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论关涉人生幸福的教育   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
幸福是人所追求的生存状态与存在方式,现代意义上的幸福就是一种生活得更好的能力。教育作为一种特殊的生活方式,既要使生活于其中的人感受到幸福,亦要使人获得一种活得更好的能力。因而,幸福是教育的应然追求,关涉人生幸福的教育应超越知识而面对生活与意义,应超越设计而面对境遇与传统,应超越塑造而走向对话式生成,应超越实体而让师生在交往关系中共享幸福,应超越裁定而面向学生的发展。  相似文献   

设计:科学技术与艺术的统一与整合   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
技术与艺术是紧密结合在一起的。不仅实用艺术与技术有着密不可分的关系,纯艺术与一定的技术也有着密不可分的联系,这种联系的历史与艺术的历史一样久远。技术发展到一定阶段时总是需要更高层次的艺术观念来引导和互助,这样才能使技术融入艺术之中。科学技术与艺术的结合是在不断发展的层面上开展和提升的。随着21世纪高科技的日益发展,两的结合表现得更加紧密,并走向新的整合。设计艺术将以艺术与科学的结合为己任,并以之为手段和工具来创造为人所用的一切产品,它能够克服两之间的不协调和矛盾,并将两有机地整合与统一。  相似文献   

通过对中外文学艺术作品中的怪诞现象的探源和浅析 ,认为怪诞是一个流变的概念。初步概括并分析怪诞的审美特征 :反常的构成原则 ;混合恐惧和滑稽的震惊感 ;双重性的功能价值。怪诞与滑稽的区别主要在于反常程度、创作态度和审美价值的差异上 ;怪诞与荒诞的区别在于怪诞更多作为一种创作手法 ,荒诞更主要是一种观念和意识。  相似文献   

The inclusion of children with special educational needs into mainstream schools needs effort and cooperation by all those involved. Both educators and medical professions need to be skilled in identifying and supporting neurodiversity. This study explores the cross-professional understanding and support of four of the most prevalent neurodiversities: autism spectrum condition, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental coordination disorder and dyslexia, to evaluate the efficiency of the diagnostic pathway and the subsequent support. Questionnaires were distributed throughout a number of training events for medical and educational practitioners asking what a condition was, and how it could be supported. Using a thematic analysis, data from 189 responses were examined and cross-referenced with diagnostic criteria, in addition to identifying the overarching themes of support. Results show a serious gap in awareness and knowledge of neurodiversity in both medical and educational sectors, followed by a cacophony of intervention, breaking the pathway for diagnosis before it begins and ultimately failing children and their families.  相似文献   

关于心理生活基本性质和内涵的理解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的心理生活是人的现实生活的重要构成。理解心理生活的性质和内涵,必须考虑如下几个方面。一是人性与心理生活。心理生活是人所拥有和创造的生活。二是自我与心理生活。这涉及到人格与自我,主我与客我,大我与小我。三是认知与心理生活。这包括认知的性质:对象的认知和生存的认知。四是意向与心理生活。意向决定了心理生活的一体性和自主性。五是观念与心理生活。人的心理生活是对意义的追求,意义的基本心理单元就是观念。六是体验与心理生活。心理体验是指感受、感悟、觉解、觉悟、思想、思念、体察、体会等。七是超越与心理生活。人的心理生活有价值的评判、有追求的目标和有超越的品性。八是创造与心理生活。人的心理有双重的创造功能,包括对外部生活世界和对自身心理行为的建构。  相似文献   

林徽因诗歌的艺术形式与诗人自身内在的生命体验是一致的,体现了诗人对形而下现实生存和形而上生命存在的观察和思考。它以意象的平凡朴素、语言的凝练工整及哲学意蕴的强烈穿透构成了整体风格的轻灵深邃。诗歌在主题的对立、矛盾和互补上,在篇与篇之间、句与句之间的对比和并列上,在长句的精心分割与诗行的巧妙编制上都恰到好处地凸现诗人丰富而深刻的内心体验,给诗歌带来了独特的存在价值。  相似文献   

