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中美关系实现和解是双方走出外交困境的需要,同时也为朝鲜问题以和平方式得到解决提供了一个机会。中国政府在与美方进行外交谈判的过程中,注意关照朝鲜的利益和要求,并承诺帮助朝鲜实现其和平统一的愿望。经过中国的外交协商及各方努力,很快解决了撤销联合国韩国统一复兴委员会的问题。在解决朝鲜问题中,中方采取了现实主义的态度,而朝方则显得急于求成。主要是因为朝韩关系转向紧张状态,美国撤军问题迟迟无法得到解决,不过,借助中美关系缓和的东风,朝鲜的国际地位和安全环境得到很大改善。在此期间,中朝关系始终保持友好并有所发展,总体来讲,中国还是尽力帮助了朝鲜,尽管平壤对此并不满足。  相似文献   

中国韵文学第六届国际学术研讨会于2013年11月8日-11日在苏州和常熟两地召开,来自国内(包括台湾地区)各高校和美国、日本、韩国、越南等国家的九十余位学者参加了本届会议。与会者围绕诗、词、曲、赋、骈文等韵文文体,就相关问题进行了认真的交流和探讨,取得丰硕的成果,有效地推动了中国韵文学术的繁荣和发展。  相似文献   

辛亥革命的成功有赖于海外华侨的支持,特别是经济方面的支持,如果从历史地理学角度来考察,不难发现,在辛亥革命的不同历史阶段,海外华侨的经济援助实际上呈现出不同的地域特点:在革命开端时期,华侨经济援助主要以美国、日本、香港等地为中心地;在革命发展时期,南洋则成为华侨经济援助主要来源地;而至革命高潮时期,华侨经济援助又由南洋至美洲扩展;到了巩固革命成果时期,随着革命影响的扩大,呈现出世界各地华侨积极捐助的新局面。进一步的研究表明,正是由于革命领导人个人海外经历与人脉、海外华侨居住地距离我国远近的地缘关系、各地华侨的数量以及经济实力、改良派与革命派势力的变化等多种因素综合作用,华侨经济援助来源地才有了明显的地域变迁。  相似文献   

This article is adapted from a paper originally presented at the first general conference of the National Association of Scholars, held in New York City from November 11 through November 13, 1988.  相似文献   

The BBC Domesday Project is publishing a national database on the United Kingdom on two interactive videodiscs which will be officially launched in November 1986. The two videodiscs contain national statistics, text and pictures on all aspects of British life, as well as information sent in by over 12,000 schools which took part in the Domesday Project during 1985. The organisation of the Schools Domesday Survey is described, the educational design and information content discussed, and the Domesday videodiscs assessed as an educational resource for schools  相似文献   

Conclusion In response to the globalization of the economy, the international community must be resolute in promoting universality in the most profound sense of the word: a type of universality which both challenges all models and acknowledges and respects the contribution of all peoples to universal civilization. UNESCO sees globalization as extending far beyond economic issues. It disrupts life styles and behaviour patterns, and overturns habits of decision-making and governance and forms of artistic expression. The challenge that it poses for UNESCO is that of perceiving all the complexity of its ramifications, so that in an interdisciplinary and intercultural spirit we can devise strategies and policies to ensure that it works for the benefit of all, particularly those who are at present excluded from it. Original language: English/French Ko?chiro Matsuura Since November 1999 Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). After a long career in the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs—Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs from 1992 to 1994—Mr Matsuura became successively Japanese Ambassador to Andorra, then Djibouti, and then France. He was Sherpa for Japan at the G-7 Summit in 1993 and Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO in 1998–99. He studied at the University of Tokyo and Haverford College (United States of America), and received a doctoratehonoris causa from the Université Jean Moulin, France. This text has been adapted from a speech made at the closing meeting of the Rencontres de Versailles on the theme of ‘Is the globalization of the economy creating values for a new civilization?’, held at the Chateau de Versailles, France, on 17 June 2000.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a testing plan for specific language disability, with the aim of locating significant items which could be used in a test battery suitable for administration, scoring, and interpretation in the schools. The battery was administered to a random sample of 150 first-grade children, at the beginning of the second semester of school. In addition, questionnaires were filled out by the parents and the teachers. Results indicated that scores on tests of all three modalities, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, were significantly related to reading and spelling achievement, but that tests utilizing intersensory integration were more highly related. Oral language skills were also significantly related to the achievement tests. This study strongly supports the hypothesis that there is a major auditory component in the areas of reading and spelling. The questionnaires were considered a valuable adjunct to the test battery. Condensation of a dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at United States International University, San Diego, California, November, 1969.  相似文献   

