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“理论指导实践”是一个虚假的命题。基于此命题,教育研究中一直盛行着大量以“上帝句式”发布的实践指令:即“要如何如何”。这类实践指令酿就了一种“学究谬误”:即把研究者为解释实践所建构的理论模型倒置为实践的真正根由。学究谬误的产生,导源于人之自我欺骗的合理化本能以及二元对立的结构主义思维。较之于实践,理论总是灰色的,它不能指导、审判抑或决定实践,而只能对其进行既不充分又无结果的“抒情的解述”,使之暴露疑点。学究谬误的矫治,需要教育研究者谨慎标定理论的调门,并牢记研究中的自我反思。  相似文献   

Summary statistics,educational achievement gaps and the ecological fallacy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary statistics continue to play an important role in identifying and monitoring patterns and trends in educational inequalities between differing groups of pupils over time. However, this article argues that their uncritical use can also encourage the labelling of whole groups of pupils as ‘underachievers’ or ‘overachievers’ as the findings of group‐level data are simply applied to individual group members, a practice commonly termed the ‘ecological fallacy’. Some of the adverse consequences of this will be outlined in relation to current debates concerning gender and ethnic differences in educational attainment. It will be argued that one way of countering this uncritical use of summary statistics, and the ecological fallacy that it tends to encourage, is to make much more use of the principles and methods of what has been termed ‘exploratory data analysis’. Such an approach is illustrated through a secondary analysis of data from the Youth Cohort Study of England and Wales, focusing on gender and ethnic differences in educational attainment. It will be shown that, by placing an emphasis on the graphical display of data and on encouraging researchers to describe those data more qualitatively, such an approach represents an essential addition to the use of simple summary statistics and helps to avoid the limitations associated with them.  相似文献   

This essay offers a diagnosis of what may be at stake in the current preoccupation with defining science-based educational research. The diagnosis unfolds in several readings: The first is a charitable and considerate appraisal that draws attention to the fact that advocating experimental methods as important to a science of educational research is not an inherently evil thing to do. Subsequent readings are grimmer, suggesting more deleterious consequences of the science-based research movement for the entire enterprise of educational practice and research. The central thesis of the essay is that making arguments about method and science the focal point in the current quarrel may be largely beside the point. Instead, educational researchers should join the political and public (not just the academic) conversation about the place of educational science in society and about how science is both implicated in and confronts the politics of what counts as knowledge.  相似文献   

The present study examined the impact of participation rate and nine other educational and demographic variables on state mean scores for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Participation rate, defined as the percentage of a state's high school seniors taking the SAT represented by the z-score mean of a truncated normal distribution, was the most important single predictor of state mean SAT score, accounting for 77% of the total variance in mean scores. The inclusion of significant educational and demographic variables raised the proportion of variance explained to 94%. The fallacy of comparing the mean standardized test scores of different locations or time periods without taking participation rate into account is discussed.  相似文献   

教育研究的"语言学转向",将教育概念、命题的话语分析作为基本任务,旨在澄清教育语言的逻辑谬误,促使教育学语言的精确化。然而,对教育话语的分析,实际上是对教育话语背后隐藏的教育观念和行为目的的探究,是实现由符号到意义的研究过程和理论分析工具。因此,对于教育语言的"教育学"批判、反思,才是对教育概念和命题重新阐释的基础性前提。尽管教育研究的工具可以是多样化的,但目的和立场却是唯一的——它只能指向"教育学"本身。  相似文献   

“语义悖论”是一个困扰着人类理性的千古之谜,迄今尚无定论。通过对语言逻辑视城下语义悖论研究中的“语境敏感”方案的详细考察,并对该方案方向的重要代表、悖论研究的重要典范——“情境语义学”解悖方案进行了系统的分析,认为语义悖论的根源可被进一步归结为“预设错误”,利用关系矩阵澄清了西蒙斯对情境语义学方案“层级”的误解。  相似文献   

高职高专工程测量专业实践教学评价体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立完善的实践教学评价体系是高职高专教学改革研究的重要课题,本文通过对工程测量技术专业培养目标的分析,以地形测量实践教学为例分析了建立实践教学能力指标评价体系的方法,并以此为基础,提出了实践教学效果模糊综合评价方法和多因素综合评价方法,对高职高专工程测量专业教学改革有重要的实践指导意义.  相似文献   

吕茂丽 《海外英语》2012,(13):228-230
Love is a fallacy,written by Max Shulman,is a piece of humorous modern writing which demonstrates wit and satire of language.The thesis is intended to analyze the stylistic features from three levels:grammatical,lexical and semantic features,and thus to reveal the overall characteristics of language use and textual organization.  相似文献   

本文针对当前广大教育工作者在学科论文写作问题上存在的问题,探讨如何把学科生产力转化为成果。通过在学科论文写作上所遇到的各种问题的陈述,目的是唤醒广大教育工作者要保持学科论文写作的圣洁,要坚持真理,从实践中来,到实践中去,走出学科论文写作的误区。用心去体会,去验证,从而提高自身素质,找准切入点,寻找相应的对策,使学科论文写作这朵奇葩开得更加艳丽。  相似文献   


