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中国大学毕业生就业难问题已经变得非常严重,影响就业的因素已经成为学界讨论的热点。文章利用多项二分选择回归模型探讨影响北京地区大学毕业生就业、失业和成为研究生的因素,发现高声誉大学和普通大学毕业生比大专毕业生找工作容易,高声誉大学毕业生成为研究生的可能性更大;工程类和商学类毕业生好找工作,农学类毕业生进入研究生院学习的可能性最大;女生比男生找工作容易并且读研究生的概率更大。  相似文献   

Job opportunities for engineering college graduates for 1958 is discussed. The survey includes information from a number of east coast electronic industries. In nearly every case, a reduction in the number of new employees is indicated. A lowering of the salary scale is not anticipated. Employers will emphasize quality. It is pointed out that the opportunities for employment may make a sudden reversal from the trend indicated due to a change in national defense planning. The data presented would support the view that the engineering college graduate for 1958 would not be sought after with the vigor of the past few years.  相似文献   

This study investigated how well chemical engineering graduates perceive they were prepared for work in industry. To this end, sixteen interviews were carried out with a purposive sample of recent University of Cape Town chemical engineering graduates. Qualitative analysis of the interview data showed that graduates felt that overall, they were well prepared for work in industry. They perceived their strengths to be their technical background, problem solving skills, formal communication skills and life-long learning abilities. The following areas of weakness were also identified: work in multi-disciplinary teams, leadership, practical preparation and management skills.

The use of interviews for data collection is a significant departure from the methods used in other studies in this area. The rich and contextual data gathered from the interviews justified this choice and contributed to the identification of issues not previously mentioned in the literature. For example, an unexpected finding of the study was that there was a clear link between the technical and non-technical attributes of engineering graduates, a result which has clear implications for the design of undergraduate engineering programmes.  相似文献   

This research looks at the role of graduate placement programmes in bridging the gap between higher education and the small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector. The research design and methodology used in this study was exploratory, in-depth and qualitative in nature. The research took the form of a multiple case study and focused on seven graduates with an engineering, science or technology background who have worked with SMEs. The graduates were employed by companies participating in the Fusion programme, a graduate placement and knowledge transfer programme currently running in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (the UK). The study shows that graduate placement programmes such as Fusion can help graduates in their transition to the SME workplace, but the impact can vary according to the individual placement context. Implications for policy and future research are considered.  相似文献   

The education of engineering graduates at Aalborg University is an exceptional experiment in an international context. The curriculum is project-organized from the day the new students arrive until their graduation. The work is project-organized and carried out in small project groups. An assessment of the results of our study programmes in engineering was carried out after almost 20 years of experience. This discovered that the graduates and their employers considered the programmes to be very suitable in preparing graduate engineers for the engineering professions. The assessment also revealed that the knowledge and experience which the graduates had gained in project work were considered to be of greater value for their professional activity than were the knowledge and experience gained from lectures etc. This paper presents a brief introduction to the educational concept and to the main results of the assessment.  相似文献   

There has been little research into learners' mental models of chemical bonding at any level, let alone the tertiary level. Undergraduate and graduate students encounter a plethora of sophisticated and highly abstract mental models for chemical bonding, and this study sought to investigate if there are preferred mental models for the concept of covalent bonding for secondary, undergraduate, and graduate chemistry learners. In particular, it was of interest to see whether exposure to increasingly sophisticated mental models at different points in a chemistry education showed up in patterns of preference and use of models in interpreting common physical properties and phenomena. The study revealed that, despite evidencing expertise in a number of highly complex and mathematically sophisticated mental models, tertiary students, including graduates (MSc and PhD), show a strong preference for simple realistic mental models. Furthermore, the students struggled to use their mental models to explain the physical properties of covalently bonded substances.  相似文献   


This study surveyed the initial post‐course destinations, the retrospective perceptions on the validity of their degree course and the future career intentions of the Early Childhood Studies students who graduated from University College Suffolk in 1996. Data collection was via postal questionnaires. The majority of graduates had found employment or been accepted onto post‐graduate courses allied to their Early Childhood Studies Degree. They appeared to he satisfied with the relevance of the programme of study to their initial post‐course destinations. The course team, however, identified three issues for consideration when the curriculum and student experience are reviewed.  相似文献   