11月4日.巴拉克·奥巴马当选为美国第一位黑人总统.结束了共和党历时八年的执政期。全世界为他的胜选欢呼喝彩.美国许多城市的大街上呈现出一片片沸腾的欢庆景象,尤其是在华盛顿和芝加哥,其场面更是热闹。他的对手共和党议员约翰·麦凯恩在当晚稍早时发表了庄严的演讲,承认竞选失败,并称赞了奥巴马.承认当晚具有重大历史意义,号召所有的美国人齐心协力帮助国家度过难关。奥巴马将于2009年1月20日宣誓就职。  相似文献   

This is a report of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) 2008 conference, held at the National Institute of Education, Singapore (NIE), from 26 to 28 November 2008.  相似文献   

现阶段人民币升值所带来的财富效应对中国对美直接投资起了一定的促进作用,这与20世纪80年代的日本很相似。进一步比较现阶段人民币升值对中国对美直接投资的影响与早期日元升值对日本对关直接投资的影响发现,由于投资背景不同,两国在投资规模、投资速度和投资动机等方面存在着差异:80年代日本对美直接投资的扩张速度更快、规模更大,而中国对美直接投资还处于起步阶段,规模小,波动大;日本对美直接投资主要是市场寻求型和贸易替代型,而受经济实力、劳动力成本等因素的影响,现阶段选择到美国当地生产的中国企业微乎其微,中国对美直接投资的一个明显动机是寻求战略性资产。  相似文献   

Schmallenberg virus causes stillbirths in animal populations like cattle, goats, sheep, bison and Alpaca. The first case was reported in Germany in November 2011 in a town called Schmallenberg. Consequently, many more cases were reported all over Europe, in The Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom and France. Here, we elaborate on the recently identified Schmallenberg virus and its pathological outbreak in animals.  相似文献   

9月15日。距离苏格兰独立公投仅三天之际,英国首相大卫·卡梅伦抵达苏格兰东北部城市阿伯丁,请求苏格兰民众不要独立。在此次演讲中,卡梅伦情绪激动,几近哽咽。他动情呼吁苏格兰人不要和英国“离婚”,呼吁苏格兰人拯救联合王国。本期。就让我们在卡梅伦动情的演讲中感受英语的语言魅力。  相似文献   

Gary Crosby Brasor, formerly assistant professor of French at Howard University, is the executive director of the Massachusetts Association of Scholars. This article is excerpted from a November 1994 report prepared by Dr. Brasor for the Massachusetts Association of Scholars titled “Turmoil and Tension at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst: History, Analysis, and Recommended Solutions”  相似文献   

美国在“二十一条”交涉中的态度,学术界专文论述的很少。而在当时,北京政府又有意联美制日,因此尚未参加一战的美国,对中日“二十一条”交涉的态度就显得非常重要。本文从美国对中日“二十一条”交涉中态度变化情况、原因及对中日两国的影响三个方面,作一个历史考察。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):146-154
In November 1918, Germany accepted the armistice conditions of the Entente nations, and World War I came to an end. On January 18, 1919, the Entente victors gathered in Paris to convene the conference to ratify the peace treaty. Twenty-seven nations participated in the Paris Peace Conference, but in reality the conference was controlled by just three imperialist powers, Great Britain, France, and the United States. The leadership of the delegation of the three powers was divided among the British Prime Minister, Lloyd George (1863-1945), the French Premier Clemenceau (1841-1929), and the American President, Wilson (1856-1924).  相似文献   

