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美国心理学家詹姆士·吉布森开创的生态心理学被认为是一种直接的知觉理论范式,理论基础在于特示(specification)问题。特示主张,任何能量列阵(光、声音、作用力等)的结构都是特定物理事实的结果,因而能量列阵能够特定地指示该物理事实。如果特示关系是成立的,就意味着信息的形成外在于知觉过程,继而,知觉就是对外在形成信息的探索和拾取(information pickup)。对生态学进路知觉理论的批判、发展,必须以特示关系成立与否为理论源头。  相似文献   

管理心理学理论与教育管理工作的实践表明,人际知觉中的认知偏差给教师管理工作带来的影响不可忽视。由认知偏差而产生的人际吸引障碍,不仅会挫伤教师工作积极性,而且会造成决策信度降低,削弱教师管理工作的实效。教师管理是学校管理工作的核心。因此,学校领导者须全面了解认知偏差的特有规律,最大限度地避免由认知偏差给教师管理工作带来的困惑,促进学校管理工作的良性发展。一、人际知觉中的认知偏差及表现知觉是将各种感官信息汇合起来,形成对某一事物整体的认识过程。当知觉的对象是人时,这种知觉便称为人际知觉。在学校管理工作的实践…  相似文献   

地理位置是地理学科的一个核心概念,是认识区域特征、分析地理原理的基础。中学地理课程对学生掌握地理位置的要求,不应仅限于知识储量上的知道和了解,更需要有空间认识能力上的方法把握与实际运用。学生由于存在年龄、性别、认知结构等方面的差异,因此,对地理位置的空间认知能力亦存在较大差异。这就需要教师针对教学目标,因生制宜,设计富有针对性的学习活动,以帮助学生准确地理解地理位置的空间概念。一、地理位置空间知觉能力的概念解析知觉是一个心理学名词,是指知觉者对于各种感觉信息进行加工的过程。而空间知觉就是知觉者对自身  相似文献   

可供性不仅特示有机体与环境互动的信息,还承载了行为,这种协调关系体现了人与自然演化关系的历史结果。可供性所蕴涵的有机体行为与环境的协调关系理论已经超出生态学本体论解释,进入设计认识论实践,为设计提供了解决人与人工物的关系理论,一方面实现人工物对特定行为的自然诱导,增加使用行为的灵活性,另一方面,交互作用的动态化处理也增加了智慧人工物的自组织性。  相似文献   

从运动心理学理论的角度来看,当学生参加某项运动和学习某个运动技术时,只有在中等唤醒水平的条件下,可以产生较理想的知觉敏感性,也才能够掌握着做出正确的决策时所必须的信息,这也是学生对运动技能的学习,运动成绩的提高最为有效的一个心理条件。在女生篮球课的教学中,尝试着使学生处在心理学唤醒的状态下来掌握某项运动技能的学习和提高,从而也能够提高女生篮球课的教学质量。  相似文献   

认知心理学的研究历来谈加工多,论信息少。信息本质为何的难题一直以来没有定论。本文运用系统观,从经典论述出发,在本体论层面考察质量、能量和信息的相互联系和区别。传统刚体观研究万物之间的普遍联系、相互作用,着眼点是刚体之间的质量、能量交流,从而发现了质量、能量的本质;以系统观研究事物之间的普遍联系、相互作用,着眼点是系统之间结构对结构、关系集对关系集的作用效果,从而发现了信息本质就是系统的联系状态或关系集。在此信息的本质定义的基础上,首次从质能信息三位一体观,重新理解认知心理学的表征、计算等基础概念,把心理学的研究分为二种过程与机制——信息论的过程与机制,信息的物理实现过程与机制(简称信息过程与质能过程)。此分类可能有助于促进心理学研究对象及基础理论的统一问题的解决。  相似文献   

学习物理的根本目的在于认识自然界物质运动的本质特征和普遍规律,并用以解决实际问题进行科学发现.因此,学好物理关键是在头脑中形成对物理世界本质完整的、深刻的认识.这就要求学生把观察过的物理现象和接触到的学习材料在头脑中反复加工、合理改造、去粗取精、去伪存真,把感性认识上升为理性认识.思维是物理智力活动的核心,思维能力是最重要的物理学习能力. 归因理论是一种关于知觉者打断和解决自己或他人的行为原因的心理学动机理论.该理论从事件的结果状态出发.运用先进的数学分析技术,对事件产生的原因进行全方位的分析,…  相似文献   

