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Second Chance     

This article presents a rationale for considering and integrating the chance construct in an individual’s career development. The notion of chance is conceptualized from the sociological work perspective and on basis of theoretical tenets grounded in vocational and career psychology. The article argues that the exercising of human control in the vocational aspects of life should take into serious consideration the chance factor that often emerges in life experiences. It discusses the chance phenomenon in worklife, and elaborates considerations and ways of incorporating the chance construct into the career development process; it also suggests implications for career development and career counselling.  相似文献   

This article describes ‘The World of Chance’, an unconventional statistics course taught at the University of Canberra since 1998, modelled on the Chance courses devised at Dartmouth College. Statistical concepts are introduced via a mixture of lectures, class discussions of news stories, and activities.  相似文献   

张金权 《海外英语》2009,(12):47-47
马力是个商人,他的生意是冷冻人。在美国的加利福尼亚州,他为一个叫斗转星移(Trans Time)的公司工作,这个公司将死人冷冻并保存。  相似文献   

The author taught at High Trees School, Bradford, for children with severe learning difficulties. He gives an account of a project to investigate the ability of pupils with very severe or profound learning difficulties to express preferences for different types of auditory and visual 'rewards'.  相似文献   

The role of chance in talent development appears in the gifted education literature and also in lay discussions of high ability. Nevertheless, chance as a factor in talent development is frequently misunderstood. This analysis scrutinizes some common beliefs and scholarly perspectives on the effects of chance in the development of high ability, and reveals some shortcomings of these conceptions. In addition various research initiatives are proposed that can redress the current lack of empirical evidence to support or refute particular actions and theories of chance. These initiatives should include the development of a taxonomy of chance events and of quantitative measures of the impact of chance on talent development processes. Overall, such work should generate more accurate conceptions of this fascinating causal factor.  相似文献   

武昌起义爆发后约3个月,清帝退位,清朝灭亡,持续了2100余年的君主专制制度垮台。辛亥革命并未按照革命前孙中山设计的革命战略进行,且孙中山、黄兴等当时都不在武昌,因此表现出了一定的偶然性。但是,辛亥革命的发生是20世纪初中国社会矛盾激化的产物,是清廷统治日趋腐朽及资产阶级革命派长期斗争、资产阶级立宪派和广大民众对其失望转而支持革命的结果,有历史的必然性。  相似文献   

任何文学作品的生成都要有一定的机缘.古代诗词作家的创作机缘往往体现为地缘的江山之助,或诗缘的气脉相通,再或者是地缘和诗缘的兼而有之.考察这些人的创作与特定地理空间或人与人及其创作之间复杂而微妙的关系,对于我们进一步体认某些古代诗词作家及其创作的特色与传承,无疑是很有意义的.  相似文献   

本文运用逻辑分析等方法探讨奥运与旅游的孪生性,分析奥运促进旅游业发展的文化、赛事以及组织层面的因素,为实现北京2008年奥运所带来的旅游效应最大化提供理性支撑。  相似文献   

A questionnaire was filled out by 108 graduates of a B.A. program in psychology. The subjects provided biographical data and information about credits in psychology, GPA, fields of interest, reasons for majoring in psychology, psychology-related employment during undergraduate study, plans for graduate study, occupational use of psychology after graduation, occupational and/or personal value of the B.A. program, value of faculty help and advisement, and outstanding characteristics of helpful faculty. Analyses of the data led to 11 conclusions, some of which confirm the findings of a previous study and others of which provide new information about the uniform as well as differential effects of the undergraduate curriculum.  相似文献   

西部开发进入19世纪中期以后,西欧工业革命的成功所掀起的世界浪潮冲击到美国。它带来的先进技术,有技能的劳动者,工业资本及近代企业管理制度,为西产开发创造了千载难逢的历史契机,在这股浪潮的推 动下,美国完成从幼年成年的转变而成为世界强国。  相似文献   

教育制度创新有其内在规律,是在规律的制约下展开的。但是,在每一个社会,教育制度的每一次创新,又都是由社会、历史、经济、文化、心理和自然等多种因素的交互作用促成的。因此,任何一次教育制度创新,都将体现为必然性和偶然性之间的辩证统一。  相似文献   

抓住机遇积极发展地质教育   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文在简述“积极发展地质教育”主要内容后,分析了地质人才供求现状与地质教育面临的机遇与挑战,按照《决定》精神提出了“积极发展地质教育”的七条建议。  相似文献   

黄薇 《中学生英语》2005,(10):25-25
While the common people hold that study is the main task for students, but I should say it is not the top melody of life, really not.  相似文献   

While thecommon peoplehold that studyis the main taskfor students,but I should say it is not the topm elody of life,really not.There was a tim e when I always com -plained of the dull school life. Everythingseem ed ugly in m y eyes at that tim e.N ot un-til I went for a walk along the river did I re-alize the lively life.The willow trees have thrown out new lowbranches which stretch across m y way as wellas the slopes of lawn down towards the river.Everything has cam e to life!W alking on,I get lost in thou...  相似文献   

民族教育发展问题不再是某一个部门的事,而是全社会的事,在现代条件下讨论民族教育的发展,实际上是讨论民族教育如何尽快现代化的问题,是低度发展还是高度发展,是全面发展还是畸形发展,是主动发展还是依附式发展?我们必须从一个新的角度来探讨。民族教育发展必须满足三个必要条件和三个充足条件。通过外在矛盾转化为内在矛盾,抓住民族教育发展的契机,促使民族教育由依附式发展转化为主动发展。  相似文献   

“入世”给中国职业技术教育带来良好的发展机遇。中国职业技术教育应当抓住这一机遇 ,调整好结构和办学思路 ,以推动我国职业技术教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

广东高等教育入学机会研究--对广东省几所高校的调查   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
广东高等教育入学机会的城乡和阶层差异都较为显,而且二有着极大的相似性。阶层差异在一定程度上也是城乡差异的一种反映。由于各个阶层和城乡所拥有的组织资源、经济资源和化资源的不同,导致了教育机会的不平等。缩小差异,实现教育公平,需要各级政府乃至全社会的高度重视。  相似文献   

篮球比赛能否正确的把握暂停机会 ,将对比赛的胜负起决定性的作用 .就篮球如何把握暂停机会提出了见解  相似文献   

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