It is now widely acknowledged that water management discipline is transforming, from being a public health and flood prevention challenge of the nineteenth century to a multi-dimensional challenge of water security for the twenty-first century. In order to train water engineers to be capable of working with this holistic multi-dimensional approach, a new paradigm in engineering education is required. Adjustments already made to undergraduate coursework are not enough; this new paradigm requires modifications to the PhD in engineering, with greater emphasis on interdisciplinary case study research. Such a change can deliver PhD graduates with both sufficient social and technical knowledge, who can then go on to become the hybrid lecturers crucially needed for training future water engineers.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of higher education and the graduate labour markets in selected European countries (France, Germany, Spain and United Kingdom) in the context of the expectations of graduates and prospective employers, and respective recruitment and selection practices. Expectations of graduating students from a number of European collaborating universities are sought and analysed in order to find out about a match between the knowledge and skills of graduates and the needs of European employers. The study examines the process of graduate recruitment, employee and employer expectations, and the role of higher education institutions in meeting such expectations. Primary data was gathered from 252 employers and 485 final year (graduating) students through the use of questionnaires. The analysis of the data collected has revealed different approaches to but similar methods of graduate recruitment between the four countries. Despite the current differences in higher education systems and labour market trends, the expectations of employers and graduating students are more similar than different. It is concluded that EU graduates will have good employment prospects in an integrated labour market.  相似文献   

在对目前采矿工程本科毕业设计存在问题及其影响因素分析的基础上,对采矿工程本科毕业设计环节进行教学改革探讨,以解决目前采矿工程本科毕业设计存在问题为目标,提出了对思想根源、保障条件、设计内容、设计过程、设计成果各个环节措施针对性强、全过程监控的教学改革方案,为提高采矿工程本科毕业设计质量提供强有力保障。  相似文献   

高职毕业生择业观存在的问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张忠 《辽宁高职学报》2008,10(10):84-86
高职院校毕业生与其他普通高校毕业生就业一样压力重重,虽然近几年毕业生就业率有所回升,但仍存在着诸多问题亟待解决。高职院校毕业生要想走出就业难的“死胡同”,必须摒弃传统就业思维定势和落后的择业观念,树立全新的择业观念,开辟新的就业渠道。通过对高职毕业生择业观存在问题和原因进行分析,提出了教育与引导高职毕业生树立正确的择业观对策与方法。  相似文献   

Lifelong Debt: Rates of Return to Mature Study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High rates of return to first degrees have been used to justify increased student financial contributions to higher education. However, no discrete study of rates of return to mature graduates has been carried out although mature graduates now form a significant proportion of the student population. The General Household Survey 1983–1992 was used to examine the earnings of mature graduates compared with those of matriculates. The GHS yielded 616 mature graduate men in full-time work and 296 mature graduate women who were in full-time employment. It was found that the rate of return to mature male graduates was just above one per cent. With recent added costs, new male mature graduates can be forecast to make a sizeable loss on their study. Rates of return to women mature graduates were higher, between five and six per cent, and, based on these figures, the recent increased cost of mature graduate study should be covered by increased earnings. However, these calculations are based on average earnings for the modal age cohort of mature graduates. Those who are older when they complete or earn below the average (a large percentage) will not recoup the costs of study.  相似文献   

本研究利用2003年- 2009年北京大学实施的全国高校毕业生调查数据,考察高校学生毕业后发展路径选择的变化趋势及其影响因素.研究发现:(1)随着就业竞争加剧和金融危机所带来的冲击效应,高校学生的毕业后发展路径选择呈现多元化格局,其中继续升学和非传统型就业群体比例增加;(2)高校毕业生中有超过四分之一的群体在毕业后陷入失业困境,其中女性,来自农村地区、家庭社经地位和文化资本积累不足等先致性因素导致毕业生陷入失业困境的概率增高;(3)高校学生毕业后发展路径受到个体特征、所属高等院校特征、劳动力市场发展状况以及宏观社会经济发展环境等多层面因素的影响.  相似文献   

