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青少年网球初学者需要掌握的要领   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如果你注意那些能影响国际趋势的顶尖网球高手,就不难发现,根本不存在什么整齐化的“绝对标准”,每一个高手都有自己的打法,自己的特点。但有一些基本的东函可供遵循,下面列出注意事项,仅仅是对初学者的提示,一但你掌握了网球技术,那么这些提示就会被你尽情发挥,而形成你自己的特点。  相似文献   

深泽 《网球天地》2014,(3):130-130
最近,一首题为《网球,你好!》的诗在中央国家机关网球爱好者中流传着。作者用短短112个字,描述了参加中央国家机关网球分类培训班之初体验以及与朋友、同事分享网球运动乐趣的迫切心情。  相似文献   

多球训练是高校网球选修课常用的训练方法,对于初学者来说,合适的多球供球方式能促进挥拍和技术水平的强化,巩固基本功,快速提高运动水平,本文通过文献资料法、数理统计法、对比分析法和实验法,探究不同供球形式对网球初学者的影响,并得出结论:相对原地供球,隔网移动供球能更有效地提高初学者的技术水平,建议网球工作者在对初学者进行教学时,最初阶段采用隔网移动供球形式。  相似文献   

温宝林 《体育师友》2010,33(1):78-80
主要采用文献资料法、访谈法,从初学网球的准备部分、学习部分、交流部分以及结束部分,对网球初学者的学习提出若干建议,以与广大网球爱好者共同交流,亦为即将踏上网球之路的初学者提供学习捷径。  相似文献   

郑欣 《辽宁体育科技》2007,29(3):104-104
网球运动是—项技术性很强,动作要求很高的运动。初学者由于缺乏专业人士的指导常出现—些错误动作,如何在打球过程中找出自己技术动作的毛病,并通过有效的练习方法进行改正,这是网球爱好者的热门话题。本文就网球初学者常出现的一些错误动作进行分析,并介绍一些纠正错误动作的练习方法,供网球爱好者参考。  相似文献   

<正>如果你的学生对网球学习的兴趣正浓,但在练球中不小心受了伤,这会使他们的运动停歇、热情渐减。其实,教学方法很重要,你要尽可能避免学生在运动中受伤,并使其球技突飞猛进。这里不妨介绍几个伤病的应对方案。  相似文献   

覃寅寅 《网球天地》2011,(1):103-103
当下,有很多成年和少儿初学者兴致盎然地踏入网球场,追寻这种阳光、健康、时尚的运动,但恐怕多数人还没想好自己准备怎么学网球,打算学到什么程度。盲目热情的初学者们一旦在学球过程中遇到困难,可能就打退堂鼓了。所以在学球前,我们还是先帮你做好思想准备。  相似文献   

干福志 《精武》2014,(4):34-35
本文通过运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等对网球初学者在进行正手击球时出现的问题进行研究,着重对网球初学者学习正手击球时易犯错误动作进行分析。正手击球是网球初学者学习网球的最基本的,也是最重要的技术动作。为了让初学者便于掌握正手击球动作,在教学和训练中,要抓住技术关键,有针对性地训练,分析出现错误动作的原因,以便及时纠正,以求达到最佳的学习效果,尽快掌握网球基本技术动作。  相似文献   

如果你考虑尝试一下网球运动,那是非常不错的想法。网球将是你一生都能从中获得快乐的运动。下面的九个问题,是初学者最常问到的问题,我将在此一一为你提供答案和建议。  相似文献   

粱双强 《网球天地》2014,(2):110-111
从开始关注网球到手握球拍在场地上进行亲身实践,我想你已经是一名网球运动的初学者了。对于初学者而言,刚刚对网球产生了浓厚的兴趣,对各项技术动作也有了些整体的认识,此时的你一定想要跃跃欲试到球场上挥上几拍,过一把瘾。就这样,你慢慢被网球所吸引,并且开始更深入地研究它,以提高自己的技术水平。  相似文献   

