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引入分层化"社会技术"思想,从社会技术与物理技术共演化视角研究市场主导、社团推动、政府发动三类典型科技园区由"追赶"向"引领"、由"外部驱动"向"内部驱动"、由"外引主导"向"自主创新"转型升级的动力、机制与过程,并对转型发展中的经验与模式、共性与差异等进行总结,期望对我国科技园区转型发展形成实践借鉴与理论启示意义。  相似文献   

We examine how the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), a recent U.S. government science and technology (S&T) program launched in 2000, affects the nature of university research in nanotechnology. We characterize the NNI as a policy intervention that targets the commercialization of technology and a focused research direction to promote national economic growth. As such, we expect that the NNI has brought about unintended consequences in the direction of university–industry knowledge flows and the characteristics of university research output in nanotechnology. Using a difference-in-differences analysis of U.S. nanotechnology patents filed between 1996 and 2007, we find that, after the NNI, U.S. universities have significantly increased knowledge inflows from the industry, reduced the branching-out to novel technologies, narrowed down the research scope, and become less likely to generate technological breakthroughs, as compared to other U.S. and non-U.S. research institutions. Our findings suggest that, at least in the case of the NNI, targeted government S&T programs may increase the efficiency of university research, but potentially do so at a price.  相似文献   

Professional, workplace searching is different from general searching, because it is typically limited to specific facets and targeted to a single answer. We have developed the semantic component (SC) model, which is a search feature that allows searchers to structure and specify the search to context-specific aspects of the main topic of the documents. We have tested the model in an interactive searching study with family doctors with the purpose to explore doctors’ querying behaviour, how they applied the means for specifying a search, and how these features contributed to the search outcome. In general, the doctors were capable of exploiting system features and search tactics during the searching. Most searchers produced well-structured queries that contained appropriate search facets. When searches failed it was not due to query structure or query length. Failures were mostly caused by the well-known vocabulary problem. The problem was exacerbated by using certain filters as Boolean filters. The best working queries were structured into 2–3 main facets out of 3–5 possible search facets, and expressed with terms reflecting the focal view of the search task. The findings at the same time support and extend previous results about query structure and exhaustivity showing the importance of selecting central search facets and express them from the perspective of search task. The SC model was applied in the highest performing queries except one. The findings suggest that the model might be a helpful feature to structure queries into central, appropriate facets, and in returning highly relevant documents.  相似文献   

Query suggestion is generally an integrated part of web search engines. In this study, we first redefine and reduce the query suggestion problem as “comparison of queries”. We then propose a general modular framework for query suggestion algorithm development. We also develop new query suggestion algorithms which are used in our proposed framework, exploiting query, session and user features. As a case study, we use query logs of a real educational search engine that targets K-12 students in Turkey. We also exploit educational features (course, grade) in our query suggestion algorithms. We test our framework and algorithms over a set of queries by an experiment and demonstrate a 66–90% statistically significant increase in relevance of query suggestions compared to a baseline method.  相似文献   

大学科技园战略的确定是大学科技园如何发展的核心与本质,有着深远的意义。结合大学科技园发展的内外部环境,从统计学角度出发,建立一套相对完整的大学科技园战略制定的指标体系,同时基于层次分析法,对各项指标进行定性与定量的分析,使大学科技园在战略制定的过程中避免不利因素,充分利用有利因素,更好的发展。  相似文献   

本文对胡锦涛同志关于三类科学技术“协调和集成”思想进行了探讨:论述了三类科技“集成”思想的客观依据、理论渊源和现实基础;揭示现代科学技术体系“一主两翼”的结构及其形成机制和“落实科学发展观”与三类科技“集成”间的非线性关系;阐述三类科技“协调和集成”思想的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

在传统意义反向工程的基础上将反向工程的应用拓展到管理领域,进一步分析并提出反向工程是一种学习手段和方法,在此理论上结合当前我国科技创新体系存在地问题,提出根据不同领域、行业、企业的特点和技术水平的实际情况,将正向工程与反向工程有机地结合起来的选择性反向工程科技创新战略。  相似文献   

