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【目的】 探索学科交叉创新背景下,综合类科技期刊发展的策略。【方法】 阐述了近年来《科技导报》采取的一些办刊措施:重视交叉学科的发展,加强其在促进科技创新、学科交叉中的作用;合理布局栏目,形成期刊特色;专题策划聚焦科技热点,增加期刊内容的集中度;利用主办单位优势资源,汇聚优质学术资源,加大期刊推广宣传。【结果】 这些措施提高了综合类期刊的竞争力和社会影响力。【结论】 《科技导报》的办刊思路和做法为新形势下的综合类期刊发展提供了一定的借鉴和经验。  相似文献   

Although the validity of knowledge is critical to scientific progress, substantial concerns exist regarding the governance of knowledge production. While research errors are as relevant to the knowledge economy as defects are to the manufacturing economy, mechanisms to identify and signal “defective” or false knowledge are poorly understood. In this paper, we investigate one such institution - the system of scientific retractions. We analyze the universe of peer-reviewed scientific articles retracted from the biomedical literature between 1972-2006 and comparing with a matched control sample in order to identify the correlates, timing, and causal impact of scientific retractions. This effort provides insight into the workings of a distributed, peer-based system for the governance of validity in scientific knowledge. Our findings suggest that attention is a key predictor of retraction - retracted articles arise most frequently among highly-cited articles. The retraction system is expeditious in uncovering knowledge that is ever determined to be false (the mean time to retraction is less than two years) and democratic (retraction is not systematically affected by author prominence). Lastly, retraction causes an immediate, severe, and long-lived decline in future citations. Conditional on the obvious limitation that we cannot measure the absolute amount of false science in circulation, these results support the view that distributed governance systems can be designed to uncover false knowledge relatively swiftly and to mitigate the costs that false knowledge for future generations of producers.  相似文献   

Knowledge management (KM) is an emerging field of specialization in a number of professions, including Information Science (IS). The different professions are contributing to and influencing the developments in KM in their own ways. However, it is argued here that IS is not contributing to the advancement of KM as much as it should for a number of apparent reasons. The main purpose of the paper is to call on the members of the IS profession to take a more proactive and visible role in advancing KM by showing that KM is a natural and long-awaited development in IS and that a number of circumstances have made KM to be an area of emphasis in IS whose time has come. The paper also aims at contributing towards achieving a consensus among IS professionals on conceptualization, goals, and scope of KM in IS. The recommendations of the paper focus on how the profession could proactively be involved in advancing KM.  相似文献   

在当前利用科学计量学工具对研究人员的科研评价中,由于采用的基本是一种基于学科分类的评价方法,这使得交叉科学研究人员处于相对不利的地位。本文以交叉科学研究人员代表钱学森为典型案例,将其与专业领域作者的被引指标进行比较。为解决这一问题,文章最后提出了新的"学科扩散因子"的指标。  相似文献   

现代科学整体与科学学——也谈真科学、科学究竟是什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过着重对科学的科学的“真正认识”的讨论,既回答了何谓真科学、科学究竟是什么? 又反证了科学统一体的总体构成。  相似文献   

包庆德  邱滟霞 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):448-453
科技是把双刃剑,它在给人类带来空前的经济繁荣和物质财富的同时,也带来了严重的环境污染和生态破坏。绿色科技正是伴随人类活动对生态环境的负面影响不断加大过程中凸现出来的,其实质是一种可保持人类持续发展的科技体系,是当今时代对科技为经济社会与生态环境的和谐发展服务的方向性引导和生态化规范,它要求一切有害生态环境的生产技术将受到严格限制直至淘汰出局,而无害生态环境的生产技术将得到高度重视直至推广普及,从而加速人类与其生存环境的全面协调与可持续发展的时代进程。  相似文献   

王续琨 《科学学研究》2003,21(Z1):60-64
建筑学是一门历史悠久的学科,至今已经发展成为一个介于数学、自然科学与哲学、社会科学之间的交叉学科门类———建筑科学。建筑科学现在依然存在着分化发展和通过交叉融合的方式建立边缘分支学科的开阔空间。为推进建筑科学的持续、加速发展,建议采取"一个基点、两条主线、三位一体"的发展策略。  相似文献   

