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Counseling center utilization patterns during a 2‐year period for 218 international and 222 U.S. college students were examined. Significant between‐group differences were found with regard to age, academic status, referral source, relationship status, self‐reported concerns, counselor diagnosis, disposition, hospitalization rates, prior counseling experience, and use of crisis appointments. Significant within‐group differences among international students were also found. Implications for improving programs and clinical services are discussed.  相似文献   

The number of Turkish citizens entering the U.S. for their studies is growing more rapidly than almost any other group. The purpose of the current study was to investigate how acculturation factors affect psychological adaptation of Turkish students in the U.S. One hundred and twenty-four Turkish students participated in the study. Regression analyses revealed that social support and self-esteem were predictors of psychological adjustment. Implications suggest that Turkish students, as with other international students as previous research has suggested, should have a strong network of both co-national students and other social connections.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of international counseling students’ (ICSs) acculturation and foreign language anxiety on their counseling self-efficacy (CSE). Results indicated that foreign language anxiety significantly predicted ICSs’ CSE, while acculturation needs further examination in this regard. Discussion and implications for counselor training and research are provided.  相似文献   

There is evidence that today’s college and university students are struggling with emotional and behavioral health problems at higher rates than in past generations. This article explores the various ways, utilizing a range of models, that college and university counseling centers have mobilized to respond to these challenges. We examine literature about the characteristics and concerns of the current student generation along with what counseling centers are doing to respond to the challenge of student needs. We describe a survey (N = 408) of members of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD) and American College Counseling Association (ACCA) that elicited the kinds of services, functions, structures, and organizational relationships found in today’s counseling centers. In addition to confirming the core mission of providing counseling and psychotherapy, the survey revealed widespread counseling center collaboration and consultation activities beyond the counseling room. The survey also indicated a variety of administrative and structural arrangements in the way counseling centers are placed on their individual campuses. Finally, we suggest a framework for planning, executing, and evaluating counseling center and campus initiatives.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,美国及全球政治经济环境日益复杂和不确定,面对传统高等教育财政结构变化的巨大挑战,美国大学开展了一系列自发性的活动,积极探索学费以外的多元化的收入渠道,重构大学财政。  相似文献   

This study examined Asian international graduate students’ expectations of and attitudes toward counseling by using U.S. graduate students as a comparative reference group. Survey data from 189 Asian international and 186 U.S. students were subject to analyses. Results indicated that Asian international students, in comparison with U.S. students, indicated less exposure to counseling, less self-perceived need for counseling, greater discomfort/shame with counseling, less openness to counseling, a greater preference for a directive style, and a greater preference for a flexible counseling format. Language and cultural concerns were barriers to seeking counseling. Implications for culturally responsive services were discussed.  相似文献   

文章分析了高职生职业生涯辅导过程中的问题,阐述了加强和改进高职生职业生涯辅导的现实意义,并探讨了改善高职生职业生涯辅导的策略。  相似文献   

职业生涯教育在我国虽然起步不久,但是越来越受到重视。生涯讲座或者生涯规划大赛都不能满足教育发展的需求,探索职业生涯的小班化教学成为了发展主流。本研究将团体辅导应用于职业生涯的班级化教学,事实证明团体辅导是职业生涯小班化教学的有效载体。  相似文献   

此文研究了英语非母语学生,在美国某所公共大学网络课堂上学习时候所需要的帮助和支持。建立在网络教学文化差异研究的基础上,本研究关注这些学生在网络学习中可能面临的各种挑战(语言、文化、社交)等。研究揭示了这些挑战在这所大学网络课堂上的显现,并且建议了教学改进方法,比如教师应该更多地理解不同文化背景学生的学习方法和技能,从而改进教学设计和实施。  相似文献   

The psychological needs of college students lead to overwhelming demand on college counseling centers’ resources. In this article, we review models of case management in Higher Education including the administrative, behavioral intervention, and counseling center models. We also present a case study of the 3-year development of a counseling center case management service. Initial data suggest that expanding the role of a counseling center case manager to allow for frequent appointments/follow-up and standardizing counseling center case management procedures led to improved appointment attendance and increased communication with students following referral. A vignette and suggestions for other centers are also presented.  相似文献   

