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要充分认识工读教育的地位和作用 从1955年我国建立第一所工读学校开始,工读教育就作为基础教育的一个组成部分存在。积40年的经验,我们越来越感到工读教育在我国基础教育中是不可缺少的。 应该看到,在现实社会中确实存在着一些品德行为偏常、有违法行为的学生,这些学生普通学校难以教育,留在校内会干扰学校的正常秩序,送交司法部门处理又不够条件,推向社会,成为流失生后患更多。生理上残疾的未成年人的教育,通过办盲聋哑、弱智学校来解决,称之为特殊教育;对心灵和行为上有缺欠的未成年人的教育,通过办工读学校的办法来  相似文献   

今年是我国工读教育事业创立50周年.从1955年北京市建立我国第一所工读学校起,至今在全国20余个省的大中城市已建有70余所工读学校.工读教育作为中国特色的社会主义教育体系的组成部分,在教育挽救"失足"青少年、稳定社会秩序、保证这部分青少年的家庭幸福、推进和谐社会建设等方面发挥了重要作用;工读教育的实践和研究对丰富我国社会主义教育理论做出了极大贡献.在国际教育研究领域,我国的工读教育因其唯一而占有独特的地位.在工读教育开创50周年之际,进一步加强对工读教育的研究并规划工读教育的改革与发展,是贯彻落实党的十六大提出的科学发展观和建设和谐社会的重要课题.  相似文献   

宋亮 《教育》2011,(31):48-49
挽救更多"问题学生",追寻工读教育的文化与性格,帮助他们寻找回属于自己的世界。毕业于中山大学的教育硕士石军是广州市新穗学校的教师。新穗是一所工读学校。在中国,对不良少年进行的工读教育并不普及,在广州就只有新穗学校这一所工读学校。石军想:"既然当上了工读教师,就把这个工作当成了自己研究的专业吧。"在冲突中相识"工读学校招生是‘择差录取’的  相似文献   

今年是我国工读教育事业创立50周年。从1955年北京市建立我国第一所工读学校起,至今在全国20余个省的大中城市已建有70余所工读学校。工读教育作为中国特色的社会主义教育体系的组成部分,在教育挽救“失足”青少年、稳定社会秩序、保证这部分青少年的家庭幸福、推进和谐社会建设等方面发挥了重要作用;工读教育的实践和研究对丰富我国社会主义教育理论做出了极大贡献。在国际教育研究领域,我国的工读教育因其唯一而占有独特的地位。在工读教育开创50周年之际,进一步加强对工读教育的研究并规划工读教育的改革与发展,是贯彻落实党的十六大提出的科学发展观和建设和谐社会的重要课题。  相似文献   

一、工读教育现状的认识 (一)工读学校教育的历史回顾 中国工读教育自1955年创办以来,经历了46年历程.工读教育的历史表明:工读学校对预防和减少青少年犯罪,加强社会主义精神文明建设,保持社会安定,保证实施《中华人民共和国义务教育法》、《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》和《预防未成年人犯罪法》,贯彻教育方针,保证普通学校良好的教育教学秩序等方面发挥了显著的作用.  相似文献   

提起“工读学校”,人们容易与少管所和监狱联系起来,总认为工读教育是惩罚性的教育,工读学校是坏孩子的集中营;把工读学校的学生与流氓、小偷、少年犯视为同类,认为他们是社会的“渣子”和“败类”。  相似文献   

一、工读教育现状的认识(一)工读学校教育的历史回顾中国工读教育自1955年创办以来,经历了46年历程。工读教育的历史表明:工读学校对预防和减少青少年犯罪,加强社会主义精神文明建设,保持社会安定,保证实施《中华人民共和国义务教育法》、《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》和《预防未成年人犯罪法》,贯彻教育方针,保证普通学校良好的教育教学秩序等方面发挥了显著的作用。我国工读教育不断探索和实践的经历大致可以分为“以管为主”、“走建设集体道路”和“以教学为中心,以教育为主导”三个阶段。初始阶段:工读教育定位界于司法和教育之间,…  相似文献   

一、工读教育现状的认识   (一)工读学校教育的历史回顾   中国工读教育自1955年创办以来,经历了46年历程.工读教育的历史表明:工读学校对预防和减少青少年犯罪,加强社会主义精神文明建设,保持社会安定,保证实施《中华人民共和国义务教育法》、《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》和《预防未成年人犯罪法》,贯彻教育方针,保证普通学校良好的教育教学秩序等方面发挥了显著的作用.   ……  相似文献   

