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传统上开放及远程学习意味着学习者与教师会得到一些协助,使他们可以克服由于空间、时间和学习步调而引致的沟通障碍,从而更好地教授和学习相关的内容(Churton,2000).简单来说,当一位教师和一位或多位学生面对地理上的隔离,我们就可以说远程教育已经发生.由于教育方面的发展,以及各种新的教学技术和教学设计的出现,实时的沟通已经成为可能.谭尚渭(Tam,1998)指出,远程教育已经历了几个阶段的发展,并在名称、形式、取向、传递、应用和服务范围方面出现了很大的变化.由于开放及远程教育发展迅速并日趋多元化,因此不少人已经对这些课程的质量提出质疑,人们希望可以建立一些标准或基准,去评估课程的质量和可靠程度(Churton,2001).随着全球化与市场化的发展,开放及远程教育的机会越来越多,国际之间的联系也日益紧密,许多大学都在本国以外建立了分部,或者与其他大学建立伙伴关系,因此,教学的质量和可靠性对课程的效能和持续性是相当关键的.由于存在着基本设施、文化多元性、教育规章、语言和成本等问题,要提供优质和全面的远程教育,挑战可以说是相当大的.不少发展中国家和过渡型经济体系现正考虑发展和扩大开放及远程教育,所以,提供质量方面的控制以及必要的支持系统,确保课程合乎标准,是值得关注的课题.政策制定者有责任去清楚地指出课程设计、发展、支持和评价方面所采用的原理,并且把它们应用到实际教学上,确保远程学习者和教师能够顺利地从传统教育方式过渡到远程教育的环境.远程学习者在学术上的可靠性应该与传统校园课程的学习者无异.草率地构思和设计的远程课程不单令教师和学生受害,甚至会带来政治方面的后果(Churton,2000c).本文对课程设计、发展、支持和转变的基准提出了一些建议,这些基准可望确保开放及远程课程能够带来有效的学习效果.  相似文献   

教育智能体是人工智能领域的重要研究方向,可助力实现教育的智能化、精准化和个性化,其对学习者的学习动机、学习情感、学习效果等有着直接且显著的影响.人工智能与教育的结合愈加紧密,但教育智能体尚处于探索阶段,为使教育智能体更好地服务教与学,文章通过对既有文献的梳理和归纳,对教育智能体的发展历程和应用现状进行了总结,并进一步明确了教育智能体的内涵和特征.教育智能体已在支持个性化学习、扮演虚拟教学角色、实现人机情感交互等领域取得应用,但仍存在决策精度较弱、对话能力有限、外观设计简单、情感交互不足等问题.未来,教育智能体将与大数据、深度学习、情感计算等技术深度融合,以其"智能"促进学习者的"智慧"发展,赋能教与学的变革与重构.  相似文献   

A Social-Cognitive Framework for Pedagogical Agents as Learning Companions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Teaching and learning are highly social activities. Seminal psychologists such as Vygotsky, Piaget, and Bandura have theorized that social interaction is a key mechanism in the process of learning and development. In particular, the benefits of peer interaction for learning and motivation in classrooms have been broadly demonstrated through empirical studies. Hence, it would be valuable if computer-based environments could support a mechanism for a peer interaction. Though no claim of peer equivalence is made, pedagogical agents as learning companions (PALs)—animated digital characters functioning to simulate human-peer-like interaction—might provide an opportunity to simulate such social interaction in computer-based learning. In this article we ground the instructional potential of PALs in several social-cognitive theories, including distributed cognition, social interaction, and Bandura’s social-cognitive theory. We discuss how specific concepts of the theories might support various instructional functions of PALs, acknowledging concepts that PALs cannot address. Based on the theoretical perspectives, we suggest key constituents for designing PALs that in human-peer interactions have proven significant. Finally, we review the current status of PAL research with respect to these constituents and suggest where further empirical research is necessary.  相似文献   

Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Social Studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Gudmundsdottir, S. & Shulman, L. 1987. Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Social Studies. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 31, 59‐70. The role of teacher's pedagogical content knowledge in social studies is addressed through two case studies: a novice and a veteran teacher. We demonstrate that the important difference between the novice and the expert is manifested in a special kind of knowledge that is neither content nor pedagogy per se. It rests instead in pedagogical content knowledge, a form of teacher understanding that combines content, pedagogy and learner characteristics in a unique way.  相似文献   

