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This paper investigates datafication in schools through an analysis of the enactments of quality assurance and evaluation (QAE) policies in Brazil. In doing so, I question how data permeates and changes school environments, school actors’ conduct and their imaginaries. QAE policies encompass large-scale assessments, indicators, rankings and other steering mechanisms, but importantly connect data to quality in education. Here, I analyse the discourses of school actors (principals, coordinators, supervisors, teachers, students and parents) from three Brazilian public schools collected through semi-structured interviews (n = 28). Data manifests in those schools as a technology of government. Schools enact QAE policies in distinct ways, incorporating the idea of governmentality, but also proposing alternative patterns of action.  相似文献   

This paper examines social coordination by the Brazilian Black Movement in the area of Brazilian education. It explains how these developments relate to the construction of race-based public education policies in the country. Focus goes to the process of creation and implementation of law 10.639 in Brazilian Basic education. Using the concept ‘diffuse governance’, the argument is made that at present it are the multiple actions by the Brazilian Black Movement, in diverse arenas of dispute, and interacting with a range of actors, that enable us to understand the social coordination/regulation in the process of constructing and implementing Law 10.639.  相似文献   

University education has been thrust into the limelight by policymakers in Hong Kong and Singapore in recent years. Reforming university education thus has become a norm for both city-states. This article reviews and compares some recent developments in the university reforms in both city-states. It argues university education, as a public policy area, is not immune from the profound influence of such concepts as accountability, performativity, quality assurance and market relevance, which prevail in a wider policy context of public sector reforms and governance changes. Hong Kong and Singapore's university reforms are similarly extensive, ranging from the admission mechanisms through to the governance and funding systems. This article has four main sections. The first sketches a paradigm shift in the policymaking process and the changing state-university relationships in the age of globalization. The second reviews and compares some recent developments of the university reforms in both city-states. The third turns to assess the impacts of the reforms on university stakeholders. The final section is the conclusion.  相似文献   

This article discusses recent policy developments in Europe regarding Roma and Traveller integration and Early Childhood Provision. After a long history of oppression, Roma issues have recently become prominent on the EU policy agenda. The article discusses how these relate to developments in other areas of policy: the European children's rights agenda and the recognition that early childhood education and care is a key policy tool to combat social exclusion. It gives background information on Roma and Travellers in Europe and discusses the consequences of subsuming the various communities under one umbrella term: Roma. The EU Commission is concerned with responses from Member States to the European Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies. The article argues that in order to address Roma children's experience from a holistic perspective, social justice and equality need to be key elements of early childhood education and care provision and training. The European policy developments that frame the article are examined from a local vantage point: the experiences of Traveller and Roma children in Ireland and the Irish Preschool Education Initiative for Children from Minority Communities.  相似文献   

Learning objects and learning content management systems are considered to be ‘the next wave in engineering education’. The results of experiments with these new trends in ICT in engineering education are described in this paper. The prospects were examined and the concepts of reusability of content for teachers and for personalized education using learning objects delivered on demand to students were put to the test. The hurdles that need to be overcome and the benefits of using learning objects and learning content management systems are discussed. This paper is concluded with a discussion of the findings for future developments in engineering education.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the debates on “interracial competition” and “racial extinction” in the biological discourse on human evolution during the second half of the nineteenth century. Our intention is to discuss the ideological function of these biological concepts as tools for the naturalization and scientific legitimation of racial hierarchies during that period. We argue that the examination of these scientific discussions about race from a historical perspective can play the role of a critical platform for students and teachers to think about the role of science in current othering processes, such as those related to biomedical technosciences. If they learn how biological ideas played an ideological function concerning interracial relationships in the past, they can be compelled to ask which ideological functions the biological knowledge they are teaching and learning might play now. If this is properly balanced, they can eventually both value scientific knowledge for its contributions and have a critical appraisal of some of its implications. We propose, here, a number of initial design principles for the construction of teaching sequences about scientific racism and science-technology-society relationships, yet to be empirically tested by iterative cycles of implementation in basic education and teacher education classrooms.  相似文献   