一、首因效应。第一印象所产生的作用称之为首因效应。它指的是在有效交往过程中,社会知觉对象给知觉者留下的第一印象对知觉者的影响作用。现实生活和社会心理学实验研究都表明:人在初次交往中给对方留下的印象很深刻,人们会自觉地依据第一印象去评价一个人,[第一段]  相似文献   

进入80年代以后,在儿童心理学的研究方法上出现了一种新思潮——生态学运动。这种恩潮有利于将研究者从实验法与观察法各有利弊的两难境地中解脱出来。所谓生态学运动,就是要求把在实验室里进行的有关  相似文献   

精神分析作为现代心理学的一个重要学派,经历了百年的发展历程,其内部先后生发出驱力心理学、自我心理学、客体关系心理学和自体心理学等理论模式。几种理论模式从不同角度和层面探索自我并挖掘人格发展的动力。弗洛伊德把自我看做是本能冲动和超我需求之间的传递者。自我心理学将自我的适应作为人格发展的动力,提升了自我的功能。客体关系心理学认为自我、伊底及超我都是由不同群集的内在客体关系组成的。自体心理学将研究的重点放在自体上,把自体看做是包含自我、伊底和超我在内的统摄性动力结构,是一个人精神世界的核心。精神分析心理学中有关自我的研究与探索,既深化了对人的自身本质的看法,也推动了精神分析运动的发展。  相似文献   

M-arrays are random arrays in which an appropriate sub-window appears only once in the whole array. Coded structured light based on M-arrays is one-shot technique to rapidly acquire 3D information of unknown surfaces by projecting suitable patterns onto a measuring surface. This paper presents a method to construct large size M-arrays based on the piece growing algorithm in which an array is constructed by many pieces through splicing each other. Reconstructing 3D shapes by utilizing the designed pattern based on constructed M-arrays for two objects are given.  相似文献   

应用FDTD方法分析TEM喇叭天线阵列的瞬态辐射特性,分析了阵列单元之间的互耦对天线阵列远场辐射的影响。TEM喇叭天线阵列单元沿E面叠状排列可以改善阵列的低频辐射。原理上阵元越多,天线阵列的增益越高。而线性阵列只压缩一个面的方向图。改变阵列单元间馈入信号的时延,可以实现阵列方向图主辩方向的偏移。用半TEM喇叭天线组成槽状排列二元线阵和四元线阵,进行了相应的原理性实验,实验结果与理论数值模拟基本一致。  相似文献   

Our commentary on this special issue devoted to Developmental Biodynamics: Brain, Body, and Behavior Connections is divided into 3 main sections. The first section is an overview of the individual contributions. 5 major themes are identified: (1) inappropriateness of computational treatments of development and the need for more biologically and physically relevant treatments; (2) significance of tailoring muscular to nonmuscular forces in developing movement coordination; (3) importance of spontaneous movements as exploratory and formative mechanisms; (4) influences of action capabilities on the development of perception capabilities, and vice versa; (5) applications of methods and techniques of nonlinear dynamics to developmental processes. In the second section, we provide a synopsis of current ways of thinking about prototypical developmental processes, namely, pattern formation and pattern differentiation, in various classes of physical and biological systems. It is suggested that efforts to understand the progressive formation and differentiation of patterns in terms of very general principles provide a valuable resource of concepts and methods for students of child development. In the third section, hypotheses about the development of perception-action systems are generated from juxtaposing the themes and conjectures of this special issue with general principles of pattern formation. The hypotheses suggest the possibility of a pattern formation or dynamics approach to child development as an alternative to the conventional approaches emphasizing maturation (nativist), specific learning experiences (empiricist), cognitive stages (Piagetian), and strategies of encoding and retrieval (information processing).  相似文献   

A 3D multi-time scale discrete element method-computational fluid dynamic (DEM-CFD) coupling approach was applied to investigate the filtration of micron-sized particles by different types of fiber arrays. Both the pressure drop and the filtration efficiency were examined to indicate the filtration performance of the fiber arrays. Fibers that were uniformly arrayed in a parallel or staggered manner were compared. Results showed that the staggered array showed a better performance than the parallel array in terms of both pressure drop and filtration efficiency. Further, we compared the performance of different staggered arrays, i.e. a regular case, one densified in the front layers and another densified in the back layers. The front densified array was found to enter the clogging and cake filtration stage in the shortest time, leading to the highest filtration efficiency, but the highest pressure drop. The back densified array still achieved a much higher filtration efficiency, despite a much lower pressure drop comparable to that of the regular array. The results suggest that the two kinds of densified arrays may be suited for different purposes, e.g. baghouse filters or breathing masks.  相似文献   

