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Everyone needs friends.There is an old saying:A life without a friend is a life without the sun.But how can we find real friendship and keep it? I think finding friendship is just like planting a tree.You plant the seed,take care of it and make it grow.  相似文献   

在文本细读基础上,文章对《生命的呐喊》进行了学理性分析,肯定其设疑释疑纵横结合的架构准确传达了传主"得其自"而"结其传"的精神纹理和个性气质。其对个人追求、命运与时代、文化等问题的情有独钟,使得该传呈现出一种浓厚的探索意识与宏壮之美。  相似文献   

每个人都需要朋友。有一句古老的谚语说,“朋友是上帝照顾我们的方式”。但你知道如何找到真正的友谊并维护好它吗?[第一段]  相似文献   

1.Watch Movies on the Move Imagine how cool it would be when if you get bored (感到无聊) anywhere outside home,you can just watch a movie on your phone.Your smartphone makes it possible.Wherever you are,you can watch movies or videos preloaded (预先加载,预装的)in your computer,just like you do on your laptop(笔记本电脑).What's more,you can connect your smartphone to a television or a projector (投影仪) and can watch these movies or videos with some friends.So,your phone becomes a portable movie player!  相似文献   

生命视域中的阅读教学,本质上是对生命的一种关怀、一种鼓励、一种资源,关怀生命、人本设计、民主阅读、整体把握、强调熏陶,是阅读教学应该确立的重要理念.阅读教学策略的安排和使用也应该着眼于学生主体的生命活动,着意于学生生命的体现和发展,可以采用情境--体验、活动--探究、对话--交流和反思--建构等策略.  相似文献   

通过语文阅读教学,引导学生理解生命教育的内涵,阐述进行生命教育的必要性,探索实施生命教育的有效途径,进而引导学生正确地认识生命的价值,理解生命的真正意义。  相似文献   

<正>阅读在我们的生活中是非常重要的,我们通过阅读可以获取丰富的知识。阅!读不仅能够开阔我们的视野,而且让我们更聪明、更快乐。书读得越多,我们的学!!习能力就提升得越快。阅读也可以帮助我们成长为一个对社会有用的人。!但是,可惜的是,有如此多的活动,如听音乐、看电视、上网等等占居了我们大  相似文献   

<正>阅读在我们的生活中是非常重要的。通过阅读我们可以获取丰富的知识。阅读不仅能够开阔我们的视野,而且能让我们更加聪明和快乐。书读得越多,我们的学习能力就提升得越快。阅读也可以帮助我们成长为对社会有用的人。但是可惜的是很多的活动,如听音乐,看电视,上网等等占据了我们大量的阅读时间。  相似文献   

阿格妮丝.赫勒在其著作《日常生活》中对日常生活做了比较深刻的分析。赫勒通过对"个体再生产"、"人类条件"和"‘自在的’类本质对象化"的逐层次分析,比较清楚地揭示了日常生活的基本内涵。在此基础上,赫勒分析了"‘自在的’类本质对象化"领域的三个组成要素的特殊属性及共同特征。  相似文献   

新课标强调要提升学生的阅读兴趣,增加学生的阅读量,读好书、读整本书.在高中语文阅读教学中,教师要将整本书阅读与学生生活相联系,促使学生更好地阅读.要适当设计生活问题、撷取生活片段植入阅读过程,强化所读内容在生活中的运用,并结合生活科技展开交流共享,这些方法都有助于提高学生整本书阅读的效率.  相似文献   

富兰克林的一生充满了传奇故事,所有年轻人都应该了解——他在波士顿兜售书籍,并成为欧洲各国君主的座上宾;他被授为少将,结果却放弃了,因为他说,他决不可能成为士兵,然而他却帮助美国组建了能与训练有素的英德军队抗衡的部队.  相似文献   

姚晓莉 《天津教育》2021,(5):162-163
生活力被看成是生活教育理论的基本组成部分,是指学生通过学习活动所形成的独立生活能力、人际交往能力、自然的实践能力。具体到阅读教学中,便是指小学生通过阅读学习所形成的言语实践能力,体现了语文学科的工具性特征。所以,小学语文教师要切实改善阅读教学模式,以便切实地提升学生的生活力。  相似文献   

"生活数学"长期、随意的使用已造成了语意的模糊、语境的泛化。生活数学到底姓什么?婆家是谁?这并不重要。让学生从生活中学习数学,在丰富的"生活体验"中学习数学,不失为学习的一种方式;同样变"悟"为"焐",让学生直接获取间接经验,然后再运用理解,也是学习的一种方式。教学有法、教无定法、适机选法、重在得法。  相似文献   

This article establishes a pedagogic reading of Wittgenstein's later work, which explores the significance of teaching and learning themes through close textual analysis and archival work on his Nachlass. I argue for the prevalence and importance of Wittgenstein's references to teaching, learning and training by showing the role these references play in the structure and central points of his later works. The opening passages of the Philosophical Investigations and the Brown Book about how we learn language are a framing device for arguments later in the texts; one to which Wittgenstein repeatedly returns at crucial junctures. Learning is the process that weaves together our practices and their expected outcomes, which in turn shapes and reshapes the norms operative in our shared forms of life. Reading Wittgenstein with sensitivity to pedagogic themes thus undermines interpretations that rely on rule‐following as the explanatory mechanism by which linguistic use generates meaning. Instead, we learn to use language that carries meaning by being taught the patterns, norms and judgements that come with particular uses. I thus argue that these references to learning and teaching are far from incidental and are instead central to understanding major concepts such as rule‐following, experience and judgement.  相似文献   

苏轼的《水调歌头》渗透了他对生命的理解.它已经超越了简单的对个体得失的反省,而将思考的对象指向了生存的本质.天上与人间这两个意象的对比实际上是出世与入世之间的两难选择.在“酒”的消解作用下,苏轼最终肯定了在人间生存的意义,表明人无法克服来自于自身的对爱的需求,对群体的依赖.  相似文献   


The question of whether or not identical predictor scores for impulsive and reflective kindergarten children were indicative of discrepant reading readiness and first grade reading achievement scores was examined. Separate regression equations were developed for an initial sample of 22 impulsive and 22 reflective children. It was found that with substantial amounts of variance accounted for, the predicted scores differed by more than one-half a standard deviation in 66 percent of the comparisons, by one or more standard deviations in 44 percent of the comparisons, and by one and one-half standard deviations or more in 22 percent of the comparisons. The findings were interpreted as supporting the proposition that conceptual tempo should be considered when developing equations for predicting the future reading achievement of kindergarten children.  相似文献   

Six classes of first-grade children were given a sociometric question asking them with which classmates they would prefer to work. The children were classified by their reading groups, and their in-group and out-group choices were analyzed. Each class was naturally trichotomized into three reading groups; top, middle, and lower. The reading groups were the only enduring groups of the classes. It was found that the lower reading group members chose fewer than expected children from their own groups (p < . 025) and more than expected children from the top reading groups (p < . 001). Members of the middle reading groups made fewer than expected choices from the lower reading groups (p < . 01) and more than expected choices from the top reading groups (p < . 001). The top reading group members made fewer than expected choices from the lower reading groups (p < . 001), f ewer than expected choices from the middle reading groups (p < . 06), and chose within their own groups more than expected (p < . 001). The results were discussed in terms of group cohesiveness and possible group effects upon learning.  相似文献   

Peers as Paired Reading Tutors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pupils from the peer group can be more effective as reading tutors than the parents of children with reading difficulties suggests Sam Winter, formerly an educational psychologist in Cleveland, now lecturer in educational psychology at Hong Kong University.  相似文献   

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