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Som e people seem to be good at learning languages. They can pick up new vocabulary, m aster rules of gram m ar, and learn to write in the new language m ore quickly than others.They do not seem to be any m ore intelligent than others,but what m akes lang…  相似文献   

Swimming in summer is a very pleasant thing.Every sum m er,m anypeople go sw im m ing in a river,or go to the beach(海滨)for a swim .Theysw im into deep water,or float(漂浮 )onthe surface(表面 ).W hen they are tired,they lie (平躺) on the wetsand (沙地)and letthe waves(水浪)w ash them clean.In winter,it is always windy and thesea is cold.A lot of people often swim in asw im m ing pool. Som e ofthem cover (复盖) their bodies (身体) withgrease(油脂)because it helps to keep out(抵御)the cold.A …  相似文献   

Learning English     
Every year students in many countries learn English,Some of these students are young chil-dren.Others are teenagers(十几岁的人).Many are adults(成年人).Some learn at school,othersstudy by themselves.A few learn English by hearning the language,in films,on television,in theoffice or among their friends.But not many are lucky enough to do that.Most people must workhard to learn another language.  相似文献   

Som e people believe that schools w ill no longer be necessary in thenear future.They say thatbecause of the Internet and other new technolo-gy,there is no longer any need for school buildings,classes or teachers.Perhaps this willbe true one day,but ifthe world has no schools,I can tim agine how our society w ill be.In fact,w e should learn how to use newtechnology to m ake schools better.W e should invent a new kind of schoolthat is linked(链 接)to libraries,m useum s,science centres,labs an…  相似文献   

麦莹莹 《海外英语》2013,(6X):114-115
Aiming at solving the problems of lacking listening skills practices in English class. The paper is written for two purposes. Firstly, it intends to drive the attention of present obstacles in English listening teaching. Most children in China have their English classes at schools, however, they don’t learn too much English they just learn about English. After years of learning the problems come up: the college students who have passed CET4(College English Test) and CET6 are unable to speak or listen to native speakers. Secondly, it tries to introduce the listening skills and the methods of teaching it. Language is not a knowledge but a skill, to learn language does not mean to know as many rules and information about it, but is to practice from the first day your learn it and do practice as much as possible.  相似文献   

陈颖丽 《海外英语》2009,(12):16-17
There are various ways to learn (English in your spare time. Some people prefer watching movies because they can not only relax themselves but have visual and audio practice of original Engfish. In fact, the writer finds it interesting to compare the translation of movie names and would like to share with all the Einglish lovers.  相似文献   

English plays a very important role in our daily life and has been a world language for decades, as the global economy is developing so fast nowadays, the learners of English have already realized that the main purpose to learn English is to communicate properly in their real life with the people from other culture, but not to memorize those boring grammar rules and terrible vocabularies which will appear in their English examinations. Consequently, it has become an important task for English teachers to think about how to develop students’ language abilities for real communication. Nowadays, Communicative Language Teaching(CLT) has become a very popular teaching approach in China. CLT pays a lot attention to the social and functional elements in language daily use.  相似文献   

词汇 分Ⅰ. (5 ) 根据句意和首字母提示 拼写单词 使句子完A) , , 整 正确 、 。1.M y cousin is an e .H e works in a big car factory.2.D on t worry.P ’ we ll find the book ’ soon.3.The question isn’t hard.Y ou can answ er it e .4.W e b to learn English tw o years ago.5.During the SA R S period熏there were m any p in that hospital. 选择在意思上能代替划线部分的正确答案B ) 。6.Thank you very m uch for your help. A .helping m e B.h…  相似文献   

The world itself is becom ing m uch sm aller by using m odern trafficand m odern com m unication m eans.Life today is m uch easier than it was hun-dreds of years ago,is has brought new Problem s.O ne of the biggest is pol butlution.To pollute m eans to m ake things dirty.Pollution com es in m any w ay.W e see it,sm ell it,drink it and even hear it.M an has been polluting the earth.The m ore people,the m ore pollution.M any years ago,the problem w as not so serious because there were notso m …  相似文献   

