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人本思想在高校学生教育管理中的运用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校教育管理的主要对象是学生,注重人本思想在学生教育管理中的运用,就是要以尊重学生、依靠学生、培养学生、服务学生为基本内容,实现高校学生教育管理目标。  相似文献   

Assuming that the function of guidance is exercised by a TEAM composed principally of counselor, teachers, and principal, this article reports a study of university catalogues and state certification requirements to ascertain the extent to which teachers and principals are being prepared for their roles in this service. The survey shows that some universities and some certifying authorities recognize this responsibility, but that the majority do not.  相似文献   

分析了高校青年自组织产生的原因,在对南通高校青年自组织调查的基础上,研究了南通高校青年自组织的现状、特点、正面和负面影响,进而探讨了南通高校青年自组织的管理对策。  相似文献   

My argument is that a literary education should build on a primary level of responsivity towards literature, involving empathy and immersion in the world of the text. To engage with literary works from the past involves a play between familiarity and strangeness, and this play should be located as part of a reader’s response to texts, rather than expecting students to imbibe the ‘dead knowledge’ about literary periods and authors in which textbooks and literary guides traffic. Literary responsiveness involves sensitivity towards the specific character of the text, which means locating it in relation to other texts belonging to that genre without reducing it to being merely illustrative of a genre’s so-called characteristics. In all these respects, contemporary educational standards reflect questionable assumptions about the development of a capacity to respond to literary texts, especially the supposition that a ‘mature’ response to literature somehow involves moving beyond personal response to more analytical forms of engagement.  相似文献   

大学教育与人的全面发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江泽民同志在庆祝中国共产党成立80周年的讲话中提出,要“努力促进”和“不断推进”人的全面发展,对照其讲话精神以及马克思关于人的全面发展理论,考察我国目前多数大学的教育,在许多方面还远不能适应人的全面发展要求,主要表现在“育人”与“制器”的矛盾、文理分离的问题、重视知识的获取忽视创新能力培养等方面。有鉴于此,我们应该把教育的最终目的定位于实现人的全面发展,努力培养出具有健全体格和人格、融科学与人文精神于一体的创新和实践能力俱佳的全面发展的高素质人才。  相似文献   

从思想引领手段、思政课考核方式、制度建设保障、组织机构完善、管理手段创新等方面,探讨了志愿者教育管理机制的构建,以为进一步探索高校青年志愿者服务社会的常态化与长效机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the integration between research findings produced at the University and Community College levels and local SMEs (small and medium enterprises) as it impacts regional innovation systems and in particular the prospect of cluster formation. The paper explores certain factors that have been identified in international literature as being critical to fostering innovation in non-metropolitan regions. These factors include government policies and programmes, internal and external infrastructure, partnership or research links among educational institutions, and support from local business and civic leaders. Stakeholders from non-metropolitan regions were asked to judge the level of effectiveness with reference to these development “factors” while highlighting weaknesses, strengths, and effects on innovation in their locale.  相似文献   

介绍了绿色化学与绿色化学教育的内涵,针对高校化学课程教学内容和课程体系改革,提出了在大学化学课程教学中开展和实施绿色化学教育的具体措施,培养具有绿色化学意识的化学人才。  相似文献   

本文阐明了高职教育质量管理体系中实施ISO9000标准的主要内容,提出了ISO9000标准在高职教育质量管理体系中实施与运行的基本思路。  相似文献   

学生是高校办学得以存在和发展的基础和根本。然而,目前我国的不少高校在办学上,片面重视“以教师为本”,而对“以学生为本”重视不够。因此,高校教育要切实做好“以学生为本”,并且从四个方面着手,即:要培养学生全面和合理的知识结构;要搞好学生的心理卫生教育;在情感上关心和爱护学生;在道德教育方面使学生对个人主义和集体主义有一个辩证认识。  相似文献   

我国高等教育的经费投入模式伴随着改革开放走过了三十多年历程,其间既积累了成功的经验,也存在着一些弊端,如国家对教育尤其是高等教育的财政性资金投入不足、高等教育收费立法亟待强化、高校生均培养成本模糊、助学贷款体系不够健全和完善、高等教育多元化投资渠道尚未形成、高校信息对外公开不够透明等,都制约着我国高等教育的发展,亟须通过高等教育投入机制改革以及相应对策加以调整、推动和解决。  相似文献   

There are several areas of intersection between tertiary education and basic education. This article examines four such areas – teacher education, academic research, policy analysis and research, and university outreach – and explores possible policy alternatives by which collaboration in these can be strengthened and optimized. The author submits examples from case studies and policy options as related to the four areas identified. The article concludes with a reflection on the possible new paradigms of education for a vastly different future.  相似文献   

Placing basic education under "local responsibility and separate-level management" means that, with the exception of major policies and macrocosmic planning for basic education which are to be decided by the central government, all responsibilities and powers regarding the formulation and implementation of specific policies, systems, and plans, as well as with regard to the leadership, management, and inspection of schools are to be handed over to local governments at different levels.  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育面临的挑战及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗威 《高教论坛》2003,(3):47-49
高校思想政治工作要做到“以人为本”,坚持从实际出发的原则,分析信息网络化的新特点,提高思想宣传工作的时代感和主动性、实效性、创新性。  相似文献   

Transnational tertiary education is an ancient, growing field but one comparatively little investigated to date, especially as regards its effects on students who study in branches of foreign higher education institutions or who cross national boundaries in pursuit of learning at the tertiary level. This article attempts, through the use of case studies, to explore these effects across a range of transnational study scenarios, with special emphasis on the legal, ethical, and practical implications of effects on students. A taxonomy is presented to guide providers and accrediting bodies in setting and monitoring standards in all aspects of transnational tertiary education.


长期以来,高校教育中存在重成绩而轻品德的倾向,教师以出卖知识为天职,学生为文凭而读书。思想政治教育被弱化、淡化,大学生的社会责任感、义务感和历史使命感淡薄乃至缺失是其必然结果。在网络信息时代,我们必须转变观念,要注重思想道德修养,又要着力培养人的能力与个性,促进人的全面发展。要探索高校思想政治教育的新途径、新方法,注入新的活力,实现新的转机,创造新的辉煌。  相似文献   

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