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As globalization has expedited mobility of faculty across nations, faculty hiring is taking place at an international level. Institutions and governments often perceive hiring faculty who were trained in different countries as a strategy for reaching the status of world-class universities. The major assumption behind this hiring strategy is that faculty who are educated in prestigious universities in foreign countries will bring cutting edge knowledge and networks that will lead to future research collaborations. Yet, a dearth of research empirically investigated the assumption that institutions that train future foreign faculty and those that hire faculty with foreign degrees will have greater presence in the international networks of research collaboration. Filling this hole, this study examines this assumption from an international perspective, using the case of industrial engineering departments at selective research universities in Chile and Korea. Based on the unique data that document faculty hiring (degree attainment institutions) and research collaboration (co-authorship), and institutional prestige (global ranking positions), we analyzed the relationship between faculty hiring network and research collaboration network, as well as their association with institutional prestige. The results provide strong evidence of the positive relationships between doctoral training and future research collaboration, and the strong presence of institutions with global prestige. These relationships result in homophilic networks that suggest a concern about a reduced diversity in theoretical perspective and research methods within the disciplinary field.  相似文献   

丁寒萌 《科教文汇》2021,(13):37-38
高校辅导员队伍的建设与高校和谐稳定的发展息息相关,也是当前高校建设综合性大学必须面对和解决的重要问题。维护教职工的合法权益,是高校工会的天然职责。但在现实中,高校工会往往沦为"福利工会""文体工会",维权职能体现得不明显。在新形势下,无论是高校辅导员队伍建设面临新的改革,还是教职工对自身利益的重视,都要求高校工会积极转变其工作重心,强化其维权职能。  相似文献   

本文以2008年《高新技术企业认定管理办法》为背景,利用事件研究法和869家高新技术上市公司数据首次考察了我国特殊的高新技术企业认定公告的市场反应。实证结果显示,并没有足够证据说明投资者对上市公司的高新技术企业认定给予较高定价。进一步检验发现,在高新技术企业认定公告期间,相对于对照组,中小上市公司、国有上市公司和2008年后新认定为高新技术企业的上市公司的市场反应都更差。本文的研究结果表明我国投资者存在短视行为,股票T市场未能有效支持企业成为自主创新主体。  相似文献   

吴峰 《科教文汇》2014,(15):99-99
作为完善就业市场机制的重要手段,职业资格证书已开始在劳动力市场中发挥“就业通行证”的作用,为此我们要积极推动高职院校的教育教学改革,通过人才培养模式改革、课程体系优化、师资队伍培养、实训条件改造等一系列措施,促进职业资格证书教育与学历教育有效衔接,提升学生的就业竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper presents a synthetic framework identifying the central drivers of start-up commercialization strategy and the implications of these drivers for industrial dynamics. We link strategy to the commercialization environment—the microeconomic and strategic conditions facing a firm that is translating an “idea” into a value proposition for customers. The framework addresses why technology entrepreneurs in some environments undermine established firms, while others cooperate with incumbents and reinforce existing market power. Our analysis suggests that competitive interaction between start-up innovators and established firms depends on the presence or absence of a “market for ideas”. By focusing on the operating requirements, efficiency, and institutions associated with markets for ideas, this framework holds several implications for the management of high-technology entrepreneurial firms.  相似文献   

European universities have been increasingly pressured since the late 1990s to make a more visible contribution to economic development. This policy interest has produced an increasing focus on knowledge transfer generally, and more specifically on measures to promote a research culture which values patenting and firm formation. This paper presents results from an interview study of academic faculty views on knowledge transfer and commercialisation at five public universities in Sweden. Our results show that, despite the retention of inventor ownership at Swedish universities, there is a high degree of knowledge transfer of all kinds. The overriding driver of entrepreneurial behaviour among faculty appears to be the low level of direct funding for research in universities. We find that attitudes to firm formation vary from positive to ambivalent, and that faculty from the humanities and social sciences engage in a higher level of entrepreneurial and policy adaptive behaviour than they report. We conclude that faculty at Swedish universities perceive the role of public servant and entrepreneurial academic as conflicting. This perceived conflict may be one reason for reluctance to report instances of commercialisation of research.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(3):104714
The National Institute of Health (NIH) sets postdoctoral (postdoc) trainee stipend levels that many American institutions and investigators use as a basis for postdoc salaries. Although salary standards are held constant across universities, the cost of living in those universities’ cities and towns vary widely. Across non-postdoc jobs, more expensive cities pay workers higher wages that scale with an increased cost of living. This work investigates the extent to which postdoc wages account for cost of living differences. More than 27,000 postdoc salaries across all US universities are analyzed alongside measures of regional differences in cost of living. We find that postdoc salaries do not account for cost of living differences, in contrast with the broader labor market in the same cities and towns. Despite a modest increase in income in high cost of living areas, real (cost of living adjusted) postdoc salaries differ by 29% ($15k 2021 USD) between the least and most expensive areas. Cities that produce greater numbers of tenure-track faculty relative to students such as Boston, New York, and San Francisco are among the most impacted by this pay disparity. The postdoc pay gap is growing and is well-positioned to incur a greater financial burden on economically disadvantaged groups and contribute to faculty hiring disparities in women and racial minorities.  相似文献   

