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高职学前教育活动设计教材应体现课程目标要求,成为有效培养学生作为幼儿教师的基本的教学能力的工具.但是,高职学前教育活动设计教材建设与课程目标要求还存在较大的差距,因此,必须重视高职教育活动设计教材改革与建设,编写和出版具有高职学前教育活动设计课程自身特色的教材.  相似文献   

湘教版高中地理必修教材“活动”栏目按能力要求分为“思考”、“探究”和“实践”三种类型。《地理I》、《地理Ⅱ》、《地理Ⅲ》三册必修教材共有“活动”193处,其中“思考”类活动60处,占必修教材“活动”总数的31.1%;“探究”类活动107处,占  相似文献   

《生物学教学》2 0 0 0年第 6期发表了“生物与生物学辨析”的读者来信综述 ,引起了诸多读者的关注 ,但是情况不容乐观。参加今年论文评比的不少作者仍然不恰当地把两者混同。为此 ,有必要再次提醒大家 :正确使用祖国的语言文字。1 为什么必须区分“生物”与“生物学” ?1.1 使用祖国语言文字应该规范化 要知道“生物”(livingthings或livingbeings)是指有生命的一类物体 ,而“生物学”(biology)则是指研究生命现象的一门学科。无论在国外或祖国的语言文字中 ,这两个词的概念都是不同的 ,应该正确使用、…  相似文献   

从2004年下半年开始。山东版高中语文新课程实验教材正式走进了课改实验区。经过一年多的实验。老师们对这套必修教材的特点已经有了比较深入的了解。大家普遍认为,这套新教材文本选择注重经典,视野开阔;话题单元贴近生活,新颖活泼;活动设计理念先进,适合教学;编排印刷追求自然,朴素大方。如果说这套教材的标志性特点,我认为还应该是它的“学习活动”设计,  相似文献   

美国高中地理教材《地球科学:地质学、环境与宇宙》十分重视对学生探究能力和创新精神的培养,探究活动贯穿教材的内容编排,探究实验难度层层递进、形式多样,其内容的可操作性、内容的组织形式、内容的呈现都有其特色。  相似文献   

开展跨学科活动是国际教育改革的趋势。立足物理学科,以美国的《科学探索者》物理分册为研究对象,分析美国初中物理教材中跨学科活动的特点,发现跨学科活动具有知识多点联结、种类丰富多样、编排层次分明等特点,这对我国初中物理教材的编写和使用具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

探究式学习是指通过开设一系列有关学习内容的探究活动,让学生在教师的引导下逐步完成学习任务,旨在实现学生的基础能力掌握以及自身探究能力的双向发展。  相似文献   

《科学启蒙》丛书是我国第一套美国小学科学教材的全译本,由浙江教育出版社2009年12月第一次出版印刷(万学、姜允珍等译),这一套科学教材的英文版由美国麦克米伦公司出版,被多数美国小学选用.自2009年引入我国后也受到科学教育领域专家、一线教师及家长学生的喜爱与好评.但以往对这套教材的赞誉往往停留在直观感受,结合科学教育相关理念和教学实践尝试对其进行评价的论述较少,本文尝试结合科学教育领域的一些理念,结合自己近两年在教学中的借鉴与引用,对其生命科学领域部分的特点进行剖析.  相似文献   

本文根据《课标》指导,结合仁爱教材编排特点和初中生的学习实际情况对 Section A、B、C、D 的活动进行有效设计,突出思维培养。  相似文献   

In order to examine factors that may deter girls' interest in science, five seventh-grade life science textbooks were analyzed for sexism in language, images, and curricular content, and for features of activities that have been found to be useful for motivating girls. Although overt sexism was not apparent, subtle forms of sexism in the selection of language, images, and curricular content were found. Activities had some features useful to girls, but other features were seldom included. Teachers may wish to use differences that were found among texts as one basis for text selection.  相似文献   

作者对美国教科书和中国教科书在呈现方式上作了比较。美国教科书选用的是浙江教育出版社出版的《科学探索者》丛书。该书是根据美国第一部科学教育的国家标准《美国科学教育标准》,在美国本土50个州4200所学校普通使用的综合性自然科学教科书。中国教科书选取的是人民教育出版社的七年级下册的《生物学》(简称《生物学》)。因为两种教科书在编排上有较大差异,在此选取内容相仿的“人体的消化与吸收”章节进行比较。  相似文献   