目的通过团体辅导来提高独立学院大学生的职业决策自我效能感。方法团体心理辅导。采用实验组、控制组前后测实验设计,实验组进行团体辅导干预,控制组不进行干预。结果团体辅导可以促进大学生对自我的了解,提高自信心,明确职业方向,提高职业决策能力。结论团体辅导可以作为大学生职业辅导的有效方法,对于独立学院的大学生而言,团体辅导是一种更明确、更具体、更有针对性的职业辅导方案。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育由“精英”走向“大众化”,大学生的就业形势也面临严重的挑战,对大学生进行职业生涯规划教育就显得尤为重要。针对中医专业大学生职业生涯规划教育中存在的时机滞后、重点不明、缺乏分类指导等问题,应结合中医专业的特殊性,紧密围绕中医学的职业素质要求及职业发展道路,从巩固专业思想、提高专业能力、注重医德教育、明确职业发展方向等方面采取措施,以切实发挥职业生涯规划教育在中医专业人才培养中的重要作用。  相似文献   

进入美国高校学习的国际学生人数在逐年增加。他们在身份和文化背景方面存在着很大差异。在关学习期间,他们可能会遭遇到许多因为文化差异所带来的许多问题。同时,在生活和学习中也会遇到各种各样的挑战。  相似文献   

根据自愿报名选取大一12名学生作为研究对象,实施3周共6次团体辅导,探讨在大学生职业生涯规划教育中团体辅导的方式及效果。用《团体单元回馈表》、《团体成员回馈表》和《大学生职业生涯发展问卷》对团体辅导进行评估。团体成员对辅导干预内容的有效性、团体的满意度等方面都给予肯定。干预后学生在就业信心、职业认知、自我认识、规划认知、总体评价方面有显著提高。这说明团体辅导对大学生职业生涯发展规划教育效果显著。  相似文献   

为探讨团体心理辅导对女大学生职业决策自我效能的影响,选取湖南女子大学56名大一女生为被试(实验组与对照组各28人),对实验组进行为期8周的团体心理辅导,对照组则处于常态。用职业决策自我效能量表(CDMSE)和焦虑自评量表(SAS)在干预前后进行评估。结果为:干预前,两组CDMSE、SAS评分差异不显著。干预后,CDMSE评分上,实验组"自我评价"、"选择目标"、"制订规划"三个维度得分高于对照组;SAS评分上,实验组低于对照组。研究表明:职业生涯团体心理辅导可以有效地提高女大学生的职业决策自我效能水平,降低焦虑程度。  相似文献   

生涯自觉就是个体在人生发展道路上,内在自我发现、外在创新实践的一种主动认识、理性追求及自觉践行。"90后"大学生生涯自觉的主要特征表现为自我探索的主动性、价值观的多元化,外界探索的被动性、择业观的功利化,目标设定的短期性、行动环节的无序化,反馈修正的变通性、生涯辅导需求的专业化。针对"90后"大学生生涯自觉的特点,亟需加强生涯辅导队伍的专业化建设,提升服务的科学性;深入研究生涯辅导的对象,提升服务的针对性;不断完善生涯辅导的方式,提升服务的系统性。  相似文献   

Career and personal counseling have been dichotomized as distinct practices in much of the counseling literature. However, many college students seek counseling for career development and romantic relationship issues occurring concomitantly. A model for addressing career and relationship issues with heterosexual college couples in a group format is presented. An approach grounded in narrative theory is described, and case examples are provided to illustrate the model.  相似文献   

This is a preliminary study that focuses on multiracial college students' attitudes regarding the challenges they experience on campus. Results of this study highlight counseling issues that affect multiracial college students, and how college counselors' perceptions of diversity need to be broadened in order to accommodate the rapidly growing multiracial and multiethnic student population.  相似文献   

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