Seashells com e in m any differentshapes,sizes,and colors.Som e shells grow as big as four feetlong.Som e shells are sm aller than half an inchlong.Som e shells have two sides that open likewings.Other shells are shaped like a curlingtube.Shells com e in allcolors:white,black,brown,yellow,green,red,orange,and pink.They are likea rainbow in the ocean.M any seashells are nam ed for other things weknow.The spider shell is one exam ple.The spidershell has long points that look like spider legs.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据首字母、句意或所给的汉语提示写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.I worked a long tim e and at last Im to w ork out the m athsproblem.2.The workers are t down the oldhouses so that a new school will bebuilt here.3.Som e people consider Li Y ang’s“C E nglish”useful forpracticing speaking English.4.W ill you join them in buying the thingsif you see m any(顾客)gathering?5.The girls ran fast so that they could getto the place a of tim e.6.In our country,people greet each otherwith a h…  相似文献   

Life is a sweet flower.We enjoy it.We spend our life in peace and harmony.We learn to love life,because we love the people in our life.Life is filled with joy and happiness.We must learn to cherish  相似文献   

Som e Japanese still get m arried by parents arrangem ent.Y oshio andTanaka,a young Japanese1living in the U nited States,told the storyof their2m arriage.“W e didn t m arry for love in the w estern sense.W e got m arried in the3Japanese way.O ur parents arranged our m ar-riage4a m atch-m aker.In Japan we believe that m arriage is5af-fecting the whole fam ily rather than a m atter concerning only the youngcouple.6we think it is im portant to m atch people according to their7backgrounds,ed…  相似文献   

College students in vocational school lack interest and confidence to learn English,so it is important to arouse their cu-riosity to improve performance in English. Happy teaching strategy should be po...  相似文献   

This story happened about five hundred years ago in asm all village.O ne day there was an earthquake.N othingw as destroyed and no one was hurt.B ut a huge rock fellfrom a nearby m ountain and stopped in the m iddle of theroad.W hen the earthquake stopped,m any people cam e tothe road and saw the rock.Som e of the strongest m entried to lift the rock out of the road.B ut theycouldn’t m ove it.They tried to push it butfailed.They tried to pull it with ropes but noth-ing worked.“W ell,”they…  相似文献   

Once a m an had a dream.H e dream ed of a land of peace and har-m ony.H e dream ed of a place where people were not judged by their skincolor.H e dream ed of a country w here children of different races couldplay together.H e dream ed of a nation w here all people w ere equal.Som epeople didn tlike his dream.They said itwould never happen.Som e peo-ple applauded his dream.They w anted to m ake it happen.This noble vi-sion has com e true for som e.For others,its stilljusta fantasy.从前有一个…  相似文献   

A Little Girl     
Last Sunday Iwentto the big park nearm y home.Spring was com -ing.The grass started to come outand the trees turned green.There werem any flowers in the park.Som e people were watching the beautifulflow-ers and m any children were flying kites in the warm sunshine.H ow happythey were!“W hat beautiful flowers!” a good-looking wom an said. Then shewanted to pick a red flower.“Excuse m e,M adam .You m ustn't pick flowers!”A little girl tookherarm .She was only 5years old.Atfirst,the wom …  相似文献   

一 There are more than 3 000 languages in world today, but only about 6 of them are major languages. More than 300 million peoples speak English as their first or native language.Another 300 million speak it as a second language.No one know how many people speak it as foreign language. Chinese is only language with more speakers than English. This is because the huge population of Chinese. English is the world' s the most important language and it is the most wide used language.It is the language of international business,research and science.More than three-fourths of the world's mail(邮件) is written by English.More than three-fifths of the world's radio stations use English.  相似文献   

贺博闻 《海外英语》2013,(4X):223-225
This paper focuses on essential distinctions between the major native dialects of English which are often divided by linguists into the three general categories of the British Isles dialects,those of North America and those of Australasia.English learners might want to learn a standard accent,because maybe they need it in a play or maybe they want to impress their friends,or maybe they want to fit in better in a certain English speaking environment.The paper hopes to help Chinese English learners firstly isolate the distinctions among different but widely-used and officially-accepted accents and then speak good English by means of eliminating incorrect accent by imitating Standard English pronunciation.  相似文献   

I hope I’ll have more chances to speak English in class,because we can learn English well only by using it.However,we have no such a chance at home.I hope the teacher will arrange all kinds of activities in class,such as dialogues,short plays,reading contests and so on.I don’t think it good for the teacher to talk all the time while the students take notes only.I think it necessary to learn some grammar.But we shouldn’t study grammatical rules in  相似文献   

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