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Pluralism, Relativism and the Neutral Teacher   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

校本教师培训的合理性追究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
校本培训的核心理念应为:秉持终身教育思想和教师专业化理念,把学校视为教师发展的家园,以教育教学实践中的问题为中心,强调在教、学、研一体化中教师的主动参与和探究,通过解决实际问题促进教师自身素养的提高和专业发展,彰显教师的个体生命价值。校本培训的显著特征在于:突出培训内容的针对性、方法的灵活性和目标的实践性,强调培训重心的基层化、对象的全员化和时间的全程化。现代知识向后现代知识的转型为校本培训提供了理论上的辩护与支撑。文化反哺则对传统“师教生学”的师生观予以解构,学生成为校本培训中教师的重要学习资源。应该理性考量校本培训的价值和作用,避免其被夸大或被贬损两种不良倾向  相似文献   

The paper discusses Iris Marion Young's idea of asymmetric reciprocity that rethinks typical understandings of gift giving. Iris Marion Young's proposals for asymmetric ethical relationships have important implications for democratic contexts that seek to take differences seriously. Imagining oneself in the place of the other or expecting from the other what one expects from oneself levels out differences between people and hinders possibilities of interaction.

The conditions of asymmetry and reciprocity of Iris Marion Young's communicative ethics, as well as that of the unexpected as understood within situations of gift giving, bring about new readings of learning and teaching situations. The paper discusses issues of power and knowledge that have important ethical implications for how the relationships between the teacher and student could be imagined and how the teacher and student imagine themselves.

Following Derridean underpinnings to Young's notion of asymmetric reciprocity the paper questions pedagogic attempts that seek to minimize the asymmetric positions of the teacher and the student and challenges educational practices based on the reproduction of knowledge and reproduction of persons. The paper follows Young's arguments against Derrida's reading of asymmetry as being one sided. It argues that such a reading does away with the idea of teaching and learning altogether as teaching necessarily involves acts of responding. It continues to argue that Young's conceptualizations of gift giving as reciprocal and asymmetrical open up alternative understandings of the pedagogic relationships between teachers and students.  相似文献   

全球化经济体系的影响力已跨越许多国家界线,并使它们融合成紧密链接的经济区域,此种融合不仅削弱个别国家的主权,同时也使竞争力的内涵从个别国家转向国际层次。由于教育是培育人力资本的主要场所,所以使许多国家更关注高等教育的扩张,本文依循此种路径并主张,全球化经济体系需求人力资本并非单纯数量的概念,更涉及之是的创新运用。本文将以台湾为例进行剖析,文中说明台湾企图大幅扩张高等教育规模,以强化自身的人力资本,以期在全球化经济体系中取得优势地位。然而,此种策略并提升台湾的经济动能,究其关键因素之一是,台湾的教育型态偏重升学主义,致使考试领导教学,背诵与反复练习成为主要的学习活动。这种僵化的教育型态并无法契合全球化济体系的特性,因为知识经济社会着重于知识的创新运用。造成此种缺失的关键因素不仅是升学主义文化产生的结构化限制,同时也导因于教师的工具理性思维,此种思维又根源于技术效能取向的师资培育课程。  相似文献   

特岗教师政策是农村学校师资问题的一项新政策。审思特岗教师政策的合理性,实际上是针对特岗教师政策中不利于教师发展的甚至阻碍教师发展的不科学之处不断优化政策的过程。从政策角度反思教师发展,是从根源处找出制约教师发展瓶颈,目的是为了教师更好地发展。合理性特岗教师政策应当是教师个体价值与社会价值、教育公平与效率的统一。  相似文献   

我国大学预算改革的目标是建立和完善现代预算制度,而民主和理性是现代预算制度发展的基本方向。本文详细阐释了我国大学预算改革进程中预算民主和预算理性的具体内涵。  相似文献   

