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亲子关系受多种因素的交互影响,处于一种动态的复杂变化过程中.良好的亲子互动有助于建构和谐的亲子关系,但是,和谐的亲子关系还需经受住一次次亲子冲突的考验.  相似文献   

长期以来,人们总是把亲子关系和亲子互动看作是针对低幼儿童的家庭教育,而忽略了处于青春期的中学生的亲子教育。这一时期的青少年一方面经历着生理上的变化,另一方面承受着巨大的学习压力,往往容易把电脑(网络)游戏作为情感宣泄和逃避现实的窗口,相关社会问题也由此引发。本文针对这些现状,通过实地调研访谈,提出了通过构建虚拟亲子互动游戏化学习社会,来改善网络时代中学生家庭的亲子关系。  相似文献   

初中生亲子关系是当下学校心理教育中的一个重要议题,良好的亲子关系是促进学生心理健康、培养学生健全人格的重要基础。针对当前学校心理健康教育中存在的缺乏亲子关系培育的系统性内容设计、亲子辅导类活动形式较为单一、亲子关系的培育力量相对单薄等局限,浙江省杭州二中白马湖学校借鉴国际上广泛运用的表达性艺术心理疗法,面向初中生研发并实施了“艺术心理疗愈课程”,家长与学生的亲子依恋、亲子共情和亲子互动显著提高,亲子冲突频率大幅度降低。  相似文献   

研究者通过访谈调研,了解了家庭教育中存在的亲子冲突问题.结果 显示,亲子冲突主要表现在期望、沟通以及家庭教育内容等方面.家长的教育方式、受教育程度、婚姻质量、性别特征以及孩子的年龄特征都在不同程度上影响着亲子关系,并可能触发亲子冲突.基于此,研究者提出了化解亲子冲突的方法和建议.  相似文献   

亲子关系是儿童最早建立起来的人际关系,是父母与子女之间的一种双向作用的人际关系,父母与子女之间在行为方式等方面是相互影响、相互作用的,良好的亲子互动对孩子心理发展影响极大。但是青春期的亲子关系目前已经发展成了困扰很多家庭的一个难题,怎么改善亲子关系,让青春期的家长和孩子和谐共处是作为一线心理健康教育工作者思考的一个重要问题。主要结合心理教师开设亲子课程的经验,谈一谈亲子课程在改善亲子关系方面的尝试性探索。  相似文献   

亲子关系是人类社会中最基础的一种人际关系,亲子关系的状况直接影响到儿童的成长和整个家庭氛围,良好的亲子关系可以促进儿童早期的成长,也有助于后期人格的培养.小组工作是社会工作三大方法之一,小组活动中的互动可以帮助家长通过观察他人和与他人的分享,反思自己;帮助孩子在活动中理解父母苦心.本文主要针对亲子间的沟通问题,运用访谈法了解亲子关系中父母与孩子各自的需求,运用文献研究法了解此领域的研究现状,根据增能理论设计出符合亲子需求的活动方案,力求帮助家长解决亲子关系中出现的问题,提高家长科学育孩的能力.  相似文献   

亲子沟通是家庭成员之间基于亲子关系基础上的互动过程,也是亲子关系影响亲子双方的内在机制之一。亲子问进行积极科学的沟通,有利于父母与子女之间关系的改善,并对青少年的健康成长起着积极有效的促进作用,是预防青少年不良行为的有效措施。  相似文献   

亲子关系对独生子女成长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
独生子女家庭的亲子关系具有如下特点:亲子互动频繁,亲子关系伙伴化;父母对子女的高期望值;偏重子代。而这样的亲子关系对独生子女的学业成绩,性格特征,社会交往能力等多方面都产生了不可忽视的影响。  相似文献   