This study identifies patterns in 11 English language young adult novels from the past three decades (1981–2011) which depict undocumented migration between Mexico and the United States. The increase in YA novels on this topic demonstrates rising public concern. These books offer sympathetic identification with border crossing youth. Eight of the 11 books use narration from the perspective of the border crosser. Six of the protagonists are transported by parents, while the others make the decision to enter the United States without authorization. The border crossers struggle against antagonistic forces of poverty, physical danger, and immigration laws. Migration is not a unidirectional movement from Mexico into the United States; most, but not all, of the border crossers live in the United States at the narratives’ conclusions. These literary works implicitly urge the “empathetic outreach” of Gloria Anzaldúa’s borderlands philosophy and argue for what Pablo Ramirez terms a “borderlands ethical stance” in which individuals justifiably violate laws. This essay advances discourse about Mexican immigration into the United States by establishing fundamental characteristics of the YA novel about undocumented migration, analyzing significant examples, and exploring implications for teachers.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the impact of international education upon United States students. The research question tested was: does the involvement of a US university in international education programs affect the international outlook of United States students? Seven concept areas were developed and tested on a randomly selected group of 663 United States senior students enrolled at six universities: Indiana University, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ohio State University, the University of Illinois at Urbana, and Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. The analysis of variance tests used indicated that for the most part the involvement of a university in international education programs does make a difference in the international outlook of United States students.  相似文献   

一战后的美国,由于战争的影响,经济由繁荣进入萧条。美国政府采取高关税和贸易保护措施保护国内市场。这种做法一定程度上促进了"柯立芝繁荣"的出现,但从长远来看是得不偿失,因为它导致1929年更严重的经济萧条,并使各国对美国采取关税报复措施。美国的高关税政策体现了其国内政策与外交政策的张力和冲突,而这种张力的背后是其国内极端经济民族主义和自由国际主义两种势力的较量。美国政府总结经验教训,意识到只有与别国合作,才能实现双赢。只有双赢,才是美国长久繁荣的保证。以邻为壑、零和博弈只能导致损人不利己、引火烧身。  相似文献   

高校联盟是高等教育理念转化为高等教育实践的重要手段。从高校联盟的演变看美国走上高等教育强国的历史轨迹,可以得出美国高等教育之所以能屹立于世界高等教育之巅与美国高校适应外部环境的"自觉性"有密切的联系。高等教育理念影响美国高校的行为选择,高校采用联盟手段来解决自身的生存与发展问题,创建世界一流大学以及扩大美国高等教育的国际影响。高校联盟在美国高等教育强国形成的各个阶段中均不同程度地发挥了重要作用。我国要由高等教育大国走向高等教育强国,理应重视高校联盟的发展。  相似文献   

The teaching of gross anatomy has, for centuries, relied on the dissection of human cadavers, and this formative experience is known to evoke strong emotional responses. The authors hypothesized that the phenomenon of cadaver naming is a coping mechanism used by medical students and that it correlates with other attitudes about dissection and body donation. The authors developed a 33‐question electronic survey to which 1,156 medical students at 12 medical schools in the United States voluntarily responded (November 2011–March 2012). They also surveyed course directors from each institution regarding their curricula and their observations of students' coping mechanisms. The majority of students (574, 67.8%) named their cadaver. Students most commonly cited the cadaver's age as the reason they chose a particular name for the cadaver. A minority of the students who did not name the cadaver reported finding the practice of naming disrespectful. Almost all students indicated that they would have liked to know more about their donor, particularly his or her medical history. Finally, students who knew the birth name of the donor used it less frequently than predicted. The authors found that the practice of naming cadavers is extremely prevalent among medical students and that inventive naming serves as a beneficial coping mechanism. The authors suggest that developing a method of providing students with more information about their cadaver while protecting the anonymity of the donor and family would be useful. Anat Sci Educ 7: 169–180. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

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