自20世纪50年代诞生第一位世界冠军以来,乒乓球运动就逐渐成为我国的优势体育项目,尽管国际乒联一直在修改规则,海外兵团不断壮大,在奥运会、世锦赛等重大比赛中,中国队几乎总能包揽金牌。分析了中国乒乓球霸主地位形成对乒乓球运动发展的一些影响,并提出了一些建议与对策。  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to determine whether variations in rebound speed and accuracy of a tennis ball could be detected during game-simulated conditions when using three rackets strung with three string tensions. Tennis balls were projected from a ball machine towards participants who attempted to stroke the ball cross-court into the opposing singles court. The rebound speed of each impact was measured using a radar gun located behind the baseline of the court. An observer also recorded the number of balls landing in, long, wide and in the net. It was found that rebound speeds for males (110.1+/-10.2 km.h-1; mean+/-s) were slightly higher than those of females (103.6+/-8.6 km.h-1; P<0.05) and that low string tensions (180 N) produced greater rebound speeds (108.1+/-9.9 km.h-1) than high string tensions (280 N, 105.3+/-9.6 km.h-1; P<0.05). This finding is in line with laboratory results and theoretical predictions of other researchers. With respect to accuracy, the type of error made was significantly influenced by the string tension (P<0.05). This was particularly evident when considering whether the ball travelled long or landed in the net. High string tension was more likely to result in a net error, whereas low string tension was more likely to result in the ball travelling long. It was concluded that both gender and the string tension influence the speed and accuracy of the tennis ball.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to determine whether variations in rebound speed and accuracy of a tennis ball could be detected during game-simulated conditions when using three rackets strung with three string tensions. Tennis balls were projected from a ball machine towards participants who attempted to stroke the ball cross-court into the opposing singles court. The rebound speed of each impact was measured using a radar gun located behind the baseline of the court. An observer also recorded the number of balls landing in, long, wide and in the net. It was found that rebound speeds for males (110.1?±?10.2?km?·?h?1; mean?±?s) were slightly higher than those of females (103.6?±?8.6?km?·?h?1; P?<?0.05) and that low string tensions (180?N) produced greater rebound speeds (108.1?±?9.9?km?·?h?1) than high string tensions (280?N, 105.3?±?9.6?km?·?h?1; P?<?0.05). This finding is in line with laboratory results and theoretical predictions of other researchers. With respect to accuracy, the type of error made was significantly influenced by the string tension (P?<?0.05). This was particularly evident when considering whether the ball travelled long or landed in the net. High string tension was more likely to result in a net error, whereas low string tension was more likely to result in the ball travelling long. It was concluded that both gender and the string tension influence the speed and accuracy of the tennis ball.  相似文献   

Topspin has become a vital component of modern day tennis. Ball-to-string bed and inter-string friction coefficients can affect topspin generation from a racket. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of string bed pattern on topspin generation. Tennis balls were projected onto nine head-clamped rackets with different string bed patterns. The balls were fired at 24 m/s, at an angle of 26° to the string bed normal with a backspin rate of 218 rad/s and outbound velocity, spin and angle were measured. Outbound velocity was shown to be independent of string bed pattern. Outbound angle increased with the number of cross strings, while outbound topspin decreased. In the most extreme case, decreasing the number of cross strings from 19 to 13 increased rebound topspin from 117 to 170 rad/s.  相似文献   

Research examining problem representations of individuals during task performance is advancing our understanding of information processing and expertise in a variety of sports. However, few studies using similar methodology have been conducted on individuals of various competitive standards in one domain in similar contexts. This study examined problem representations of adult advanced beginners and entry-level professionals accessed during singles tennis competition (n = 12). These groups were selected to represent players with performance skills that were different from those studied previously (i.e. adult beginners and varsity players). Immediate recall and planning interviews were conducted between points during singles tennis competition. Players competed within their respective expertise groups. Verbal reports were transcribed verbatim and concepts were scored according to a model of protocol structure. Several multivariate analyses of variance were conducted on rank scores for measures of concept content and structure using the L-statistic. Entry-level professionals exhibited more advanced problem representations than advanced beginners regardless of interview type. These findings together with those of previous research suggest adaptations in long-term memory profiles with increases in performance skills. For example, beginners lacked action plan and current event profiles because they generated goals and reiterated game events during both interviews. Advanced beginners, who had better performance skills than beginners, exhibited rudimentary action plan profiles and deficient current event profiles because they generated and monitored several detailed actions related to the current context during recall interviews and generated only a few goals during planning interviews. In contrast, varsity players and professionals processed tactical information in the current context and beyond denoting the existence of both action plan and current event profiles. Varsity players, with inferior performance skills than professionals, exhibited fewer and less associated tactical concepts than professionals during both interviews.  相似文献   


Research examining problem representations of individuals during task performance is advancing our understanding of information processing and expertise in a variety of sports. However, few studies using similar methodology have been conducted on individuals of various competitive standards in one domain in similar contexts. This study examined problem representations of adult advanced beginners and entry-level professionals accessed during singles tennis competition (n = 12). These groups were selected to represent players with performance skills that were different from those studied previously (i.e. adult beginners and varsity players). Immediate recall and planning interviews were conducted between points during singles tennis competition. Players competed within their respective expertise groups. Verbal reports were transcribed verbatim and concepts were scored according to a model of protocol structure. Several multivariate analyses of variance were conducted on rank scores for measures of concept content and structure using the L-statistic. Entry-level professionals exhibited more advanced problem representations than advanced beginners regardless of interview type. These findings together with those of previous research suggest adaptations in long-term memory profiles with increases in performance skills. For example, beginners lacked action plan and current event profiles because they generated goals and reiterated game events during both interviews. Advanced beginners, who had better performance skills than beginners, exhibited rudimentary action plan profiles and deficient current event profiles because they generated and monitored several detailed actions related to the current context during recall interviews and generated only a few goals during planning interviews. In contrast, varsity players and professionals processed tactical information in the current context and beyond denoting the existence of both action plan and current event profiles. Varsity players, with inferior performance skills than professionals, exhibited fewer and less associated tactical concepts than professionals during both interviews.  相似文献   

