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论高校环境通识教育实施途径的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国高校环境通识教育起步较晚,存在问题较多。高校环境通识教育要达到预期的目的和目标,需遵循环境通识教育开展原则,不断探索、创新和构建高校环境通识教育的实施途径。  相似文献   

"通识教育"是相对于"专门教育"来讲的,这种教育模式最早出现在西方西方发达国家高等教育大众化时期。本文针对通识教育的必要性和实施途径进行分析,旨在为日后的通识教育教学工作提供参考。  相似文献   

论大学通识教育的实施途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通识教育是现代大学的教育理念,指导大学教育实践。但在大学教育中,如何实施通识教育,却是一个值得探讨的问题。文章认为,可以通过科学设置通识教育课程、在专业教育中渗透通识教育理念、改变教学方式和学习方式等途径实施通识教育。  相似文献   

通过对哈佛大学通识教育课程改革的历史梳理及其126份新近通识教育课程简介的分析后发现:哈佛在育人目标上,致力于培养全球化时代的卓越公民,引导学生关切本土与全球社会面对的迫切问题;在课程教学中,坚持高学业挑战度,注重批判性思维训练、大问题探讨、实践体验和顶峰项目等高影响力教学活动;在师资配备上,以高资历教授作为通识课教学的主力军,充分发挥人文社科专业教师的优势,缓解研究型大学的科研与教学冲突。哈佛通识教育实践的内在逻辑是对课程理想性与实在性、广度与深度之关系的积极协调。  相似文献   

通识教育的本质特征与实施路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通识教育概念及其内涵是随时代的变化而不断丰富发展的,但其本质特征具有相对稳定性.针对目前我国一些高校在通识教育实践中所存在的问题,就通识教育本质特征进行了深入全面的分析,并提出了适合我国大学目前实际情况的可行的通识教育实施路径,阐述了如何把现有课程按照通识教育本质特征将其"通识化"改造成具有通识教育性质的通识课程.  相似文献   

一般人们都把通识教育作为高等院校教育的一个重要问题进行研究,极少有人关注前高校与后高校教育领域中的通识教育问题。通识教育应该不限于高校教育,如果把高等学校的通识教育作为一个基准的话,那么通识教育就必然向前和向后延伸。小学教师不大可能都有机会再入高校接受通识教育,于是通识教育的重任就落在教师自己的身上。小学教师自我实施通识教育需要摒弃功利和浮躁、确立恰当的内容框架,更重要的是需要持之以恒。  相似文献   

在西南联大成功实施其通识教育人才培养理念的众因素中,社会的需要和政府的政策支持是重要原因之一,西南联大三常委通识教育理念的广泛认同是关键,"联大"之前三校形成的优良通识教育传统为其提供了历史积淀,"联大"教授群体通识教育的认同和积极实践为其提供了最有力支持。  相似文献   

通识教育已经成为我国高等教育课程与教学改革的一个重要领域,但在实施过程中,还存在诸多问题.因此,通识教育需要价值引领与制度回应:大学校长需增强课程领导力,促进理念上的共识;成立通识教育委员会等专门组织,优化顶层设计;构建基层教学研究组织,提升教师通识教育能力;完善通识课程教学质量保障机制,增强教学有效性;发挥现代信息技术优势,在优质资源共享与创造转化中提升教学水平.  相似文献   

高校的通识教育不仅仅是一种教学理念,更是一种教育行动。知识经济时代及人的全面发展要求实施通识教育。高校要努力构建跨学科课程与核心人文课程相结合的课程模式,加强人文教育,形成文理渗透的教育模式.为培养现代高级实用型高素质人才努力。  相似文献   

中国大学中的通识教育理念的提出是随着素质教育理念的提出而实现的。中国大学中的通识教育与比较早地提倡通识教育的美国大学相比不足之处很多。通过了解与学习美国大学对通识教育的目标的设计,再反观中国大学的通识教育,我们会发现中国大学的通识教育有许多亟须改进的地方。  相似文献   