上海市2004年出台了《关于加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设实施意见》,其中强调要通过开展“生命教育”让学生树立正确的生命观,培养对自己和他人生命珍惜和尊重的态度,增强爱心和社会责任感,使学生在人格上获得健全发展;并且制定了《上海市中小学生命教育指导纲要》。上海市二期课程改革高中《生命科学》教材不仅注重提高学生尊重生命、敬畏生命的意识和提高学生生存能力,而且注重引导学生形成正确的人生观和价值观,实现生命的价值。  相似文献   

Science-technology-society (STS) has been identified by the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), the Departments of Education in a variety of states, and a variety of commissions and panels concerned with reform in science education as a new direction and goal for science education. Because most teachers are dependent upon textbooks for determining their curricula and teaching approaches, an investigation of 11 of the most frequently used secondary science textbooks in the U.S. were reviewed to determine the attention given to STS topics. The framework established by the Project Synthesis research team for STS was used to define STS topics. The 11 textbooks were examined in their entirety to determine space devoted to STS. Minimum interrater reliability was established at 0.80; any deviation resulted in further analysis. Comparisons were made of STS coverage by science disciplines and across the 7-12 grade levels. Results revealed that less than 7% of the narrative space is devoted to STS topics, with a range of 11.5% to 0.5%. Further, the coverage of STS topics decreases as grade level increases. A great discrepancy, therefore, exists between goals for science education (an STS emphasis) to actual coverage in the most frequently used textbooks.  相似文献   

新加坡的教育制度具有东西方文化的色彩,通过对其生物学教材中核心概念引入、解释、巩固及运用的研究和分析,可以对我国的教材中概念的编排和教师的教学提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present findings from a systematic analysis of elementary-school science textbooks. Comparisons of content domains and vocabulary are presented for the Merrill (1982) and Silver-Burdett (1985) science programs, grades 1–5 as well as the fourth-grade Holt (1980) and fifth-grade McGraw-Hill (1974) texts. Analyses of how each publisher presents information, types of questions, and various text characteristics reveal striking differences between programs. Systematic comparisons of content domains between programs also reveal few instances of “inconsiderate” texts. The textbooks analyzed were selected because they are used in the three school districts participating in our longitudinal study. Results are discussed in light of the differences found between programs regarding textbook content and opportunity to learn, the greater amounts of text and activities within each program, and teachers' probable uses of textbooks, the long-term results of students' exposure to various textbooks, and the need for careful examination of materials in order to determine their quality.  相似文献   

Four themes of scientific literacy have been synthesized to analyze science textbooks for this purpose: (a) science as a body of knowledge, (b) science as a way of investigating, (c) science as a way of thinking, and (d) the interaction among science, technology, and society (STS). The intercoder agreement between two researchers who coded the units of analysis for the four themes was high. The life science textbooks examined in this study seem to stress two aspects of scientific literacy—science as a body of knowledge and science as a way of investigating. These textbooks devote practically no text to science as a way of thinking. Very little text is devoted to the interaction of science, technology, and society. There was at least one chapter in each textbook that addressed the nature of science and its relationship to life science. Most of the analyzed textbooks present the stereotypical steps of the scientific method and do not provide a balance of scientific literacy themes.  相似文献   

This study examines the differences between teachers' and students' perceptions of textbook usage in the science classroom. Four categories of use were identified: teacher directed student activities; teaching/studying guidance; as a source of information for the user and as preparation for assessment. The results of the study show that differences do occur between teachers and students with respect to their perceptions of the extent to which textbooks are used in the classroom and the purposes for which they are used, namely as a teaching/studying guide and as preparation for assessment. The findings of the study should be important to all those who use, write and publish high school science textbooks. Specializations: science education.  相似文献   

浅析美国中学生物教科书中的几个模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择美国中学生物教科书中的三个模型构建:做出正确的预测、大自然在选择、广口瓶里的世界等进行介绍、评析。  相似文献   

从内容统整研究角度出发,对我国初中综合科学教科书体系特征进行了分析。从统整的设计思路和线索两个方面阐述了教科书宏观结构特征;以科学探究、STS内容与学科知识的统整以及学科知识间的统整为分析维度,论述了教科书在内容统整设计上的微观结构特征。从中揭示综合科学教科书在内容统整设计上的特点和问题,为教材修订和研制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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