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This article argues for the potential that email interviewing has as a qualitative method in educational research. The article draws on research that uses email as a way of generating online narratives in order to understand how academics construct their identities. In doing so, the article considers the challenges that email interviewing poses for researchers who might wish to use the method as a way of studying and understanding academics' lives, particularly the nature of ‘presentation’ and ‘performance’ that takes place with/in email narratives. Nonetheless, despite these challenges, the article concludes by recognising the possibilities the method has for increasing reflexivity by providing both the time and space for academics to construct, reflect upon and learn from their stories of experience.  相似文献   

The article explores how the Internet and email offer space for participants to think and make sense of their experiences in the qualitative research encounter. It draws on a research study that used email interviewing to generate online narratives to understand academic lives and identities through research encounters in virtual space. The article discusses how the asynchronous nature of email helps to facilitate this by allowing research participants to contribute to research in their space and according to their own preference in time, and engage in a process of reflection and interaction. However, it also argues for the construction of more collaborative approaches to research that acknowledge their right to use the temporal nature of space and time that email offers to construct, reflect upon, and learn from their stories of experience in their own manner, and not merely to the researcher’s agenda. It concludes by recognizing the importance of email as a research tool for capturing the complexity of social interaction online.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - Online career counseling is an important new horizon for vocational guidance. The present study investigates the role of online...  相似文献   

The findings of a research project on the personal and professional experience of 22 first‐generation and 11 second‐generation Asian teachers are described. Four indigenous white and two West Indian teachers were also included to broaden our research perspective. The data were collected through semi‐structured interviews. The first‐generation Asian teachers, who had qualified from India or Pakistan, had faced numerous difficulties in obtaining first teaching posts, in promotion, class‐control and in forming working relationships with white colleagues. Most first‐generation teachers complained about the racial discrimination which they have to face in their professional lives. In sharp contrast, the second‐generation Asian teachers, who had qualified from Britain, did not come across any of the abovementioned problems. The teachers’ views are also presented verbatim on a range of multi‐cultural issues: the teaching of community languages, separate schools for ethnic children, Asian parents and equality of opportunity and racism in British schools.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the ways in which parents experience and negotiate child protection intervention. METHOD: A qualitative grounded theory approach was used. In-depth qualitative interviews explored the experiences of 18 parents who had received child protection services. Grounded theory methods were used to build a model representing the ways these parents perceived and reacted to intervention. RESULTS: The ways parents perceive workers using power was shown to be the primary influence shaping parents' views of intervention and their reactions to it. Two perceptions of power emerged: parents perceived power being used over them as a form of control or power with them as a form of support. Three ways of responding to intervention emerged: parents fought workers by openly opposing them, "played the game" by feigning co-operation, or worked with them in collaborative relationships. Parents experiencing power being used over them tended to fight or play the game while parents experiencing power being used with them tended to work with intervention. No evidence was found linking case type (non-voluntary or voluntary cases) to whether parents perceived power being used by workers over them or with them. CONCLUSIONS: Findings highlight the importance of practitioners and policy makers being aware of the impact power has on worker-parent interaction. Doubts are raised about the viability of policies separating policing and helping in child protection through differential response systems.  相似文献   

To date little is known about the effects of financial hardship on student parents, who remain a significant although largely unrecognized proportion of the student population. The objective of this study was to gain an insight into their concerns and illuminate issues which may have far‐reaching consequences not only for the mental and physical health of student parents but also for their children. Interviews were conducted with 12 women who are parents balancing home life with studies and, in some cases, work. Questions were directed at obtaining information relating to both direct and indirect pressures of financial hardship on home and family life. Questioning covered eight topics: change in lifestyle; financial situation; work; sacrifices—financial or otherwise; financial resources; financial impact on mental or physical health; impact on children; doubts over worth of study. For the majority, financial adversity affected their psychological well‐being. In many cases parents reported that their own stress adversely affected their children. Questions were also raised regarding parents' ability to meet the dietary needs of their children. Quality of home and family life also suffered as a consequence of financial hardship. Students' reflections on their experiences offer a clear insight into the emotional costs of further education exacerbated by financial hardship for both them and their family.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a study investigating the effects of a middle school counseling intervention, using a specially designed curriculum, on participating students' attitudes, self-efficacy, and performance in mathematics. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to test for main effects between condition and sex and condition x sex interaction effects on all outcome measures across 3 time points: pre-intervention, post-intervention, and follow-up. At pre-intervention, boys were significantly higher than girls on all variables except for performance in math. Models for growth indicated that students in the experimental group improved at a significant rate compared to girls in the control group on motivation, value, enjoyment, and confidence in mathematics. Implications of the findings are therefore particularly relevant for girls, who may benefit from interventions designed to increase their attitudes and self-efficacy for mathematics.  相似文献   