We examine how the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), a recent U.S. government science and technology (S&T) program launched in 2000, affects the nature of university research in nanotechnology. We characterize the NNI as a policy intervention that targets the commercialization of technology and a focused research direction to promote national economic growth. As such, we expect that the NNI has brought about unintended consequences in the direction of university–industry knowledge flows and the characteristics of university research output in nanotechnology. Using a difference-in-differences analysis of U.S. nanotechnology patents filed between 1996 and 2007, we find that, after the NNI, U.S. universities have significantly increased knowledge inflows from the industry, reduced the branching-out to novel technologies, narrowed down the research scope, and become less likely to generate technological breakthroughs, as compared to other U.S. and non-U.S. research institutions. Our findings suggest that, at least in the case of the NNI, targeted government S&T programs may increase the efficiency of university research, but potentially do so at a price.  相似文献   

We propose an empirical strategy to estimate competition in innovation markets. Our method relates firms’ market return on equity to information about patent citation patterns. Two innovations are implemented in the methodology. First is the application of daily abnormal stock returns rather than annual measures of Tobin's q. Second is the creation of citation patterns related to the area of science a firm patents in as represented by the detailed patent classification system. We find that markets positively reward firms when patents are granted. We further find that firm's market value increases when its patent portfolio is cited. We find evidence of competition in innovation markets. The market reacts at the time that the citation occurs and does not anticipate future citations at the time of patenting. Holding this effect constant, we find that citations from patents in the same area of science tend to reduce market value. We interpret these findings as consistent with more citations indicating more valuable intellectual property but citations from competing technologies decreasing it.  相似文献   

The creation of new knowledge is a haphazard process: not every sector in an economy is equally involved. The effect of industry structure on innovativeness has been a focus of attention for a long time by both academics and policymakers. In a much quoted article, using unique data - new-product announcements - Acs and Audretsch [Acs, Z.J., Audretsch, D.B., 1988. Innovation in large and small firms: an empirical analysis. American Economic Review 78(4), 678-690] identified several characteristics of industry structure and their effects on innovativeness. By analyzing a new and more consciously compiled database, we re-examine their original claims. Our results largely support their findings: industry concentration and degree of unionization for instance hamper innovation; skilled labor promotes it. Our findings diverge in one significant respect from theirs: we suggest that the large firms do not contribute more to an industry’s innovativeness than small firms. At the industry level, we find strong support for the Schumpeter Mark I perspective of creative destruction by small firms rather than creative accumulation by large firms. In addition, we show that less dedicated innovators prove more susceptible to firm-external industry factors than more committed innovators. An unfavorable competitive environment decreases the likelihood that less successful innovators will announce new products.  相似文献   

We investigate whether having an advisor of the same gender is correlated with the productivity of PhD science students and their propensity to stay in academic science. Our analysis is based an original dataset – combined from dissertation abstracts, faculty directories and bibliometric data – covering nearly 20,000 PhD graduates and their advisors from U.S. chemistry departments. We find that students working with advisors of the same gender tend to be more productive during the PhD; and that female students working with female advisors are considerably more likely to become faculty themselves. We suggest that the under-representation of women in science and engineering faculty positions may perpetuate itself through the lower availability of same-gender advisors for female students.  相似文献   

经过十几年的发展,中国证券市场取得了一定的成绩,但由于入市门槛过高,大多数的高新技术企业及中小民营企业无法上市筹资,风险投资更是缺少有效的退出渠道。因此,二板市场建立与否成为人们关注的焦点。在此情况下参照国外一些二板市场的设置方法,并通过对市场风险的分析,就中国在新经济形式下应如何建立有中国特色的二板市场进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

