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摹羁弱黎淼器鬻黥孺羹学含义吗? ’警 1.I,m dying to see you. A.他是一个吹牛大王。’l,、2.Let,s pass the hat. B.不要理我。公3.Y0u are a good boy. c.干嘛那么垂头丧气的?≯ 4.she is a real dish. D.我们捐一点钱吧。公5.Go drink from the sea! E.我好想见你啊!毒6.He can get up. F.你的确是错了。。鼻7.It’s a 10ng st0『y. G.叫醒他。轰8.He is a fast talker. H,她真是个美人。蠡9.I’U eat my boots/hat,if you are righl. I.你真好南 10.You’re not just sa)ring? J.一言难尽。囊 1‘1.why so blue? K.真的吗?舻.…  相似文献   

刘权 《海外英语》2005,(1):44-45
1.You’ve got a point there.你说得挺有道理的。A:What do you think of my suggestions?你认为我的建议如何?B:I think you’ve got a point there.I will consider itcarefully.我认为你说得挺有道理的。我会仔细考虑你的建议。A:I am so glad to hear that.Thank you.我很高兴听你这么说。谢谢。B:You are Welcome.不客气。2.fall(all)over oneself竭尽所能A:Did you have a good time in your brother’s home last winter holiday?去年寒假你在你哥哥家过得愉  相似文献   

Aren't you David Smith? 你是大卫·史密斯吗? A:I say,aren’t you David Smith? B:Yes,but I don’t think we’ve mel before. A:I’m a cousin of Tim Lawford.We did meet once before at my uncle’s cocktail[鸡尾酒] party. B:I see!Well,in that case,it's a great pleasure to meet you again!  相似文献   

1.After you.你先请。2.I just couldn’t help it.我就是忍不住。3.Don’t take it to heart.别往心里去。4.Let’s get started.咱们开始吧。5.I’m really dead.我真要累死了。6.I’ve done m y best.我已尽力了。7.Is that so?真是那样吗?8.Don’t play gam es with m e!别跟我耍花招!9.I’m not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。10.That’s som ething.太棒了。11.Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!12.Do you really m ean it?此话当真?13.I couldn’t be m ore sure.我再肯定不过了。14.I am behind you.我支持你。15.I’m brok…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)1.()2.()3.()4.()5.()B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.How are you?Thanks.B.How do you do?C.Fine,thank you.And you?D.Very glad to meet you.7.A.Sure.B.Never mind.BC DEAC.Good-bye.D.That’s a good idea.8.A.Who are you?B.Yes.Here you are.C.Thank you very much.D.Sorry,he isn’t in.9.A.Good-bye.B.So long.C.Have a good time.D.I like it.10.A.It’s very kind of you.B.It do…  相似文献   

我过去常和一个爱咕哩咕噜自言自语的妇女在一个办公室工作。一次,她盯着桌子上的一些东西问道:“如果一个人自己跟自己说话,打扰你吗?”“没关系,我不介意……”我开始回答道。她吃了一惊,抬起头说:“不关你的事!”1.Y ou K eep O ut O f T hisI used to share an office w ith a wom an who m um bled to herself.O netim e she w as staring at som e things on her desk and asked,“D oes itbother you if a person talks to herself?”“N o,I don t m ind...”I began toanswer.She startled and looked up,“Y ou keep outof …  相似文献   

星期天,小羊(goat)和好朋友小鳄鱼(crocodile)一起到游乐园去玩射击(shooting)游戏。他们要比一比谁的枪法准。小朋友,他们怎样才能打得准呢?请你将子弹和小鸟相连。A.Here you are.B.Have some tea.C.Sit down,please.D.Hello。I’m A my.E.W hat’s your name?F.Nice to meet you。G.Who is that?H.What’s this in English?I.Let’s read English。1.给你。2.请坐!3.请喝茶!4.我们一起读英语吧!5.那是谁?6.你好,我是艾米。7.见到你真高兴。8.这个用英语怎么说?9.你叫什么名字?I-4H-8G-5F-7E-9D-6C-2B-3A-1K eys:射击游戏@乐…  相似文献   

1.H e’s in good health.Every m orning hefor a walk in the park.A.shall go B.doC.will go D.is going2.—W ould you open the door,please?—Yes,I.A.will B.do C.would D.can3.W henever I was in trouble,shecom e to m y help.A.was used to B.wouldC.always D.should4.H elp m e with the heavy box,you?A.don’t B.will C.do D.shall5.—he open the window?—Yes,please.A.Shall B.W illC.Ought D.W ould6.You that article yesterday?A.should finishB.would have finishedC.should have finishedD.ought to finish7.W hy did you keep it a sec...  相似文献   

<正> You look great goday.你今天看上去很棒。You do a good job.你干得非常好。We’re so proud of you.我们十分为你骄傲。I’m very pleased with your work.我对你的工作非常满意。This is really a nice place.这真是个好地方!You’re looking sharp!你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。You always know the right thing to say.你总能说到点子上。You’re very eloquent.你说话总是很得体。Nice going!=you do a good job.干得好!  相似文献   

Do you have breakfast everyday?Do you some times forget to have breakfastif you are in a hurry to go toschool?That’sa bad habitbecause itcan do greatharmto your health.Today,I w ill teach you to cook tw otypesoftoasts(吐司)forbreakfast.Y ou can serve ittoyour w hole fam ily on a w eekend m orning.I betallofyou w illlove it!1.Cutthe bread into slices(片).D on’tforgettorem ove the crust(面包皮).如果你特别喜欢吃面包边儿,也可以留着,不过面包边比较硬,会影响口感。2.打两个鸡蛋,搅拌均匀。Then add theraisins(葡萄干)to it.Ifyourbread issalty,youdon’tneed to add any m...  相似文献   