培训效果的问题是培训研究的热点和难点,研究者大多习惯从满足客户需求的角度,观察培训的效果。培训效果的检验准则有很多,"学习落后"消减程度是其中的一个准则。班级集体教学中总会存在"落后现象",这是教育公平与教学效益博弈的产物。每个培训班总有落后,影响培训效果的众多因素通过导致"学习落后"的某些基因,如学习动机、认知结构、自我效能感、期望、学习风格等学习者主体因素而作用于培训效果,显然,教学中对"落后现象"控制的程度可以作为检验培训效果的一个评价维度。  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the effects of the competency (low vs. high) and interaction type (proactive vs. responsive) of pedagogical agents as learning companions (PALs) on learning, self-efficacy, and attitudes. Participants were 72 undergraduates in an introductory computer-literacy course who were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: Low-Proactive, Low-Responsive, High-Proactive, and High-Responsive. Results indicated a main effect for PAL competency. Students who worked with the high-competency PAL in both proactive and responsive conditions achieved higher scores in applying what they had learned and showed more positive attitudes toward the PAL. However, students who worked with the low-competency PAL reported significantly enhanced self-efficacy beliefs in the learning tasks. Also, there was a main effect far PAL interaction type. A proactive PAL had a significantly positive impact on recall. These different results on learning and motivational outcomes suggest that the competency and interaction type of a PAL should be designed according to the desired learning and motivational goals.  相似文献   


Multimedia pedagogical agents are on-screen characters that allow users to navigate or learn in multimedia environments. Several agents’ characteristics may moderate their instructional effectiveness, including appearance, gender, nonverbal communication, motion, and voice. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis to test hypotheses from diverse theories predicting the effects of these agents’ characteristics. We tested predictions of cognitive load theory, cognitive theory of multimedia learning, computers are social actors, social agency theory, uncanny valley, and the action observation network. Our meta-analysis of 32 effect sizes (N?=?2104) revealed a small overall effect (g+?=?0.20), showing that learning with multimedia pedagogical agents was more effective than learning without these agents. As predicted by the redundancy effect of cognitive load theory and the coherence principle of cognitive theory of multimedia learning, 2D agents (g+?=?0.38) tended to be more effective than 3D agents (g+?=?0.11). As predicted by the computers are social actors hypothesis, most of the agents’ characteristics, including nonverbal communication, motion, and voice, appeared not to moderate their effectiveness. We conclude that multimedia pedagogical agents help learning through multimedia, and that students may be able to learn similarly from different types of agents.


This paper examines the various ways in which students talk about their experience and perceptions of collaborative review and assessment as it occurs in e-learning environments. Collaborative review and assessment involves the student, their peers and tutor in thoughtful and critical examination of each student's course work. The process involves two stages: review and discussion of the student's work with a view to bringing different critical yet supportive perspectives to the work. This is followed by the use of two sets of criteria to make judgements on the student's work: one set provided by the student, the other by the tutor. The purpose of collaborative assessment is to foster a learning approach to assessment and to develop a shared power relationship with students. From analysis of face-to-face interviews, examination of e-learning discussions and student-completed questionnaires, a set of analytic categories was built describing the learners' experiences of collaborative e-assessment. These categories are: (1) the appropriateness of collaborative assessment; (2) collaborative assessment as a learning event; and (3) the focus for assessment. The paper focuses on analysing and discussing these categories of experience. The research shows that a positive social climate is necessary in developing and sustaining collaborative assessment and that this form of assessment helps students to reduce dependence on lecturers as the only or major source of judgement about the quality of learning. Students develop skill and know-how about self- and peer assessment and see themselves as competent in making judgements about their own and each other's work, which are surely good lifelong learning skills.  相似文献   

Many social work educators have endorsed an andragogical appraoch to instruction as a means to reach the diverse student population of today's classroom, without recognizing the larger debate and concerns voiced by adult education detractors. Andrgogical methods provide practical experience-related learning opportunities where self-directed learning is emphasized. Although these methods are effective and have improved social work instruction over the past two decades, there is sufficient research to support the importance of and rationale for belnding pedagogical and andrgogical techniques. This paper will highlight innovative teaching strategies and evaluation components that were used in an advanced social work practice course that blended pedgogical and andrgogical teaching methods.  相似文献   

