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立足积极心理学,以积极情绪扩展—建构理论和团体动力理论为依据,采用积极心理辅导的方法开展培训,以培养中学教师的积极情绪。本文从活动准备、活动实施、成效反馈和建议等方面,对团体辅导在培养中学教师积极情绪中的运用进行了初探。  相似文献   

本文以积极情绪"拓延-建构"理论为基础,论证了在英语口语教学中,中专生积极情绪的培养的重要性,同时结合笔者多年英语口语教学的体会,谈如何才能更有效地发挥学生的积极情绪,从而更有效地学习英语,提高学生英语表迭能力.  相似文献   

积极心理学认为积极情绪和积极人格特征有利于开发学生的潜力,启发学生的创造力,从而使学生学习效率得到提高。本文阐述了从娱乐活动和探究活动两方面调动学生积极情绪,以及从个人发展、与人积极关系发展两个方面塑造学生积极人格特征的教学策略。  相似文献   

先秦儒家所主张的义利统一,以道义为重,道德价值高于物质利益,重视公利(民之利),提倡个人私利服从社会整体利益等积极思想,对于当今之提高人们的道德水平,促进社会主义市场经济秩序健康有序发展,建构和谐社会等仍具有很高的理论参考价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

20世纪末,随着积极心理学在美国的兴起,积极情绪逐渐成为其主要的一个研究领域。基于积极心理学家Fredrick的"拓展-建构"理论,通过分析积极情绪促进英语学习的中介变量,揭示积极情绪的研究对英语教学的启示。  相似文献   

Fredrickson的"拓展-建构"理论是目前积极情绪理论研究领域中影响最大的理论,该理论认为积极情绪有助于拓展个体瞬间知行能力,建构和增强个体的持久性资源.本文基于积极情绪"拓展-建构"理论,分析其对心理健康教育的启示,实现积极情绪理论对心理健康教育在理论基础、教育理念上的创新.  相似文献   

积极心理学视野中的积极人格研究为当代青少年人格塑造指明了新的方向,积极人格是人类潜在的核心美德和积极力量的总称,主流理论有六大美德力量一24项积极人格特质分类系统,在各种文化情境中均存在。青少年的人格建构应从积极认知、积极情绪和积极适应方面入手,来培养积极人格。  相似文献   

积极心理学是20世纪90年代在美国由著名心理学家塞里格曼发起的一场心理学运动,它要求人们用一种更加开放的、欣赏性的眼光去看待人类的潜能、动机和能力等. 旅游业是提升个人和社会发展与幸福指数的行业,我尝试着将积极心理学引入中职旅游专业的课堂教学中,来诱导学生的积极情绪,强化学生的积极体验,培养学生的积极品质.下面,我以"旅游文化"课程为例,谈谈自己的一些做法和体会.  相似文献   

积极心理学是近年来较为热点的一个研究领域,这一研究领域涉及许多方面,社会应用价值也较为广泛。本文基于扩展—建构理论和神经心理学理论,揭示了作为积极心理学主要研究内容的积极情绪促进学生自主学习的几种中介变量,阐释了在教学环境中学生习得乐观积极学习态度的途径。  相似文献   

<正>自20世纪90年代心理学家赛林格曼建构了积极心理学理论,人们纷纷在教育领域对其进行运用和验证。尤其是在教育部发布学生核心素养的内涵及体系之后,研究者甚众,究其原因,是这一理论倡导人们用积极的心态解读心理现象,由此引发潜藏在每个人内心深处的积极品质及力量,推动和促使每个人顺利达到属于自己的幸福彼岸。该理论的巨大优势和特点在于将人性的价值与优点作为关注点,致力于潜能开发及活力激发,并引领和拓展人的创造力与思维力,最终使人们朝着全面健康发展的方向前行。基于以上认识,我利用兼职学生心理辅导讲座之便,将积极心理学引入思政课堂,使之走进学生内心、渗透进思政课中,从而培育积极健康品质、诱发积极情绪、加强积极体验、唤醒积极参与等。  相似文献   

Based on self-determination theory, this study seeks to explore whether a study environment that provides relevant conditions for students’ basic psychological need-satisfaction can lead to more positive and less negative emotional experiences. It also addresses the question of how emotions experienced in the university context are related to students’ overall life-satisfaction and study commitment. German students in teacher education programmes (N = 792) participated in the study by completing questionnaires. The results (estimated by path-modelling) reveal that students’ emotions can be predicted by a variety of environmental conditions associated with different basic psychological needs. Altogether, the model is able to explain 28.5% of the variance in positive emotions and 39.6% in negative emotions. The strongest predictor of students’ positive and negative emotions was the perceived relevance of the study material, a factor related to the need for autonomy. This perceived relevance also had a direct impact on study commitment. Furthermore, positive relationships with peers proved to be of importance for positive and negative emotions as well as for overall life-satisfaction. As expected, emotions at university predicted life-satisfaction and study commitment, with a particularly strong association between positive emotions and study commitment. The results point to the necessity to support study conditions that facilitate the fulfilment of students’ basic psychological needs in order to ensure students’ emotional well-being and enhance study commitment.  相似文献   

