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口述史:新闻史研究的一种新路径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文把口述史置于新闻史研究的背景下,阐释了口述历史的相关理论,对其应用于新闻史研究的可行性和实际操作时可能出现的问题进行了分析,说明新闻史研究开展口述历史工作的意义及其方法。  相似文献   

美国哥伦比亚大学口述史研究管窥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类活动的历史是以语言和文字两种方式传诵的.在文字发明以前,所有的历史都是口述史(0ral History).即使在被视为"信史"的档案文献中,也有相当部分是由言传口述转化而来的.直至二十世纪四十年代以前,世界各国的学者们还是主要通过档案文献来研究人类过去的活动,自那以后,当事人、见证者的证言价值被一些有识之士重新发现,并进而加以深度发掘,由此开辟出历史研究的一片新领域,这就是现代口述史的兴起.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过梳理纽约公共图书馆口述史资源建设经验,为我国公共图书馆开发口述史资源提供借鉴。[方法/过程]概述纽约公共图书馆及其社区口述史项目,重点介绍纽约公共图书馆社区口述史资源的建设现状和类型,并对纽约公共图书馆口述史资源的建设经验进行整体分析。[结果/结论]众包形式是公共图书馆开发口述史资源的重要方式,应增强口述史资源的信度与效度,以地方特色作为口述史资源建设的亮点,增强口述史资源的开放性与公众兴趣度。  相似文献   

口述史是通过以录音和访谈为主的方式来收集资料,并且在此基础上分析资料的一种研究方法,历史地理学则是研究历史时期地理现象及其发展演变规律的科学.口述历史在我国传统地理学中的应用历史悠久;在现代历史地理学的研究中,从事于历史人文地理、历史自然地理和区域历史地理研究的学者已自觉广泛地运用这一方法.在现代历史地理学的研究中运用口述历史方法时需要注意一些问题和规范,并和其他的研究方法相互验证、相互补充,从而最大可能地发挥其在历史地理学研究中的重要作用.  相似文献   

从史学工作者角度来看,口述史的特殊价值就在于可以紧紧围绕个体亲身经历向人们揭示一段史学档案或著述从未记述的历史,可以纠正一段历史记述的讹误,或还原一段真实的历史原貌,使人们对某段历史的发生、发展有新的或更为深刻的认识。  相似文献   

口述史本来是历史研究的一个分支。随着口述史的发展,学者们发现它具有跨学科性质,就开始应用在人类学、社会学以及民俗学研究上。作为历史研究的口述史追求"历史真相",作为"方法"的口述史主要关注普通人对历史及历史事件的经历与记忆,从而揭示历史及其事件背后的社会意义。因此,作为"方法"的口述史更着重个人的"主观性事实",而不是阐明"客观事实"。另外,口述史的"田野"所指的是,不仅是具体调查地点,而是在受访者的人生经历与记忆背后的历史与社会背景。采访者与受访者建好关系才能够在"田野"上进行访谈。现代民俗学关注当下的普通人在日常生活上的生活观念,这一点与口述史所关注的个人经历与记忆之间有所共同之处。口述史方法给现代民俗学研究提供新的视角,在研究领域上开拓了新的空间。  相似文献   

李慧波  王玥  尹柯柯 《晋图学刊》2021,(1):14-19,31
进入21世纪以来,我国图书馆口述史在理论与实践方面均取得发展。记忆的回归、生长的有机体、多元文化服务的理论;积极保存、科学处理、活用益人的实践理念;预防法律争端、权利保护优先的法律伦理原则等促成了图书馆口述史的发展。但在理论与实践相结合、研究成果数量、资源公开等方面还存在问题。未来的图书馆口述资料建设应从理论联系实际、多机构联合构建馆藏网络体系、线上线下服务多措并举、建立图书馆口述史智库体系等方面努力。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]哥伦比亚口述历史中心是世界口述历史研究的标杆机构,通过对其进行详细调研分析,为我国图书馆口述历史工作的开展提供借鉴与启示。[方法/过程]通过对哥伦比亚口述历史中心的3个主要网站及相关文献的调研,对其岗位设置与人员职能、资源建设与加工组织、资源存档与使用、教育培训与跨学科合作、资金来源与调查研究5个方面进行详细调查。[结果/结论]调查发现,哥伦比亚口述历史中心具有注重分工与专业背景、广泛开展跨学科合作、重视教育教学、藏教研分离4个方面的特点。从图书馆的视角出发,对我国图书馆口述历史工作的开展,提出以下4点启示:培养人才,建设专业团队;拓展选题范围,进行跨学科合作;积极参与,搭建课程体系;分解职能,实现分离管理。  相似文献   

Qualitative communication research approaches vary from grounded theory and participant-observation to Q-sort, content analysis, and ethnographic inquiry—to name but a few. What often rests outside the qualitative rubric is the hermeneutic tradition of interpretive scholarship. This essay unites interpretive inquiry and qualitative research in summary fashion by outlining a macro understanding of qualitative communication inquiry, an interpretive approach to communication scholarship within a philosophical tradition entitled philosophical hermeneutics, and finally a public roadmap of how to understand and engage interpretive inquiry as a form of qualitative research in communication. This essay advocates interpretive inquiry as an additional contributor to the ongoing tradition of qualitative research in communication.  相似文献   

This article examines the ways that qualitative inquiry, especially when used in concert with quantitative inquiry in multimethodological designs, can contribute to the research challenges of health care and health promotion. It explores methodological diversity in health communication research and illustrates how survey, textual analytic, and ethnographic research are utilized in health communication research. The article concludes with a discussion of how multimethodological research designs have been successfully employed to examine complex health communication models, theories, and processes.  相似文献   

Qualitative research meets and gathers insight and information, commencing with the particular. Qualitative research moves us from reductive and abstract engagement to experience of the subject matter before us. Philosophy of communication, understood as qualitative research in action, centers inquiry on questioning, reading, writing, editing, thinking, and interpretation. These five qualitative acts of inquiry are not isolated categories, yet they are simultaneously distinct characteristics within philosophy of communication scholarship. I contend that these five coordinates facilitate the performative engagement of philosophy of communication inquiry. I offer a story centered on five research coordinates, explicated with scholars repeatedly referenced in philosophy of communication literature. I engage these scholars in a manner akin to Walter Benjamin’s (1968) “pearl diving,” seeking insight from selected parts of their copious contributions. Their collective insights function as threads with which I weave a story about the doing of philosophy of communication.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

大学图书馆肩负着传承人类文明的神圣使命,对相关口述历史展开研究是义不容辞的责任。以往对于大学图书馆口述历史研究偏重于具体某一点深入挖掘探究,而对于大学图书馆口述历史研究的内容缺少宏观、系统的论述,文章着重分析大学图书馆口述历史研究的主要内容为校史、馆史和地方史,既包括以学校历史为中心的事件、人物等狭义内涵,还包括文化传承、地方文献、非物质遗产等广义范畴。  相似文献   

The field of communication supports a healthy literature based on both quantitative and qualitative methods. However, individual researchers commonly focus on using only one of these two techniques. The current paper promotes the use of multiple methods to investigate research questions and emphasizes the potential benefits of using quantitative and qualitative techniques interactively and interdependently. The general goals and procedures of each method are first reviewed, followed by a consideration of their relative strengths. The article then considers the value of an integrated methodological approach, providing four specific examples of how jointly using quantitative and qualitative methods accomplishes a goal that could not be reached by either method individually. The paper concludes with a discussion of how the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods can benefit individual researchers as well as the field of communication as a whole.  相似文献   

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