The present situation in which students enter tertiary education with different experiences of online literacy poses challenges for instructors of subjects in which content and online literacy are integrated. It is hard for university teachers to predict what can be expected of incoming students in terms of computer experience, or to plan suitable syllabuses. In this article, the online literacy practices of students in one subject offered at an Australian university are examined. These practices are viewed within the context of the subject itself, and in the wider context of tertiary education. It is suggested that studies of the contexts and practices of online literacy can provide information which will help instructors to have some idea of what to expect concerning their students’ online literacy. In turn, this knowledge may make it easier for instructors to plan subject syllabuses which provide for groups of students with mixed online experiences. Areas for further research are also identified.  相似文献   

Although orientation for online students is important to their success, little information about how to develop an online student orientation (OSO) has appeared in the literature; therefore, the purpose of this article was to describe the entire process of developing an OSO. This article describes the analysis, design, development, and evaluation phases of the OSO in higher education. The orientation consists of four modules titled as follows: (a) What is the nature of online learning? (b) How to learn in Blackboard (c) What are the technical requirements to take an online course? and (d) What learning skills and motivations are necessary for online learning? Formative evaluation was conducted to improve the initially developed OSO program. Summative evaluation showed the OSO program can be useful for future online students. Discussion and future direction of OSO program are provided.  相似文献   

Although the literature examining the usefulness of group projects is extensive, the link between cooperative learning, group performance and skills transfer in multicultural contexts remains unclear. Focus groups were conducted with a sample of 107 international and domestic postgraduate and undergraduate marketing students to investigate this link. Results confirm that group work facilitates the development of interpersonal skills, cross‐cultural collaboration and higher‐level learning. While there is the promise of transfer of learning to other situations, group learning effectiveness appears conditional on instructors preparing, coaching and debriefing students as to the expected benefits associated with participation in group projects throughout the semester. In addition, limited differences were observed between how international and domestic students responded to group activities, although this may (in part) be due to subtle differences in preconceived attitudes to group learning activities from the outset.  相似文献   

The internationalization of higher education has resulted in the growth of English-medium instruction (EMI) practices and research. The existing EMI research has documented learners’ favorable attitudes toward EMI but not necessarily its practices. Learners’ dissatisfaction has not been viewed as a form of resistance. Through the notion of learner resistance that underscores agency in defiance, this study examined the occurrences of learner resistance and the reasons for it by investigating Chinese learners’ experiences in an undergraduate business English-taught program in Taiwan. Multiple sources of data, including interviews, stories, and class observations, were gathered for analysis. The findings showed that most Chinese learners resisted an unhelpful curriculum, pedagogy, and context. Their resistance may be related not simply to academic disciplines but more importantly to a Confucian Heritage Culture of learning. Such findings highlight learner agency in resisting actions and call for further investigation into potential learner resistance in EMI practices.  相似文献   


Teacher collegiality has been highlighted as a crucial factor in educational change and professional development. Secondary school teachers have been consistently found to feel isolated from their colleagues, with few opportunities and mechanisms for collegial support and exchange. Research suggests that computer-mediated communication, and electronic mail in particular, may help overcome the logistical and cultural barriers that hinder teacher communication and collaboration. This article reports on some of the findings of a research study into the use of email by secondary school teachers in Uruguay. The aim of the study was to further understand the potential of email to support teacher collegiality. Content analysis was used to identify the purpose and usage patterns of 1356 electronic mail messages exchanged between 20 secondary school teachers in Montevideo, Uruguay, over a period of 37 weeks. The evidence suggests that a majority of the exchanges between teachers were related to teaching practice. However, communication in this study largely excluded discussions on teachers' theoretical stances and pedagogical beliefs. This may diminish the potential of email to challenge teachers' professional views and hence limit professional development opportunities to an ‘instrumental’ level.  相似文献   