Test-taking is an emotion-laden event for many students. Typically, negative emotions are highest at the start of an examination and are replaced by positive emotions as the exam progresses. The impact of computer-based testing and immediate score reporting on students' emotions has not been examined. In Study 1, we evaluated university students’ emotions at the end of a computer-based exam and found positive emotions more strongly endorsed than negative. In Study 2, we replicated this finding and used a quasi-experimental pre-post design to examine how emotions changed in response to real examination scores. Exam scores presented immediately had significant positive effects on relief, pride, and hope and negative effects on anxiety and shame even after controlling for the corresponding emotion at the end of the exam. The one exception was anger, which was not impacted by examination score. No interaction effects were found.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to develop a model of positive word‐of‐mouth (WoM) intentions in a higher education context. WoM was found to be directly influenced by satisfaction levels and indirectly by antecedents of satisfaction, namely positive and negative emotions and perceptions of performance. The model provided a good fit to the data and explained 58% of the variance in WoM intentions. When the model was tested on samples of domestic and international students, significant differences were noted in that the model explained only 21% of the variance in WoM for international compared to 68% for domestic. Moreover, emotions for the international sample did not significantly influence satisfaction or WoM intentions.  相似文献   

在福建选取了1739名9-21岁的城市农民工子女进行调查。研究发现:(1)城市农民工子女的主观幸福感水平、生活满意度、积极情绪显著低于城市儿童。(2)城市农民工子女在积极情感上表现出年段和性别、性别与独生与否的交互作用,在消极情感上表现出性别与独生与否的交互作用。(3)农民工子女的主观幸福感、生活满意度和积极情绪均呈随年段递减的趋势,小学生显著高于初中生、初中生显著高于高中生,小学生的消极情绪显著低于初高中生。  相似文献   


The authors attempted to examine how Taiwanese junior high school students’ perfectionistic tendencies and implicit theories of intelligence were related to their academic emotions and approach versus avoidance self-regulation, and to determine differences in contingent self-worth, emotions, and self-regulation among students with different subtypes of perfectionism. A total of 481 8th-grade Taiwanese students completed a self-reported survey assessing their perfectionistic tendencies, implicit theories of intelligence, academic emotions, behavioral self-regulation, and use of self-handicapping strategies. Results suggested that adaptive perfectionism enabled adolescents to experience positive emotions and to engage in behavioral self-regulation, whereas maladaptive perfectionism was positively associated with negative emotions and self-handicapping. In addition, the incremental theory of intelligence predicted positive affect and constructive coping. By contrast, the entity theory was positively correlated with negative emotions and self-handicapping. The authors also documented profiles of students with different perfectionistic tendencies. Findings showed that in general adaptive perfectionists displayed the healthiest emotions and self-regulatory styles. Implications for education and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

4-8-year-old children's conceptions of the emotional consequences of moral transgressions were assessed in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, most children expected victimizers to feel positive emotions and victims to feel negative emotions, but 8-year-olds who assessed victims first subsequently attributed less positive emotions to victimizers. Despite efforts to manipulate the salience of victims' losses in Experiment 2, children had similar expectations about the emotional consequences of transgressions. However, a developmental shift emerged: 4-year-olds attributed extremely positive emotions to victimizers due to the material gains produced by victimization, whereas 8-year-olds attributed less positive emotions to victimizers, in part due to the unfairness and harm produced by victimization. Probe questions revealed that older children also attributed additional negative-valence emotions to victimizers, suggesting that victimizers are expected to feel conflicting rather than exclusively positive emotions. Discussion focused on potential cognitive constraints in children's conceptions of moral emotions.  相似文献   

Science activities that evoke positive emotional responses make a difference to students’ emotional experience of science. In this study, we explored 8th Grade students’ discrete emotions expressed during science activities in a unit on Energy. Multiple data sources including classroom videos, interviews and emotion diaries completed at the end of each lesson were analysed to identify individual student's emotions. Results from two representative students are presented as case studies. Using a theoretical perspective drawn from theories of emotions founded in sociology, two assertions emerged. First, during the demonstration activity, students experienced the emotions of wonder and surprise; second, during a laboratory activity, students experienced the intense positive emotions of happiness/joy. Characteristics of these activities that contributed to students’ positive experiences are highlighted. The study found that choosing activities that evoked strong positive emotional experiences, focused students’ attention on the phenomenon they were learning, and the activities were recalled positively. Furthermore, such positive experiences may contribute to students’ interest and engagement in science and longer term memorability. Finally, implications for science teachers and pre-service teacher education are suggested.  相似文献   

We examine design factors that may evoke positive emotions in learners and investigate the effects of these positive emotions on learning. Recent research showed that the emotional design of multimedia learning material can induce positive emotions in learners that in turn facilitate comprehension and transfer. We sought to replicate these results with a different population and different mood induction procedure and examine individual emotions, and to decompose the effects of the design elements of color and shape. Study 1 showed that well-designed materials induced positive emotions and facilitated comprehension, though transfer performance was not affected by emotional design. Study 2 found that round face-like shapes both alone and in conjunction with warm color induced positive emotions. Warm colors alone, however, did not affect learners' emotions. Comprehension was facilitated by warm colors and round face-like shapes, independently as well as together. Transfer was facilitated by round face-like shapes when used with neutral colors.  相似文献   

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