似文献   

Machine vision inspection of rice seed based on Hough transform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION It is a common phenomenon that glumes ofrice seeds are incompletely closed, especially forhybrid rice. The average proportion of hybrid riceseed with incompletely closed glumes is about 26%in nature. The threshing and drying in post-harvesthandling will further increase the proportion. Thegermen segmentation is inhibited by ultravioletillumination from sunshine while the germen epi-dermis cell stops growing because of shortage ofwater due to the limited moisture. These …  相似文献   

A machine vision system was developed to inspect the quality of rice seeds. Five varieties of Jinyou402, Shanyou10, Zhongyou207, Jiayou and IIyou were evaluated. The images of both sides of rice seed with black background and white background were acquired with the image processing system for identifying external features of rice seeds. Five image sets consisting of 600 original images each were obtained. Then a digital image processing algorithm based on Hough transform was developed to inspect the rice seeds with incompletely closed glumes. The algorithm was implemented with all image sets using a Matlab 6.5 procedure. The results showed that the algorithm achieved an average accuracy of 96% for normal seeds, 92% for seeds with fine fissure and 87% for seeds with incompletely closed glumes. The algorithm was proved to be applicable to different seed varieties and insensitive to the color of the background.  相似文献   

For the typical color detects of polysilicon wafers, i.e., edge discoloration, color inaccuracy and color non-uniformity, a new integrated machine vision detection method is proposed based on an HSV color model. By transforming RGB image into three-channel HSV images, the HSV model can efficiently reduce the disturbances of complex wafer textures. A fuzzy color clustering method is used to detect edge discoloration by defining membership function for each channel image. The mean-value classi- fying method and region growing method are used to identify the other two defects, respectively. A vision detection system is developed and applied in the produc- tion of polysilicon wafers.  相似文献   

本文对物体表面缺陷进行研究和检测.而检测的方法是采用LED环形灯光直接暗视场正面照明方式来提取插座面板划痕图像.具体过程是使用动态阈值分割图像,并采用放射变换、区域特征处理及连通区域提取等技术来检测出插座面板划痕.  相似文献   

分析了当前人居光环境状况以及"光环境影响评价"的缺失对光污染防治工作的影响,提出了基于建筑表皮的城市光污染防治技术措施,特别是建筑玻璃幕墙的光污染防治.认为在人居光环境问题日益严重的今天,除了从技术角度探讨光污染的防治问题外,还应从行政的层面建立法规规范,尤其要加大光环境影响评价力度,从根本上消除光污染的产生,营造一个舒适的人居光环境.  相似文献   

构建了基于机器视觉的电机端盖孔直径尺寸的在线测量系统,利用halcon软件包对CCD工业相机参数标定,处理了电机端盖图像,通过边缘特征提取,计算电机端盖孔直径尺寸,与千分尺测量结果对比,验证了本文提出的电机端盖孔直径视觉测量方法能够满足生产需要。  相似文献   

针对人工智能课程实验要求,结合轨道交通障碍物检测实际工程问题,开发了一种基于毫米波雷达和计算机视觉联用的障碍物自动检测系统实验教学平台.该实验平台由数据采集模块、信息处理模块和预警显示模块组成,涉及图像处理技术、目标检测技术、网络模型部署等.实验结果表明,该系统具有良好的有效性、实时性、鲁棒性以及小目标检测能力,可以满...  相似文献   

Mobile robot localization and navigation system based on monocular vision   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A system for mobile robot localization and navigation was presented.With the proposed system,the robot can be located and navigated by a single landmark in a single image.And the navigation mode may be following-track,teaching and playback,or programming.The basic idea is that the system computes the differences between the expected and the recognized position at each time and then controls the robot in a direction to reduce those differences.To minimize the robot sensor equipment,only one omnidirectional camera was used.Experiments in disturbing environments show that the presented algorithm is robust and easy to implement,without camera rectification.The rootmean-square error(RMSE) of localization is 1.4,cm,and the navigation error in teaching and playback is within 10,cm.  相似文献   

为了检测釉面陶瓷表面的斑点、划痕、崩角等常见缺陷,提出了一种采用同轴光照方式和CCD为图像获取工具的数字图像实时在线检测系统.该系统根据地方企业生产的白釉面陶瓷的特点,通过边界提取和图像形态学闭运算获得图片的ROI(感兴趣区域),再与经过分离中值滤波算法处理过的ROI进行对比,从而确定陶瓷的缺陷信息.实验表明:该方法不像传统的神经网络和SVM算法需要建模,所以检测速度较快,且准确度高,检测效率超过3个熟练工人,可以满足当地企业生产陶瓷种类多且外形不定的检测要求.  相似文献   

三维纹理重建是计算机视觉领域研究的重要内容,在工业造型和商品展示中具有重要的应用价值。本文就三维纹理模型在深度数据获取、深度像匹配、融合以及简化方面展开研究,利用基于纹理和体积特征的深度像匹配建立目标物体的几何模型;然后通过相机标定确定纹理相机的姿态,并利用实拍照片进行纹理映射和纹理融合,把纹理映射到三维模型上并消除表面的纹理人工痕迹,重建真实感三维纹理模型。最后,实验结果验证该研究方法的有效性。  相似文献   

将隔振器看作质量连续体,通过研究刚性基础上数控机床隔振系统的传递率特性,分析比较了离散弹性元件、一维杆和梁等几种隔振器模型方式下隔振系统的特性,为正确解决刚性基础上数控机床振动噪声控制的技术问题提供依据。  相似文献   

针对普通轮式机器人在运动和控制等方面的限制,设计并实现了轮式滑动转向移动机器人,该机器人具有结构简化、运动灵活、可靠性高、可控性好等特点.基于EKF实现单目视觉和IMU数据融合,运用SURF实现被跟踪对象特征的检测与匹配,结合垂直线等环境特征获取Range/Depth信息以及被跟踪对象及道路转弯信息.实验表明:该系统及相关算法有较强的实时性和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

基于多体系统理论的机床运动学仿真与应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从多体系统运动学理论的角度, 构建了机床各部件之间的拓扑结构和约束关系, 建立了三维多体模型, 开发了运动学仿真系统. 设计者可在虚拟环境下观察到整个机床的运动加工过程, 准确了解零部件的位置、速度和加速度等运动参数, 判断零部件的姿态, 并可在样机试制前对设计中可能出现的问题作出精确的预测和改进, 保证设计方案的可行性, 缩短产品的研制周期和降低成本. 该仿真系统用于CK1416高速高精度数控车床的设计, 所得到的滚珠丝杆角速度曲线、拖板位移曲线与理论结果一致, 从而证明了模型的正确性.  相似文献   

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