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一、cross,across,through,pass这四个词都有“经过、穿过”的意思,但它们在用法上有所不同:1.cross通常用作及物动词,后接宾语。如:cross a river/a bridge/a street...“过河/桥/街……”;有时cross也用作不及物动词。例如:They cross over to the other side ofthe river.他们过河到了对岸。2.across是介词。例如:W e walk across the street.我们穿过了大街。Can you swim across the river?你能游过那条河吗?They are going to build a bridgeacross the river.他们打算在河上建一座桥。【特别提醒】不可将across作动词使用,如:不可…  相似文献   

across,through和cross这几个词都有"穿过;通过"的意思。across是介词,意为"穿过;跨过;在……对面",指在一个空间内,从一端到另一端,或十字交叉穿过,如穿过街道、路、山等。例如:  相似文献   

1.Go along Zhongshan Road.and turn right at the second crossing. Go across the bridge.(L65) cross,crossing,across,through这几个词的含义虽然均与“穿过”、“通过”有关,但它们在用法上是有区别的:cross是动词;crossing既可为cross的现在分词,又可为名词,意为“十字路口”;across和through都可用作介词和副词。  相似文献   

初中英语中across,cross,crossing这三个词许多学生使用时容易混淆。其实这三个词的区别还是比较明显的,要搞清楚并不难。Crossing的意思是十字路口,人行横道交叉处,是个名词。而across,cross的意思却是横过、越过、通过。这两个词虽然表达了同一含义,在拼法上也仅有一字之差,但它们的词性和使用场合却大不相同。across,通常作为介词用在名词或代词前面;而cross却是动词,在句中充当谓语。下面列举一些具体的例子来说明这三个词的区别及用法。  相似文献   

1.过桥你会发现书店就在你的左边。[误]Go cross the bridge and you'llfind the bookshop on yourleft.[正]Go across the bridge and you'llfind the bookshop on yourleft.[析]cross为动词,意为“穿过”,“横穿”,不能再与其它动词连用;across为介词,常与动词 go,com e,walk 等连用,强调从某物体表面上“穿过”,“越过”。cross the bridge 相当于 go across the bridge。 又如:The students crossed (=wentacross)the road.学生们穿过了马路。2.几乎没有人相信他。[误]Nearly nobody believed him .[正]Alm ostnobody believed him .[…  相似文献   

(接上期) 6.across,cross,through,over,past across和through作为介词,都有“穿过”的意思, 但用法有所不同。 across prep.表示在某物体的表面上横向通过,后面接street,bridge,desert,road等词。例如: She swam across the channel.她游泳横渡海峡。 through prep.表示动作是在某物体的空间通过,后面接gate,forest,window,valley,desert等词。例如: The train went through a tunnel.火车穿过隧道。 cross vt.“穿过”。例如: We crossed the street.我们穿过了街道。 over prep.指“越过”高的障碍物。例如: He was already over the gate waiting for me to climb over.他已越过大门,正在对面等我过去。  相似文献   

一、cross,across,through,pass 这四个词都有“经过、穿过”的意思,但它们在用法上有所不同:  相似文献   

吴安运 《英语辅导》2002,(10):20-21
[误]The horse walked across the bridge.[正]The horse went across the bridge.[析]walk通常指人“走”或猪、牛、骆驼等行动迟缓的动物,go则可用于指马或一切动物。  相似文献   

英语中,across,through,on,near,under,in front of,behind,at,in,between等介词均可用来表示位置关系。请听我细细道来:[一号档案]across意为"横过;在对面",表示从物体表面上穿过,着重指"从一边到另一边"。例如:  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Cross flow and heat transfer were widely found in oil production and chemical facilities.A detailed study of the hydrodynamic characteristics and heat transfer of cross flow is necessary for optimal design of the system and the development of new measuring techniques.Studies on the heat transfer in sin-gle-phase liquid cross flow were carried out in the past decades.Air or water was often chosen as the working fluid,in these studies commonly focused on fluids flowing across r…  相似文献   