Greater understanding of how interdisciplinary research and education evolves is critical for identifying and implementing appropriate programme management strategies. In this paper a programme evaluation framework is presented. It is based on social learning processes (individual learning, interdisciplinary research practices, and interaction between researchers with different backgrounds); social capital outcomes (ability to interact, interpersonal connectivity, and shared understanding); and knowledge and human capital outcomes (new knowledge that integrates multiple research fields). The framework is illustrated on an established case study doctoral programme. Data are collected via mixed qualitative/quantitative methods to reveal several interesting findings about how interdisciplinary research evolves and can be supported. Firstly, different aspects of individual learning seem to contribute to a researcher's ability to interact with researchers from other research fields and work collaboratively. These include learning new material from different research fields, learning how to learn new material and learning how to integrate different material. Secondly, shared interdisciplinary research practices can be identified that may be common to other programmes and support interaction and shared understanding between different researchers. They include clarification and questioning, harnessing differences and setting defensible research boundaries. Thirdly, intensive interaction between researchers from different backgrounds support connectivity between the researchers, further enabling collaborative work. The case study data suggest that social learning processes and social capital outcomes precede new interdisciplinary research findings and are therefore a critical aspect to consider in interdisciplinary programme management.  相似文献   

科学信息的开放存取与知识的“公有性”信念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
丁大尉  李正风 《科学学研究》2011,29(10):1473-1479
 “公有性”是科学知识生产的重要制度设计。在知识经济时代,知识的“私有性”和“保密性”在新的知识生产结构中获得了一定的合理性。网络数据库等知识出版模式在加速了知识扩散的同时,带来了科学信息的商业垄断,但这种垄断在本质上不同于对知识合理的“保密”行为,也加剧了数字资源中的“数字鸿沟”。开放存取运动即是科学共同体对于科学信息商业垄断的集体抗争,是对科学知识“公有性”精神气质的认识论回归。  相似文献   

A growing amount of scientific research is done in an open collaborative fashion, in projects sometimes referred to as “crowd science”, “citizen science”, or “networked science”. This paper seeks to gain a more systematic understanding of crowd science and to provide scholars with a conceptual framework and an agenda for future research. First, we briefly present three case examples that span different fields of science and illustrate the heterogeneity concerning what crowd science projects do and how they are organized. Second, we identify two fundamental elements that characterize crowd science projects – open participation and open sharing of intermediate inputs – and distinguish crowd science from other knowledge production regimes such as innovation contests or traditional “Mertonian” science. Third, we explore potential knowledge-related and motivational benefits that crowd science offers over alternative organizational modes, and potential challenges it is likely to face. Drawing on prior research on the organization of problem solving, we also consider for what kinds of tasks particular benefits or challenges are likely to be most pronounced. We conclude by outlining an agenda for future research and by discussing implications for funding agencies and policy makers.  相似文献   

交叉学科往往是学科新的生长点,有可能产生新的科学突破,为科学带来革命性的发展。交叉科学的发展离不开大量跨学科的人才,而高水平跨学科人才的培养始于交叉学科的研究生教育。文章选取1901-2013年诺贝尔科学奖获奖者为研究对象,以是否师从诺贝尔奖得主为分组变量,从物理、化学和生理或医学三大学科内和跨学科角度对比分析师承效应的影响,凸显跨学科师承效应的作用。研究结果表明,与单纯的学科内师承效应相比,考虑跨学科师生关系的师承效应可更显著地促进未来诺贝尔科学奖获奖者的成长和成才。  相似文献   

钱学森与科学学   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈益升 《科学学研究》2009,27(12):1769-1771
 钱学森先生(1911-2009)是享誉海内外的杰出科学家和我国航天事业的奠基人,钱学森先生还是我国科学学研究的主要倡导者和科学学学科的主要创建者。本文为悼念钱学森先生,从早期研究、率先倡导,到奠基之作、资深顾问、相关领域研究等等方面,简要地论述了钱学森先生对我国科学学事业的贡献。  相似文献   