The economic health of nations and regions is increasingly coming to rest on the scientific and technical labor force conducting scientific research. As such, enormous social resources are directed to educating and training those who will fire the engines of economic growth. In the first part of this paper, we compare recent investment in the scientific and technical labor forces by two giants of nationally-supported research endeavors: France and the United States. We find that France is more invested in scientific and technical training, but that both nations invest directly and indirectly in the scientific and technical labor force. French policy is more likely to support the individual graduate student directly through a national grant, while graduate students in the US tend to rely indirectly on federal support through research grants to other researchers. We then use duration models on individual data to predict entry into a permanent academic position within three years of completing a Ph.D. We do not find that industrial support of graduate training has any effect on later success in obtaining a position. There is, however, evidence of different academic labor markets operating in each country. In France, entry into a position has not depended on period factors, while in the US more recent cohorts have been more successful in obtaining permanent employment. Furthermore, postdoctoral positions in France delay or deter academic careers, but have no impact on entry in the US: this suggest that two different modes of scientific human resources management operate in France and in the USA. In the USA, Ph.D.s are seen as an essential element in the process of knowledge transfer, and early mobility does not affect entry into permanent academic careers. In France, few incentives are given to encourage mobility, which merely deters the access to permanent jobs. Finally, we found that graduates of the most prestigious undergraduate institutions were systematically advantaged in obtaining permanent academic employment, suggesting that academic stratification occurs very early in the training path in each country.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]为了帮助情报学学科背景的就业人员掌握市场对情报学人才的具体需要,为情报学的教育者拟定情报学的教育体系和人才培养的目标提供指导。[方法/过程]采集国内各大招聘网站情报学相关职位招聘公告,构建情报学招聘语料库,基于CRF机器学习模型和Bi-LSTM-CRF、BERT、BERT-Bi-LSTM-CRF深度学习模型,从语料库中抽取5类情报学招聘实体进行挖掘分析。[结果/结论]通过在已有2000篇经过标注的职位招聘公告语料库上开展情报学招聘实体自动抽取对比实验,识别效果最佳的CRF模型的整体F值为85.07%,其中对"专业要求"实体的识别F值达到了91.67%。BERT模型在"专业要求"实体识别任务中更是取得了92.10%的F值。使用CRF模型对全部符合要求的5287篇招聘公告进行实体抽取,构建了情报学招聘实体社会网络,并通过信息计量分析与社会网络分析的方式挖掘隐含知识。  相似文献   

青年马克思主义者培养工程启动五年,已进入经验总结、理论提升、拓展创新的重要阶段。本文在分析当前高校实施"青马工程"的成效和制约因素基础上,重点剖析了高校在院系级层面实施"青马工程"的重要意义,并结合北京联合大学在院系级层面推进"青马工程"的实践经验,提出了创新培养模式和教育载体,提升普遍培养效果,深化理论学习,强化实践教育,探索长效机制等突出院系级层面特点的青年马克思主义者培养模式和发展机制。  相似文献   

We explore the impact of a production technology on financial performance from the perspectives of technology diffusion and competitive strategy theory. We analyse how diffusion at firm and market levels influences the returns from the technology. We suggest that firm heterogeneity in the level of technology use leads to competitive advantages for relatively intensive adopters. We empirically test our propositions through the analysis of the diffusion of the Automated Teller Machine among Spanish savings banks between 1986 and 2004. Our results show that it is not the absolute but the relative level of use that drives the impact of the technology on profitability. Furthermore, as the technology is more intensively deployed in the market, the profitability of every firm decreases. Interestingly, in our empirical setting, this negative effect eventually leads to an aggregate negative impact on the profitability of the savings banks.  相似文献   

Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) and universities are important elements of countries’ innovation systems. As they are both halfway between science and industry, they are often considered to be the same thing. However, recent studies have stressed the differences between the two. In this paper, we analyze the innovative characteristics (impacts and types of innovation and internal R&D investments) of firms that collaborate with RTOs versus universities. Our study is based on statistical analysis of Community Innovation Survey micro-data (CIS 2012). Our results suggest that firms that see RTOs as more important sources of knowledge than universities have a higher probability of developing service innovation, invest less in internal R&D but are less likely to introduce new, groundbreaking innovations into the market. These results have significant policy and management implications, especially regarding the different but complementary contributions offered respectively by RTOs and universities.  相似文献   

通过专利分析,研究了北京纳米技术的发展态势,并提出发展建议。研究表明,北京纳米技术领域处在快速发展的阶段,专利数量居全国首位,在我国纳米技术研发中占有重要的位置;研发力量以高等院校和科研院所等科研单位为主,清华大学研发优势明显;围绕纳米技术的产学研合作已经开展,但有合作深度与广度待于进一步加强。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(3):104456
While there are numerous studies of university technology transfer, there have been relatively few studies of technology transfer at federal labs. Moreover, studies of university technology transfer have focused on faculty, not post-doctoral scientists. They have also ignored identity and sensemaking theories in organizational behavior, which are relevant in the context of technology transfer. We fill these gaps by examining differences between university post-doctoral scientists and federal lab post-doctoral scientists, in terms of how they engage in technology transfer. Our qualitative analysis is based on extensive interviews of post-doctoral scientists and their supervisors/principal investigators (PIs) at two major research universities and four large federal labs. We find that federal lab scientists are more influenced by mission-driven research and their sense of public service, as compared to university scientists who are motivated more by curiosity-driven research. These motivational differences may constitute significant barriers to technology transfer in federal labs. As compared to their university counterparts, federal lab scientists appear to experience more cognitive dissonance in pursuing commercialization of their research and have more sophisticated resolution strategies for dealing with such dissonance. We also find that PIs at federal labs are not highly incentivized to engage in technology transfer. We discuss additional research needs, as well as the managerial and training implications of our findings.  相似文献   

通过江苏高校近十年的PCT申请情况分析,为江苏高校国际专利申请及参与国际市场竞争提供参考.基于合享Incopat专利分析工具,对江苏11所高校2009年至2018年PCT申请状况进行了分析研究,分析内容包括国际专利申请的总体发展趋势、国际申请占比情况、主要申请人分析及主要竞争技术领域分析.江苏高校PCT申请量在整个专利...  相似文献   

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