Counseling theory tends to be White, Western and male in origin and orientation. Culture-specific counseling is proposed as an alternative to cross-cultural and multicultural approaches. In the culture-specific approach, we start with the culture and its peoples and search out natural helping styles. Rather than transforming Western theory to fit a new culture, the effort is to focus on the specifics and needs of that culture. This preliminary study applies anthropological constructs and the methods of microtraining seeking to discover a more culturally sensitive approach to conceptualization of counseling theory, training in counseling skills and knowledge, and in the use of evaluative research techniques. This paper presents the concepts of culture-specific counseling with a case example from the African-Igbo culture.  相似文献   

Children with Asperger's Disorder present unique challenges due to their impairments in social functioning. In order to better understand the experiences of parents of children with Asperger's Disorder, interviews were conducted with 20 parents. The interviews were taped, transcribed, and coded using the systematic methods of Grounded Theory. The central phenomenon of “constructing normalcy” emerged from the data as a salient construct for participants. Parents interviewed described a process of meaning‐making with respect to standards of “normalcy” and an effort to create adaptive environments for their children.  相似文献   

This article draws on a longitudinal qualitative study of Australian tertiary students studying Outdoor and Environmental Education. It draws on the work of Foucault and Darier to consider how ‘environmental governmentality’ shapes the conduct, desires and attitudes of these students over time. Attention is drawn to normalising and disciplinary effects of mainstream environmental discourse alongside an exploration of some of the inconsistencies and ruptures in how participants interact with discourses of environmentalism.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of studies investigating how early career academics (ECAs) form attitudes towards aspects of their work and gain skills in research, teaching and service. This is especially the case with respect to research. A review of the pertinent literature revealed the prominence of a notion of research self-efficacy (or confidence) and how it was aligned with the other issues distilled from the literature. Employing a qualitative approach, the author of the study sought to develop a better understanding of how ECAs generate research confidence. Interview data were analysed using a process drawing together analytic induction and constant comparison methods. Six themes emerged from this analysis, namely, graduate student research experience, priorities, isolation, researcher identity, mentorship and a vote of confidence. These themes are discussed in detail and the implications of the results for university managers and lecturers are then considered.  相似文献   

共情:心理咨询的基本技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
共情有认知和情感两个层面,高级共情是分析师潜意识层面即时体验到的反移情.共情是深入来访者内心世界的一个连续不断的过程,需要经过积极倾听、设身处地、敏锐思考、准确回应和引发领悟等阶段.不合格的咨询师往往是缺乏共情的人,其原因是多方面的.咨询师要达到准确共情,需要有共情的意识与态度、对来访者的终极价值认同、掌握共情的技巧、跟随与引导并进、理解自己的反移情.  相似文献   

Peer assessment (PA) provides opportunities for authentic assessment, autonomy and collaboration. Several authors advocate that students can benefit from PA and put forward the effects of PA on the students’ learning outcomes. Questions concerning the validity and reliability of PA and PA competences are also addressed by different researchers. This qualitative study is part of a wider project that seeks to develop and test evaluation and assessment strategies in online contexts. In a doctoral module, PA was used for summative and formative purposes. Formative PA aimed to give feedback about the ongoing group work, but also to increase online interaction between the different groups of students. The main module task was to write a literature review, about a selected topic, using a wiki. Criteria and indicators to assess the literature review were negotiated with the students. Different criteria were used to assess the quality of PA, such as, the use of the negotiated criteria, the adequacy of the chosen vocabulary or the provision of constructive feedback. The results show that overall the quality of PA can be improved. Groups did not provide sufficient criticism, questions and suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

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