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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
1 Who is closer to you,your mom or your dad? (爸爸和妈妈谁和你更近?) 2 What letter is a question? (什么字母是一个问题?) 3 Why did Tom put his brother’s guitar in the refrigerator? (汤姆为什么把哥哥的吉他放在冰箱里?)  相似文献   

(1)—Whoisclosertoyou,yourmomoryourdad?(爸爸和妈妈谁和你更近?)—Momiscloserbecausedadisfather.(2)—Whatfruitisneverfoundsingly?(什么水果永远不会是单个的?)—Apear.注:以上脑筋急转弯采用了同音词(homonyms):①“father”(父亲)与“farther”(更远)同音。②“pear”(梨)音同“pair”(一对)。(3)—WhydidlittleTomputhisbrother’sguitarintherefrig-erator?(小汤姆为什么把哥哥的吉他放在冰箱里?)—Becauseheenjoyedcoolmusic.(4)Whatstayshotevenifputitinafridge?(什么东西即使放在冰箱里也热?)—Pepper.注:以上脑筋急转弯…  相似文献   

冰洋 《今日中学生》2016,(Z2):52-54
1.Who is closer to you,your mom oryour dad?爸爸和妈妈,谁和你更亲?2.What can pierce ones ears withouta hole?什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔?3.How many feet are there in a yard?一码有多少英尺?4.What is heavier in summer than inwinter?什么东西夏天比冬天重?5.What clothing is always sad?什么服装总是伤感的?  相似文献   

Mind Twister     
1.Q:Who is closer to you,your mum or your dad?谁离你更近(谁和你更亲近),你的妈妈还是你的爸爸?A:2.Q:Which can move faster,heat or cold?哪一个移动得更快,热还是冷?A:3.Q:What is the smallest room in the world?世界上最小的房间是什么?A:4.Q:What kind of dog doesn謘t bite or bark?什么狗既不叫也不咬人?A:  相似文献   

Brain Twister脑筋急转弯1.How many letters are there in English?English里有多少个字母?2.What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than byyourself?什么东西只属于你,而别人使用它比你使用的还要多?3.What letter is a question?(什么字母是一个问题?)4.What letter is an animal?(什么字母是一种动物?)5.What letter is a vegetable?(什么字母是一种蔬菜?)6.You have it.You read it.There are some pictures in it.What is it?(一学习用品)kooB.6aep-P.5eeb-B.4.yhw-Y.3.emanyM.2个7.1:案答""""""""""""""…  相似文献   

1.Who is closer to you,your mom oryour dad? 爸爸和妈妈,谁和你更亲? 2.What can pierce one's ears withouta hole? 什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔? 3.How many feet are there in a yard? 一码有多少英尺? 4.What is heavier in summer than inwinter? 什么东西夏天比冬天重? 5.What clothing is always sad? 什么服装总是伤感的? 6.How many legs do horses have? 马有几条腿? 7.Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe? 狗为什么害怕日光浴?  相似文献   

Funny Questions     
1.Who is close to you,your mom or your dad? 2.Why is the comet(彗星)like Mickey Mouse? 3.Why do people go to bed? 4.What’s the best thing to take when you're run-down? 5.What stays hot even if put it in a refrigerator? 6.What is the best year for a kangaroo(袋鼠)? 7.What surprising things happen everywhere every day?  相似文献   

The Cooking Pot     
1.“斯伯特太太,你的炒菜锅里准备了什么晚饭?是冷的?还是热的? 我们会喜欢吃吗?斯伯特太太?”“What have you got for dinner, Mrs.Spot?What have you got in your cooking pot?Is it cold?Is it hot?Will we like it,Mrs.Spot?”  相似文献   

一、what的语法功能1.用作特殊疑问代词,引导特殊疑问句。What is she?她从事什么职业?(用于询问职业、地位的场合,但并不是很有礼貌的说法,因此特别要直接问对方时应用What do you do for a liv-ing?)What is your name?叫什么名字?  相似文献   

1.What color is it?它是什么颜色?这是询问颜色的常用句式。其结构为“What color be动词 物?”回答时句式为“It is 颜色.”也可省略成直接回答颜色。例如:—What color is your pen?你的钢笔是什么颜色?—It’s black.它是黑色的。—What color is it?它是什么颜色?—Yellow  相似文献   

Mind Twister     
1.Q:W ho is closer to you,your m um or your dad?谁离你更近(谁和你更亲近),你的妈妈还是你的爸爸?A:2.Q:W hich can m ove faster,heat or cold?哪一个移动得更快,热还是冷?A:3.Q:W hat is the sm allest room in the world?世界上最小的房间是什么?A:4.Q:W hat kind of do  相似文献   

