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The writers report tentative studies of patterns of student learning and study behaviour in Aleppo, Syria, and Edinburgh, Scotland, involving mainly but not exclusively students of engineering. These enquiries suggest that there may be appreciable differences in perceptions of learning, habits of study and problem solving in the two universities concerned, which otherwise appear to have similar educational goals.The writers discuss their findings, and consider the implications if their pilot studies should be confirmed as a generalised distinction, following further research.They speculate that cultural differences may arise, perhaps more subtly, because of differences other than those which reflect merely national or religious cultures. They therefore volunteer these exploratory thoughts and experiences to stimulate further consideration of the whole issue of cultural influences on learning in higher education.  相似文献   

The use of personal response devices (or “clickers”) in the classroom has increased in recent years. While few quantitative studies on the effectiveness of clickers have been published, it is generally reported that clickers have been well-received by the students who use them. Two separate populations (Winter 2006 and Spring 2006) of engineering students were given clickers to use during a general chemistry class. Clicker use was compared to student grades for each course. During both terms, a higher percentage of female students than male students “actively participated” in the lectures, where active participation was defined as answering more than 75% of the clicker questions over the course of the term. Active male students earned final grades about 10 points higher than non-active male students. Active female students, however, scored only about 5 points higher than non-active female students. Student learning was assessed by comparing performance on exam questions and clicker questions with similar content. Students who answered clicker questions correctly were 11–13% more likely to answer the corresponding exam questions correctly than were students who did not answer the clicker question. In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of clicker use in the classroom and examine gender differences associated with this use.  相似文献   

Official statistics from several resources in Iran indicate that female enrollment and achievement in Iranian universities has recently exceeded that of male students. Despite the fact that a religious government has been ruling the country for three decades, and despite many regulations against women, Iranian women have managed to overcome social, cultural, and political barriers. They have also been able to pass a highly competitive entry exam to enter the university at higher performance rates than male students. In this study it was proposed that this increasing enrollment and graduation rate might be attributed to their gender-based self-confidence and their self-efficacy. The results showed that female students scored higher on collective, gender-based self-confidence but their personal feeling about their gender was more negative and their general self-efficacy was not different from the self-efficacy of male students.  相似文献   

The present study, a continuation of Valås (2001), is concerned with two categories of low achieving students. The focus is particularly on the consequences of being diagnosed as having learning disabilities compared with not having such a diagnosis. The sample consisted of 1833 students with data collected in grades 4, 7 and 9. Multivariate analyses of variances and analyses of structural equation models showed that students with learning disabilities and low achieving students attributed success in mathematics and first language to ability to a greater extent than other students. They also expressed lower performance expectations in mathematics and verbal skills and showed more helplessness and reported inferior psychological adjustment compared with other students. Moreover, students that were diagnosed as having learning disabilities (LD) and received special education showed more helplessness than the other low achieving children. They also reported lower academic expectations and lower self-esteem. In addition, the results revealed that boys showed more helpless behaviour, as assessed by teachers, than girls. However, on the other hand, girls reported more psychological maladjustment. The conclusion and request is that the process of selection (diagnosing the student as LD) and the organization and implementation of special education should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

目的研究成都高校学生信仰现状的特点及模式。方法采用社会态度调查问卷对成都市两所高校的大三、大四、研一、研二学生进行取样调查。结果成都高校学生精神、伦理、国家社会信仰得分较物质、宗教神灵信仰为高;孝道因子在性别上、年级间存在非常明显的差异;文学类专业学生在宗教神灵信仰上的得分很低。结论成都高校学生对精神、伦理、国家社会信仰追求程度较强,对物质、宗教神灵信仰的追求处于模糊状态;女生、研一学生对孝道的追求处于模糊状态;文学类专业学生不太追求宗教神灵信仰。  相似文献   

高职院校学生自我接纳状况的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自我接纳问卷(SAQ)对四川省三所高职院校的320名学生从性别、独生与否、专业、来源地、年级等方面进行了自我接纳状况调查。结果表明:高职院校学生总体自我接纳情况处于中等偏上水平,且能够恰当地进行自我接纳;男学生和独生子女学生自我接纳水平均高于女学生与非独生子女学生;学生自我接纳水平是随着年级而依次升高;农村学生自我接纳水平高于城市学生。了解当前高职院校学生的自我接纳状况,可以为学生健康教育提供依据。  相似文献   