工读教育是对品德行为偏常和有违法行为的中小学生进行教育转化的特殊教育。 从1955年7月,我国第一所工读学校——现“北京市海淀工读学校”创办至今,几经风雨坎坷,我国的工读教育已经走过了40年的历程。40年来,工读教育的学校已发展到近百所。它教育挽救了成千上万的失足青少年,把他们培养成为合格的社会主义建设者,教育成功率高达85%以上;它适应社会发展的需要而诞生,在不断的探索改革中发展、完善,在不同的历史时期,为预防青少年犯罪、促进社会稳定做出了积极贡献。 然而,当历史韵车轮进入九十年代,在深化改革、由计划经济向市场经济转轨的新形势下,由于受传统工读教育模式的束缚,许多工读学校却濒临招不进学生、办不下去的困境……  相似文献   

由团中央中国预防青少年犯罪研究会、中国教育学会工读教育分会主办的首届“彩虹行动——工读学校心理健康教育教师培训班”在北京开班。多位国内心理健康教育领域的知名专家学者,以及多年从事工读学校心理健康工作的一线教师担任授课教师,来自全国工读学校的25名心理健康教育专兼职教师参加培训。  相似文献   

1904—1915年是晚清民国时期女子教科书编撰(译)的高峰期,但数量与种类不多,科目不齐。女子小学教科书集中在晚清民初编纂,以修身、国文、尺牍、家事、算术为主,女子中学教科书集中在民初编译,以算术、代数、几何、化学、物理、生理、矿物、动物、植物为主。女子教科书的启蒙诉求集中表现在对女子教育享有权、自主发展权、工作参与权、身心健康权的赋权增能,超越了当时社会上一些先进知识分子关于女子及女子教育的思想。由于编撰者均为男性,女子教科书呈现的是符合男子社会文化标准的理想女性形象,关注女子在新时代的社会功能,这是一种他者赋权而不是立足于女性生命本体的自我赋权。但女子教科书能从天赋人权的角度竭力倡导女子全新人生范式的构建以及全新的"国民之母"及"女国民"身份认同,历史意义和价值十分巨大。  相似文献   

This paper is part of a study that assessed the level of commitment of primary schools of remote area dwellers (RADs) to basic education between October 2004 and April 2005. The research question focused on the level of commitment of schools to universal basic education, school–community partnership in school governance and parental involvement in the way the curriculum was delivered. Questionnaire and interviews were used. The results show a significant relationship between teachers’ perceptions and variables such as district, qualifications, age, location, and experience. There is consistency between teachers’ perceptions and children's academic performance. It has been found that learner achievement in RADs schools is low and that parents are not actively involved in their children's education due to the policy environment and school management practices.  相似文献   

An ongoing controversy in the literature on the economics of higher education centers on whether the success of a school’s athletic program affects alumni donations. This paper uses a unique data set to investigate this issue. The data contain detailed information about donations made by alumni of a selective research university as well as a variety of their economic and demographic characteristics. One important question is how to characterize the success of an athletic program. We focus not only on the performance of the most visible teams, football and basketball, but also on the success of the team on which he or she played as an undergraduate.  相似文献   

This post-structural discourse analysis examines how whiteness is discursively and materially maintained and reproduced through an anti-bias discourse. It attempts to surface ways in which counter discourses are mediated within a dominant discourse such as whiteness. Understanding one school’s determined efforts to “combat oppression” and the difficulties inherent in this charge may allow for expanded notions of how schools might challenge taken for granted norms on which many visions of reform rest. Finally, taking into consideration the ways in which dominant discourses of normalization may act as a barrier to producing transformational environments for teaching and learning in K-12 schools, may make more evident the need for schools to have mechanisms that challenge normative structures, social practices, as well as create space for counter discourses to be generated.  相似文献   

从"什么知识最有价值"到"谁的知识最有价值",批判的教育研究以意识形态、霸权、符号暴力等概念对学校教育中的支配进行了分析。面对意识形态的霸权效果,从属阶级的学生能够借助父母文化的滋养和霸权内部的矛盾而产生洞察。而因洞察带来的反抗是多种形式的,但其并非从属阶级学生的唯一行动模式,不同动机下的反抗与顺从也值得关注。  相似文献   