(1)cross为动词,表示“穿过、越过、渡过”。主要强调动作。如:The old man is crossing a bridge.那位老人正在过桥。(2)across为介词,表示“横过”强调从物体表面的一边到另一边。往往与动词连用,指穿过一条路,一条河  相似文献   

across,over与through都有“穿过”、“通过”之意,但各自在刖法上义互不相同。为了帮助同学们学会正确使用,现将它们的用法特点辨析如下:  相似文献   

知识与技能1.重点词汇across,afraid,already,although,attract,both,collect,copy,cross,describe,dowellin,encourage,especially,event,fail,fit,harm,helpful,join,journey,mark,nearby,on,onto,pay(paid,paid),pity,possible,practice,pride,protect,proud,since,such,sup  相似文献   

根据主句谓语是否带有意志性,「V 1うちに、V2」可分为两类:「V 1うちに、V2[+意志性]」和「V 1うちに、V2[-意志性]」,又根据意志或意图来源,「V 1うちに、V2[+意志性]」可再细分为:"说话人"意志句和"第三方"意志句。"说话人"意志句的语义为"趁着……做某事"含紧迫感;"第三方"意志句和「V 1うちに、V2[-意志性]」句的语义为"在……期间/过程中发生了某事"含意外感。V2是否带有意志性,以及意志性来源的主体共同作用,决定了「V 1うちに、V2」句的语义。V1构成了一个主句动作或事件发生的时间范围,但不对「V 1うちに、V2」句的语义产生直接影响。  相似文献   

英语中介词across,through,on,near,under,in front of,behind,at,in,between等均可用来表示位置关系。请听我细细道来:【一号档案】cross,across,through都有“经过、穿过”的意思,其用法区别请参考本书第12页。【二号档案】on是“在……上面”的意思,指一件东西在另一件之上,物体与物体的表面相接触。例如:There are som e books on the desk.书桌上有一些书。C an you see the picture on the wall?你能看见墙上的画吗?【三号档案】near是“在……近旁”、“在……附近”的意思。例如:There is a bank near here.这儿附近有一家银行。T…  相似文献   

知识与技能 1.重点词汇 across, afraid, already, although, attract, both, collect,copy, cross, describe, do well in, encourage, especially,event, fail, fit, harm, helpful, join, journey, mark, nearby,on, onto, pay (paid, paid), pity, possible, practice, pride,protect, proud, since, such, suppose, unless, waste, when-ever, wherever。  相似文献   

英语时态形式与意义不一致的现象是广大英语学习者在英语应用中很容易产生错误的地方。时态的意义和用法并不能以时态形式笼统解释。现在进行时不表示"正在进行"的原因正是动词本身的词义所决定的。根据词义,动词有静态动词和动态动词之分,现在进行时除表示"现在正在进行"的行为动作以外,还包括表示"过去"、"将来"、"渐进"、"重复"、"临时"、"描述"等意义。  相似文献   

In 1909 an English newspaper decided to give 1000 pounds to thefirst man to fly across the English Channel in an aeroplane.Today,mo-dera Planes cross it in minutes.But at that time it still seemed a gooddistance.The race to win the money soon became a race between twomen,Both were very colorful.One was Louise Bleriot.He owned a factory In France that mademotor car lamps.He was already well known as a pilot because he had  相似文献   

具体位移义"V到NP"格式中的动词都是空间动词,空间动词分为位移动词和非位移动词.其中位移动词又分为自移动词、他移动词、兼类动词.  相似文献   

Fast Runners1 Many sports began as ways to overcome obstacles.People jumped to cross a gap;they swam to cross a river.Sleighing began as a way to traverse snow-covered land.2 Natives of northern countries were the first experts in sleighing and sledding.Lapps,Finns,and Eskimos staged races. Eskimos raced across frozen ground at breakneck speed.Each man stood on the back of his dog-drawn sled.He guided his huskies with a long whip Lapp drivers hurtled down a steep slope.The reindeer-drawn sleds shot up the opposite slope at top speed.Then they raced down again and up another hill.3 Other people cared less for speed in sleighing.Many liked sleigh rides for winter fun.In Russia during the eighteenth  相似文献   

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