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A man always went to the same bar at the same time every day and asked for one glass of beer. He drank it and then asked for one more.  相似文献   

You have two cups,one containing orange juice and one containing an equal amount of lemonade.One teaspoon of the orange juice is taken and mixed with the lemonade.Then a teaspoon of this mixture is mixed back into the orange juice.Is there more lemonade in the orange juice or more orange juice in the lemonade? 有两个杯子:一个杯子里装着橙汁,另一个杯子里装有等量的柠檬水。取一匙  相似文献   

An expert of psychology puts an insect into a glass. The insect can jump very high and it‘s easy for it to jump out of the glass. Then the expert covers the glass with a piece of glass. The insect jumps up but is knocked back to the bottom of the glass. It tries several more times and the result is the same.  相似文献   

李陈晶 《海外英语》2011,(8):299-301
Emily Bronte’s is an mysterious poet and novelist, her only powerful novel Wuthering Heights not only creates a harrowing tale of passion and tragedy with happy ending, but also shows a full picture of Victorian Age. In this romantic novel, Emily not only creates Gothic atmosphere, but also explores some major themes of love and passion, revenge, nature and culture, religion. They are violating Victorian values and tastes. Actually, Wuthering Heights is no more than an autobiography of Emily herself. Through it, Emily’s gloomy psyche, mysterious life and Victorian social criticism are better expressed.  相似文献   

宋毅 《海外英语》2013,(22):233-235
Death is a common theme of literature and most of writers eulogize noble death to heaven and belittle some souls to heaven.Emily Dickinson,the great American poetess,wrote more than 600 poems about death and immortality with her unique ideas.The paper will analyze Emily Dickinson’s unusual belief about death from her poems and the influence of her growing environment on her.  相似文献   

陈晗凝 《海外英语》2011,(11):226-227,231
Emily Dickinson is widely regarded as one of American’s premier poets of the nineteenth century.In both style and content,her verse was,"revolutionary" in her day.Owing to the deep exploration of death and immortality,Emily Dickinson has become a puzzle in literary.As show in her poems,Dickinson’s spiritual journey led her from na?ve nature-mysticism through disappointment,to a sacramental approach to immortality afterlife and further discouragement,culminating in a mature attitude of faithful unknowing and even more interrogating the immortality.This paper will base on the theory of the death and immortality through common people’s fear to death,the essence of death,the significance of death to show the poetess’s whole life-childhood,love,life condition,spiritual contradiction,and mainly her skeptical concept of death and immortality.  相似文献   

A man went into a bar,sat down, called the barman and said to him, "Give me a drink before the trouble starts."The barman was busy with other people, so he did not say anything. He gave the man the drink,and the man drank it quickly.Then he put his glass  相似文献   

1.询问客人想吃什么常见表达:What wouldyou like(to have)?/Would youlike someing to eat(drink)?/Do you want any juice?/What(How)about a cup of tea?/Acup of coffee?/Do you wantanything else?/Would you likesome more fish?/Another cupofmilk?2.就餐过程中款待客人常见表达:Help yourselfto some meat,(please)./Helpyourself to anything you like./  相似文献   

About the Authoress: Emily Bronte (1818-1848)was the 5th child of the Reverend Patrick Bronte, a stern Evangelical curate, in Thornton, Yorkshire. When Emily was three, her mother died of cancer, and her Aunt Branwell, a strict Calvinist, moved in to help rasie the six children. They lived in a parsonage in Haworth with the bleak moors of Yorkshire on one side and the parish graveyard on the other. When Emily was 6, she went to a  相似文献   

Funny Stories     
1 Before the Trouble Starts A man went into a bar "sat down" called the barman and said to him, "Give me a drink before the trouble starts." The barman was busy with other people, so he did not say anything, but he gave the man the drink, and the man drank it quickly. Then he put his glass down, called the barman again and said to him, "Give me another one before the trouble starts."  相似文献   

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