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文化软实力实际是经济社会发展的硬支撑。物质生活发展到一定程度之后,科技与文化是决定现代人生活品味的关键元素。星元图书楼以"科技兴农"为重点,为地方经济社会建设服务;坚持送书下乡,为基层馆和基层人民群众服务;面向社区跟踪服务;抓住机遇,积极开展文化资源共享工程;以提高人的素质为抓手,以服务转变发展方式为突破口,为榆林经济社会实现科学发展,较好地发挥了一个公共图书馆的服务功能和教育职能。  相似文献   

李雪 《贵图学刊》2009,(2):62-63
公共图书馆作为一个地区文化标志的象征,它的发展在很大程度上影响着人们的精神文化生活水平,为了更好的为读者服务、更充分的满足读者的需求,公共图书馆馆藏资源结构建设应当不断的被完善。本文从公共图书馆馆藏资源结构的现状、发展趋势以及印刷型文献、电子文献和地方文献的建设等几个方面粗略探讨了图书馆馆藏资源结构的建设。  相似文献   

传统图书馆向数字化转化过程中的“人文操作”调试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从传统图书馆迈向数字图书馆是一种文化、科技、人文等诸方面的跨越和发展。但传统图书馆所体现的“人文操作”能否适应这种跨越,又如何适应这种跨越,需要一个缓和的过程,需要进行有效的调试。文章试图从传统图书馆的“人文操作”的主要体现以及数字图书馆人文化追求目标进行比较研究,进而寻求调试的处方。  相似文献   

文章有效地应用模糊综合评判方法对图书馆读者满意度进行评价,采用定性与定量相结合,以服务实绩为指标,以最大限度地满足读者的需求为衡量尺度,全面客观地反映图书馆的服务质量。经实例验证,评判结果与实际情况基本一致。  相似文献   

Population estimates play an important role in shaping public policy and research. Librarians as well as users need to be proficient in evaluating the limitations of the statistic. This article provides a brief history of population estimates as well as a discussion of general principles for evaluating and understanding population estimates.  相似文献   

从NSTL战略定位到最新进展及未来发展规划   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
保障科技文献资源提供服务是创新型国家战略基础。在当前学术文献采购经费攀升的环境下,只有国家才能保证文献的服务,这是国家科技数字图书馆NSTL的价值所在。文章从战略定位和最新进展到未来发展规划,概述NSTL的全貌。具体地说,首先,简述NSTL的成立背景;其次,是NSTL整个体系,就NSTL的运营体制、NSTL的科技文献资源种类和业务流程、提供的服务及系统架构等进行描述;最后,简要地介绍NSTL未来的发展规划。  相似文献   

在分析网络防病毒系统应具备的各项功能的基础上,结合实例介绍如何构建图书馆局域网病毒防御体系,并进一步探讨网络环境下的反病毒安全策略。  相似文献   

第八次全国国民阅读调查结果表明数字化阅读大幅度增长,我国已经步入全民阅读的微时代。微博阅读评论被誉为中国数字阅读的领航者,以鲜活的生命力引领全民阅读的潮流风尚,受到社会各界关注。本文阐述微书评引领全民阅读的优势,高校图书馆利用微书评引领全民阅读的方式,做好微书评工作需要注意的问题,阐明微书评将会成为高校图书馆引领全民阅读活动的新贵。  相似文献   

Mass representations of the sublime use apostrophe as a mode of address that normalizes a moment of expected failure of discourse. Regardless of whether a viewer experiences “sublimity,” mass representations of what is supposedly beyond discourse embody the expected limits of communication, aestheticizing conditions of impossibility for discourse, and thereby constituting a space wherein the humanist subject may become a recognizable self in a public sense. Constituting a relationship between the spectator as human and the sublime objects as greater than human, a mass reproduced sublime thus helps establish discursive spaces of humanism. Although the aesthetics of the sublime can be exceptionally varied, the essay applies these ideas to popular Ansel Adams photographs, which illustrate the problems of attempting to represent the unrepresentable and the invocation of a particular kind of subjectivity as a commonplace.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the construction of the “official” archives of the South African apartheid state and the distorted view they contain concerning social and political realities. Therefore, the colonial and apartheid legacies are examined in a broader context as an oppressive social and political system, as well as in the more specific context of how their legacy is reflected in the official archives. The development and popular endorsement of the Freedom Charter of 1955 was a seminal moment of challenge to the increasing oppression of the apartheid state. In later decades, the Freedom Charter became an iconic reference point in the antiapartheid struggle and the inspiration for the construction of a constitutional democracy in the 1990s. The process of its creation stands in stark contrast to the processes of creation of official records and archives. The paper also examines the survival of the Freedom Charter and the struggle to save it from auction in London and secure its safe passage to the National Archives of South Africa. Finally, questions of meaning and ideological significance are asked in relation to the role of a National Archives in the current dominant historical narrative.  相似文献   

