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古典诗歌的教学目的是传承化遗产、培养学生的学趣味、提高学生的诗歌鉴赏能力。明确教学目的,在教学过程中培养学生对古典诗歌的喜好和兴趣,调动学生学习古典诗歌的自觉性,才会收到较好的效果。通过朗读,体会古典诗歌的节奏、韵律和音乐性,把握诗歌形式特征,体验诗歌表达的情感。赏析作品重点是领会诗人的情感,掌握表达情感的表现方法。选读诗歌作品标准不能偏狭,眼界要开阔。在诗歌的继承、发展和相互影响的背景下学习诗歌作品;在掌握大量作品感性基础上去学习诗歌史。  相似文献   

情感体验是诗歌教学的灵魂,教学中,可采取诵读涵泳、介入体验、知人论事、把握意境等方法和途径,引领学生沉浸在诗歌的情境中,深化学生的情感体验.  相似文献   

一、潜心吟诵,让心灵与诗人亲密接触 诗歌是最为注重情感的一种艺术形式,可以说诗歌的生命和灵魂就是情感。因此情感体验在诗歌的教学中是第一位的,而最为直接地表达情感的形式就是潜心诵读诗歌。儿童诗歌教学中,应重读轻讲。摒弃“句句讲解,字字分析”的教学程式,引导学生用自己的声音去诵读,用自己的方式去歌吟诗歌,充分发挥学生的多种感观积极体验诗歌表达的情感。  相似文献   

诗歌教学的关键是我们引导学生从中读出了什么,获得了怎样的情感体验,审美体验。因此,教师首先要关注文本,引导学生辨别作者说了什么,是怎么说的,然后引导学生将自己的情感体验和诗歌中的情感体验进行比较,在思想感情上产生共鸣,使之转化为自己的情感内存。下面以语文版七年级下册诗歌单元为例谈谈诗歌教学。  相似文献   

中国现当代文学作为高校中文系的重要基础课程之一,除了本身所具有的专业价值以外,也蕴涵着深厚的育人价值。以诗歌教学为例,通过细读文本,强化学生的悟性思维;通过分析诗歌意境,养成纯正鉴赏趣味;通过情感体验,渗透人格教育。  相似文献   

诗歌是无谱的音乐,它音韵和谐,语言优美,简洁凝练,琅琅上口;诗歌意境深远,情感浓烈,韵味无穷。把诗歌引入教学,让无谱的音乐响彻思想品德课堂,让学生在轻松愉悦的课堂气氛中,激发学习兴趣,丰富情感体验,促进道德践行。  相似文献   

文章把握了诗歌的意象、形象、情感、意境等特点,指出在诗歌教学中应注意引导学生把握意象,理解形象,体验诗人情感,领悟诗歌意境,从而使学生获得美的感染与享受,提高艺术鉴赏力。  相似文献   

通过音乐的情感体验来强化诗歌的情感体验,把音乐融进诗歌教学,让学生置身于音乐描绘的天地中。通过音乐的美感体验来丰富诗歌的美感体验,丰富想象,音韵和谐,体验再创作的愉悦。  相似文献   

诗歌教学是中职语文教学的重点和难点。在诗歌教学中要让学生掌握作者的生活经历及社会背景,以缩小学生和诗人间的情感距离,更好地把握诗歌的思想内容,也可通过音乐的辅助、意象分析及诗歌的比较的方法来教学,利用这些教学方法,可以帮助学生理解诗歌的文化内涵,加深对诗歌的情感体验。  相似文献   

引导学生准确理解诗歌的思想感情.获得积极的情感体验.是诗歌教学的重要课程目标,如何引导学生准确理解思想感情呢?本案例进行了积极的实践和思索。  相似文献   

This article focuses on conceptual and empirical issues related to the links between social and emotional learning (SEL) and inclusive education. SEL can be defined as the process of socialisation and education related to personal, interpersonal and problem‐solving skills and competencies. This process takes place in formal and informal settings and is influenced by a complex interplay of individual, situational and cultural factors. Beside a person‐centred focus, effective SEL interventions are provided within supportive learning environments and are directed at enhancing the social–emotional environmental factors that influence learning. Underlying theories and models related to SEL are reviewed, completed by empirical data stemming from prevention science, and developmental psychology. The role of SEL will be investigated with respect to children with emotional–behavioural difficulties and their social and cultural context. Finally, the multifaceted role of SEL and its preventive potential in inclusive school settings through modifications of input and content, teaching strategies and processes, as well as the improvement of learning environments are outlined.  相似文献   

