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电影中的图书馆与图书馆员形象研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
电影作为传播媒介,以其文化性、艺术性和娱乐性影响着大众的生活与观念。以图书馆这一社会机构和图书馆员这一社会职业的性质和现实的特征为基础进行艺术加工,电影中的图书馆与图书馆员形象渐趋成型,它们反映着也影响着大众的观念。电影中的图书馆主要体现为人类的精神家园、信息中心、爱情滋生地或作案场所。电影中刻画的图书馆员形象大多为女性,而且眼镜成为图书馆员最主要的身份标签。作为图书馆人应在观影之余审视自身的社会身份,善者而从,不善而改。  相似文献   

提到在图书馆工作的人,大多数人的印象是女性。无论是公共图书馆、高校图书馆,还是电视剧中的图书馆,在那里工作的图书馆员多数是女性的身影。当然,也有男性图书馆工作者。本文根据统计数据、研究对象和小说中所描写的图书馆员形象,概观了日本图书馆中男性图书馆员的在人们心中的形象。  相似文献   

电影作为一种传播媒介,以其文化性、艺术性和娱乐性影响着大众的生活与思维方式,它是现实的一面镜子,银幕上的许多人与物都能在日常生活中找到其原型。好莱坞电影在世界上有着很强的影响力,各类影片中图书馆员的角色也成为广大观众在观影之余所津津乐道的话题,并冲击着他们的原有观念。电影中所表达的图书馆精神和理念等也是图书馆人在今后实际工作中应学习和具备的知识素养。  相似文献   

关于图书馆哲学的随想--兼谈图书馆哲学的应然走向   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
汪洋 《图书馆》2004,(4):17-21
面对复合图书馆、数字图书馆发展新形势 ,图书馆员必须有自己的哲学和哲学头脑。图书馆哲学可以帮助图书馆员具有自己的哲学和哲学头脑。图书馆哲学应该成为图书馆员的哲学 ,图书馆员的哲学是充分考虑图书馆员的、为图书馆员服务的和能走进图书馆活动生活的图书馆哲学。在图书馆员角度 ,图书馆哲学分为个人的图书馆哲学、公众的图书馆哲学和专业的图书馆哲学三个层次  相似文献   

图书馆学本应该是一门包含丰富内容、高雅情趣和无限想象力的学科,可惜在铺天盖地的八股文章的引导下,越来越多的图书馆员患上了“脑硬化”,成了生产文字花岗岩的机器,丧失了在工作和生活中发现美、展示美的能力,沦为刻板单调的书管家,享受不到工作的乐趣、生活的多彩。博客的出现,给图书馆员提供了从“化石”中苏醒的机会,先醒的图书馆员们像是小松鼠钻出了雪窝窝,磕着文字的松籽,给我们吐出了春天的气息。下面的几篇文章,共同的主题是论述电影中的图书馆和图书馆员,文字生动、内容新奇,表明我们的图书馆员还没有僵化到不可救药,一旦苏醒,聪明活泼不亚于作家、歌手。小说、电影中的行业角色的形象,往往是这个行业的社会形象的集中的典型的反映,是行业进行自我评价、自我检讨的重要依据,也是学术反思值得关注的现象。对小说、电影中的行业角色形象的研究不仅是严肃的,也是有趣的。可是这样的既严肃又有趣的研究,往往让美国人抢了先,不能不令人三思:服务于同一个行业,差距咋就这么大呢?这或许就是创新型国家和非创新型国家的差距,就是有趣人群和无趣人群的差距。美国学者很善于从电影中发现学术问题,不仅图书馆学研究方面有《电影中的图书馆员,1917-1999》这样的专著,其他学术领域也是如此。我国青年学者朱靖江曾翻译过美国人保罗·伯格曼等著的《影像中的正义——从电影故事看美国法律文化》,就是拿电影说事的法学专著。这些研究说明一个道理,学术是有趣的,研究是做不完的,学科一直是有空白的,关键看您是不是一个有心人。编选这个专题的博客文章的意图很明白:中国还缺少一本研究电影中的图书馆和图书馆员的专著,就看是谁拿下这个空白了!如果我是图书馆视听部的馆员,或者我是出版社的社长,或者有人投资让我牵头编选,别人不抓紧,拿下这样一本专著的人可能就是我了。  相似文献   

图书馆员职业道德规范有利于约束图书馆员在其从业生活中的行为,有利于维护图书馆知识自由,有利于保障信息用户权利。文章在定位图书馆员职业道德内涵基础上,介绍了国际图联IFLA/FAFIE所制定的图书馆员职业道德规范的意义及内容。结合泰国图书馆协会TLA、智利图书馆协会CBC所制定的图书馆员职业道德规范个案特色,提出了对图书馆员职业道德规范的特色化建设、执行保障力度及图书馆协会角色定位的思考。  相似文献   

图书馆员心理压力及其疏导   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
图书馆工作是一种奉献性很强的服务性工作,图书馆员在工作、生活中承受着巨大的职业压力,这些压力影响其心理健康.文章在调查的基础上,对这些压力的来源进行了分析,并提出自我心理调控策略,以促进图书馆员的心理健康.  相似文献   

图书馆员工作满意度是影响图书馆运行与发展的重要因素。研究在2006年“当代图书馆员快乐指数”调查问卷的基础上,依据当今图书馆事业现状做适当微调,于2017年初开始重新在全国范围内发放回收问卷并做数据分析。文章着重探讨当代图书馆员的“工作满意度”部分,分析个人特征、家庭特征、受教育特征、职业特征及社会与自然环境特征对图书馆员工作满意度的影响。最后,文章提出图书馆应该完善以员工为本的制度建设,关心员工的生活与心理动态,挖掘员工的潜力与积极性。  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷调查,测量了当今图书馆职业群体的社会满意度水平,掌握了图书馆员对社会环境满意程度在8项指标上的评价状况。在此基础上,结合图书馆员主观生活质量数据,进一步分析了主观生活质量与社会满意度二者的关系。单因素方差分析表明,图书馆员主观生活质量对其社会满意度存在显著影响,并呈正相关趋势。  相似文献   