This article examines a particular type of public–private partnership (PPP) that is rarely studied in comparative educational policy studies: one in which a government funds privately run international schools. The aim of this PPP is to enrich and thereby improve the regular curriculum or to the quality of education in public schools. As the exponential growth of International Baccalaureate (IB) illustrates, such forms of PPP have increased significantly over the past few years. The authors show that transnational accreditation holds a special appeal for the middle class that is committed to cosmopolitanism, international mobility, and global citizenship. However, international standards schools such as IB are not alone with advancing a transnational accreditation of their educational programmes. Symbolically, Programme in International Student Assessment also provides a transnational accreditation, albeit not on individual education programmes but rather on entire educational systems. The article examines the reasons for the popularity of this type of PPP, analyses the interaction between the private and public education sectors, and investigates how governments explain, and what they expect from, the close cooperation with private education providers.  相似文献   

The question of what role free schools should perform in the Swedish educational system has been a contested subject between three ideological, theoretical, political and policy tenets. The first, “contribution to pedagogical diversity in a controlled school market” reflects a traditional social democratic view. The second, “contribution to a better education on a competitive school market” reflects a neo‐liberal approach. The third tenet, “contribution to the maintenance of groups' and individuals' cultural and religious identity” reflects a multicultural view insisting on the thesis that a family's cultural and religious identity should be a steering motive for the school choice. The aim of this article is to take a closer look at what the three tenets that constitute the “riddle” contain—including their claims, responses to critics, arguments and empirical evidence—and to discuss some of their practical impacts on the shaping of educational policy.  相似文献   

兼容式管理反映了教育价值观的多元化倾向。本文阐述了兼容式管理的基本内涵和研究意义 ,分析了中、小学校在办学思路、领导机制、教师管理、教学管理和学生教育等方面 ,采取兼容式管理的主要内容 ,目的在于能够为学校管理工作提供一种多维视角。  相似文献   

With reference to selected Third World countries, the paper generalizes, within a broad analytical framework, the underlying reasons for the formulation of policies and practices to abate the growing problem of the ‘educated’ unemployed through the initiation of vocationally-oriented educational programmes. It outlines the main reasons why the implementation of vocationally-oriented educational strategies did not converge with and reinforce other related employment initiatives to achieve their intended goals. Discussion is then focussed on why there is a mismatch between educational training and work, which has given legitimate grounds to many Third World countries to question whether the assumptions that underlie vocationally-oriented education are a ‘fallacy’. In conclusion, an alternative educational strategy is suggested. This strategy not only outlines how it may be possible to interface education and work, but also how greater efficiency and equity can be brought about in this relationship.  相似文献   

As policy makers and educators respond to legislation promoting the inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classrooms, there is sometimes confusion about why this is being done and how it can be accomplished effectively. In this article, two categories of fallacies, or misunderstandings, are identified. The first fallacy is that students with disabilities are incapable of learning the general education curriculum. The second fallacy is that teachers are required to ‘cover’ the entire curriculum, sometimes at a pace that leaves students with and without disabilities behind. Facts are presented following each fallacy. These facts describe research‐based pedagogies effective for students with and without disabilities, indicating that students with mild disabilities can learn the general education curriculum when responsive pedagogies are used. These facts also describe how schools that promote differentiation can potentially achieve higher scores on large‐scale assessments than schools that promote ‘one size fits all’ instruction.  相似文献   

最近,在日本发生了“课程风波”事件,引发了国民的关注。而2006年11月28日日本国会通过的《教育基本法》修订草案,将培养“爱国思想”确立为教育目标.这将是自1947年制定该法案以来做出的首次全面修订.更引起了各界的不同反应。  相似文献   

人性是教育政策领域一个不可回避的重要论题。教育政策必须以人性为基础。任何时代的教育政策都建立在这一时代对人性理解的基础之上,每一个时代教育政策的特性,都取决于这个时代对人性的认识。教育政策应以“实践利益人”假设作为自己的人性基础。“实践利益人”假设的提出,将为教育政策的基本研究路向提供新的指引。  相似文献   

The aim of the author is to estimate the heuristic value of Meyer's (et al., 1985) social theory on citizenship, education and the nation‐state, in relation to F. Ringer's three dimensions of educational systems (i.e. ‘inclusiveness’, ‘segmentation’, and ‘progressiveness'). Rupp's thesis is that the inclusiveness and expansion of educational systems is related to the processes of the formation of nation‐state and citizenship institutions; their progressiveness and segmentation, however, to other socio‐political developments. It is suggested that national differences correspond to differences in centralized or decentralized polities.  相似文献   

波普尔对科学分界问题做出了与传统理论截然不同的回答,即以可证伪性作为科学与非科学的分界标准,不落传统巢臼,富有启发意义:打破了科学无误论的神话;为我们如何解决从易错的科学理论趋近真理,如何解决假真、错对的过渡问题提供了新的视角。同时,这一分界标准也有很多偏颇之处:他把科学理论的可证伪性推向了极端;证伪标准具有明显的经验主义倾向;他的证伪标准不仅无法对科学理论进行定论性的证伪,而且还有可能会扼杀许多真正的科学理论。  相似文献   

This is the first in a series of articles that address the use of educational indicators to inform policy. The aim of the series is to provide an in-depth discussion of a single indicator or set of educational indicators from a data-user perspective. Each article will present the most recent cross-national comparisons and provide practical examples of interpreting an indicator for benchmarking systems, assessing policies and for measuring progress towards international development goals. They will also address the specific advantages of a particular measure, its limitations and its links to other indicators. This series focuses primarily on the interpretation and use of indicators rather than providing technical documentation about how indicators are calculated. This first article looks at a measure of the volume of educational outputs: the school life-expectancy indicator.  相似文献   

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