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黄思源 《海外英语》2013,(19):133-134
欧内斯特·米勒·海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway,1899-1961)是二十世纪世界最具影响力的作家之一。他的作品以"冰山原则"这一风格著称。"Hills Like White Elephants"是海明威短篇小说中的名篇,它以简洁的文字、鲜明的形象、丰富的情感和深刻的思想,淋漓尽致地展示了海明威独特的写作风格。此文目的在于对比评价三版译文——翟象俊版译文,笔者老师张祥麟教授的译文和《杀手——海明威短篇小说(评注本)》(以下简称《杀》)中的译文——是否较好地体现原文的"冰山原则"这一写作风格。  相似文献   

本文尝试运用格赖斯的合作原则对海明威的短篇小说Hills Like White Elephants中的对话进行分析,进而剖析人物的内心世界,展现人物性格及关系.  相似文献   

HEMINGWAY's story,“Hills Like White Elephants”,is about lovingrelationships between an American man and a girl.As lovers,they are in-timate,with the girl in the state of pregnancy.The story is told from the objective point of view.It takes place duringa 40-minute wait between trains.What lies behind them is indicated by thelabels on their bags.What lies ahead of them implies entire force and dir-ection of the story.It is at the station that a decision will be made that  相似文献   

By analyzing the conversations about "the operation" between the couple and the subtle changes of Jig's psychology in "Hills Like White Elephants", the paper exploits the raising of Jig's women consciousness that it is from a state of dependence to helplessness, hopelessness, and finally into be an independent female.  相似文献   

美国著名文学艺术大师海明威是描写人物对话的能手,Hills Like White Elephants即是一部以成功的对话描写为基础的文学作品。小说中的人物语言鲜明地展现出人物的形象、个性和情感,因此对话的翻译显得尤为重要。文中在分析Hills Like White Elephants小说对话特征的基础上,通过对翟象俊译本和张祥麟译本的对比和分析,探讨小说对话翻译的技巧。  相似文献   

基于翻译目的论,从译者的翻译目的、翻译方法、译者与其他翻译参与者(发起人、预期受众以及原作者)的关系等影响因素,对比分析Hills Like White Elephants汉译本,可看出翟象俊译本倾向于直译,张祥麟译本倾向于意译。两译者都充分考虑到预期受众这一重要因素,遵循了忠实原则和连贯原则,采取了相应的翻译手段,竭力实现了各自的翻译目的。  相似文献   

赵文荣 《海外英语》2014,(16):192-194,212
E. E. Cummings is one of the representatives of American modern experimental poets whose poems are well-known for the unique style. Cummings endeavors to make his poems be different from other poets’. He broke the traditional way of writing poems, invented in the changing of lines of the poem and the spelling of the words in the poem, thus to make his personal poem style distinctive. Therefore, standing on the stylistic point of view, this paper makes a brief analysis on Cummings’ typical poems from foregrounding perspective.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand different cultures in the use of idioms which related to animals, this study collected, com?pared, and analyzed Chinese and English idioms on“马”and“horse”by references to...  相似文献   

GONG Min-li 《海外英语》2013,(13):173-176
In an attempt to understand different cultures in the use of idioms which related to animals,this study collected,compared,and analyzed Chinese and English idioms on"马"and"horse"by references to a large number of dictionaries.The results show that in Chinese,the idioms on horse has the following features:above all,it covers evenly in commendatory,neutral,and derogatory senses;more specifically,it has a direct link to war in the commendatory sense while in neutral and derogatory senses,its references have been broadened;another common phenomenon is that horses in Chinese idioms are usually a large collection.However,English idioms in the use of horse favors on the derogatory sense since they focus more on the nature of horse-stubborn,arrogant,and even condescending.If horses are praised,they mostly refer to the talented people rather than any other things.The similarities and differences in the use of"马"and"horse"help to probe into the color of culture between eastern and western countries.  相似文献   

Oscar Wilde is one of the most famous writers in the period of the Victoria Age. As his classical work, "The Nightingale and The Rose" has been worshiped for its profound theme and the brilliant exertion of color. Now, the tale will be analyzed from the view of beauty in Color, expecting sharing my reviews with all of you.  相似文献   

In the past, the teachers are traditionally regarded as information givers; Knowledge flows only one way from teachers to students, while the students are usually considered as information receivers and they are very passive and boring. New syllabus requires cooperation between teachers and students, So teachers may need to re-think their approaches when they teach students, Teachers not only need to build up a positive relationship with the students, but also need to establish a clear understanding of how they expect and want things to be.  相似文献   

在经济和知识全球化的今天,为了培养更多精通外语的专业化人才,对外语教师提出了更高的要求,要求教师不仅要具备深厚的专业理论知识,还要拥有敏锐的洞察力,能够及时认识到学生的实际需求,并采取措施予以解决。作为一种现代化教学模式,CBI教学模式突破了传统的灌鸭式学习模式,将内容作为授课核心,融合语言学习过程的四种能力,在全面提高学生认知能力的同时,也有效地提高了教师的教学能力。  相似文献   

InhisPrinciplesofPragmaticsLeechusestwo questions :[1]Whatdoes“X”mean ?[2 ]Whatdidyoumeanby“X” ?tode scribethescopeoftwobranchesoflinguistics :semanticsandpragmatics .① Thisarticleinfactgrowsoutofthetwoquestionsandthepurposeofitistodiscovertherelationshipanddi…  相似文献   

Because of the differences in language,culture and mode of thinking between East and West there exist dissimilarities in the use of the subject of a sentence between English and Chinese.The essay tries to explore respectively the different characteristics and uses of the subject between the two languages which include some differences both in morphology and syntax.  相似文献   

The subtitle translation is very different from other forms of translation.We translators should meet the particular needs of the subtitle.This study is going to analyze the subtitle translation in "The Big Bang Theory" from Newmark's Communicative Translation Theory in three main perspectives:the information transmission,the aesthetics effect and the emotional transmission.In the information transmission the study will put emphasis on the limited circumstance.In the aesthetics effect the study will explore the expression of the sense of beauty.In the emotional transmission this study will study the use of rhetoric to express different emotions.  相似文献   

HUANG Qiu-yue 《海外英语》2014,(11):144-146,148
"Jianjia"("蒹葭"),one of the most famous poems in Shijing(《诗经》), is characterized by balanced sound patterns and euphonious rhythm. Investigation into the stylistic elements in both the source text and the English translation of"Jianjia"shows us the musicality in ancient Chinese poetry and its limits of translatability.  相似文献   

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in the Romantic period of England. This paper focuses on the exploration of the symbolic meanings of the image of "sea" from three aspects: the image of "Destiny", "God", and "A loving mother", then concludes that the "sea" has spiritual connotation which can give inspiration to human beings.  相似文献   

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