亲子关系对家庭教育功能的发挥具有重要的影响作用,构建良好的亲子关系至关重要。随着时代的发展,后喻文化的时代特点逐渐凸显,其主要强调长辈向晚辈学习的重要价值。现阶段我国亲子关系主要存在的问题包括:父母对于良好的亲子关系存在错误的认识、父母与儿童之间存在代沟问题、亲子间单向度的信息传递,后喻文化启发父母应形成动态亲子观、加强与儿童的沟通、在亲子间形成双向度的信息传递与学习。  相似文献   

杨苹  郭真礼 《家教世界》2023,(32):62-63
亲子沟通是每个家庭都会遇到的问题,它对调节家庭关系、提升亲子关系质量有着重要的作用。我园存在隔代教养、留守儿童、离异家庭等诸多情况,儿童表现出不善于沟通和表达,家长也反应亲子关系紧张。本文将对目前亲子沟通研究的相关文献进行梳理总结,并结合相关文献阐述关于3~6岁儿童家庭亲子沟通研究问题的一些思考,希望为我园有关3~6岁儿童家庭亲子沟通的研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Using parents' answers to open-ended questions, we examine variation in parents' management of their children's education within the home, at school, and in the community as a function of whether their children were experiencing academic success or academic problems. Within the home, parents of high achievers used more specific strategies to help their children with their schoolwork and had more supportive conversations with their children than parents of low achievers. At their children's school, parents of high achievers not only were more involved but had different reasons for their involvement than parents of low achievers. In the community, more parents of high achievers explicitly engaged their children in activities to support their achievement than parents of low achievers. Implications for parents, schools, and communities are discussed.  相似文献   

从大多数独生子女家庭教育现状来看,由于教育观念陈旧和父母教育子女的基本素养的缺失等原因,导致家庭教育异化现象:家长们不重视帮孩子进行情感财富积累,不注意正确价值观的引导及健康生存意识和习惯的培养,导致了孩子认知和情感发展不平衡,学习观念的功利主义,盲目的崇拜偶像和缺少健康生活所需要的基本知识和技能等不良问题。改变这种局面应更新家长的观念,发挥家庭在独生子女良好社会性的形成中的重要功能。  相似文献   

Dismay and Disappointment: Parental Involvement of Latino Immigrant Parents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parental involvement in schools has become more popular over the past decade due to Goals 2000 and research suggesting that student academic success increases when parents are included in the education of their children. Although researchers have examined the issue of parents and schools, limited research on parental involvement has been conducted within immigrant communities. Latino immigrant parents within a predominantly Latino community in California were interviewed. Although the community has strong Latino roots, these immigrant parents believed the schools do not listen or care to listen to their needs as parents. The parents in this study desired to be a part of their children's education, but forces within their children's school prevented them from doing so. The parents wished that teachers would be available to speak about grades, be able to find interpreters during open house and at other times throughout the school day, and communicate with the parents when their child is in need of assistance. Due to the apparent walls that had been established within the school's structure, the parents in this study felt abandoned and helpless while trying to gain information regarding their children's education. Parents in this study were so passionate about their stories that they pleaded with the researcher to let their story be heard in the researchers' teacher education courses so future teachers would know how immigrant parents felt.  相似文献   

本文对上海市5所辅读学校的1 0 0名智力落后儿童家长的心理健康水平与其子女的行为问题进行了问卷调查和回归分析。发现弱智儿童家长的心理健康程度对其子女的行为问题有较好的预测力,家长所感受到的心理压力对其子女行为问题的影响力较大。本文还探讨了弱智儿童家长心理健康的内涵,提出了几点提高家长心理健康水平的途径。  相似文献   

Television has become a nearly ubiquitous feature in children's cultural landscape. A review of the research into young children's learning from television indicates that the likelihood that children will learn from screen media is influenced by their developing social relationships with on-screen characters, as much as by their developing perception of the screen and their symbolic understanding and comprehension of information presented on screen. Considering the circumstances in which children under 6 years learn from screen media can inform teachers, parents, and researchers about the important nature of social interaction in early learning and development. The findings reviewed in this article suggest the social nature of learning, even learning from screen media.  相似文献   