Climate adaptation research increasingly focuses on the socio-cultural dimensions of change. In this context, narrative research is often seen as a qualitative social science method used to frame adaptation communication. However, this perspective neglects an important insight provided by narrative theory as applied in the cognitive sciences and other practical fields: human cognition is organized around specific narrative structures. In adaptation, this means that how we ‘story’ the environment determines how we understand and practice adaptation, how risks are defined, who is authorized as actors in the change debate, and the range of policy options considered. Furthermore, relating an experience through story-telling is already doing ‘knowledge work’, or learning. In taking narrative beyond its use as an extractive social research methodology, we argue that narrative research offers an innovative, holistic approach to a better understanding of socio-ecological systems and the improved, participatory design of local adaptation policies. Beyond producing data on local knowledge(s) and socio-cultural and affective-emotive factors influencing adaptive capacity, it can significantly inform public engagement, deliberation and learning strategies–features of systemic adaptive governance. We critically discuss narrative as both a self-reflective methodology and as a paradigmatic shift in future adaptation research and practice. We explore the narrative approach as a basis for participatory learning in the governance of socio-ecological systems. Finally, we assemble arguments for investing in alternative governance approaches consistent with a shift to a ‘narrative paradigm’.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the career and legacy of William (Bill) Goffman, who served as a researcher, Professor, Dean and Emeritus at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, from 1959 to 2000. Goffman pioneered mathematical information science broadly and in several key areas. First, he applied disease epidemiology concepts to model accurately the spread of knowledge and the formation of knowledge systems and their ecologies, including the dynamics of scientific discovery. Second, he proposed significant improvements in information retrieval through the deployment of multi-valued logic, appropriate file ordering, effective and efficient retrieval measures, and simplified retrieval approaches, including early work in citation-based searching. Third, Goffman applied Bradford-like distributions to model effective core research literature collection development and usage. Fourth, he developed original epidemiology models, and was an early contributor in biomedical informatics. His mathematical contributions have stood the test of time and will continue to be applicable indefinitely.  相似文献   

传统的科学传播研究主要依托科学社会学、科学技术与社会等学术背景,侧重于考察和反思科学传播过程中的权力关系。在科学传播研究经历了30年发展后,原来忽略这一领域的传播学研究者,正在以社会科学(如心理学)的理论、方法和成果为基础,推动科学传播的科学化。这些学者考察了人类接受科学信息的心理机制、科学政治化对人们掌握科学的影响、价值和信任在公众接受科学知识方面所发挥的作用及其测度、以及基于实证研究的科学传播解决方案。科学传播的科学对于走向快速发展轨道的中国科学传播领域具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

论科学技术学的建构及技术预见学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨耀武 《科学学研究》2005,23(5):597-600
我国科学技术学的建立和发展,应该体现时代科技特征,聚焦科技兴国实践,重视未来学特别是技术预见研究。这将需要关联学科群的体系整合,也需要关联学科群的转型定位。只有关注未来的科技,才能指导科技的未来。  相似文献   

科学学在中国前史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述科学学在中国体制化前的有关历史渊源和思想基础,提出对中国科学发展途径看法的代表人物以及中国科学社和《科学》杂志等对科学的组织推动作用,概括中国共产党在建国前后对科学论的研究。  相似文献   

科技政策科学是近十年来国际科技政策发展的新趋势。本文以科学社会学的理论和视角,归纳分析科技政策科学的基本思想,评述美国和日本发展科技政策科学的做法,分析科技政策科学走向体制化的特点和动因,指出科技政策科学新发展的意义。  相似文献   

This study provides quantitative evidence on how the use of journal rankings can disadvantage interdisciplinary research in research evaluations. Using publication and citation data, it compares the degree of interdisciplinarity and the research performance of a number of Innovation Studies units with that of leading Business & Management Schools (BMS) in the UK. On the basis of various mappings and metrics, this study shows that: (i) Innovation Studies units are consistently more interdisciplinary in their research than Business & Management Schools; (ii) the top journals in the Association of Business Schools’ rankings span a less diverse set of disciplines than lower-ranked journals; (iii) this results in a more favourable assessment of the performance of Business & Management Schools, which are more disciplinary-focused. This citation-based analysis challenges the journal ranking-based assessment. In short, the investigation illustrates how ostensibly ‘excellence-based’ journal rankings exhibit a systematic bias in favour of mono-disciplinary research. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications of these phenomena, in particular how the bias is likely to affect negatively the evaluation and associated financial resourcing of interdisciplinary research organisations, and may result in researchers becoming more compliant with disciplinary authority over time.  相似文献   

知识整合与思维关联是跨学科科研获得成功的关键。选取智能制造领域的典型跨学科研究团队为研究对象,以扎根理论为主导工具进行探索性研究,得出结论:知识关联整合受到知识因素(知识整合)、主体因素(思维关联)及合作因素(知识吸收能力)影响,其中,知识因素是动力基础,主体因素起到认知调节作用,合作因素是重要支撑条件。最后针对知识关联整合影响因素的主要内容和理论模型,提出跨学科研究组织建设及管理要点。  相似文献   

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