Dialogue 1:at the garden(在花园里)Sarah:what’s your favorite color,Peter?(你最喜欢什么颜色?)Peter:I guess.What’s yours?(我想想。你呢?)Sarah:I love orange.(我喜欢橙色。)Peter:so do I.(我也是。)  相似文献   

1.询问某人现在从事何种职业(1)What do/does 某人 do?(2)What be 某人?(3)What be one’s occupation?-What do you do?你是做什么工作的?-I am a doctor.我是大夫。-What’s your brother?你哥哥是干什么的?-He’s a policeman.他是警察。-What is your mother’s occupation?你母亲的职业是什么?-She’s a teacher.她是个教师。▲“What do/does 某人 do?”句型有可以用来询问某人经常做什么事。如:-What do you do on Sunday?你星期天干什么?-I do my homework.我做家庭作业。(4)也可通过询问某人的工作地点获知他业-He works in …  相似文献   

1.What’s this in English?这用英语怎么说?(1)这是一询问“某物用英语怎么说”的常用句式。是一个特殊疑问句,回答时常用“It’s…”结构。其中What’s是What is的缩写形式,It’s是It is的缩写形式。例如:—What’s this?这是什么?—It’s letter A.它是字母A。—What’s that?那是什么?—It’s a hat.它是一顶帽子。(2)其中in English意为“用英语”。类似用法的还有:in Chines“用汉语”;in Japanese“用日语”等等。例如:—What’s this in English?用英语说这是什么?—It’s milk.是牛奶。—What’s that in Chinese?用汉语…  相似文献   

用what提问并不仅局限于“Wht is this”或“What did you do?”等句子中。在阅读中,我们常发现what还可用于对其它一些问题的提问。 一、问人口、价格、温度、重量、产量等“多少”。例如:What is the population of Beijing?(=How many people are there in Bei- jing?)北京有多少人? What are cabbages today?今天的白菜价格是多少? What does the thermometer say/read?寒暑表是多少度? What year is it?今年是公元几年? What is your weight?你的体重多少?  相似文献   

1.Many local people in Leshan prefer to goto________in Mount Emei for theirsummer holiday(.2007四川乐山)A.somewhere cold B.cold somewhereC.somewhere cool D.cool somewhere2.—Linda,I am very thirsty.—Let’s go to the nearest supermarket________some drink,OK?(2007重庆市)A.buy B.boughtC.to buy D.buying3.This CD-ROM is quite useful.It canhelp us learn English and geography________.(2007山东济宁)A.at times B.at this timeC.at the same timeD.by the time4.—Ann is in hospital.—Yes,I know.…  相似文献   

初学英语的人在用英语交谈时,往往不分对象、时间、场合地套用书本中的现成句子。虽然有时也勉强说得过去,但听起来难免有些生硬和不舒服的感觉。先看一看下面几句经常听到的问话:What is your occupation?你的职业是什么?What is your hobby?你的爱好是什么?What kind of medicine is this?这是什么药?这里,问话者习惯地套用了英语中“主语 系动词 表语”句型。可是,在一般交谈中,这些句子听起来却很刺耳,常常会引起听话者的反感。如果把这几句话变换一下,效果会更好些。例如:What do you do?What do you do in your free time?What is …  相似文献   

38.What does he do?他是干什么的?(L.37)“What does he do?”是询问对方职业的用语,也可以用“What is he?”。答语可以是完整的,也可以是简略的。如:“What does your mother do?”“Adoctor/She’s adoctor”  相似文献   

Unit 7 What does he look like?1.What does your friend look like?你的朋友长得什么样?(P41)1)询问和描述他人的外貌特征时,常用:“What do/does+主语+look like?(“……长得怎么样?”),回答时可用“Sb is+形容词/名词”或“Sb has+名词”句式。  相似文献   

请看下面这一组问句:1.How is he?2.What is he?3.Who is he?4.Where is he?5.What is he like?6.What does he like?7.How does he look?8.What does he look like?9.What about him?1.How is sb.?常用来询问某人的健康状况如何,其回答通常是:“主语 be fine/OK/all right/very well.”等。例如:—How is your grandfather?你爷爷身体好吗?—He is fine/very well,thank you.他很好,谢谢。2.What is sb.?主要用来询问某人所从事的职业,译为“……是干什么工作的?”。例如:—What is your father?你爸爸是干什么的?—He is a doctor.他是个医生。3.Who is sb.?常用来询问姓名或与某人的关系,常译为“……是谁?”。例如:—Who is the girl in a red coat?那个穿红外套的女孩是谁?—She is my sister.她是...  相似文献   

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