Assessment of movement logging devices is required to ensure suitability for the determination of court-movement variables during competitive sports performance and allow for practical recommendations to be made. Hence, the purpose was to examine wheelchair tennis speed profiles to assess data logger device applicability for court-movement quantification, with match play stratified by rank (HIGH, LOW), sex (male, female) and format (singles, doubles). Thirty-one wheelchair tennis players were monitored during competitive match play. Mixed sampling was employed (male = 23, female = 8). Friedman’s test with Wilcoxon signed-rank post hoc testing revealed a higher percentage of time below 2.5 m · s?1 [<2.5 vs. ≥2.5 m · s?1: 89.4 (5.0) vs. 1.2 (3.5)%, = ?4.860, < 0.0005, r = 0.87] with the remaining time [9.0 (4.9%)] spent stationary. LOW-ranked players were stationary for longer than HIGH-ranked counterparts [12.6 (8.7) vs. 8.2 (5.1)%, = 30.000, = 0.011, r = 0.46] with more time at low propulsion speeds (<1.0 m · s?1). HIGH-ranked and doubles players spent more time in higher speed zones than respective counterparts. Females spent more time in the 1.0–1.49 m · s?1 zone (= 48.000, P = 0.047, r = 0.36). Regardless of rank, sex or format, propulsion speeds during wheelchair tennis match play are consistent with data logger accuracy. Hence, data logging is appropriate for court-movement quantification.  相似文献   

Eighteen elite male tennis players were tested to determine their ability to identify string tension differences between rackets strung from 210 N (47 lb) to 285 N (64 lb). Each player impacted four tennis balls projected from a ball machine before changing rackets and repeating the test. Eleven participants (61%) could not correctly detect a 75 N (17 lb) difference between rackets. Only two participants (11%) could correctly detect a 25 N (6 lb) difference. To establish whether varying string tensions affected ball rebound dynamics, the ball’s rebound speed and landing position were analysed. The mean rebound ball speed was 117 km h−1, with only the trials from the 210 N racket producing significantly lower (P < 0.05) rebound speeds than the 235 N and 260 N rackets. This is contrary to previous laboratory-based tests where higher rebound speeds are typically associated with low-string tensions. The anomaly may be attributable to lower swing speeds from participants as they were not familiar with such a low string tension. Ball placement did not appear related to string tension, with the exception of more long errors for the 235 N racket and fewer long errors for the 285 N racket. It was concluded that elite male tennis players display limited ability to detect changes in string tension, impact the ball approximately 6% faster than advanced recreational tennis players during a typical rallying stroke, and that ball placement is predominantly unrelated to string tension for elite performers.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the effect of the use of tennis racket string vibration dampers on racket handle vibrations, and perceptions of hand and arm discomfort experienced by tennis players owing to stationary racket impacts. Twenty tennis players (10 males, 10 females) aged 18-29 years volunteered for the study. Two different racket models were impacted at the geometric centre of the racket face and 100 mm distal to the centre both with and without string vibration dampers in place. The participants could neither see nor hear the impacts, and they indicated their discomfort immediately after each impact using a visual analogue scale. An analysis of variance (2 x 2 x 2 factorial) was performed on the scaled discomfort ratings with the factors damping condition, racket type and impact location. No significant differences in discomfort ratings between damped and undamped impacts or between the two racket types were found. Also, central impacts were found to be more comfortable than impacts 100 mm distal to the centre (P< 0.05). There were no significant interaction effects. Vibration traces from an accelerometer mounted on the racket handle revealed that string vibration dampers quickly absorbed high-frequency string vibration without attenuating the lower-frequency frame vibration. In conclusion, we found no evidence to support the contention that string vibration dampers reduce hand and arm impact discomfort.  相似文献   

振动训练以其独特的功效,在训练学领域由于能帮助运动员提高训练水平而备受教练员的关注。以网球运动员上肢作为研究对象,探讨振动训练对网球运动员正手击球和双手反手击球产生的影响。结果显示:①振动组运动员正手击球时的爆发力,在小阻力和大阻力下有明显提高,出手速度在小阻力下有明显提高;非振动组运动员中阻力下击球速度有明显提高。②振动训练能使小阻力和大阻力双手反手击球时的爆发力得到明显提高,同时在大阻力下的反手出手速度明显提高;非振动组运动员在大阻力下的爆发力得到提高。③振动训练在该实验中是有效的干预手段,在一定程度上是传统力量训练的补充。  相似文献   

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