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幼儿是天生的艺术家,只要给他们正确的引导,他们会给我们展示一个多彩的世界。幼儿的美术教学活动可以使幼儿发现美、认识美,进而用多样的方式表达他们眼中的美。美术活动可以激发幼儿的想象力与创造力,开展适合幼儿的美术活动有利于幼儿释放天性,展示个性。  相似文献   

幼儿的发展最容易受到环境的暗示、引导和制约。优化幼儿的发展环境,是提升幼儿教育质量的一个重要途径,在环境的创设中,除了园舍环境、文化环境等以外,我们不妨试着为幼儿创建一处富有生命情趣的生态环境。一个幼儿独处,他(她)会感到孤独、疲惫和厌倦;两个幼儿一起玩,他们便有了交往和专注;要是让幼儿处在一个有植物和动物的环境,他们会表现出对“动”的好奇和对生命的关注。所以一个个活生生的生命应处在一个富有生命情趣的生态环境,在感知中学习。幼儿观察农作物和蔬菜的“变大”,他们便了解了“生长”;观察蝌蚪变成青蛙,他们便了解了“…  相似文献   

创设一个与幼儿发展相适应的优质环境,促进幼儿身心和谐发展,对于幼儿的成长有着至关重要的作用,对于幼儿来说,环境是他们成长的依托,环境影响着他们的成长速度,环境引导着他们的成长方向。  相似文献   

王敏 《教育教学论坛》2013,(50):250-251
创设有利于幼儿身心健康的活动环境,促使幼儿积极、主动地发展是我园近年来探索的主要目标之一。幼儿是一个主动发展的个体,要使幼儿形成健康生活的情绪、态度和良好的行为习惯,没有幼儿主动积极的参与是难以实现的。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中指出:"幼儿园应为幼儿提供健康、丰富的生活和活动环境,满足他们多方面发展的需要,使他们在快乐的童年生活中获得有益于身心发展的经验。"因此,创设一个好的活动环境,可以吸引幼儿,培养幼儿的活动兴趣,满足他们多方面发展的需要。  相似文献   

一、创设一个富有创造性的环境,培养幼儿创造的心态和意识是幼儿获取自信心和成功感的前提。教师如果给幼儿创设一个积极的心理环境,让儿童在老师的指导和鼓励中活动;会极大地激发幼儿主动地感知、探索、发现和学习的积极性,吸引幼儿主动投入到活动中。只有让幼儿对所学内容有强烈的兴趣,才能激活他们的创造欲望;让他们的头脑中有鲜明清晰、呼之欲出的构想,使他们内心产生创造的欲望。 教师要创造有利于幼儿创造性思维发展的环境和条件,让幼儿无拘无束、不分时空地自由想象,鼓励孩子敢想、敢说、敢尝试,让他们大胆地、毫无顾虑地…  相似文献   

屈瑞芳 《考试周刊》2015,(22):187-188
幼儿的心理发展有其内在规律,是一个循序渐进的过程,要符合客观规律,不能与儿童身心健康成长发展相背离,拔苗助长式教育教学方法只会使幼儿产生厌学心理。只有对幼儿进行科学教育,尊重幼儿才有利于幼儿健康发展,才会使整个教育充满生机与朝气。尊重幼儿,就要学会遵循幼儿的成长规律;尊重幼儿,就要学会耐心、认真地聆听他们的声音,认识他们的世界;尊重幼儿,就要正视个体的差异,给他们自由的发展空间。  相似文献   

幼儿园生活是每个幼儿成长过程中的一个关键转折期,当幼儿走出围着他们转的家庭,走进集体,开始他们的新生活时,由于幼儿自身条件和所处环境的不同,幼儿入园时的表现也各不相同.对初入园的幼儿而言,幼儿园是一个非常陌生的环境,幼儿心理上难免会有起伏、跌宕,且幼儿一生中最大的“分离焦虑”往往就是这时产生的.本文就幼儿入园亲子分离焦虑现象进行较深入的分析,并提出相应的策略.  相似文献   

幼儿是一个具有独立人格的人,他们用自己的童心去观察、理解和探索世界,他们从小就有摆脱对成人的依赖、按照自己的意愿去做事的冲动,幼儿想要挣脱成人的管教,希望的是能够做自己想做的事。可以说每一个幼儿都有其生长的规律,只有尊重这一规律,给幼儿充分的自由发挥空间,才能调动幼儿内在的积极发展性,发挥其主动性更好地促进幼儿的身心健康发  相似文献   

