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信息技术对教育发展具有革命性影响,必须予以高度重视。教科书是传播、体现政府和学界对信息技术重视度的重要载体,职前教师对信息技术的认知学习将直接影响未来信息技术的实施情况。文章考察了六十年来我国具有代表性教育学教科书中"信息技术"的叙写演变,兼与美国经典教育学教科书中"信息技术"的叙写进行比较,采用内容分析法,从教科书内容如何叙写信息技术、信息技术叙写结构设计演变、信息技术在教科书练习内容意义建构取向三个层面进行探讨和审思,以期从新的视角推动信息技术发展史的研究。  相似文献   

师范院校的教育学教科书是体现教师教育的重要载体,调研显示师范生和在职教师均不喜欢我们的教育学教科书。纵览我国60年来350多个不同版本教育学教科书发现最大特征:内容建构模式化和文本叙事教条化。美国经典教育学教科书呈现亮点:内容建构关注本土实践;教科书文本叙事着眼学生;教科书内容与教师教育领域有关系列标准要求的匹配性显著。今后我国教师教育教育学教科书改进要贯穿本土实践意识;融入多元表达形式;转变知识本位取向。  相似文献   

教科书学术话语体系体现着研究者对教科书问题的理论自觉,承载着我国社会发展的价值诉求,是获取教材建设话语权和发挥社会影响力的重要前提。改革开放以来,我国教科书研究在话语体系建设方面经历了教科书解读话语的形成、教科书研究话语的深化、教科书学的话语建构等阶段,在话语主体、话语主题、话语传播等方面呈现出不同特征。当代教科书学术话语体系的建构应坚持正确价值导向,打造特色鲜明的教科书研究共同体,形成世界眼光和中国风格兼具的话语体系,提升中国教科书学术话语体系的影响力。  相似文献   

论教科书空无内容的内涵与类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教科书的空无内容是教科书中应该呈现却没有呈现的内容。根据判断主体的不同,教科书的空无内容可分为官意类空无内容、民意类空无内容、专家类空无内容、教师类空无内容和学生类空无内容等五类。探讨教科书的空无内容,对于教科书的编审和使用具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

教师形象话语是历时性的存在。我国传统相对稳固的教师形象话语体系在近代发生演变,呈现出表达主体多元化、表达路径多样化、表达内容复杂化等特征。由于传统与现代观念的纠葛、本土与外来观念的碰撞以及现实与虚拟文化的共同发展,导致教师形象标准共识难寻、教师形象话语表达立场不同、教师形象建构语境变宽。借助社会与自我、理论与实践、官方与民间等多层交互关系展开主体间对话,最大限度消除分歧,促进话语整合,从而为教师形象话语体系的重构提供可能。  相似文献   

教育学的中国话语体系是教育学中国道路的实践表达,是教育学中国经验的智慧提升,是教育学中国理论的话语呈现。作为教育学“思想学理表征系统”的中国话语体系,始终处于“反向格义”与“主动化西”、“传承弘扬”与“重塑再生”、“宏大理论”与“微观叙事”的张力之中,在合乎现实之需、时代之规、历史之情、未来之势的基础上,需要持续回应“由谁说”“说什么”“怎么说”“在哪说”“说得如何”等问题。话语主体的情感认同与交往理性、话语内容的概念创生与论证说理、话语表达的模态建构与复调叙事、话语场域的时空重塑与再情境化、话语生态的求同存异与百家争鸣共同组成教育学中国话语体系生成的基本要素与问答逻辑。探索教育学中国话语体系走向世界的可能路径需要扎根本土变革实践,凝聚标志理论共识,增强解释力与公信力;设置世界教育议题,回应时代发展诉求,提升引领力与显示度;整合立体传播网络,讲好中国教育故事,提高辐射力与影响度。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来我国教师教育体系大致经历了四个发展阶段:即从全面照抄照搬“苏联模式”到独立师范教育体系建构的初步探索期,从三级师范教育体系确立到二级师范教育体系形成的创新发展期,开放多元教师教育体系形成的规范发展期,以及新时代中国特色社会主义教师教育体系纵深演进的高质量发展期。新中国成立以来的教师教育体系在内容上呈现出国家教育改革与发展对教师教育政策的强引导性特征,在目标上呈现出“数量满足—质量提升—高质量发展”的演变轨迹,在工具的使用上针对不同的政策目标采用了差异性的政策工具,在话语上表现出统制性话语为主体、多元话语共存的特征。构建开放与封闭相结合的中国特色教师教育体系将成为未来教师教育体系改革的基点,以培养高质量教师为目标构建现代教师教育制度是未来改革的焦点,以课程与教学改革为“切入口”创新教师培养模式可能成为未来改革的重点,而如何使政府管理重心从师范院校向教育事业转移是未来改革的难点。  相似文献   