In this paper,the sensors array technique is applied to the quality detection of aluminum alloy spot welding.The sensors array has three forms,i.e.,linear magnetic sensors array,annular magnetic sensors array and cross magnetic sensors array.An algorithm based on principal component analysis is proposed to extract the signal eigenvalues.The three types of magnetic sensors array are used in the experiment of monitoring the signal.After the eigenvalues are extracted,they are used to build a relationship with ...  相似文献   

不少学者认为电脑网络因其匿名性与开放性成为一个超越性别、自由表达的平台。根据网络资料,通过类比的方法,可以将女性在网络的表达模式分为三种类别。剖析每种表达模式的实质以及由此折射出的女性现实处境及其存在的问题,可以说明网络中的女性表达如何受到来自性别的规制。  相似文献   

Social cohesion in school is reflected in social discrimination processes and the complementary social roles of teachers, pupils, other staff and pupils' relatives. School social cohesion varies in level from high, characterised by prosocial interactions, to low, characterised by antisocial or violent interactions. Antisocial behaviour is usually embedded in specific interaction patterns between different social actors and is based on specific motives or stereotypes that elicit or justify this behaviour. Comprehensive study of these patterns is enabled by information and communication technology (ICT). The aim of this study is to use ICT to investigate social interaction patterns between personal and school characteristics of secondary school teachers and their curricular and disciplinary characteristics and experience of violence, including the motives they perceive when they are the victim, perpetrator or witness of six types of violence, differentiated according to the complementary roles of pupils, other teachers, other school staff and pupils' relatives. Three questionnaires were developed and used in a nationwide Internet‐based survey in Dutch secondary schools. This school safety monitor was completed in 2006 by 5148 teachers, 80,770 pupils, 1749 educational support staff and 629 school managers. Data were checked for reliability, scale homogeneity and representativeness. Pearson correlation analysis was used to examine the social interaction patterns in teachers' data. The results reveal violence‐specific social behaviour and social‐mirroring processes between teachers and pupils in particular. Furthermore, teachers who are younger, female or working in low‐attainment educational settings apply more curricular differentiation and collaborate more with pupils on disciplinary matters than their respective counterparts. Teachers who work in low‐attainment schools, who work in cities, who are homosexual/lesbian or who do not feel most at home in The Netherlands experience more violent behaviour as a victim or witness than their respective counterparts. In particular, teachers attribute the following motives to violence: physical appearance, behaviour, level of school achievement, a handicap, being religious, gender, sexual preference and ways of dealing with non‐conforming behaviour or punishments. Compared to teachers, pupils gave a broad array of motives for every type of violence. The conclusion is that Internet‐based data‐collection procedures provide a more comprehensive and systematic picture of social discrimination and violence motive patterns in schools than has hitherto been customary.  相似文献   

Anatomy education has been revolutionized through digital media, resulting in major advances in realism, portability, scalability, and user satisfaction. However, while such approaches may well be more portable, realistic, or satisfying than traditional photographic presentations, it is less clear that they have any superiority in terms of student learning. In this study, it was hypothesized that virtual and mixed reality presentations of pelvic anatomy will have an advantage over two-dimensional (2D) presentations and perform approximately equal to physical models and that this advantage over 2D presentations will be reduced when stereopsis is decreased by covering the non-dominant eye. Groups of 20 undergraduate students learned pelvic anatomy under seven conditions: physical model with and without stereo vision, mixed reality with and without stereo vision, virtual reality with and without stereo vision, and key views on a computer monitor. All were tested with a cadaveric pelvis and a 15-item, short-answer recognition test. Compared to the key views, the physical model had a 70% increase in accuracy in structure identification; the virtual reality a 25% increase, and the mixed reality a non-significant 2.5% change. Blocking stereopsis reduced performance on the physical model by 15%, on virtual reality by 60%, but by only 2.5% on the mixed reality technology. The data show that virtual and mixed reality technologies tested are inferior to physical models and that true stereopsis is critical in learning anatomy.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术与教育深度融合已成为必然趋势;针对当前健身气功在高校体育教育教学的现状,亟需研究破解高校健身气功教学瓶颈的有效途径;发挥虚拟现实技术特点和优势,研究其对高校健身气功教学的辅助功能,从而构建起新的教学环境、教学信息呈现模式、教学组织方式,建立人机互动学习机制和教学评价体系;虚拟现实技术已经成为创新人才培养,普及健身气功,促进学生身心素质发展的必然手段和有效途径。  相似文献   

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