This opening article in the special issue provides a reflexive overview of the nature and purpose of science, technology and innovation (STI) policy research at present, and makes a case for a collective and critical reflection on the means and ends of our research. The complex interaction between the past, present and future in the STI policy research field is one of the key themes of this article and of the special issue more generally. We first attempt to problematise what current STI policy research is, and then expand on the goals of the special issue. Besides summarising each article, we also discuss how these articles, individually and collectively, provide an overview of a number of epistemic, normative and practical challenges that confront us, articulating the main features of each of these. We end with a call for a sustained, critical and extensive ‘conversation’ among researchers in our field about the nature and purpose of STI policy research and the challenges we face.  相似文献   

随着互联网的飞速发展,在线科技合作社区大量涌现,并在科学研究与技术开发中日益发挥重要作用。本文从在线社区集体智能的概念模型出发,提出一个针对在线科技合作社区的计算机支持系统框架,促进社区人员网络和知识网络的演化。本文所提的框架以社会网络站点和知识门户为基础,综合多项Web/Web 2.0技术,为在线科技合作社区提供较为全面的支持。  相似文献   

科技悬赏奖的目的在于最大限度发挥人们的智力潜能,最大程度促进科技创新、以及为最迫切的问题寻找切实可行的解决方案。从1714年至今,科技悬赏奖已经有近300年的发展史。科技悬赏奖在设奖主体,获奖对象以及被悬赏的技术方面各具特点。设立科技悬赏奖对加速技术进步、提高全民科技意识具有重要意义,并在一定程度上弥补了传统奖励与政府科研经费拨款制度的不足。我国具有设立科技悬赏奖的可能性和必要性。  相似文献   

科技社团绩效评价四维框架模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
赵立新 《科研管理》2011,32(12):151-156
本文剖析了现代科技社团绩效评价的内涵,探讨了科技社团评价的主体要素,构建了科技社团绩效评价四维模型,提出了现代科技社团绩效评价的指标体系。  相似文献   

[目的]为建立权威、专业、涵盖范围广泛的科技期刊导航网站提供借鉴和参考。[方法]从作者、读者以及期刊发展的需求分析入手,阐释科技期刊导航网站建设的必要性,借鉴已有的网址导航网站,对学术期刊导航网站的建设内容与方案进行分析与思考。[结果]提出了科技期刊导航网站在初期建设阶段和后期建设阶段所应解决的主要问题,就网站架构、网站版本等方面提出了初步建设方案。[结论]提出了"导航式"科技期刊网站建设的初步构想,可为学术期刊网站的丰富和发展提供启迪和参考。  相似文献   

【目的】 试图探索高校精品科技期刊的发展路径与模式,以应对其面临的新境遇及新趋势。【方法】 全面统计了5届高校精品科技期刊,从地域分布、学科分布、主办高校层次、刊期分布、语种分布、获奖频次等方面进行了深入分析。【结果】 第5届高校精品科技期刊与前4届相比,高校层次、刊期、语种等指标发生了较为明显的变化。【结论】 在科技全球化浪潮下,为适应新的学术环境,高校精品科技期刊的评比法则应随之有所调整,适时引领高校科技期刊的发展方向。  相似文献   

跃迁模型:制定新兴技术战略的一种理论方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
魏平  高建 《科学学研究》2006,24(5):684-687
借鉴破坏性创新理论,提出企业应对新兴技术的跃迁模型。通过案例分析认为,企业在制定技术战略时,应先使技术满足消费者预期的基本功能,把战略重点放在以降低成本尽快获得较大规模市场份额上,然后争取或强化技术领先地位。  相似文献   

【目的】 探索学科交叉创新背景下,综合类科技期刊发展的策略。【方法】 阐述了近年来《科技导报》采取的一些办刊措施:重视交叉学科的发展,加强其在促进科技创新、学科交叉中的作用;合理布局栏目,形成期刊特色;专题策划聚焦科技热点,增加期刊内容的集中度;利用主办单位优势资源,汇聚优质学术资源,加大期刊推广宣传。【结果】 这些措施提高了综合类期刊的竞争力和社会影响力。【结论】 《科技导报》的办刊思路和做法为新形势下的综合类期刊发展提供了一定的借鉴和经验。  相似文献   

