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This article presents the development of an interuniversity research team that addressed factors related to research productivity as well as a preliminary evaluation of this innovative method of enhancing research training.  相似文献   


Three hundred forty-three students at a small urban northeastern college rated their needs for counseling assistance on fifty-three personal, learning and career issues. Strongest areas of concern included financial stresses, academic perfonriance, career development, relationship skills, bereavement and the fear of getting AIDS. Gender and racial groups are compared and implications for counseling center service delivery are discussed.  相似文献   

Although it is commonly believed that college counseling positively affects student retention and further, that there are convincing data and evidence to support such a belief, an extensive literature search found no objective evidence at all on the relationship of a counseling center's conventional one-to-one counseling and therapy activities with short-term student retention. Two program evaluations which attempt to relate one-to-one individual counseling and psychotherapy to student retention rates at an urban regional state university are discussed. Changes in attendance rates, such as dropping out or retuning between quarters are the criteria used to evaluate program effects for both studies. The first study searched for discernible statistically significant effects. Three-quarters of comparisons of upperclassmen found conceivable retention advantages of students receiving counseling center services over a base-rate group. Yet the freshmen results suggest that counseling may be associates with student attrition, not retention. The second study investigated the relationship between retention and possibly relevant presenting problems and demographic variables of students undergoing individual counseling. No attendance differences among counseled students were found due to age, gender, or presenting problem. Following a discussion of the results, suggentions for future research are presented. A longitudinal, quasi-experimental controlled study of the impact counseling on student retention is clearly needed.  相似文献   

A substantial portion of the college student population experiences affective disorders. This case study presents the conceptualization, course of treatment, and outcomes for a male college student presenting for counseling with depression. A review of Adlerian, cognitive‐behavioral, and Gestalt techniques is provided.  相似文献   

In separate analogue and naturalistic studies, we investigated the impact of ego level on the counseling ability of beginning and advanced students.  相似文献   

Professional development plans (PDPs) are contracts used to address problematic student behaviors in counselor education. The PDP can be used to systematically document and address (a) faculty expectations of the student, (b) specific behaviors required of the student, (c) tasks in which the student and faculty will engage to facilitate student success, and (d) consequences if the student does not successfully address the expected tasks and engage in the required behaviors. A sample PDP is provided, and practice suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

A national survey for all schools offering graduate training for school principals and for school counselors was conducted to determine the amount of preservice training principals receive related to school counseling and development. A questionnaire was mailed to the head of the administrator-training program at each of the 407 universities identified, and 376 responses were returned. Findings with respect to counseling and development courses required in administator-training programs, counseling and development courses available as electives, and counseling and development-oriented components in required administration courses are presented. Also, suggestions for counselor educators regarding methods of improving the counseling and development-related training received by educational administrators are offered.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of feedback on the discrepancy between real and ideal self-concepts of 28 beginning counseling students. Subjects in the experimental group had three sessions with a counselor and received feedback concerning their personal characteristics and how these might relate to a counseling career; the goal of this feedback was to increase counseling students' awareness of their feelings about themselves and to encourage them to look at themselves. An analysis of covariance indicated that the experimental group showed a significantly greater change toward more congruence in perception of self and ideal self than did the control group. Implications for counselor preparation programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined how graduate students enrolled in a university-based cohort community college leadership doctoral program perceived their leadership development experiences. A total of 50 doctoral students enrolled in the Morgan State University (MSU) doctoral program were surveyed. A separate group of students (20) participated in a focus group. Results indicated that although doctoral students generally reported positive experiences, some students reported that certain factors or characteristics and behaviors of cohort members were not beneficial to the cohort experience. The positive results (structure, instructors, networking, and curriculum) of the cohort experience seem to support the findings of a number of works in the previous research relating to cohort learning environments. The findings further indicated that such factors such as dominant group members, lack of commitment to the cohort, failure to meet group expectations, traditional instructional modalities, and inadequate facilities negatively impacted perceptions of the cohort experience.  相似文献   

This article presents a model and rationale for training specific counseling skills prior to the practicum experience. Recent research on counseling process and counselor behaviors is integrated into a pre-practicum training laboratory with the following objectives: reducing social behavior inappropriate to professional counseling, learning to tolerate and use silence as a tool, learning to listen, learning to identify feelings through verbal and nonverbal communication channels, developing a repertoire of counselor responses and counseling strategies, and developing a professional self-image. Acquisition of these skills and attitudes in a pre-practicum permits a consultation-professional model for practicum that focuses upon the accumulation of experience rather than skills.  相似文献   

当前高校学生群体中存在着众多共性问题需要辅导员依据不同学生群体的特点及问题的性质,通过团体辅导的方式给予正确引导和提前预防,从而培养全面、自由、充分、可持续发展的学生,促进学生成长与辅导员的发展.  相似文献   

During the last decade, diagnostic training has been increasingly assimilated into counseling curricula; however, the consequences for counselor identity of including this training have seldom been critically examined. The author argues that this diagnostic trend has major implications for the formation of individual counselor identity and for the counseling profession. He discusses associated risks and suggests ways of presenting diagnostic topics.  相似文献   

College counseling centers may come under increasing scrutiny by administrators regarding how their services contribute to student retention. College counselors can use data to demonstrate a positive influence of counseling on retention, but they also need to educate administrators that student retention should be a consideration among many when evaluating the efficacy of services. The author reviews findings from studies on the impact of college counseling on retention and addresses implications for counseling centers.  相似文献   

In recent years, the model of imparted learning underlying many traditional preserviceteacher programmes has given way to an emphasis on constructed learning, in which student teachers are encouraged to develop their own understanding of what it means to be a teacher. Underlying this trend is an assumption that student teachers are becoming more empowered as learners. This paper investigates that assumption. It reports on a study which used Belenky et al.’s (1986) conceptual framework to explore the epistemological perspectives of a group of first‐year early‐childhood student teachers. Although the student teachers were enrolled in a preservice programme which seeks to foster reflective practices, few could be considered empowered learners. The paper suggests that, if student teachers are to become more empowered, teacher educators may need to undertake considerable soul‐searching concerning their practice.  相似文献   

"政府-国外教育机构-学院-小学"四方联动"种子"培训模式在全国具有广泛的影响力。中英合作小学英语教师培训模式就是运用此模式取得显著成效的例子,对全省的小学英语教学和教研产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

What little motivational research is directed toward the practical world of education is primarily addressed to classroom teachers. We presume to speak to those in school leadership roles. Building on current interest in restructuring schools as well as the recent attention to motivational issues, we suggest how the school as a whole can be redesigned so as to enhance student motivation and learning. Our proposal is based firmly on an established program of research and is framed by goal theory. In addition to presenting a rationale for school change and a process to effect that change, we describe an ongoing project based on the theory and directed toward school change.  相似文献   

This study presents the results from a national survey examining a recent innovation in higher education partnerships between academic and student affairs. The focus was on what change process can best assist institutions in moving to this model, which helps increase student learning on campus.  相似文献   

A standardized curriculum that can be applied to a variety of supervisor training programs is presented. Suggestions for implementation and research are included.  相似文献   

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