The employment scene for professionals of all sorts becomes more volatile with each decade. In engineering, graduates of past generations could reasonably look forward to a linear career trajectory characterized by upward mobility and advancement. A typical career back then might allow the graduate to move from strict technical work to creative design work, then on to technical management, and perhaps to general management—often within one firm. In contrast, today's engineering graduate is being told that a typical work pattern will probably involve six or eight or more major job changes during the working lifetime. What is not being said is that such job changes will often be lateral moves, not career progressions. The hiring of engineering graduates by non-traditional employers, seeking their problem-solving and analytical skills for resale to consulting clients, exacerbates the problem. This paper examines the causes of such changes in the engineering employment pattern, and offers suggestions for dealing with the troubling aspects of the current employment market-place.  相似文献   

对当前研究生思想政治教育的若干思考   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
高校研究生招生规模的扩大,研究生数量的日益增加,既为研究生教育提供了新的发展机遇,也对研究生思想政治教育提出了新的挑战.目前,必须从观念、内容、方法、手段、机制等几个方面加强和改进研究生思想政治教育,大力加强其时代性、针对性和实效性.  相似文献   

国际金融危机的爆发,全球经济发展面临严峻挑战,对我国的宏观经济也造成一定影响,从而使大学生就业的矛盾更加突出。就业乃民生之本,安国之策。高校毕业生是国家宝贵的人力资源,做好毕业生就业工作,是贯彻落实党的十七大精神,全力推进人力资源强国建设的神圣职责和光荣使命。为此,必须把高校毕业生就业摆在就业工作的首位,切实制定积极有效的战略措施,进一步加强统筹协调,创新体制机制,强化协调配合,全力以赴促进高校毕业生充分就业。  相似文献   

Based on a 2009 national survey on college graduate employment in China, this article analyzes the relationship of college graduates’ place of work to their birthplace and where they attend college, using a conditional logit model. The findings indicate that graduates tend to stay to work in their birthplaces or places of study, controlling for economic, higher education, and personal characteristics. Graduates from Project 211 key universities and those with graduate degrees are more likely than non-211 graduates or bachelor or associate graduates to leave their birthplaces but stay to work in their places of study. To balance the distribution of college graduates and improve the efficiency of human resources, existing labor market segmentation should be broken down and more emphasis placed on the distribution of higher education.  相似文献   

综合性工科院校地质专业,通常教师数量较少,办学规模不大,实践平台等综合力量都难以与地质院校相媲美。如何扬长避短,充分发挥综合性工科大学的综合优势,将地质类研究生培养成既有坚实的理论基础和较强的实践能力,又具有学科渗透、方向交融、产学研结合这种社会亟须的复合型人才是更好的选择。本文就合肥工业大学地质专业研究生培养实践进行了总结,包括加强研究生的基础教育,进行学科交叉和方向融合,打破二级学科界限进行专业学位课程建设,建立研究生野外实践创新基地等。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the changing pattern over time of unemployment among U.K. graduates at the outset and during the early stages of their careers. It is argued that, although the topic is highly relevant to a wide range of policy issues it has, as yet, received only limited attention from researchers. In the paper, unemployment trends in aggregate, by faculty and by subject are examined, using data from the annual First Destination Return, first compiled for the 1961/2 university graduates, and the 1970 and 1980 Graduate cohort surveys. In addition, differences related to gender and also to type of institution of study are identified, and the relationship between new graduate unemployment and unemployment in the U.K. economy as a whole is investigated. It is demonstrated that the basic trend of new graduate unemployment follows closely that of economy-wide unemployment, but that, within the graduate labour market, there is substantial, and persisting, variation across faculties and subjects. Possible explanations of this variation, arising from differing strengths of demand and supply, are suggested and the paper concludes that there is therefore scope for influence on the graduate labour market to bring about a closer correspondence of demand and supply.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育由“精英教育”迅速转变成为“大众教育”,大学毕业生人数逐年增长,致使大学生就业问题日益突出。积极拓宽就业渠道,把广大基层作为大学生就业的主要方向,是大学毕业生就业工作的重点。高校毕业生前往基层就业还受到就业观念、就业条件以及高校专业设置等因素的影响,因此高校、政府、基层以及毕业生四个方面都要积极转变,推动高校毕业生的基层就业。  相似文献   

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