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文章从两个方面论述了基于博耶教学学术理论探讨课程学术的可能性,首先阐述了理论层面,即课程是学术的理论支点,包括课程的历程及其嬗变、学术的定义及特征、课程学术的理论来源;然后阐述了实践层面,即课程是学术的实现路径。  相似文献   

博耶的学术生态观与高等学校的学术定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对美国大学重视科学研究而忽视教学的倾向,博耶在上世纪90年代初即提出了对大学学术的全新的解读,他认为大学教授的学术可以区分为四种:"探究的学术"、"整合的学术"、"应用的学术"和"教学的学术";这四种学术构成了共生和相互依赖的学术生态系统;在学术生态观的基础上,博耶提出了建立以多样性为特征的高等教育系统的思路.受其学术生态观的启示,文章对我国各类高校如何合理进行学术定位提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

把握博耶教学学术的本质属性、构成维度和生成机制,是推进教学学术理论发展的关键问题,现有研究对此鲜有观照。通过分析1988-1995年间5篇博耶文本资料,提炼以“从分裂走向联合”为主线的教学学术生成路径,即“使命与社会分裂,重构学术使命→扩展学术范畴,促进学术交互→教学与研究联合,教学学术生成”。其中,形成联系是博耶教学学术思想的基本观点和方法体系;连贯知识观、发展学者观、四维学术观构成教学学术生成的理论考量。基于这一理论基础,构建教学学术“三层次”概念框架,提出其本质属性是教学与研究的联合活动;其生成机制为当教学与研究在目标、标准、主体、内容、过程、关系等六个维度发生联合时,教学贯穿知识生产始终,发生大背景、跨学科、多情境、多样态重构,教学学术由此生成,指向师生与社会共同发展的学术新使命。  相似文献   

1990年,博耶在《学术反思:教授工作的重点》中针对美国研究型大学不重视本科阶段教育、"重科研,轻教学"及"不发表,就解聘"等情况,建议拓展学术内涵,并倡导"教学学术"。教学学术随即发展成为一项全国运动,并波及欧美其他国家。大学教学学术的理论研究逐渐成熟,实践也全面展开。然而,教学学术依然存在诸多的理论争议和实践障碍。  相似文献   

针对上个世纪后半期美国高校中存在的片面强调科研、办学方向模糊等问题,博耶进行了深刻的反思,并提出:学术的内涵应包括发现的学术、综合的学术、应用的学术和教学的学术等四个方面;各种类型的高校应有明确的学术定位;要允许教师学术重点合理转移。博耶的这一反思对于解决我国高校中存在的类似问题具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

厄内斯特.博耶的教学学术思想富有启发性,但要把这种思想转换到大学的教育实践中,真正把教学看作一种学术,必须解决为什么评、评什么、谁来评、怎样评等问题,客观公正地评价教师的教学学术水平。  相似文献   

从洪堡到博耶:高校科研观的转变   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
周川 《教育研究》2005,26(6):26-30,61
洪堡于19世纪初确立了大学“教学与科研相统一”的原则,他认为科研是最好的教学;两个世纪后,博耶提出四种学术类型,将教学纳入科研的范畴。这种观点的变化,是高等教育与科研本身的性质发生历史性变化的反映。当前,有必要确立高校“科研的教育性原则”,并以此作为高校科研的道德底线。  相似文献   

本文从《博耶报告三年回顾》出发 ,结合美国研究型大学教学改革实践对其本科生研究性教学改革的进展进行了评述。  相似文献   

欧内斯特·博耶是20世纪伟大的教育家,他的远见卓识和高等教育思想深深地影响了美国的高等教育,甚至在世界范围内都产生了深远的影响.他认为高等教育在育人方面的目标具有双重性:高校既要发展学生的个性,又要培养学生的共性,能对社会负责;既要开展普通教育又要进行专业教育.他还拓展了学术的概念,他认为学术不仅包括探究的学术还应包括整合的学术、应用的学术和教学的学术.这种拓展非常有利于高校的正确定位,避免"向上漂移"的现象.在谈到学术评价时,他提出了四条非常有思想的原则:学者品质、学术工作的标准、学术过程和学术的可靠性.他的高等教育思想对我国现阶段的高等教育有非常重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

中国大学教育中亟待实施和加强学术规范教育,根据学生培养层次的需要,而制定不同的教育内容,逐渐使学术规范教育制度化和体系化.要从学术道德和学术规范层面上去提升学生遵守规范的意识,并通过方法论的指导,来规范学生的学术行为,提高学生的科研能力,尽可能地将学术规范教育与国际科研机制接轨,以使学生走向社会后,能够适应世界和中国的学术环境,从而在学术和科研上长足发展.  相似文献   

Albeit with different conceptualisations, the engagement between universities and external communities continues to gain significant currency. While the emphasis has been on more socio-economic relevance in a period of significant financial constraints and a changing clientele, a more significant area of engagement has been on promoting the scholarship of engagement towards regional/local development. The praxis and outcomes of community engagement continues to be surrounded by strong debate on issue such as its impact on the core functions of the university, teaching and research. This article sheds light on the community engagement practices from a case-study university in Africa. Using Ernest Boyer's proposed scholarship of engagement model as a framework, findings provide evidence that, different contextual specificities affect the way university-community engagement practices evolve. The methodology involved an analysis of primary and secondary data collected through interviews with policy and academic staff. The article concludes with an argument that the success of university-community engagement in fostering social and economic development significantly relates to how much the practices of engagement is foregrounded in the universities’ core policy and practice. But also on how much academic scholarship draws on engagement activities. The challenge lies in ensuring this balance.  相似文献   