Technology and the process that produces it, research and development (R&D), are typically characterized as homogeneous entities. In reality, the typical industrial technology is composed of three elements: a generic technology base, supporting infratechnologies, and proprietary market applications (innovations). The first two have public good characteristics, and therefore, explicitly modeling them is essential for public policy purposes. The fundamental relationships among these elements require a technology production function that captures the supporting roles of the public good elements in creating proprietary applied technology. These critical quasi-public technology goods are supplied to a significant extent by exogenous (external) sources: central corporate research labs, government labs, and increasingly, universities. The expanding university role beyond basic research complicates the structure and functioning of the national R&D establishment and increases the need for a more accurate model of technological change to better inform R&D policy.Moreover, in assessing the resulting applied technology's impact on economic growth, both the general and partial equilibrium literatures enter the technology variable into a production function with the common “production” assets (physical capital and labor). Such models obscure an important distinction between technology and these production assets—namely, the fact that technology is primarily a “demand-shifting” asset. As such, its role is correctly specified only when combined with the other major demand-shifting asset, marketing. Allocations to these two assets vary across competing firms implying a spatial model of competition, while still providing traceability to the exogenous sources of public good technology elements, such as universities.  相似文献   

This article addresses a set of issues that were central to Keith Pavitt's research, that is, the construction and use of tools to measure national innovative performance and to design national policies relating to innovation. It presents an overview of the development of science and technology (S&T) indicators and their use in national policy making and provides evidence of the vulnerability of composite S&T indicators to manipulation. A brief history of the development of S&T indicators begins with the role of the United States followed by their worldwide diffusion with particular emphasis on Europe. Newer developments towards composite indicators, benchmarking and scoreboarding are discussed. To investigate the robustness of innovation scoreboards empirically, a sensitivity analysis of one selected case is presented. It is shown that composite scores and country rank positions can vary considerably depending on the selection process. Thus, the use of scoreboards leaves room for manipulation in the policymaking system. Further research is needed on alternative methods of calculation to prevent their misuse and abuse.  相似文献   

本文将科技向善定位为一种基于竞争性战略导向的企业创新行为。通过回顾技术伦理、负责任的研究与创新、社会创新创业、企业生态化战略、颠覆式技术创新异化、企业社会责任等相关理论,对腾讯公司提出的科技向善概念从经济学和管理学角度提出具体的研究内容。首先对科技向善概念从理念、行为、内容和制度四个维度进行解析,进而尝试构建企业科技向善量表,提出可能的问卷题项,最终提出建立企业科技向善行为的过程模型,从质性和量化质性两个角度对企业科技向善行为对企业绩效水平的影响开展研究,并给出未来值得深入研究的重要问题。本文研究内容对推动科技向善从理念向实践转化,成为数字经济时代下企业的常规战略选择,对于创新理论的补充完善、企业数字化转型的成功实践、数字技术的合理运用、产业创新政策的调整变革等内容具有重要的理论研究和现实指导意义。  相似文献   

社会网络(social networking)在中国式情境下对中小企业成长发挥着至关重要的作用。本文旨在揭示社会网络在中小企业成长过程中的影响或作用。通过对北京市200家科技型中小企业的调研数据研究,发现企业生存年限与销售额增长率呈现正相关。然后进一步应用部分最小二乘法进行实证检验,发现社会网络对中小企业的成长具有一定的促进作用,但还有很大挖掘空间。在中国式生存环境框架(政府主导及小范围信任)下,社会网络可以带来"资源获取"和"交易润滑"两大社会机制,从而对企业成长与发展带来重大影响。  相似文献   

Presently, science is an important precondition for the economic development of less-developed countries. This paper discusses the specific roles that science has at initial stages of development, pointing to its contributions for the countries’ absorptive capability. Furthermore, this paper specifies the role of science for initiating a positive interaction with technological development, since initial stages of development and during catching up processes. For less-developed countries, neither the linear model of technology nor an “inverted linear model” would take place: a more interactive approach is necessary for development. Using statistics of patents (USPTO) and scientific papers (ISI) for 120 countries (1974, 1982, 1990, and 1998), this paper analyses some evidences on thresholds levels of scientific production to originate an interactive relationship between science and technology. These data also document that the value of this threshold seems to double from one period to another. Although this paper presents tentative results, some policy implications are discussed: scientific institutional building must be seen as a component of modern industrial policies.  相似文献   

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