钱洁 《中国教育学刊》2023,(7):45-49+102
从话语理论挖掘教育评价话语建构核心素养的交互主体、整合核心素养的互动空间、凝练核心素养的德性内核等意义向度。文化失语消解核心素养承载主体、话语贫困窄化核心素养培育空间、对象性思维导致核心素养内涵萎缩仍是教师教育评价话语面临的实践困境。拓展时空并置的教育评价话语空间、生成素养本位的教育评价话语文化、探索尊重内在体验的教育评价话语逻辑是新时代教师教育评价话语意义重构的路径。  相似文献   

在新时代哲学社会科学变革契机下,我国民族教育学面临着建构学科体系、学术体系与话语体系的挑战。“三大体系”生成的首要前提,是澄清民族教育研究“敏感”之嫌,深刻认识民族教育研究的重要性和特殊性;是扩展民族教育内涵之需,涵盖具有层次性、包容性和宽泛性内涵的民族概念;是明晰民族教育学地位“孱弱”之由,认可属己的学科价值与意义。“三大体系”内蕴新时代赋予民族教育学的使命,以及民族教育学自身发展的需求。故此,研究从历史证成、现实证成与逻辑证成三方面,讨论民族教育学体系建构的价值证成,借此阐明在中国语境下新时代民族教育学“三大体系”的建构路径。建构民族教育学学科体系,需统一学科认识,强化知识意蕴,建立更加合理的规训制度;建构民族教育学学术体系,需树立新时代学术观,构建属己的现代理论体系,打造生态化的学术共同体;建构民族教育学话语体系,需强化话语与实践契合度,激发话语体系文化创生力,扩宽研究成果的国际视野。  相似文献   

失语与喧哗——教师评价实践中的话语现象分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从解释学角度看,教师评价活动就是衡量和判定教师工作价值时,不同评价主体建构评价话语以及对评价话语进行解释、使用的过程。由于话语和权力的特珠关系,教师评价话语建构的过程同时也是内在权力秩序建构的过程。在现实的教师评价话语世界,行政管理者和教师之间由于控制性的话语关系,话语系统呈现出表达的单向性、内容的单一性、形式的刻板性等特点,从而使教师评价话语与教师真实的价值世界疏离,既不利于学校的发展,也无助于教师的发展。  相似文献   

The question of whether discussion is a crucial variable in teachers' learning from cases has not been tested empirically. This study investigated what teachers understood from just reading and writing about a case, compared to what they thought when also discussing it. The quality, form, and content of the thinking of 8 student teachers, 8 beginning teachers, and 8 experienced teachers was examined. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of participants' writing and oral discourse from the case discussions were undertaken. The work of Piaget and Vygotsky provide the theoretical basis for interpreting how discussion affected teachers' thinking about cases.  相似文献   

论数学教师课堂话语的本质特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师课堂话语是教师向学生传达信息的主要方式,也是教师调控学生课堂行为的重要手段,同时也为学生数学思维的发展起着关键的作用.数学教师课堂话语主要是指数学教师在课堂教学中,根据其知识储备和相关生活经历,结合学生在知识储备和相关生活经历等方面的特点,对数学教材话语进行双向解读的结果.包括:(1)自然性话语.具有通俗易懂、贴近生活等特点;(2)专用文字话语.具有层次性、逻辑性等特点;(3)专用符号话语.具有高度的概括性和精确性等特点.  相似文献   

Using a narrative inquiry methodology, this 10-year study examined the situated nature of two teachers’ development. Research questions examined how the teachers situated their own learning, how they developed discourse communities for teaching and learning, and how they used tools in their work. Findings suggest that the following elements of situational learning were central to their development: questions that they drew from their practice; a balance between autonomy and collaboration found in peer collaboration focused on questions drawn from practice; the use of language and inclusion of new perspectives within discourse communities; improvisation and experimentation in practice, and support from administrators.A striking finding was that these teachers’ practice developed among multiple and sometimes contradictory pathways.  相似文献   