School-based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programmes play an important role in reducing young people’s sexual risk behaviour and promoting health and well-being. There is limited evidence regarding the attitudes and beliefs of parents towards the implementation of school-based CSE programmes in Islamic cultural settings, including Oman, which this mixed-method study set out to explore. A convenience sample of 250 parents, with equal numbers of mothers and fathers of children aged 12–14 years (grades 7–9) at two urban public pre-secondary schools in Saham, completed a paper-based self-administered questionnaire in Arabic. We found most parents (72.8%) supported school-based CSE programmes that conformed to Islamic requirements of pre-marital sexual abstinence, but there was some opposition. Almost all parents supported comprehensive age-appropriate CSE being taught to students aged 10–15 years, including topics perceived as controversial in Omani culture, except for birth control and safer sex. Most parents considered themselves, school teachers and school nurses to be important sources of CSE. The study findings which suggest strong parental support for CSE programmes can facilitate education policy, CSE curriculum decision-makers and school healthcare-providers in Oman, other Middle Eastern countries, and countries with Muslim immigrant populations.  相似文献   


Many scholars argue that female students are more motivated than their male counterparts. This study examines evidence from 435 students, 237 males and 198 females, in 19 partially online Introduction to Marketing and Marketing Research classes taught by this researcher at an urban community college. The study spans 10 semesters from fall 2012 to spring 2017. In this retrospective study, female students outperformed male students on the following measures: (a) Students’ final course grades adjusted to remove extra credit grades, (b) Students pre-semester cumulative Grade Point Averages adjusted to remove extra credit grades, and (c) Scores on three early semester extra credit assignments assigned to all students. The data suggest that female students are more likely to be self-regulated learners – more disposed to adopt a proactive disposition to their studies – than male students. But, this study does not include psychometric data. Consequently, the proposition that female students are more self-regulated learners than male students is only a hypothesis that emerges from this analysis. Given that the data are not normally distributed, the analysis was conducted using nonparametric test: Chi-Square and Kruskal–Wallis H.  相似文献   

采用Ryff心理幸福感量表对专科院校学生心理幸福感进行研究,结果表明,不同年级的学生在心理幸福感中的掌控环境、自我接纳方面有显著性差异;男生和女生在自我接纳、生活目标方面存在显著性差异;不同来源的学生自我接纳、自主性方面存在显著性差异.建议充分利用心理咨询、课堂教学、开设心理教育必修课、加强校园文化建设等途径提高学生的心理幸福感.  相似文献   

Staff providing support to children with disabilities in residential disability centres in Oman are exposed to stressful work environments which may put them at an increased risk of burnout. Previous research has examined predictors of stress in disability support staff, but there is little consensus as the findings are inconclusive. Using a cross‐sectional design, a short survey examined religious coping styles, meaning and inner sense of peace, attitude to meaning in life, organisational religiousness practices and stress of 142 female disability support staff from community disability centres in Oman. Multiple regression analyses indicated that positive religious coping was more predictive of stress than negative religious coping. There was an association between meaning‐making and stress in disability support staff. Religious organisation explained most of the variance in stress scores and was the best predictor of stress in disability support staff. Implications of the study are discussed in relation to the role of both culture and religion.  相似文献   

From 1980 to 1989 there were 2069 babies born to teenage mothers in northeastern Connecticut, accounting for more than 10% of all births in this region. A Connecticut model program that combats teen pregnancy and emphasizes a collaborative venture between a state-funded community-based pregnancy prevention program and a regional vocational-technical high school located in a rural setting is described. Beginning in the fall of 1987, a group of local providers and concerned citizens formed a steering committee which was given funding to initiate services in early 1988. The objectives of the Northeast Connecticut Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program were (a) to enhance the capacity of parents to prevent teen pregnancy, (b) to increase public education concerning the prevention of teenage pregnancy, (c) to increase the coordinated planning of teen pregnancy prevention resources, and (d) to mobilize additional teen pregnancy prevention resources. At the regional vocational-technical high school in rural north eastern Connecticut a pregnancy prevention program for students in grades 9 through 12 was designed called Contemporary Life Issues Clinic (CLIC). This voluntary experiential program lasted 8 weeks for male and female students. Each week, one session operated during regular school hours. Students preregistered for each week's activity or clinic in the guidance office. CLIC's consisted of eight topics with accompanying activities aimed at improving sexual responsibility; increasing the decision-making skills of students; encouraging the development of coping skills; fostering emotional growth; cultivating success-oriented attitudes; providing information in pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted disease including AIDS; and providing information regarding the financial and legal implications of parenthood. During the fall of 1990, CLIC had 98 participants. The majority of the students were young women. The most heavily attended session dealt with contraception; the fewest participants attended the session devoted to sexually transmitted diseases. CLIC has the potential for expansion and improvement.  相似文献   