教学学术思想的提出,对应用型本科高校教师专业发展的理论与实践产生了重大影响。本文从教师专业发展过程中的教学与科研关系入手,通过阐述教学学术内涵,分析教学学术对应用型本科高校教师专业发展的意义,进而提出教学学术视角下应用型本科高校教师专业发展的思路。  相似文献   

教师学习共同体:高校教师教学学术发展的一种新范式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师学习共同体是当今高校教师教学学术发展的一种新范式,实践证明学习共同体不仅能提高高校教师工作积极性,促进教师个人的教学学术发展,而且能提升组织凝聚力,提高高校的竞争力。高校教师学习共同体的构建是一个复杂的过程,其中成员的筛选及组织是共同体形成的基础,主持人的选拔和培养,共同体的评价是保障其质量的关键,支持系统是共同体正常运作的动力来源。认识和研究教师学习共同体将为我国高校教师教学学术发展提供新的视角。  相似文献   


While teaching is increasingly being accepted as a discipline, there is a growing emphasis on teacher educators researching their own practice to advance the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). This study sought to explore the extent to which self-study contributes to teacher educators’ understanding of the SoTL within the discipline of teaching. While self-study is generally accepted as a scholarly approach, the aim here is to address the call in the literature for self-study researchers to evince a commitment to a practice-based and theory-building research agenda by linking with public theories, in this case the SoTL. Additionally, given that self-study is collaborative in nature, findings here may help to address the dearth of knowledge reported in the literature about teacher educator collaboration. A self-study approach was adopted to explore a journey of two teacher educators as they designed, implemented and evaluated new modules in special and inclusive education within an initial teacher education programme in the Republic of Ireland. Analysis and synthesis of data from 24 student teachers and two teacher educators provide insights and understandings into the collaborative interactions and factors that enabled and hindered these interactions. This may support other teacher educators in developing a collaborative pedagogical culture to enhance greater understanding of the SoTL We argue for adopting self-study as a scholarly approach to engage with other theories, such as the SoTL, thus contributing to the broader field of teacher education research.  相似文献   

教学学术能力是高校教师教学发展的核心能力。本研究在构建高校教师教学学术能力指标体系的基础上开发了教学学术能力评价量表,并对上海市高校教师进行调查。结果显示,上海高校教师的教学学术能力总体较高,在年龄、职称、性别、教龄等指标上并未呈现显著性差异。在采用回归分析方法对影响教学学术能力的要素进行研究时发现,文化认知、组织规范、政策规章三个维度共同影响了教师的教学学术能力发展,其中大学教师的教学认知、教学和科研氛围、晋升和奖励政策是影响教学学术能力发展的关键要素。  相似文献   

让教学成为共同的财富--舒尔曼大学教学学术思想解读   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现任卡内基教学促进基金会主席李·舒尔曼(Lee Shulman)博士对大学教学学术运动在美国的发展起到了很大的推动作用.本文主要从教学何以成为学术及教学学术的实践两方面对舒尔曼的教学学术思想进行概要的梳理.  相似文献   

美国大学教学学术运动   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
大学教学学术运动是近二十年来美国高等教育领域进行的最重要的改革。作者从大学教学学术在美国产生的背景、大学教学学术运动的发展、大学和教师回应新理念而进行的创新实践及大学教学学术的国际影响等几方面,对美国大学教学学术运动进行了初步阐述。  相似文献   

Whilst the case for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) has been made, there has been little discussion on how such scholarship might lead academic development at the local level. Through analyzing the recent history of Trinidad and Tobago this paper proposes that the conceptualization of SoTL should embrace the nuances of its particular context. It is argued that, since gaining independence, the education system of Trinidad and Tobago has failed to shake off the remnants of its former colonizer and that the Ministry of Education has looked to import educational ‘best practice’ from other countries. This paper suggests that ‘borrowing’ the drivers of development is culturally naïve and, instead, proposes that educational change should be led through a context-specific examination of the relationship between scholars of teaching and learning and the society in which they find themselves.  相似文献   

Teaching Excellence, Teaching Expertise, and the Scholarship of Teaching   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The previous decade witnessed significant advancements in the scholarship of teaching at the levels of both theory building and program development. Notwithstanding these achievements, there remains considerable ambiguity regarding the meaning of the concept. This ambiguity has implications for faculty evaluation. Excellence in teaching, expertise in teaching, and the scholarship of teaching are analyzed according to the nature and sources of knowledge construction underlying each. Practical examples are included to illustrate differences. It is argued that excellence in teaching and the scholarship of teaching are both important but should be recognized and rewarded in their own right.  相似文献   

过去30年,教学学术无论是理论建构还是制度实践,都逐渐成为高等教育改革运动的热门话题。集中于技术促进学习及教师发展、批判性思维培养、学生参与教学学术及教学学术的学科应用四方面的实践,教学学术运动转换了高校教学质量保障的范式,重塑了大学教师的发展模式。当前,教学学术的发展依然面临困境。教学学术既是教学水平,也是学术类型,更是“学者共同财富”和政策制度。要提升我国高校教师教学学术能力,需要走向科教融合,加强教学学术制度化建设,进行技术融于教学的开发,努力实现“教”“学”融合,推动教师教学能力发展,打造教师提升教学能力方略,提升教师多元教学能力。  相似文献   

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