受传统考试文化、现代消费享乐文化的影响与侵蚀,劳动及其教育观念萎缩的趋势不减,而科技的发展又进一步解放和控制了人的身体,加剧了这种趋势与危机。这些问题的重要认识论根源是身心二元论,劳心者高于劳力者,且认为心的发展与身体无关。其实割裂的机械劳动训练与精神德育灌输,既违背儿童身心发展特征,又逆时代发展。未来,以纯粹体力劳动为生的职业将不复存在,但劳动并不会也不应该消失,它不仅是人类大脑和智力发展的基础活动,而且是学习和创造的重要方式,还将是人们生活和娱乐的一部分。因此,劳动教育也应该回归身心融合的本源,发展面向未来美好生活的具有创造性、娱乐性和综合性的劳动学习,开发适应时代发展和学生兴趣的创生性和融合性劳动课程,让学生的身体、心智与情感等"整全的人"参与到劳动学习与创造中,进而实现劳动意识与习惯以及相关知能意情的全面发展。  相似文献   

Scaffolding techniques, such as sequencing and fading, used in online video lectures may help mitigate the negative relationship between complex contents represented by intrinsic load and content understanding represented by germane load. This study analyzed survey responses from university students (n = 2365) who participated in online classes in South Korea, and looked at the relationships between sequencing and fading and germane load, intrinsic load and germane load, and the moderating effect of sequencing and fading on the relationship between intrinsic load and germane load. Results showed a positive relationship between sequencing and fading and germane load and a negative relationship between intrinsic load and germane load. Furthermore, sequencing and fading moderated the negative relationship between intrinsic load and germane load. This article examines conflicting evidence on the topic and provides explanations as to why sequencing and fading reduces the negative impact of complex contents found in the current study.  相似文献   

修辞是一种了解事物的方式。隐喻和故事作为修辞方式,更重要和深层的意义表现在思维方法论上。隐喻思维构筑着日常和科学概念,提供着认识世界的框架,启发着心理学理论的建设。叙事实现的模式形成与模式识别使之具有解释形成和问题解决的思维功能,从而在心理学的发展与繁荣中起着并将继续起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Recognition and toleration are ways of relating to the diversity characteristic of multicultural societies. The article concerns the possible meanings of toleration and recognition, and the conflict that is often claimed to exist between these two approaches to diversity. Different forms or interpretations of recognition and toleration are considered, confusing and problematic uses of the terms are noted, and the compatibility of toleration and recognition is discussed. The article argues that there is a range of legitimate and importantly different conceptions of both toleration and recognition that are often not clearly distinguished, and that compatibility varies across this range and depending on what one considers the conceptions in relation to.  相似文献   

哈萨克民族图案纹样解析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
哈萨克人的日常生活用品地毯、衣饰、家具、器皿、乐器、马饰等物品上都绘有不同的图案纹样。图案纹样艺术在本质上是一种人的意志和精神的物化。古老的哈萨克民族图案纹样艺术的审美心理结构和纹样形式的形成有赖于历史的生成与积淀,印记、装潢、文字、宗教以及生活方式等成为形成哈萨克图案纹样艺术样式的主要因素。  相似文献   

比较中国诗话与西方诗学是寻求跨越时空的共同诗学规律,是比风格,比特征.中国诗话与西方诗学都是人类智慧的结晶,是智与慧,理性的思辨与慧悟的灵光等不同的全息胚作用下在理论体系和理论形态上的投影.但就二者的发展而言,它们又有换位与合流的趋势.  相似文献   

文章在分析效率和公平的经济学和伦理学双重意义的基础上 ,认为效率与公平的实现要发挥市场与政府的作用 ,但必须看到政府与市场作用的发挥受到限制 ,提出利用社会道德力量弥补市场与政府在调节效率与公平方面的不足  相似文献   