Education is an indispensable tool for total economic emancipation in Africa and elsewhere. Thus, it is a great cause for concern that teachers, who are the main drivers of education, are so strongly affected by HIV/AIDS. A large part of the profound impact of HIV/AIDS is felt in education and threatens the quality of education. The study reported on examined how principals are managing the challenges caused by absenteeism among teachers living with HIV/AIDS. A narrative inquiry design situated in the qualitative research approach was used together with narrative interviews to elicit qualitative data. The study was embedded within the social constructivist paradigm. Transformational leadership and ethics of care formed the theoretical framework of the study. The qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the data. The key findings reveal how principals maintain quality of instructional effectiveness through substituting sick and absent teachers using a relief system. They also support, empower and advise teachers. Principals should be provided with support from the Department of Education (DoE) to replace teachers timeously before teaching and learning are disrupted.  相似文献   

This research project began as an effort to redesign a learning theory course as transitional space and evolved into an analysis of how unresolved conflict from younger learning selves influence graduate preservice teachers’ acquisition of teacher identity. The study draws upon work by Elizabeth Ellsworth on transitional space and Deborah P. Britzman’s work that deconstructs teacher education development. The data for the study were collected throughout a three‐semester graduate teacher education program and include narrative and formal writing using theoretical discourses. Foucauldian concepts of discourse analysis were used to interpret the initial data set; discourse analysis maps were then employed to further develop data interpretation. Two case study illustrations of preservice teachers resulted from this work. These illustrations demonstrate how transitional space is troubled space and the unevenness of teacher development. The study raises the question, ‘What will teacher education do with uncertainty?’  相似文献   

作为一种特殊的学习环境安排,叙事课程是叙事语境、学习经验与教育目标的特定组合,它集中反映着叙事思维、叙事学习与叙事教育等一系列基础观念。叙事课程具有三个主要特点:一是在叙事与课程的关系上,它把叙事作为课程框架;二是在课程设计与实施上,它是一种特殊的整合课程;三是从师生在课程设计与实施过程中的作用看,它是一种共创课程。相对于在逻辑—科学思维范式下出现的成人教育课程话语,叙事课程为成人教育课程提供了一条新的探究路径。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the discourses on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) found in textbooks used in pre-service special education programmes in the USA. Five textbooks are examined with the intent of discovering how ADHD is portrayed to future teachers. A discourse analysis framework is utilised, revealing five categories that structure the discourses of textbooks: definition, causes, symptoms, characteristics, and treatment. Examples of each are provided, followed by a critical analysis of the underlying meanings and assumptions. The analysis reveals an overwhelmingly medicalised narrative in which children diagnosed with ADHD are presented as inherently dysfunctional and devoid of positive characteristics. Two implications of this analysis are suggested: (1) teachers are likely to limit their pedagogical responses to these children in favour of relying upon medical knowledge and (2) teachers are apt to construct policy that is inconsistent with the goal of inclusive education to embrace diversity in the classroom. Lastly, the importance of exposing pre-service teachers to an alternative discourse on ADHD is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a multidimensional study employing a heuristic methodology termed ‘creative narrative’ that combines arts‐based methods with narrative inquiry. Six female teachers’ narratives of identity are explored through artistic, visual images to illuminate if and how they story ‘unconscious’. The creative narratives, illuminated through a multi‐layered extract from one creative narrative, illustrate various ways in which the participants imputed meaning and power to tacit and non‐conscious influences which were emotionally potent but previously hidden from themselves and others and that continued to affect their professional identities. The paper argues that such unconscious or non‐conscious dimensions to teachers’ lives are crucial to the experience and exercise of professional identity and yet are largely absent from our understandings and outside the capture of narrative inquiry as it is presently conceptualized. Narrative inquiry should strive to extend its theoretical boundaries and incorporate non‐verbal arts‐based research methods in order to go beyond the limits of language and capture the meaning of lived experience in more holistic ways.  相似文献   

Many students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) demonstrate comprehension difficulties. In the present study, 12 high‐functioning Swedish students with ASD (aged 10–15 years) took part in a naturalistic classroom‐based intervention to support comprehension of connected narrative discourse. An effective approach for supporting discourse comprehension in children with ASD was assumed to include: (i) providing teachers and students with a shared and explicit set of concepts for talking and thinking about the activity of comprehension, that (ii) can structure the child's discourse comprehension under scaffolding and modelling from the teacher. In the pre‐testing session, the students with ASD presented with poor discourse comprehension but receptive vocabulary and reading decoding skills close to normative performance. Post‐intervention test results, following 4 weeks of training, indicated specific and significant improvements in discourse comprehension. Support for the potential of this type of teaching was also obtained from teachers and students. The teachers reported that they would continue to use the same or similar comprehension instruction for 11 out of 12 students, and for multiple reasons, and students were also mostly positive to the training. Implications for practice and further research are discussed, as are limitations of the study.  相似文献   

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