This article discusses recent Brazilian research on the relationship between environmental education and cultural studies. Television narratives about the environment and/or sustainability in our everyday lives are used to pose some initial questions about this relation. First, culture is discussed briefly showing how it potentially relates to teaching and informs our role as environmental educators. We argue that culturalist perspectives on research in environmental education politicise teaching practices, even though they are in a context that strays from prerogatives that envisage a future world marked by sustainable development and a green economy. We investigate the impacts of television narratives and images on our everyday lives wherein we are consistently taught particular written and visual messages about how to plan for our future. Examples are draw from the teaching effects of a Brazilian television programme called Repórter Eco, broadcast on a public television network, including the sustainable management of the baru (a typical tree from the Brazilia Cerrado). We argue the educational aspects of television programmes should receive critique, as the relationships established between people and various media artifacts produce particular meanings and ways of seeing the world. This presents a challenge for teachers as examining these subjective ways carefully requires critical examination, not only in terms of education for sustainability or environmental preservation, but also teaching using media.  相似文献   

对知识本位与能力本位为核心理念的文化价值观下的传统教学评价的特征进行了概述和分析;理清教学评价、考试和评价的基本涵义及其关系;以加德纳多元智力理论作为教学评价改革的理论基础,指出发展自我评价是现代教育评价的新视角,现代教学评价的价值取向是人格和谐发展,现代教学评价应立足于知识经济,指向人文精神,着眼于终身教育,实现评价主体的多元化。以促进学生发展为目标,构建《电工电子技术》课程自主评价式考评体系,使传统考试与自我评价、自主选题等评价方法有机地结合起来,向多元化方向发展,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the theoretical and empirical starting‐points for a research project addressing the role of parents’ organisations in the education system. It argues that a study of relationships conducted between homes, schools and parents’ groups and organisations has the potential to illuminate key concepts in education, considering as examples ‘citizenship’ and ‘community’. The paper is divided into three main sections. The first briefly describes the study's background, its scope and methodology. The second section considers the use of some of Antonio Gramsci's work in providing a theoretical starting‐point with which to explore the construction and maintenance of hegemonic discourses surrounding parenting. The concluding section of the paper widens the discussion to consider two key concepts, community and citizenship. It is argued that the discursive positioning of these concepts, in other words, how they are understood and defined, influences the ways in which relationships between parents and the education system are perceived and construed. This is illustrated with reference to readings of'citizenship’ and ‘community’ which emphasise, not consensus and homogeneity as in traditional definitions, but conflict, difference and multiplicity. The paper concludes that there is a continued need for empirical data focusing on everyday citizen and citizen‐state interactions which reveal how individuals live within, and understand and experience these relationships.  相似文献   

The field of physical education/kinesiology is facing unique challenges. There are ongoing pressures for change and adaptation forcing us to look to our past as we face an uncertain future. In the past, we have been blessed with all-encompassing categories that may be called “umbrellas.” The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) has offered us an umbrella that some of us appear to be rejecting. We do so at our peril. Disciplinary development became energized in the 1960s; we now appreciate more fully that our field entails the study of human movement particular to physical activities such as exercise, sport, games, play, aquatics, dance, and athletics. As a profession, we need the undergirding knowledge that our disciplinarians are gradually providing. This knowledge should come from both the disciplinary and professional wings of our field. There is a continuing need for the services that physical education/kinesiology can provide. We will survive if we cooperate with our colleagues in the allied professions under the overarching umbrella of AAHPERD, if we achieve consensus about what it is we do under our own umbrella, and if we devise ways and means of keeping the struts of our own umbrella strong enough to fight off the strong winds that are presently tending to tear it out of our hands.  相似文献   

Brazilian education, and higher education in particular, were transformed by the coup of 1964 and the two decades of military government that followed. In this article the political ideology of the military governments is described together with the concepts of national political security and national economic development. The implications of these concepts being translated into policy, especially in the context of the relationship between Brazil and the U.S.A., are considered with reference to the role education should have within modernisation. In conclusion, a counterargument is presented in respect of how higher education should now be conceptualized, organised and operated in post-military Brazil.  相似文献   