A 30-item questionnaire was designed to determine Omani science teachers’ attitudes toward teaching science and whether or not these attitudes differ according to gender and teaching experiences of teachers. The questionnaire items were divided into 3 domains: classroom preparation, managing hands-on science, and development appropriateness. The questionnaire was administered to 139 randomly selected science teachers who teach science in grades 5–10. The sample consisted of 72 male teachers and 67 female teachers, 57 teachers with teaching experience between 1 and 5 years and 82 teachers with teaching experience of 6 and more years. The sample was selected from 7 schools in 1 Educational Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. The questionnaire reliability was calculated by an internal consistency method, using Cronbach’s alpha, which gave the value of 0.73 for all the items. The findings indicated that science teachers’ attitudes toward teaching science were positive. Furthermore, the results showed that there were statically significant differences in teachers’ attitudes due to gender in favor of the female teachers and in teaching experience in favor of teachers with long experience. The study proposed some recommendations to improve the science teachers’ attitude, especially male teachers towards science teaching. Paying more attention to in-service professional development programs, encouraging new teachers to attend some classes to observe experienced colleagues, and finally rewarding teachers morally, socially, and financially are some of these recommendations.  相似文献   

重庆市大学生职业心理成熟度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重庆市大学生的总体职业成熟度和职业成熟度各因子的表现水平均一般。其中以职业世界知识最低;大学生职业成熟度在性别上存在显著差异,男生比女生职业成熟度高;大学生职业成熟度在年级上存在显著差异,大四最高,整个发展趋势呈“V”型;大学生职业成熟度在是否兼职上存在显著差异,兼职过的学生比未兼职过的学生职业成熟度高:大学生职业成熟度在家庭收入上存在显著差异.家庭收入高的学生职业成熟度高。  相似文献   

Despite a growing consensus among scholars and activists about the importance of religion, proposals for teaching about it have often been a source of division rather than unity in American public school districts. Faced with familiar cultural conflicts, Modesto, California, chose to become the first public school district in the USA to require all high school students to take an extended and independent course in world religions. The results of the first, large‐scale empirical research on the effects of teaching about religion in USA public schools provides evidence that Modesto’s bold approach was worth the risk. Surveys and interviews administered to students show statistically significant increases in students’ knowledge about other religions, and levels of passive tolerance – willingness to refrain from discrimination – and active tolerance – willingness to act to counter discrimination. The course has not been the subject of lawsuits or complaints by parents and has gained acceptance among all of Modesto’s religious groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how grading leniency and grade discrepancy (the difference between expected grades and deserved grades) were associated with various dimensions of student ratings of instruction. A sample of 754 undergraduate college students completed a student ratings of instruction instrument and provided responses to a number of other questions on topics such as course difficulty and workload. A series of multilevel regression analyses were conducted and results showed that an instructor's grading leniency, as perceived by students, was positively associated with student ratings on 11 of 12 dimensions of instruction examined. This finding suggests that more lenient instructors tend to receive higher student ratings. The second finding shows that grade discrepancy was negatively associated with most dimensions of instruction. This supports the self-serving bias hypothesis under attribution theory (Gigliotti & Buchtel, 1990) in that students tended to punish instructors with lower ratings when expected grades were lower than students believed they deserved, yet little evidence of a pattern of rewards existed in student ratings when students expected grades higher than they deserved.  相似文献   

This research is based on an interview and survey-based case study of an Islamic lycée, a Catholic lycée, and two public lycées in the Ile-de-France region of France. The study investigated whether students in private schools receiving some form of education about religion tend to be more tolerant and demonstrate more religious understanding than students in public schools receiving little to none. The results showed that tolerance and understanding were not necessarily codependent and that a number of other factors seem to have a similarly significant impact on student religious tolerance and understanding as receiving education about religion.  相似文献   

This study linked gender and grade level to five features of homework management reported by 426 high school students (setting an appropriate work environment, managing time, and controlling attention, motivation, and potentially interfering emotions). In addition, it linked gender and grade level to relevant homework behaviours and affective reactions toward homework. The results revealed that grade level (grades 9–10 vs. grades 11–12) did not relate to any of the above homework measures. On the other hand, compared with boys, girls more frequently reported working to manage their workspace, budget their time, and monitor their emotions. They also reported that they spent more time doing homework, were less likely to come to class without homework, and considered homework less boring.  相似文献   

在宗教文化上 ,纳藏文化既存在着天然联系 ,又有着较大差异。这主要是由于各自所处的自然生态环境和文化生态环境所致。藏族离主流文化中心更远 ,生态环境更为严酷 ,又加佛教西来 ,使苯教完成了学说化 ,而纳西族的东巴教却在纳西族的儒化过程中褪化为礼仪化宗教  相似文献   

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