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十大功劳属四新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

  Fifteen new taxa of the genus Ribes L. (Saxifragaceae) are described from China. These new taxa are R. alpestre var. eglandulosum L. T. Lu, R. burejense var. villosum L. T. Lu, R. moupinense var. pubicarpum L. T. Lu, R. himalense var. pubicalycinum L. T. Lu et J. T. Pan, R. meyeri var. pubescens L. T. Lu, R. davidi var. ciliatum L. T. Lu, R. davidi var. lobatum L. T. Lu, R. laurifolium  var.  yunnanense  L.  T.  Lu,  R.  xizangense  L.  T.  Lu,  R. glabricalycinum L. T. Lu, R. tenue var. incisum L. T. Lu, R. vilmorinii var. pubicarpum L. T. Lu, R. rubrisepalum L. T. Lu, R. glabrifolium L. T. Lu, R.fasciculatum var. guizhouense L. T. Lu.  相似文献   

描述了采集于湖北巴东县的金丝桃属Hypericum L.的3个新分类群,即湖北小连翘H. hubeiense L. H. Wu & D. P. Yang、恩施小连翘H. enshiense L. H. Wu & F. S. Wang和长萼小连翘H. erectum Thunb. ssp. longisepalum L. H. Wu & D. P. Yang。湖北小连翘与H. asahinae Makino相似,表现在叶无柄,基部心形抱茎,花萼和花瓣上具黑色腺条;区别在于叶近边缘腺体全为黑色,叶片上部无腺体  相似文献   

中国毛莨科植物小志(十四)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One variety of Eranthis, four species of Delphinium, one species of Anemone, and two species and one variety of Clematis are described as new. The distribution of Anemone reflexa Steph. in western part of Henan Province is reported for the first time. The morphological variation of the inflorescence of Clematis armandii Franch.is elucidated, andaccording to it Clematis hefengensis G.F.Tao is reduced to a variety of C.armandii Franch.  相似文献   

Three new species and a new variety, Epimedium coactum, E. coactum   var. longtouhum, E. trunctum, E. glandulosopilosum are described in this paper. The morphological characters of trichomes, cuticle of leaf surface and pollen grains of the new species and theirallies were studied under LM and SEM, and shown in plates 1-3.  相似文献   

Guangdong Province extends across the subtropical and tropical zones. With favorable climate and plentiful rainfall, this district is extremely rich in plants. However, the study on the Charophyta in this province is scanty.       The specimens we identified were collected from 4 cities and 10 counties of the province. The result shows that there are abundant representatives of Chrophyta, espe- cially in Nitella, in the province.       In this paper, however, only reported are some new taxa of Nitella.  The 2 new spe- cies are Nitella sessilis and N. guangdongensis; the 3 new varieties are Nitella flagellifor- mis var. conglomerata, N. brevidactyla var. hainanensis and N. pakistanica var. magni- antheridii; and the 3 new records of distribution in China are Nitella bengalensis Kundu, N. madagascariensis Zanev. and N. tenuissima var. sanukensis Imah.  相似文献   

Fifteen new taxa of the genus  Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) are described from China.  They are Saxifraga erectisepala J. T.  Pan,  S.  sublinearifolia J.  T. Pan, S. rizhaoshanensis J. T. Pan,  S.  gedangensis J.  T.  Pan, S. sheqilaensis J. T. Pan, S. egregioides J. T. Pan,  S. caveana W. W. Smith var.  lanceolata  J.  T. Pan,  S. subtsangchanensis J. T. Pan,  S. brachypodoidea J.  T. Pan,  S. oreophila Franch. var. depaoshanensis J. T. Pan,  S. subsediformis J.  T.  Pan,  S. nangqenica J. T. Pan, S. medogensis J. T. Pan, S. paiquensis J. T. Pan and S. daochengensisJ. T. Pan.  相似文献   

本文描述了新疆翠雀花属七个新分类群,即:叶城翠雀花、假深蓝翠雀花、无腺翠雀花、赛塔城翠雀花、高翠雀花、秀丽翠雀花、白花萨乌尔翠雀花。  相似文献   

Five new taxa of the family Umbelliferae are described  from China They are Pimpinella filipedicellata S. L. Liou,  Acronema yadongense S. L. Liou, Sinocarum  bijiangense S. L. Liou,  Hydrocotyle salwinica var.  obtusiloba  S.  L. Liou, Cryptotaenia japonica f. pinnatisecta S. L. Liou.  相似文献   