The tablet computer offers options for streaming TV programming that potentially alters viewing behaviors compared to the traditional television set, yet there is a dearth of research related to this viewing alternative. This study uses a national sample of adult iPad owners to investigate the tablet's role as a TV. The frameworks of continuity-discontinuity, use-diffusion, and attention and absorption to programming are applied to uncover where the tablet fits into the current repertoire of viewing devices, and how individuals are engaging with traditional TV programming through it. Results show that overall, the tablet's functionality as a TV can lead to experiential differences.  相似文献   

余晓曼  张云波 《新闻界》2008,(1):107-109
本文以深圳本土电视为例,分析其如何整合优势资源以形成合力,以新闻类节目作为突破点带动电视整体发展的差异化竞争策略,以期对其他城市电视台的发展能起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Gentrification is one of the most important and talked about contemporary urban issues. Critics have tended to treat the class remake of urban neighborhoods as a geographical and sociological phenomenon. This article critically examines gentrification as symbolic action. Focusing on press coverage of artist-led gentrification, I argue that reporters present a diffusion narrative that casts artists as both urban pioneers and victims of gentrification and glosses over the function of artists as the first gentrifiers in some urban neighborhoods. Ultimately, press accounts of artists as victims of gentrification reflect an underlying desire to find and maintain bohemian spaces in the face of homogeneous and sterile corporate urban revitalization projects that have contributed to a broader sense of urban placelessness. Yet, this vision is based on a bohemian image of the city that consists of young white artists while stigmatizing (through a frontier discourse) the more diverse population(s) that lived and worked in the urban neighborhood prior to the arrival of the artists.  相似文献   

By exploring the labyrinth as a metaphor for a student's shift from information consumer to knowledge creator, an approach to library design emerges in which the whole library facilitates that transformative journey. Approaching this idea from multiple perspectives, the author joins ideas from education, architecture, environmental psychology, and retail shopping to build a case for the use of the labyrinth as a metaphor for both the student's learning journey and library design, and offers the beginnings of how such a library might work.  相似文献   

本文通过嘉定区图书馆作为上海市中心图书馆分馆在参与上海市中心图书馆建设过程中工作开展的情况,阐述了作为城市区级图书馆在中心图书馆建设中如何依托中心图书馆网络体系,不断完善自我,承上启下,开拓创新,发挥中心图书馆分馆的作用。  相似文献   

面向公共文化服务的城市公共图书馆体系构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析在公共文化服务背景以及城市化进程加快的新形势下城市公共图书馆的重要性;针对城市公共图书馆现有体系存在的职能不清、属性不明、服务不足、布局不佳等问题,提出重新构建新的体系的探索性建议,为城市公共图书馆的科学、健康、持续发展提供一条新思路。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the special issue by explaining the context of the conference at which the papers were originally presented, suggesting some ways of thinking about the intersection of philosophy and museums, and briefly introducing each paper in the collection. In the main body of the paper I look at a recent trend in museum interpretation and argue that it can be understood in terms of a definition of the museum as a space of representation and space of difference. I go on to suggest that this definition allows us to think of the museum as liberating us from certain ways of thinking. The paper as a whole suggests that philosophy can help us to think about museums, and that museums can contribute to philosophical thinking.  相似文献   

Visual representations are used to convey ideas and concepts. They add value to educational venues. Files digitized from hard-copy media or born-digital files are standard formats, and the Internet is a resource for locating billions of these files. Searchers should be cognizant of the legal and ethical implications of using images downloaded from the Internet. This article intends to inform users about medical images on the Internet, as well as providing a select list of Web-based medical image sources.  相似文献   

Alternative forms of journalism are said to challenge the passive role of audience members as receivers and to foster active citizenship among alternative journalists and audiences. Yet the scholarly literature on alternative journalism contains more assertions about than evidence from the audience. Downing has described the audience for alternative media as “the virtually unknown”, prompting him to urge journalism scholars to undertake more audience research to help increase our understanding of this allegedly active and civic-minded public. This exploratory study of the people who regularly read a contemporary example of alternative journalism—an investigative local blog covering one UK city—is intended to contribute towards filling the gap identified by Downing. Audience views are explored by means of questionnaires and focus groups, providing some evidence that individuals are attracted to alternative journalism by their dissatisfaction with mainstream media; that they see alternative media as helping them make sense of the world; and that, to an extent, engaging with such media is both a prompt to, and a reflection of, readers’ democratic engagement as citizens. Recognising the limitations of this small study, the article concludes by reiterating Downing's call for further research.  相似文献   

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