特殊教育强调专业性、理论性、实践性与操作性的统一,培养以实践能力和创新能力为核心的应用型本科师资是当前我国特殊教育事业发展的基本要求。传统高等特师培养出的教师,已经难以适应当今特殊教育事业发展对多样化特殊教育人才的需求。地方新建本科院校的特殊教育专业应该立足服务地方特殊教育事业并基于自身发展要求,在人才培养定位、课程设置、教学工作等方面积极尝试改革,培养兼具理论知识与实践技能的应用型专业化人才。  相似文献   

教育正义是教育活动追求的首要价值。班级教学场域是践行教育正义基本理念和受教育正义引导、规范的基本单位。由于相关不良因素的影响,在现实教学活动中存在许多违背教育正义基本理念的现象,如过度地干预学生的自由、忽视学生发展的差异性和个性、教学活动过程中学生参与的不公正、教学内容僭越儿童的生活等。转变教育观念,优化教学环境和改变教学模式是促进教育正义在班级教学中更好实现的条件。  相似文献   

随着电大远程开放教育的深入发展,开展网络学习已成为电大远程开放教育中重要的学习方法。在推进过程中,要认清形势,更新观念,顺应时代发展,充分利用网络的优势和特点,获取最佳的学习效果,培养学生的各方面能力。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned to demonstrate the usefulness of the theory of Bourdieu, including the concepts of field, logics of practice and habitus, to understanding relationships between media and policy, what Fairclough has called the ‘mediatization’ of policy. Specifically, the paper draws upon Bourdieu’s accessible account of the journalistic field as outlined in On television and journalism. The usefulness of this work is illustrated through a case study of a recent Australian science policy, The chance to change. As this policy went through various iterations and media representations, its naming and structure became more aphoristic. This is the mediatization of contemporary policy, which often results in policy as sound bite. The case study also shows the cross‐field effects of this policy in education, illustrating how today educational policy can be spawned from developments in other public policy fields.  相似文献   

This article discusses the inter-relationship between popular knowledge and academic knowledge in the context of mathematics education. The author, based on her field research with groups from the Brazilian Landless People's Movement, analysed the political dimensions of an education project which seeks to investigate the traditions, practices and mathematical concepts of a subordinated social group. She then goes on to analyse the pedagogical work which was developed in order for the group to be able to interpret and decode its knowledge; to acquire the knowledge produced by academic mathematics; and to establish comparisons between its knowledge and academic knowledge, thus being able to analyse the power relations involved in the use of both these kinds of knowledge.  相似文献   

中国的法学基础教育侧重于将法学基本知识传授给学生,使学生知晓法学的基本概念、构成要件等等。这种传统基础教学有利于学生短期内强行具备一定的法学理论功底,但是这种教学的弊端也是明显的,那就是学生跨入社会后的应变能力不强,作为法律教育的受众特征不明显,在应对社会问题方面并没有真正体现出法律素养。基于此,在法学本科教育阶段,特别是行政法这一门实践性非常强的学科中,应改变传统填鸭式的理论灌输教学方式,侧重于法律思维能力的培养和运用,真正实现法律教育作为社会精英教育的目的。  相似文献   

荣辱观是中国传统美德中最基本的道德范畴。汲取传统荣辱观的精华,帮助大学生正确处理国家和个人的关系、道德和利益的关系、奉献与索取的关系,是当代大学生道德人格教育的重要课题。  相似文献   

Higher education today is faced with a perplexing array of often conflicting demands and pressures. There is continuing debate over a range of important concepts including educational quality, academic freedom, accountability, equity, affirmative action, and accessibility. These concepts reflect fundamental principles which form the basis for policy directions by governments and postsecondary education institutions. Yet, are we clear on what these principles mean and on how they interact? This discussion examines the various facets of the concept of entrepreneurship and the implications of entrepreneurial activities for higher education institutions. It is argued that basic differences exist in culture and values between higher education and the private sector, and that more attention to a clear understanding of the concepts and activities involved in entrepreneurship will reap benefits for higher education in future policy development and strategic planning.  相似文献   

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