教育创新是时代赋予高校的重要使命。教学作为培养创新人才的重要手段更需要不断创新。教学创新涵盖教学理念创新、基础教育创新、实践性教学创新和教师队伍创新等内容。  相似文献   

课程嵌入式评价法是美国中等规模公立大学中通识教育评价的一个重要方法。文章主要介绍了课程嵌入式评价法的产生背景、目的、优点、运行过程,以期对我国亟待完善的通识教育评价有所启示。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a pilot-study in a senior paper science and engineering class, of an innovative instructional method designed to foster student problem-solving and in-depth learning of material, namely, student peer teaching. We review related literature focusing on active learning methods in science and engineering education, describe the method of student peer teaching used in this pilot-study, present the evaluation method and results, and discuss implications for further development of this method of instruction. Results suggest that students were able to effectively teach significant curricular content. In addition, the method of student peer teaching served important purposes in helping students develop in-depth understanding and expertise in the issues related to their teaching session, as well as teaching and presentation skills which will be useful in their professional practice. However, students expressed concern that, while achieving in-depth learning of the content of their teaching session, they tended to focus on the content area of their teaching session at the expense of other content areas and may not have learned as well from other students as from the Professor. We recommend a modified structure for student peer teaching which incorporates cooperative learning methods; increased Professor involvement in class sessions, in the role of the mentor; and modifications in performance evaluation methods to ensure ongoing student monitoring of progress and self-assessment. The method of student peer teaching, in science and engineering education, combined with cooperative learning methods, is viewed as a major extension of cooperative learning methods, used in the service of preparation for professional careers.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates a project undertaken with parents from an inner city primary school in Hartlepool, UK, devised to help realise children's potential and raise standards. In order to achieve this, it was necessary to create a partnership between parents, school and the child in an environment characterised by the ‘core conditions’ (Rogers, 1957). It was hoped to increase the self‐esteem of the parents and to give them an understanding of the preschool curriculum in order to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence. It was also the intention of the project to involve these, and other parents, in school life and to enable them to take ownership of their own children's education. The multimedia approach involved video, photographs, word processing and press and radio interviews. The process encouraged the fulfilment of the objectives described above. The paper concludes by describing the successful outcomes of the project and indicates some possible developments.  相似文献   

通识教育:美国与中国   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文是甘阳教授2007年6月14日在复旦大学演讲的整理稿,演讲以美国大学的通识教育为参照,讨论了中国大学推进通识教育的一些重要原则问题,提出了通识教育课程改革的若干意见.  相似文献   

This article introduces the use of the labyrinth as one systemic approach counseling centers can use when conducting outreach targeting the college community. The author discusses the labyrinth's history and its recent resurgence in professional settings, summarizes the principles of walking the labyrinth, illustrates its introduction on one university campus, and outlines practical considerations for incorporating the labyrinth in college counseling center outreach efforts.  相似文献   

基于职业生涯规划,针对大一新生职业规划现状与存在的问题,通过全成员全过程全方位的职业规划教育指导管理模式,主动树立职业规划意识并制定职业生涯规划,同时跟踪与评价规划实施效果,促使学生端正学风完成学业,形成以职业规划为目标的大一新生管理方法。  相似文献   

College preparation programs are ubiquitous among secondary schools, ranging from bridge programs and summer camps to STEM competitions. High school students have many options in preparing for the academic pressures of higher education. However, an area often neglected in college preparation programs is the teaching of interpersonal customs and norms of university life. High school students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, may enter college with little to no understanding of the social and organizational expectations of being a college student. This study tests a college preparation approach that utilizes college-themed media as a way to educate students on college life that is unintimidating and enjoyable. Six high school students were presented with various forms of fictional college story plotlines, including a movie, two television shows, and a novel. Through observational data and semi-structured interviews, findings showed that the students identified some valuable personal lessons about what it means to be a college student after consuming the media. The findings suggest that incorporating college media into college preparation programs in high school may provide a more holistic college preparation experience by demystifying college stereotypes and relieving some of the pressures that high school students face about what is waiting for them in college.  相似文献   

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