试析教师权威存在的合理性及合理的教师权威   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师权威的缺乏及不合理运用都会使教育教学任务不能顺利完成。教师权威包括外在权威和内在权威。本文探讨教师权威的合理性限度问题,同时分析合理的教师权威的特征,以期对一线教师树立自身合理的权威形象提供指导。  相似文献   

实质合理性与形式合理性的内涵及其关系是教师管理制度合理性的主体内容。人性与教师的需要分析是教师管理制度实质合理性的基本内容和理论支撑;教师管理制度的形式合理性主要体现在教师管理制度的表述、设计和实施要体现和符合社会对教师的价值期待及程序正义两个方面。教师管理制度实质合理性与形式合理性的和谐与统一,要求教师管理制度在对教师的各项权利、责任、义务和利益的规定上要匹配、均衡,各项教师管理制度之间要协调、和谐。教师管理制度实质合理性与形式合理性结合的焦点是利益均衡问题。  相似文献   

The Concept of The Neutral Teacher   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

教师专业发展研究的范式既是一种科学研究的范式,又具有人文社会科学所特有的人文性与实践性。本文以库恩的范式理论为分析框架,梳理了20世纪初至20世纪80年代末、90年代初传统工具理性指导下教师专业发展研究范式的不足,剖析了20世纪90年代以后交往理性指导下教师专业发展研究范式的优势,阐释了当下我国教师专业发展研究范式的积极探索,旨在呈现20世纪至今,国内外教师专业发展研究范式发展的清晰脉络。  相似文献   

马克思主义以实践为立场的理性批判深深触及到了民主政治建设的根本问题:民主不是一种抽象的理性,而是一种现实的实践;民主不是一种先验的理念,而是一种历史的运动;民主既不是纯粹工具理性也不是纯粹价值理性的体现,而是工具理性和价值理性的统一。深究马克思主义对理性的批判将会积极地推进大家对马克思主义哲学本真精神的完整把握,同时也必将会有力地推动具有中国特色的社会主义民主政治的进程。  相似文献   

This article reflects on the processes and outcomes of a project which sought to develop knowledge and skills in democratic education among lecturers and students at the School of Education of The Gambia College. Over the course of the project, professional development workshops were conducted, and the impact of these was assessed in subsequent research. The research revealed a variety of responses in terms of the degree of impact that the workshops had had on participants, but also inspired questions about local interpretations of democracy, and about the ethics and effectiveness of interventionist projects of this kind.  相似文献   

审视与超越:教师权威由非理性向理性的回归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生个体的成长离不开教师权威的影响,教师的权威也是学生获取自由的保障.但教育领域中现有的种种显性和隐性的权威主义背离了教师权威的本真,因而使教师的权威被演变为非理性的权威主义.要想实现非理性权威向理性权威的回归,首先必须明确理性权威的基点在于由"从"到"信"的转变;其次,教师必须树立动态的权威观;最后,教师要通过改变实践来构筑真正的理性权威.  相似文献   


The relationship between prior field experience and professional development has been frequently documented in teacher education (Denton, 1982; Calderhead, 1988). There is less research, however, which has explored the relationship between students' prior experiences and their initial images of teaching and professional development. This paper outlines some, findings from a UFC research project into experiential learning in higher education. It concentrates specifically on teacher education and focuses primarily upon the experiences of student teachers prior to their professional training. The paper examines the extent to which prior experiences influence students' images of teaching and professional development. It describes the nature of those experiences and explores the relationship between prior experience and students' preconceptions about professional development.  相似文献   

教育实习作为教师教育课程的重要组成部分,是促进教师专业社会化的关键环节,也是教师养成专业能力的重要阶段.该文对教师教育实习的一些基本理念问题进行了探讨:对教师教育中的理论与实践关系的重新理解,对实习教师的"关注"的关注,对实习经验的"量"与"质"的剖析,对实习教师的"反思"的反思,对实习教师前期概念的检视,对教师教育者的专业发展的思考.  相似文献   

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