一、创设一个富有创造性的环境,培养幼儿创造的心态和意识,是幼儿获取自信心和成功感的前提。教师如果给幼儿创设一个积极的心理环境,让儿童在老师的指导和鼓励中活动,会极大地激发幼儿主动地感知、探索、发现和学习的积极性,吸引幼儿主动投入到活动中。只有让幼儿对所学内容有强烈的兴趣,才能激活他们的创造欲望,让他们的头脑中有鲜明清晰、呼之欲出的构想,使他们内心产生创造的欲望。教师要创造有利于幼儿创造性思维发展的环境和条件,让幼儿无拘无束、不分时空地自由想象,鼓励孩子敢想、敢说、敢尝试,让他们大胆地、毫无顾虑地按照自己的想法去创造,对他们的新颖、离奇、夸张、变形、具有丰富想象力的创造要及时给予充分肯定的评价。  相似文献   

<正>幼儿是父母的希望、祖国的花朵,幼儿时期是一个人一生中发展的基础时期,让他们有一个安全、快乐、幸福的人生,是我们教师和家长的美好愿望。可是,幼儿时期也是一个人一生中最危险的时期。因此,作为一名幼儿教师,应该把安全教育放在首位,真正提高幼儿的安全意识,提高他们自我保护的能力,让幼儿在安全的环境中健康成长。我园开展了《幼儿安全自我保护教育的实践研究》的  相似文献   

Maternal separation anxiety is a construct that describes a mother's experience of worry, sadness, or guilt during short-term separations from her child. This investigation examined potential differences in psychological correlates between mothers with high and low levels of anxiety when their children were 8 months, 3 1/2 years, and 6 years of age. High levels of maternal separation anxiety had different psychological correlates contingent upon the age of the child. Depressive symptomatology and separation anxiety were unrelated at times 1 and 2, but when the children were 6 years old, mothers who had the highest levels of anxiety tended to have more depressive symptomatology, fewer coping skills, a more negative representation of self, and embraced more traditional sex-role values. Study findings are discussed with respect to their relevance to the mother's role as developmental partner to the child and linked to major theoretical perspectives that address the mother-child relationship.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies that examined the impact of separation and separation anxiety on the emotions and behavior of young individuals, little is known about separation anxiety in the elderly population. This grounded theory study purports to describe the process of separation anxiety among incarcerated Filipino elderly men. Individual interviews and participant observations were conducted with 25 incarcerated elderly Filipino men who are first-time prisoners and sentenced to lifetime imprisonment. Following Strauss and Corbin's (1998) coding protocol, a four-part process emerged to describe the studied layer of human experience. The Tectonic Model of Separation Anxiety among incarcerated Filipino elderly men comprises four phases: Winkling, Wilting, Weeding, and Weaving. Findings of this study invite nurses and other clinicians to identify developmentally appropriate strategies and interventions for this vulnerable and neglected sector of society.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and evaluation of a new measure, the Teacher Responses to Anxiety in Children (TRAC) questionnaire in 74 primary school teachers. TRAC presents 9 hypothetical scenarios in which a child displays generalized anxiety/worry, social anxiety or separation anxiety symptoms. Teachers rate each scenario on six subscales that reflect different ways of responding to child anxiety. Overall, TRAC showed good internal reliability, with factor analytic results suggesting that it assesses three factors: Autonomy-Promoting, Anxiety-Promoting and Reward responses. Male teachers were significantly more likely than female teachers to use Anxiety-Promoting responses. More experienced teachers reported significantly more reinforcement of anxious avoidance than less experienced teachers, and teaching assistants reported significantly fewer overprotective responses. Teaching staff reported significantly more Autonomy-Promoting responses in social anxiety or generalised anxiety/worry scenarios compared to separation anxiety scenarios. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for teacher training in the management of child anxiety.  相似文献   

Little is known about the origins of anxiety manifested in the career counseling process. Through a case illustration, this article highlights the appropriateness of using functional family therapy (FFT) principles in career counseling sessions to assess the family dynamics involved in this issue. The discussion emphasizes seven suggestions: (1) this anxiety is not necessarily easily recognizable and (2) is not limited to the career choice; this anxiety may be related to (3) separation anxiety, (4) parenting, (5) antecedent of family traumatic event, or (6) paradoxical injunctions; and (7) this anxiety can be treated through autonomy support.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of maternal employment and separation anxiety on maternal interactive behavior and infant attachment. 73 mother-infant pairs participated in a laboratory free-play session when infants were 5 and 10 months of age and in the Strange Situation when the infants were 18 months of age. Maternal feelings about being separated from her infant were assessed by questionnaire at 5 months. Employed mothers returned to work before the infants' fifth month, and nonemployed mothers did not work outside the home through their infants' tenth month. Employed mothers who reported high levels of separation anxiety were more likely to exhibit intrusive behaviors at 10 months. While employment was not directly related to attachment, we found infants of high-anxiety employed mothers to develop anxious-avoidant attachments. The results suggest that maternal separation anxiety and interactive style may be important mediators between employment and later infant outcome.  相似文献   