Parents' marital conflict styles were investigated as mediators in the associations between parental dysphoria and children's internalizing symptoms. A community sample of 267 children, ages 8 to 16, participated with their parents. Behavioral observations were made of parents' interactions during marital conflict resolution tasks. Questionnaires assessed parents' dysphoria and children's internalizing problems. Structural equation modeling indicated that marital discord, in particular, depressive conflict styles, mediated the relationship between parental dysphoria and children's internalizing problems. Furthermore, whereas for dysphoric mothers, depressive conflict styles partially mediated the links with children's internalizing, for fathers, depressive conflict styles fully mediated the links. Destructive and constructive marital conflict were associated with parental dysphoria (positively and negatively, respectively) but did not mediate the relations with children's internalizing.  相似文献   

The sociocultural context in which children acquire and use everyday mathematics was studied in Brazilian shantytown communities. Children's developing mathematical abilities and use of currency in solving commercial problems were investigated. Interviews with the parents of 105 children from 4 to 14 years of age indicated that, when sent to make purchases at local stands, the problems entailed in the responsibilities parents assigned to children involved greater arithmetical complexity with increasing age. Children's accuracy and strategy use on arithmetic tasks similar to the problems encountered in commercial transactions revealed: ( a ) many children used currency to aid their problem solving; ( b ) with increasing age, currency use declined; and ( c ) children's currency use progressed from global estimates to the mental decomposition and manipulation of currency values. The mathematical complexity of children's commercial transactions correlated significantly with their mathematics performance even when age, grade in school, and years of schooling were statistically controlled The results provide evidence that by adjusting the mathematical complexity of children's commercial transactions, parents facilitate connections between children's developing competence and their everyday activities.  相似文献   

目的:了解农村地区特殊儿童随班就读的政府支持、社区支持、家庭支持、学校支持以及随班就读学生自我支持等5大支持系统的现状及存在的问题,探讨解决问题的对策。方法:使用自编的问卷对某县教师、普通学生及其家长、随班就读学生及其家长等5种人群进行测试。结果:家庭与学校支持系统比较完善,政府经费支持力度较好,社区支持力度不够,随班就读学生自我预期不佳。结论:政府支持需要加大宣传力度,学校支持系统中的资源教室和资源教师提升的空间较大,社区支持需加强。  相似文献   

This study evaluated a school-based child sexual abuse prevention program which consisted of separate 2-hour workshops for children, parents, and teachers. Questionnaires concerning the children's knowledge about sexual abuse prevention and level of emotional distress were developed and administered to 88 children, ages 5-12, and 60 parents before and after the program. In addition, 12 teachers completed questionnaires about the children's level of emotional distress within 2 weeks after the program. Comparison of the children's knowledge before and after the program showed significant increases in knowledge about strategies for coping with potential abuse situations. Also individual children's responses were compared with their parents' responses. After the program the parents had a more accurate appraisal of their children's knowledge, and in addition, there was a significant increase in how much parents reported that they had talked with their children about sexual abuse. In terms of possible adverse emotional effects of the program, neither teachers nor parents noticed signs of increased emotional distress. In addition, the children reported that the program made them feel safer and better able to protect themselves. The findings support the value of providing sexual abuse prevention programs to children.  相似文献   

家庭教育是学前儿童情商培养的重要途径,但是注重智力开发、轻视情商培养的现象普遍存在。家长往往缺少平等意识、责任意识和榜样意识,教育观念偏颇,教育方法简单。主要表现有五种:母鸡式教育,放羊式教育,金丝雀式教育,棍棒式教育,挡箭牌式教育。应对策略是思想重视,有意培养;文明礼貌,鼓励交往;互助友爱,学会分享;正视挫折,自立自强。可运用游戏教育法、榜样示范法、激励评价法、心理暗示法等因材施教。  相似文献   

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