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校对就如同金鱼池中的那条“清道夫”,要保证图书的出版质量,在当前图书错漏较严重的情况下,校对工作就显得尤为重要。作为校对工作的从业人员,要充分认识到自己的职业素质,充分感受到自身工作的神圣性。  相似文献   

或称“文章志”为作家传记,不确。《隋书·经籍志》著录“文章志”一类在“簿录篇”,为目录书;“文章志”一类书的作者在秘书监任职,工作之一就是典校图籍,登记目录;《后汉书·文苑传》所承绪者应为《文士传》一类;“文章志”一类书多关注对作品评价乃至对作者文学事迹的整体关注;“文章志”与总集、别集编撰有辅助作用。  相似文献   

Where do things REALLY come from? The basic beginnings of the food on the supermarket shelves, the clothes on our backs, the furniture we sit on are a mystery to many children. They can learn about these through books and stories, but firsthand observation is far better. But field trips can be complex undertakings, taxing the resources of time, money, and transportation. Fortunately, there are hobbyists and professional craftspeople who are willing to travel to you and share their knowledge with your children. Inviting them to visit your classroom can create a wonderful experience for all concerned.  相似文献   

An important reminder that young children know how stories work, and are therefore able to use bibliographic and literary knowledge as they set about the task of learning to read books with maturity and competence. Sue Smedley shows four and five year olds working in intellectually demanding ways to recreate stories for themselves and argues that young children have a right to the kinds of books and stories which call for intelligent and imaginative responses.  相似文献   

贾舒婷 《天津教育》2021,(2):134-135
绘本即图画书,绘本不只是讲故事、学知识,还可以全面培养学生的艺术潜能。将绘本融入美术教学实践中,既能培养小学生的美术素养,又能激发小学生的想象力,让学生从绘本故事中学习更丰富的内容。本文就是以绘本为中心,分析和探讨了绘本在小学美术教学中的重要性以及将绘本运用到小学美术教学中的策略。  相似文献   

Linda Pagett 《Literacy》1997,31(2):27-29
Talking electronic stories are now an accepted part of many infant children’s early reading experiences and research has suggested that they have benefits in terms of reading development. Linda Pagett here describes the impact on her class of children of the non-fiction equivalent of these talking stories – the simple talking topic ‘books’ produced by Sherston Software. Her favourable report suggests that simple books like these have much more potential than might at first be realised.  相似文献   

尽管从本调查结果中只能看到小学生课外阅读的某些不足,如喜欢读科普知识、儿童小说、儿童诗、古典诗歌等的比例还低于甚或远远低于喜欢读明星趣事、魔幻小说、作文辅导、鬼故事和武侠小说等的比例,但是,如果联系一下当前小学生何以会有这样的阅读"需求"以及社会"供给"状况来看,则可以说今日之小学生的课外阅读还是存在着不小的问题.倘若想让孩子们真正地热爱上读书并多读值得一读的书,那么,我们的社会就必须在很多很多的事上先做好.  相似文献   

Children's literature helps young people make sense of gender. However, while books offer children the imaginative ability to create their own worlds, normative gender can manifest in characters and stories. The study described in this article draws upon ‘disruptive’ storytimes with 114 preschool children, interviews with 20 parents and staff, and observations at 20 preschools. Employing a feminist, queer approach, I develop two derivative books that switch a boy-hero for a girl and vice versa. These books are read to children in educational settings. This method interrogates gendered characters and stories’ attachments to such concepts as love, acceptance, bodily agency, and adventure. Results show how children interact with these characters and stories and how they use categorisation and narrative construction to make sense of gender. I focus on the gender discourses at play and moments of childhood discursive agency. Themes include literature, doing and being, positioning, bodies, and feminist tales.  相似文献   

Wordless books—picture books that rely entirely on illustrations to tell a story—are an excellent resource for educators of young children. This article provides a research-based rationale for using wordless books, offers a developmental sequence for introducing children to stories told through pictures, suggests a general strategy and wide array of early literacy activities based on books without texts, and recommends ways of communicating with parents/families about the value of wordless books. Outstanding wordless books and examples of children's responses to this growing genre of children's literature are also included.  相似文献   

Autistic learners master visual and spatial abilities; they use visual language to organise, understand and give meaning to the world. Although they might struggle with verbal skills, they have an associative way of thinking. Taking into consideration the characteristics of seven autistic pupils, the aim of this paper was to identify the potential of picture books in relation to autistic readers in order to explain why picture books can be supportive tools for improving verbal and social communication skills. The findings, based on a qualitative case study and a reader response framework, show that picture books help children with autism develop social and communication skills as well as foster imagination. Their written outcomes clearly showed children's need to tell stories.  相似文献   

中国古典四大名著《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西游记》和《红楼梦》以其独特的民族风格和杰出的文学成就在中国和世界文坛流传不衰。在四大名著成书前后,与之关系密切、互为渊源的戏剧,以其立体化、形象化的形式,在舞台上演绎和诠释四大名著中的故事。随着四大名著的对外传播,相同体裁的戏剧也登上不同国度的戏剧舞台,各种戏剧在一定程度上普及了中国古典四大名著。  相似文献   

