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上海订书机械厂,试制成功我国第一条精装书籍装订自动线,填补了我国在印刷装订机械方面的一项空白。这条精装书籍装订自动线,全线有十二台单机,长三十余米,重约三十吨。全线联动使用时,能控制书本有节奏地传送,若遇某台单机发生故障,全线能自动发出讯号,使该机的前道工序的所有单机自动停车,而后  相似文献   

北京恒印机械制造有限公司 北京恒印机械制造有限公司是数码印刷印后加工设备的专业公司,产品有胶订机.精装系列设备.压平机、压痕机.切纸机、电动钻孔机、蝴蝶装成套设备、冷裱机和覆膜机等。恒印400、550系列自动无线胶订机采用微机控制.装订厚度最薄0.1mm.最厚55mm,装订边长边可达435mm(A3长边).对铜版纸、彩喷纸内页和特种纸厚封面具有很好的装订效果。  相似文献   

北京顺诚彩色印刷有限公司(以下简称顺诚彩印)成立于1994年,经过10多年的发展.已发展成为提供印前制版、彩色印刷、画册装订、自动包装等全方位服务的中型印刷企业.在京城的印刷市场牢牢站稳了脚跟。  相似文献   

梁冰 《出版与印刷》1999,(1):34-35,45
图书装订是书刊生产的一个重要环节。图书生产除了有好的印刷质量外,还要有一个精美的外包装质量,而装订正是包装加工必不可少的重要工序。    相似文献   

为尽快缩短中国书刊印刷在书刊装订工艺水平、新型材料使用及先进机械使用等方面与世界先进水平的差距,培养我国实用型的书刊装订人才,全面提高我国书刊装订水平,中国印刷及设备器材工业协会书刊印刷专业委员会与中德书籍装帧技术培训中心合办的“中德装订技术培训班”,在完成全部培训课业后,已于日前圆满结业。  相似文献   

在图书的出版印制管理过程中,如何在保证质量、保证生产周期的前提下,不仅最大程度地降低成本,又不使印刷装订工作复杂化呢?这就要求出版印制管理人员不仅要熟悉印制业务,对各种制版、排版、印刷、装订的设备性能、生产工艺过程及纸张材料等方面的专业知识要有一定的研究,而且要熟练运用印制工艺中的各种技巧。所谓“印制技巧”就是出版印制管理人员在图书印制之前,运用技术经济分析的手段,对图书的排版、制版、印刷、装订工艺进行论证、优选,统筹安排,以满足周期最短、成本最低的要求。下面主要就零散印张的整合、印刷用纸的选择、平版印刷与胶印轮转印刷的选择、对开与四开的比较、胶印与轻印刷的选择等方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

北京顺诚彩色印刷有限公司(以下简称“顺诚彩印”)是在中国改革开放的隆隆脚步声中豪迈地走出来的现代化企业。十年春秋,风雨兼程。不断求索和勇于进取的意识、致力于发展与科学管理的内在力量,使顺诚企业形成了集印前制版、彩色印刷、画册装订、自动包装等多功能的服务规模,并迅速成为印刷行业的佼佼者。  相似文献   

北京欧普乐科技有限公司是一家有着多年的装订(小册子)处理系统服务经验的公司.凭借在印后装订行业的多年销售经验.及对装订器材产品的熟知,致力于为印刷企业、政府机关文印部门、数码快印等不同类型印刷行业用户提供实用的产品方案。  相似文献   

无论是传统印刷还是数码印刷的书籍。印刷得再精美,如果装订不精美也枉然,然而,一本装订精美的书籍离不开加工者对印前.印刷.印后技术的全面了解。本文作者就针对当前业内应用较多的无线胶订方式。谈了在印前制作中应注意的问题。对读者有一定启发。  相似文献   

装订除了实现其功能性以外,最终目的是满足阅读的需要。可以相信,纸质印刷在今后相当长的一段时期内是无可替代的。随着数字化技术的应用,在短版印刷领域从录入到印刷都有了质的飞跃,生产效率也大大提高。装订设备厂商也在不断地推出新的产品,与上游设备配套,以满足生产及阅读的需要。  相似文献   

论大学图书馆的电子剪报服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍电子剪报产生的背景,分析电子剪报的特点和服务功能,提出大学图书馆开展电子剪报服务的策略。  相似文献   