本研究以194名3~6岁幼儿及其母亲为被试,采用报告法测查幼儿的焦虑状况及其与母子依恋的关系.结果表明:在各焦虑症状中,女孩的躯体伤害恐惧得分显著高于男孩,低社会经济地位组幼儿的焦虑总分、分离焦虑、强迫一冲动障碍和广泛性焦虑得分显著高于中等和/或高社会经济地位组儿童,而中、高社会经济地位组儿童之间无显著差异;母子依恋与幼儿的焦虑总分及各焦虑症状(除强迫一冲动障碍)得分之间均呈显著负相关.  相似文献   

A theoretical model of children's dependency on teachers and other caregivers in elementary school was tested and supported in this study. Based on attachment theory and social‐cognitive theory, parental intrusiveness and children's separation anxiety were hypothesized to heighten dependent behaviors with school caregivers. Families of children in Grades K–5 participated. Parent‐ and child‐report measures with good psychometric properties were employed. Parental intrusiveness and children's separation anxiety were associated with clingy, dependent relationships with school caregivers in cross‐informant correlational analyses. Intrusiveness and separation anxiety jointly accounted for 18%–29% of the variance in dependency scores. Results are consistent with attachment models of continuity between parent–child relationships and relations with other caregivers. Practice recommendations for teachers and school providers are given. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 44: 823–837, 2007.  相似文献   

This study is the first prospective longitudinal and clinical investigation of homesickness in children. The moods of 329 boys ages 8–16 were assessed on a daily basis during either a 2- or 4-week period of separation from primary caregivers. Results supported 4 hypotheses: (1) homesickness was prevalent and varied in intensity. 83% of the boys reported some homesickness on at least 1 day during their stay, and 5.8% experienced severe depression and anxiety; (2) homesickness was experienced as a combination of depression and anxiety, particularly the former; (3) younger boys were at greater risk for homesickness than older boys; and (4) homesickness presented most often as internalizing behavior and was sometimes detectable to observers who knew the boys. 63% of the boys who self-reported moderate or high levels of homesickness were judged by observers to be homesick. Inconsistent with popular notions, the most homesick boys became progressively more homesick over the course of their separation, experiencing a significant drop in homesickness just before reuniting with parents. The phenomenology of homesickness is discussed, as are issues of simultaneous depression and anxiety in children.  相似文献   

Separating from a primary caregiver or parent can cause anxiety and stress for the young child. Although separation anxiety is experienced by all children in varying degrees, for secondary caregivers in child care centers and family day care homes, it poses particular problems.Sandy Osborne is a doctoral candidate, Department of Child and Family Studies, College of Human Ecology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The author thanks Kay Pasley and Jan Allen for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

3岁左右新入园的幼儿普遍存在分离焦虑.在当前幼儿园教育实践中,教师一般通过摆事实、讲道理或分散幼儿注意力的办法加以疏导,但这实质上只是让幼儿暂时回避了与依恋对象分离的事实,而没有真正消解幼儿的分离焦虑.长此以往,这种焦虑带来的心理创伤会集聚在幼儿的潜意识里,并对孩子一生的发展造成不利影响.音乐治疗是缓解情绪压力、调节负面情绪的有效手段,在将音乐治疗引入幼儿分离焦虑的治疗中时,必须遵循"同质原则",即首先使用与幼儿目前情绪状态同步的音乐,让音乐与幼儿的情绪产生共鸣,然后再通过逐步改变音乐的情感特点来改变幼儿的情绪状态.如可以先创设故事情境,展现与依恋对象分离的具体情景,而后给孩子们提供各种打击乐器,让他们随意根据自己的感受与情绪来敲打乐器,让乐器发生任意节奏的声音.在孩子们尽情渲泄后,再进入情绪安抚环节,由教师讲道理,并带着孩子们进行简单有趣的音乐律动活动.孩子们的分离焦虑会因充分释放而得到显著缓解,由先前的哭闹不止、拒绝活动到后来的积极参与,都表明根据"同质原则"设计的音乐治疗活动能够有效地缓解幼儿的分离焦虑,是治疗幼儿分离焦虑的有效的、恰当的手段与途径.  相似文献   

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