基于图书馆员专业化的图书馆核心竞争力探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆员是图书馆核心竞争力的实现主体,图书馆员的专业化水平在一定程度上影响图书馆核心竞争力的强弱。图书馆员专业化与图书馆核心竞争力相互作用,图书馆员专业化是培育、提升图书馆核心竞争力的有效途径,而图书馆核心竞争力的构建又与图书馆员专业化的各方面密不可分。基于图书馆员专业化的图书馆核心竞争力可通过强化图书馆学教育、培育职业精神、确立行业准入制度等途径得以提升。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(54):145-151
This article seeks to explorc whether or not the basic rolc of reference librarians, that of helping people find the information they seek, will change in the future. Three trends currently affecting libraries will be discussed and their potential impact upon the fiuture role of refercnce librarians will be discussed. Economic trends, which could threaten the very existence of publicly funded libraries will be examined first. Then technological trends, which will challenge the means and methods by which librarians secure and provide information will be examined, and last, demographic trends.  相似文献   

Many librarians affiliated with regional depositories are concerned about the ability of their libraries to receive, process, store, and service all the titles and series available on deposit from the Government Printing Office. Some of them have even questioned whether their library can maintain regional status and fulfill all the service elements specified in the Guidelines for the Depository Library System (1977). As this article demonstrates, regional librarians supported the concept of state plans because they believed that this process offered an excellent means to address their concerns. However, in only a few instances have the plans fulfilled the purpose which regional staff envisioned. Nonetheless, the foundation which they laid, if pursued and if the basic documentation underlying the depository program are rewritten, could lead to the type of changes sought by regional libraries.  相似文献   

Libraries may stimulate social capital and social integration. They are institutions that enjoy a high level of social trust, which creates many opportunities. In 2018 and 2019, a survey on social capital, trust and social activity of librarians was conducted in 20 countries across the world. The research addresses the question of whether libraries as public institutions may prevent the alarming processes of social alienation of individuals. The findings show that librarians have an average level of individual social capital, but they have a relatively high level of trust in other people and often volunteer for their communities. Nonetheless, librarians tend to not believe in their own impact on the rest of the society/local community. Of most importance for them in their lives are emotional values, attachment and family values; they are less focused on material values, image, etc.  相似文献   

Using Ecological Momentary Assessment, we explored predictors of adolescents' television (TV) multitasking behaviors. We investigated whether demographic characteristics (age, gender, race/ethnicity, and maternal education) predict adolescents' likelihood of multitasking with TV. We also explored whether characteristics of the TV-multitasking moment (affect, TV genre, attention to people, and media multitasking) predict adolescents' likelihood of paying primary versus secondary attention to TV. Demographic characteristics do not predict TV multitasking. In TV-multitasking moments, primary attention to TV was more likely if adolescents experienced negative affect, watched a drama, or attended to people; it was less likely if they used computers or video games.  相似文献   

撷取文学作品中出现的三个图书馆员形象,分析作家眼中的图书馆员形象以及他们所具备的修养,探讨当今图书馆员在实际工作中如何改善服务、重塑形象、提升修养。  相似文献   

未来10年高校图书馆员发展趋势探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
未来10年,高校图书馆在不断吸收新技术、新思想的同时必然会呈现出崭新的面貌,图书馆员的角色也将随之发生深层次的转变,体现在馆员人数骤减、综合素质提升、工作职能扩大、工作场所突破时空限制和职业形象改善5个方面。高校图书馆员必须具备高度的责任感和敬业精神,强化服务意识,与时俱进,自我完善,才能适应未来社会和图书馆发展的需求。  相似文献   

It's Your Move     
This paper traces the career options available to children's. school, or young adulr librarians by talking with a number of individuals who were originally youth librarians but who now hold positions in administration and education. The career patterns of t h e interviewed reveal that the communications and leadership skills common in those librarians who work with young people hold them in good stead when they move to other positions. Included are responses concerning the importance of work in professional associations, reasons for changing positions. and career advice for other librarians.  相似文献   

从读者与馆员,服务与被服务的角度阐述两者的角色定位与义务及相互之间的关系,两者之间既相互制约,又相辅相成,构成一个统一体。图书馆员与读者相互依托,才能支撑起一个和谐的图书馆,馆员对读者及图书馆领导对馆员需倾注丰富的情感管理及良好的情绪互动才能使图书馆工作有声有色、顺利开展。  相似文献   

College librarians express concern over incoming students' information literacy skills and lack of skills preparing them for college-level research. However, it is unclear whether information literacy skills are not being taught at the high school level, whether they are not being retained or transferred as students move on to college, or whether there is a disconnect between the skills taught in high school and those expected of incoming college students. This study explores these questions through a set of parallel surveys sent to a national sample of high school and college librarians. Findings suggest that high school and college librarians agree on the importance of most skills though they vary in their emphasis on their importance, and that information literacy skills are being taught in high school but do not seem to transfer to college. The paper concludes with suggestions for increased communication and collaboration to bridge the high school to college transition.  相似文献   


Reference librarians who are new to an organization need to participate in a systematic orientation program as soon as possible regardless of whether they are experienced or not. A well-planned orientation program helps new librarians provide better and more efficient service for their patrons; and facilitates identification with the organization that they have joined. The need for such orientation programs has no significant relevance to the degree of the librarian's previous experience. Experienced librarians need orientation more than training, though they may also need some training specific to changes in their duties and work location.  相似文献   

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