王志刚 《编辑之友》2018,(5):107-112
英国报业面对销量与收入的整体下滑,在实施裁员、减少印刷成本等措施的同时,加大了数字新闻市场的开拓力度.其中,大数据技术在新闻生产、受众服务和广告开拓方面得到广泛应用.在新闻内容生产方面,体现为新闻信息源的大数据甄别、新闻写作的人工智能应用和新闻作品的可视化呈现;在报业受众服务方面,体现为利用大数据强化社交媒体的充分运用和付费墙的不断调整;在商业运营方面,体现为广告市场的精准服务和数据资源的深层加工.  相似文献   

针对不容乐观的EBM网络资源利用现状,提出面向知识服务的EBM网络资源组织,介绍EBM知识服务的内涵,对EBM网络资源的知识挖掘、组织流程进行说明,结合现存的两个EBM元数据方案提出一个改良的EBM元数据方案,举出运用EBM网络资源组织从而提供知识服务的实例,旨在为充分利用EBM网络资源打下基础。  相似文献   

1905年,第一份近代报纸《婴报》在内蒙古卓索图盟喀喇沁右旗创办,标志着蒙古地区近代报业的开端。《婴报》现已无存,本文对《婴报》的创办者、办报模式、所用文字、内容与稿源、印刷发行情况及停办时间等问题进行了考辨,描述了内蒙古地区报业起步阶段的基本情况,探讨了民族地区报刊的独特之处。  相似文献   

As a follow-up to their 2001/2002 study on printing services in academic libraries, the authors explore how the provision of printing services has changed over the last twelve years. This article explores how libraries are choosing to fund printing services as well as how technology, such as scanning and mobile devices, has changed the way printing services are provided. The results of the 2013 survey find a greater percentage of libraries are using a fee-based system for printing, and, while some technology is providing greater data and control for printing services, other technological advances are having unintended consequences for libraries’ printing infrastructure.  相似文献   

This article elaborates on the opportunities and challenges that evidence-based medicine (EBM) has posed to the development of medical libraries and summarizes the research in the field of evidence-based medicine and achievements of EBM practice in Chinese medical libraries. Issues such as building collections of information resources, transformation of information services models, human resources management, and training of medical librarians, clinicians, and EBM users are addressed. In view of problems encountered in EBM research and practice, several suggestions are made about important roles medical libraries can play in the future development of EBM in China.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives: Evidence‐based medicine (EBM) incorporates results of health care research when making decisions about the clinical care of individuals. Information and communication technologies now play significant roles in organizing available research results in EBM software suites. This study examines the level of consciousness and awareness about EBM of consultants in tertiary health institutions in Nigeria. Methods: A total of 100 consultants were randomly selected from 10 of the 29 teaching hospitals in Nigeria and data were collected using a questionnaire and an interview schedule. From this data, 64 EBM awareness and utilization variables were identified and data on the dynamics of their inter‐relationships were reported by 89 of the participants. Results: Of the 89 respondents, less than half (47.19%) have knowledge about EBM that could be considered as high, while EBM knowledge is low for the remaining respondents (52.81%). Evidence Summaries appear to be a more popular tool among the respondents than the resources of Journals and Clinical Guidelines. Conclusions: Consultants in the teaching hospitals appeared not to have the high level of EBM consciousness and awareness that would be expected of them, although there is a consciousness that EBM will foster ease of access and promote equity in health care services.  相似文献   

随着网络信息传播平民化浪潮的涌起,传统报业日益面临成本、广告等问题。为了生存发展,传统报业凭借人才、品牌等优势走上借助网络发展的道路,以版面形式发布的新一代数字化报纸不仅能够适应在印刷媒体环境中成长起来的读者的阅读习惯,而且能够继续提升报纸的价值。  相似文献   

现行报纸管理工作中若干问题的探究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从订购、编目及查询装订和馆藏排架三个方面着手,指出了出版形式灵活多变的报纸给现行报纸管理工作带来的一些问题,拟在通过对问题的探究找寻出路。  相似文献   

With the presence of online, digital content and new services for manipulating and searching it, printing and publishing firms may experience technological uncertainty and risk and diminishing profitability. Mergers and acquisitions are approaches for dealing with the current technology and market changes that are underway in the printing and publishing industry. Using an event study methodology and a sample of 60 U.S. printing and publishing firms, this study investigates the value creation of acquiring information technology (IT) services firms. The study's findings reveal that printing and publishing firms experience significant increases in their market values as a result of acquiring IT services firms. In fact, non-newspaper firms realize the largest increases in market value. The study's findings should help academicians and practitioners understand the kinds of strategic acquisitions from which printing and publishing firms are most likely to benefit.  相似文献   

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