Although some researchers have examined students' literary understandings of and responses to books with metafictive characteristics, few have explored how elementary students incorporate metafictive devices into their writing. In this article I analyse the stories and books created by a class of Grade 5 students and discuss the metafictive devices evident in their work. In addition to considering how the literature students read and how the classroom interpretive community influenced the students' stories/books, I discuss some broader issues about the significance of students reading and writing metafictive texts.  相似文献   


Because of their belief in the social interactionist model of teacher education, the authors read aloud to various undergraduate and graduate classes excerpts from published teacher stories, either vignettes or opinion pieces. Their immediate goals were to help build class community, advertise books that the students might then return to on their own, personalize discussion topics, and inspire continuing reflection and pride in the chosen profession. A more long‐term goal was to get students to internalize stories that would help guide their actions in the classroom. This article describes their use of teacher stories and includes some of the readings as well as a comprehensive list of teacher stories consulted. Student reactions were varied depending on the stories and the contexts of the readings. Reactions included apathy, evaluation of the teacher, self‐reflective journal entries, and a refusal to pass a book on to peers without the promise of being able to take it home. The authors are reading/language arts educators, who recommend the use of teacher stories for teacher education in all fields.  相似文献   

CD-ROMs are becoming more widely used now and one particular genre seems to have a good deal to offer as a medium for the development of reading. These so-called ‘interactive books’ have not yet been investigated in terms of their usefulness in teaching reading and Clare Burrell and John Trushell make a useful beginning to this. They are particularly concerned with whether the eye catching graphics of these books helps or hinders children’s reading of them and their report raises many interesting issues.  相似文献   

Why Use a Novel?     
Laura-Ann Currie explores some of the reasons why teachers might choose to use a novel as a vehicle for the teaching and learning of literacy. She outlines some of the benefits of this kind of work and suggests that it has more to offer than a diet of extracts from stories, as often provided through junior reading scheme books.  相似文献   

Nonfiction stories of animal compassion were used in this literacy-social studies integrated lesson to address both efferent and aesthetic stances in transmediation of text from picture books to maps. Preservice early childhood and elementary teachers chose places from the nine recent children’s stories, symbolizing them on a map while completing other map elements such as legend, index, title, and compass rose. Compassion and social-emotional skills were woven into the project by representing the affective tone of story events at various places through choice of place name adjectives. A social studies extension included analysis of how the five themes of geography were depicted on the map. Synopses of the books, one map made by first graders, and three preservice teacher-made maps, along with efferent and aesthetic elements and examples of geography themes from the maps are included. Suggestions for implementation and extension of the lesson with early elementary students are provided.  相似文献   

对大学生阅读倾向的调查与思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
调查显示 ,大学生阅读倾向为 :文学作品是主要借阅对象 ;文科类图书借阅量明显大于理科类 ;与开设专业相关的借书类和量明显大于非开设专业 ;比较注重个人发展和自我完善 ,对政治哲学类理论性书兴趣较低。改变以往阅读倾向中的个人行为 ,尽早帮助大学生形成正确的课外阅读原则 ,加强图书馆软、硬件建设 ,为大学生借阅提供更加便利的条件 ,以培养出知识结构完善、合理的大学生  相似文献   

Practical applications of multimedia technologies that support early literacy are described and evaluated, including several variations of recorded books and stories, utilizing mainstream audio and video recording appropriate for libraries and schools. Special emphasis is given to the needs of children with disabilities and children who are acquiring a second language.  相似文献   

We reviewed 29 contemporary juvenile fiction books featuring characters who stutter to assess the presentation of stuttering‐related content. Although plots varied widely, most characters displayed attributes or accomplishments that offset their communication impairment. Many characters improved social and/or communicative functioning during the stories, though rarely in conjunction with professionally administered intervention. Most books depicted listener responses to stuttering, including impatience, teasing, ridicule, and bullying. Some books contained incorrect or distorted information, which could convey the mistaken impression that stuttering is simply a symptom of emotional distress. Nonetheless, most portrayals of stuttering seemed sufficient for the books to be considered for use as an instructional tool in certain education and intervention activities. Potential applications of the books in these contexts are discussed. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This small‐scale piece of research stemmed from a larger study on oral storytelling and the responses of children to stories told and read to them. In the larger study several children expressed preferences for stories from picture books, as told stories were not real stories. This concept of real stories and what constitutes a real story in the eyes of an infant child, aged between five and seven years, is what led to the basis of the research. One hundred and thirty‐five children between the ages of five and seven years old were involved in the research. The investigation was conducted in three different schools in South Wales, UK. It was hoped that the research would give some insights into the literacy habits of children today. The children were asked some basic questions about home practices relating to storytelling and story‐reading and about preferences in relation to oral stories and picture books. Finally they were asked if they thought oral tales were real stories. This essay gives an overview of some of the literacy practices of the children and deliberates on their comments as they wrestle with the concept of a real story.  相似文献   

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