近年来,作为计算科学和社会科学的交叉学科,社会计算正深刻影响着人们的学习、工作和生活。作为信息化时代重要的学习方式,社会计算环境下的e-Learning也面临着新的机遇和挑战。因此,研究社会计算环境下e-Learning的教育应用创新,有着深刻的理论意义和重要的实践价值。本研究首先概述了e-Learning的发展,指出其中的不足及发展演化趋势;其次,对社会计算进行了介绍,分析了社会计算教育应用的国内外研究现状;再次,以社会性软件在教育中的应用为基础,研究社会计算对e-Learning发展的影响;最后,展开对相关学习理论和创新性学习的思考,探索e-Learning教育应用创新。总之,社会计算为e-Learning的发展不仅提供了理念上的启迪,而且提供了技术上的支持。  相似文献   

Evolving Pedagogical Patterns: The Work of the Pedagogical Patterns Project   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is a summary of the pedagogical patterns project. The project started in 1996 with the aim of collecting and disseminating experiences of teaching and learning about object technology. We adopted a pattern format early on, although the specific format has evolved over time. In this paper we give an overall view of the project: where it started, how the material we have collected has evolved and matured, and where we need to go from here. More material from the project is available from our website www.pedagogicalpatterns.org, and our publications.  相似文献   

教师关心、自我调节学习与学业成就的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以227名初中生为被试,考察了他们心目中“关心型”教师的主要特征,以及知觉到的教师关心、自我调节学习与学业成就的关系。结果发现:初中生认为一个关心学生的教师应该在有效教学、民主管理、学习指导和生活关心几个方面有所表现;初中生知觉到的教师关心、学习策略、效能感与学业成就的相关显,其中自我效能感是影响学业成就的重要因素。  相似文献   

We evaluated the role that social capital among teachers plays in affecting teacher pedagogy in the context of comprehensive school reform (CSR). CSR implementation was designed to change school- and classroom-level processes, including organization and governance, curriculum and instruction, professional development (PD), and parental involvement. CSR implementation may encourage daily collaboration among teachers and thereby increase what sociologists refer to as "social capital" or resources stemming from social relations. Using a quasi-experimental research design, we examined the extent to which CSR helps teachers accumulate social capital and whether social capital mediates the influence of CSR on teachers' pedagogy. Our results underscore the importance of considering social capital in studies of CSR.  相似文献   

智能教学代理是以鲜活的动画人物或拟人形象出现在计算机辅助教学过程中,对学习者进行学习支持的教育软件。智能教学代理近年来受到广泛关注,其应用和研究的广度和深度也在不断增加。在远程教育领域,智能教学代理可以作为辅导教师、学习伙伴、自身影像和实习对象,从认知、情感、创新等方面给予远程教育支持。为了保证智能教学代理的效果,设计过程中应注重其形象、能力、信息传递、情绪状态和交互方式等因素的设计。当前智能教学代理的研究尝试从双代理或多代理角度优化教学环境,提供更为精细、多元化的形象、信息和交互方式。今后,学者们将把学习者特征纳入到智能教学代理研究中,挖掘其在情感和元认知支持方面的更多功能。  相似文献   

在20世纪,西方形成了各种教育思潮。但总的来说是基于两种哲学基础之上,即实用主义哲学和实证主义哲学。哲学基础不同教育思潮就不同,教育研究方法也随之不同。教育研究方法在教育思潮的影响下在不同时期呈现出不同的发展趋势。前半世纪由于哲学基础的不同,各种教育思潮具有明显的独特性,这样教育研究方法也显出了单调性;后半世纪,社会的发展使得教育研究方法向综合方向发展。  相似文献   

国外教师教育实习特点分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为培养合格教师,许多国家的教师教育都很重视教育实习,本文分析了各国教育实习的特点,为我国的教师教育提供启示。  相似文献   

Recommendations are offered for training counseling students to address international issues. The authors discuss, for instance, the importance of learning about cultures outside the United States, the role of bias in international work, the dangers of implementing mental health delivery systems based on models derived in the United States, how to broaden one's research methodology, and the role of social change. Through this article, the authors hope to inspire counseling social change agents to consider the practice of counseling beyond the borders of the United States.  相似文献   

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