Hello!Hello! 你好!你好! Hello,hello,how are you? 你好,你好,你好吗? I’m fine,I’m fine,thank you. 我很好。我很好,谢谢。 Hello,hello,how do you do? 你好,你好,你好。 I’m glad to meet you,too! 我也很高兴认识你。  相似文献   

第一卷(三部分115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)ASchoolGardenOfEnglish21.Panda is grass-eating anim althatlives in centralChina.A.a;×B.the;the C.×;×D.a;the22.—I took saltforsugar this m orning while m aking coffee.—.A.D oesn tittaste good?B.W onderful!C.Oh,m y goodness!D.W hata sham e!23.A ctually you can be you want to be,a scientist,a doctor,anastronautor a m anager so long as you setyour m ind t…  相似文献   

H i,this is John.If you are the phone com pany,I’ve alreadysent the m oney.If you are m y parents,please send m oney.If you are m y financial aid institution,youdidn’t lend m e enough m oney.If you are m y friends,you owe m e m oney.If you are a fem ale,don’t worry,I haveplenty of m oney.你好!我是约翰!如果你是电话公司,那我已经把钱交了!如果你是我老爸或老妈,请把钱寄过来 ̄ ̄如果你是我的财政援助机构,你借我的钱还不够 ̄ ̄如果你是我的朋友,对不起,你还欠我m oney呢!如果你是女生,别担心,我有很多m one…  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)I.情景反应(5分)根据你所听到的句子,从A,B,C,D中选出正确的答语。1.A.Travelling by bus.B.Travelling by bike. C.Travelling on foot.D.Travelling by train.2.A.Nice to be with you.B.Glad to hear that. C.Sorry to hear that.D.Sorry to keep you waiting.3.A.No,I’m not hungry.B.No,thanks. C.No,I want it.D.Yes,here you are.4.A.Have a good rest.B.Have a good journey. C.Have a good dinner.D.Have a good test.  相似文献   

1.—did you solve the problem?—I solved it learning to forget.A.H ow;w ith B.H ow;byC.W hat;w ith D.W hat;by2.H e is very young.H e can’t carry the heavybox.That is to say,he is carry theheavy box.A.so old that he canB.very young toC.too young toD.young enough to3.—W hy do you exercise every day?—healthy.A.K eep B.To keepC.K eeping D.K eeps4.If you don’t know how tospell this word,youshould in yourdictionary.A.look it upB.look up itC.look it forD.look for it5.—D o you enjoy in…  相似文献   

The second Sunday in May is Moth-ers Day.Lets give our best wishes to allthe mothers in the world.1.May you live a long and healthylife!祝您福寿安康!2.I wish you a relaxing and happyM others D ay!祝您母亲节轻松愉快!3.M ay M others D ay bring you good health and good luck.愿母亲节给您带来健康和好运!4.I w ish you all the happiness in the world on M others D ay.祝您母亲节幸福!5.M ay M others D ay bring you joy,love and peace.愿母亲节给您带来欢乐、爱和平安。6.B estwishes for M others D ay!…  相似文献   

Hello!I’m a happy girl.I like English and music,I like dogs,ducks,rabbits and cats.Do you like me? 广东省揭阳市惠来县惠城镇蓬馨园南六幢803房方梦淳I’m good at English.I must study hard.I believe“knowledge is power”.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)1.()2.()3.()4.()5.()B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.Oh,dear!What’s wrong?B.Nothing serious.C.It doesn’t matter.D.No,thank you.7.A.Great!B.Of course,you are.C.Fine,thank you.And you?D.Hi,Li Lei!Nice to see you,too!8.A.Not at all.B.Well done.C.Thank you.D.Of course.9.A.I have a new car.B.He’s going there by bike.C.I’m going there on foot.D.I went there by train.1…  相似文献   

1.Marry,you are sostupid,because you stole free pudding.玛丽,你太蠢了,偷免费的布丁。2.If brains w ere rain,you’d be a desert.如果智力是雨水的话,你就是一个沙漠。3.If I ever need a brain transplant,I’d choose yours because I’d w anta brain thathad neverbeen used.如果我需要移植大脑,就选你的,因为我想要一个从没用过的脑子。4.I’d like to leave you w ith one thought,butI’m notsure you have a place to put it!我愿意告诉你一个主意,但我不确定你的脑袋是否装得下它!5.You w ere distinguished for ignora…  相似文献   

选择填空( )1.A:1hallk y叫for tlle delicious din— ner. B:——. A.D0n’t say that B.h’s nothing C.I don’t tIlink it’s good D.I’m dad you enjoyed it( )2.A:Dick,o吼l【d y叫do s0Ⅱleth培for me,please. B.——!What womd you like Ine t0 d07 A.E)∞use me B.Sorry C.Certainly D.D叫’t worry( )3.A:Your haI】d训ting is Very good. B: A. B. C. D.)4.A: B: A. B. C. D.)5.A:No,Hly handⅥm唱is badNo,isn’t itnank youOf eourse notI’m a凸面d I’ve got a bad cold.Never InindKeep away from meB…  相似文献   

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