This article examines the way in which some of the most discriminated against, disadvantaged and marginalised groups on the African continent, are re-defining education through strategies aimed at recognition of rights and social justice. It uses Fraser's analysis of social justice – distribution, recognition and participation – to examine the demands of the indigenous movement in Africa for rights to education. Over the past 10 years the concept of ‘indigenous’ has become embedded in African regional resolutions and reports while communities self-identifying as indigenous have been shaping new political and educational spaces for their participation and decision making about their development and their education. Taking the example of the East African pastoralists and the Maasai of Ngorongoro District in Tanzania, it looks at indigenous communities’ initiatives to define and achieve a qualitative education which is relevant and meaningful for their lives today. It concludes with a discussion of the potential for the indigenous movement in Africa to ‘reframe’ education for the benefit of not only indigenous communities but for all learners.  相似文献   

哈贝马斯的"商谈"理论,对我们思想道德建设和教育有着重要的启示,基于商谈理论的双向案例教学法从根本上改变了传统的道德教育模式,有利于道德观念的创新,具有道德自我教育功能,有利于学生真诚、尊重和合作品质的培养,也有利于道德践行。通过构建"类赛博空间",师生在平等、开放、自由的商谈空间中达成道德共识,形成道德习惯,这对于我们社会转型时期在更广阔领域"新道德"的构建和教育有着积极作用。  相似文献   

Neoliberalism has become the most dominant ideology in current world and educational researchers thus may need to disclose the ways in which neoliberalism affects education and curriculum and propose new strategies to cope with them. Through literature review, however, the author argues that perhaps because of the social and theoretical scope in the West, the existing analytical strategy, which mainly focuses on the influence of government policies, seems unsuitable for some non-Western countries. This paper reviews the Grade 1-9 curriculum reform in Taiwan's education system, and suggests that one of the neoliberalism's influences in education might be more ‘invisible’ because it reflects the public's/agents’ social imagination of this neoliberal world. Furthermore, the hybrid cultural context in Taiwan, such as the examination culture, also seems to play an important role in the process of curriculum reform. Thus, the author argues that the analysis of neoliberalism in education should pay more attention to ‘agent’ and ‘culture’ aspects, but not just ‘structure’ aspect. It is also argued that ‘curriculum reform’ should be expanded into ‘social reform’ to some extent, since social imagination has such a heavy impact on curriculum reform.  相似文献   

Using a global–local dialectic approach, this paper traces the rise of the basic education programme in the 1980s and 1990s in Botswana and its subsequent attenuation in the 2000s. Amongst the local forces that led to the rise of BEP were Botswana's political project of nation-building; the country's dire human resources situation in the decades following Independence in 1966; and its propitious economic climate in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Global forces included the global circulation of the World Bank's educational discourse on the primacy of primary education as a public ‘investment’ option and Botswana's desire to be a member of the influential transnational social structure. BEP's attenuation can similarly be traced back to both local and global forces. Local forces included the growth of youth unemployment, and a sluggish economy. Global forces included the globalization of neo-liberalism which called for cost-sharing/recovery measures, and, ironically, Botswana's ‘promotion’ to a ‘middle income status’ country. While conceptually the attenuation represents a case of policy reversal and in some ways a sense of ‘loss’, empirically, the attenuation has not been of material consequence to access to ‘basic’ education. This is attributed to the ambiguous position (best captured by the term ‘doublethink’) the Botswana government1 has adopted in relation to the issue of school fees.  相似文献   

In an era of rapid global economic and social change, educational institutions like schools and universities are struggling to keep their curricula and programs relevant. Singapore’s schools are no exception, especially when education is viewed as the essential element for maintaining the nation’s global competitiveness in ways that are totally disproportionate to its size. The current shift from an ‘efficiency-’ to an ‘ability-’ driven paradigm in education, however, is increasing uncertainty and raising the stakes in an already pressurized system where schools, educators and students constantly compete for top academic awards and rewards. The concept of “partnership” in Singapore education is a significant, relatively new, trend that has caught on among local schools only since the late-1990s, with the focus on creating better “total” learning environments for students. This paper analyses the challenges of matching rhetoric with professional practice with regard to school–home partnerships in Singapore, and concludes that the key to authentic collaboration lies in the mutual appreciation and valuing of diversity as well as a deep sense of shared responsibility by all parties concerned.  相似文献   

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