Black performance poetry can be a crucial aid in the teaching of English. It encourages a positive view of black language and culture, and illustrates the links between the oral and literary traditions. This study of eight black performance poets looks at their childhood and school experiences (both Caribbean and English), how and when they started writing and performing, their favourite poets, how they write and what they think of publishing. The significance of performance poetry is discussed, along with its great potential for the teaching of English.  相似文献   

韩礼德和哈桑(1976)提出了照应性系统的观点,并进一步区分其内部组成部分,将其归类。他们把指示归入外指的范畴,将回指归入内指。在简要介绍照应性系统的基础上,文章分别介绍了指示和回指,通过分析含有人称代词和指示代词的例句,重点比较了指示和回指的异同。  相似文献   

Today, Sunday morning, I sit thinking and typing at my computer. My thoughts are in my homeland, India and my body is in China. The body is here and mind there for a good reason. Mr. Hu is president and I am resident and both are in each other's countries (what a difference the absence of one small letter makes!). Mr. Hu will return in a few days and I will stay on longer.  相似文献   

提升高校反腐倡廉建设科学化水平,要充分认识高校反腐倡廉建设的重要性和肾迫性、全面把握指导思想和政策方针、努力健全领导体制和工作机制、科学构建责任体系和责任内涵、积极完善制度体系和制度内容、突出抓好重点部位和关键环节、高度重视领导班子和干部队伍、不断强化廉洁教育和廉洁文化、主动推进理论研究和方法创新、严格查处违法违纪案件和人员、继续加强职能部门和专业队伍.  相似文献   

This article reconceptualises school teachers and pupils respectively as ‘pedagogical bricoleurs’ and ‘bricolage researchers’ who utilise a multiplicity of theories, concepts, methodologies and pedagogies in teaching and/or researching. This reconceptualisation is based on a coalescence of generic curricular and pedagogical principles promoting dialogic, critical and enquiry-based learning. Innovative proposals for reconceptualising the aims, contents and methods of multi-faith Religious Education in English state-maintained schools without a religious affiliation are described, so as to provide an instance of and occasion for the implications of these theories and concepts of learning. With the aim of initiating pupils into the communities of academic enquiry concerned with theology and religious studies, the ‘RE-searchers approach’ to multi-faith Religious Education in primary schools (5–11 year olds) is cited as a highly innovative means of converting these curricular and pedagogical principles and proposals into practical classroom procedures. These procedures are characterised by multi-, inter- and supra-disciplinarity; notions of eclecticism, emergence, flexibility and plurality; and theoretical and conceptual complexity, contestation and context-dependence.  相似文献   

Children with disabilities are one of the many groups of children still not enrolled in primary education in developing countries. However, their educational exclusion and right to education are now receiving more policy attention. This paper reviews some of the key issues and challenges in relation to disability, education and development: definitions and data, policies, service delivery and finance, and capacity development. Drawing on a review of education sector planning and provision in 28 developing countries and other literature, the paper makes comparative reference to policy and practice in a number of developed and developing country contexts.  相似文献   

Phytic acid (PA) is the primary storage compound of phosphorus in seeds accounting for up to 80% of the total seed phosphorus and contributing as much as 1.5% to the seed dry weight. The negatively charged phosphate in PA strongly binds to metallic cations of Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn and Zn making them insoluble and thus unavailable as nutritional factors. Phytate mainly accumulates in protein storage vacuoles as globoids, predominantly located in the aleurone layer (wheat, barley and rice) or in the embryo (maize). During germination, phytate is hydrolysed by endogenous phytase(s) and other phosphatases to release phosphate, inositol and micronutrients to support the emerging seedling. PA and its derivatives are also implicated in RNA export, DNA repair, signalling, endocytosis and cell vesicular trafficking. Our recent studies on purification of phytate globoids, their mineral composition and dephytinization by wheat phytase will be discussed. Biochemical data for purified and characterized phytases isolated from more than 23 plant species are presented, the dephosphorylation pathways of phytic acid by different classes of phytases are compared, and the application of phytase in food and feed is discussed. Project supported by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Copenhagen, Denmark and HarvestPlus  相似文献   

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