Sixteen new species and two new varieties of the genus Carex are described from China.  相似文献   

Some new taxa of the genus Festuca (Gramineae) are described from China. They are Sect. Longiglumes S.L. Lu,Sect. Muticae S.L. Lu, Sect. Sinensis S.L. Lu, Sect, Nitidulae S.L. Lu, and Festuca pubiglumis S.L. Lu, F. longiglumis S. L. Lu, F.fascinata Keng, F. mutica S.L. Lu, F. sinensis Keng, F. subalpina Chang et Skvort. ex S.L. Lu, F. chelungkingnica Chang et Skvort. exS.L. Lu. In addition, one new name F. taiwanensis S.L. Lu is included.  相似文献   

 本文报道在安徽发现的栅藻属Scenedesmus的4个新种,2个新变种及4个中国新 记录。  4个新种是安徽栅藻S.anhuiensis,  黄山栅藻S.huangshanensis四翼栅藻S. qua- drialatus和芜湖栅藻S.wuhuensis, 2个新变种是角柱栅藻具刺变种S.prismaticus var.spi- nosus和史密斯栅藻微刺变种S. smithii var.spinulosus;四个中国新记录是具齿栅藻南方变 种S. denticulatus var.australis Playfair,角柱栅藻S. prismaticus Bruhl et Biswas,四棘栅藻具齿变种S·quadricauda var.dentatus Deduss和史密斯栅藻S. smithii Teiling。  相似文献   

云南姜科新植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twelve  new  species  of Zingiberaceae  are  described  from   Yunnan Province, China. They are Amomum fragle S.  Q. Tong, A. quadrato-laminare S. Q. Tong, A. verrucosum S. Q. Tong, A. glabrum S. Q. Tong, A. capsiciforme S. Q. Tong, A. coriandriodorum S. Q. Tong, Alpinia rubromaculata S. Q. Tong, A. emaculata S. Q. Tong, Zingiber nigrimaculatum S. Q. Tong, Hedychium glabrum S. Q. Tong, Costus viridis S. Q. Tong and Costus oblongus S. Q.Tong. A key to species of the genus Costus is given at the end of text.  相似文献   

采自横断山地区的15个新分类群为:芽状凹顶鼓藻小齿变型,无球孢鼓藻近头状变种,多佛鼓藻 泉生变种,窝孔鼓藻,四川鼓藻,近丹麦鼓藻颗粒变种,近壮丽鼓藻,西藏鼓藻乳突变种,雅鼓藻隆 起变种,云南鼓藻,弹丝角星鼓藻超群变种,长突起角星鼓藻基刺变型,伪西博角星鼓藻密聚变种退化变型,西博角星鼓藻纹饰变种具刺变型,索塞角星鼓藻具刺变型。  相似文献   

 One new genus, one new species and one new subspecies of Labiatae from Anhui and Zhejiang province of China are described and one new combina- tion is made in this paper. They are Pogonanthera H. W. Li et X. H. Guo, P. caulopteris H. W. Li et X. H. Guo, P. intermedia (C. Y. Wu et H. W. Li) H. W. Li et X. H. Guo and Paraphlomis foliata (Dunn) C. Y. Wu et H. W. Lissp. montigena X. H. Guo et S. B. Zhou.  相似文献   

横断山区马先蒿属新分类群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six new species, 1 new subspecies  and  1 new  variety  are  described in this  paper.  They are P. salviiflora  Franch.  ex Forbes et Hemsl. var.  leiocarpa H. P. Yang (Ser. Salviiflorae Prain), P. rex C. B. Clarke subsp. zayuensis H. P. Yang (Ser. Reges Li), P. xiangchengensis H. P. Yang (Ser. Cyathophyllae Li), P. deqinensis H. P. Yang (Ser. Myriophyllae Maxim.), P. weixiensis H. P. Yang(Ser. pectinatiformes  Tsoong),  P. rizhaoensis H. P. Yang (Ser.  Lyratae  Maxim.), P. gongshanensis  H. P. Yang (Ser.  Cernuae Li), P. dulongensis H. P. Yang  (Ser. Wilsoniae Li).  相似文献   

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