First-year higher education (HE) students experience different challenges during their studies. These challenging learning situations can trigger self-regulated learning (SRL) skills, which students use to handle these situations. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate (a) first-year HE students’ cognitive, motivational and emotional challenges experienced in both individual and collaborative learning situations and (b) the relationship between SRL skills and experienced learning challenges. Participants included 107 first-year pre-service teachers. Data consisted of students’ self-reports via (a) open-ended answers on a challenge questionnaire and (b) Likert-scale items from MSLQ and MRS questionnaires. Based on students’ SRL profiles, differential effects on the challenging experiences were investigated. The results show that different aspects related to students’ cognition, motivation, emotions and well-being were challenging for students. Also, connections were found between students’ SRL skills and the types of experienced learning challenges. Students with high SRL reported fewer learning challenges related to motivational aspects and more challenges related to cognitive aspects than students with low SRL.  相似文献   

情感发展是素质教育一个重要的组成部分,因此学校教育关注学生的情感就显得尤为重要。而语言是人类交流思想的一种工具,是情感教育的载体。英语教学中的情感教育可以通过关注全体学生,形成民主对话,营造轻松学习环境,创设文化渗透,实施成功教育等来实现。本文旨在就语言教学中如何进行情感教育以促进学生的英语学习表述作者的一些看法与实践。  相似文献   

高中学生数学课堂中的情绪障碍与学习成绩的关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
学生的学习过程,是以学生的整体心理活动为基础的认知活动和情意活动不断相互统一的过程.在学生的学习过程中,如果没有情感因素的参与,学生的学习活动既不能发生也不能维持.在诸多学习情感问题中,学生学习数学的情绪障碍是其中一个很少被教师重视但又确实是一个非常重要的学生学习数学的情感问题.高中学生数学课堂情绪障碍与他们的数学学习成绩之间呈负相关关系.因此为搞好数学课的教与学,要研究学生学习的情感问题,在数学教学中要最大限度地削弱或减轻学生在学习数学过程中的情绪障碍,调动学生的情感因素,尊重和保护学生的学习积极性,想方设法把学生内在的学习潜能挖掘出来,提高学生学习数学的兴趣.  相似文献   

随着网络教育的开展,网络环境下师生之间如何进行情感交互日渐为人们所关注。网络教育中师生情感交互缺失,主要表现在认知目标与情感目标严重失衡、教学模式单一,缺乏师生之间的互动反馈、教师的角色与职能被弱化或替代等。在网络教育中,构建师生情感交互平台的策略,一是基于BBS论坛的情感交互策略;二是基于"任务驱动"的情感交互策略;三是基于协作学习的情感交互策略;四是基于多元评价的情感交互策略。  相似文献   

情感支持策略是远程学习支持服务策略之一,对提高学习者的学习积极性起着至关重要的作用。构建情感支持策略应坚持成人性、交互性、合作性等原则,同时,采用外显和内隐策略,提高远程学习情感支持服务的能力,激发学生的学习热情和欲望,使学生成为能动地调控自身情感因素的学习者。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国情感教学研究大致经历了借鉴模仿与潜隐酝酿、初创形成与多元发展、深化拓展与反思总结三个阶段,发展出多种情感性教学流派,形成了稳定的研究领域。在情感教学的涵义、特征、目标、理论基础、过程、模式、策略等方面的研究取得了显著进展。情感教学与情感性教学之间存在着诸多情感共识和显著差异。情感教学研究在一定程度上存在着研究范式的心理学取向、教师情感的规约性取向、研究主题的操作性取向所导致的研究视角单一,研究思维固化,研究深度不足等突出问题。未来研究需要超越心理学研究范式,秉持复杂性研究立场,强化基础理论研究。  相似文献   

Educational Policy on Emotional Intelligence: Does It Make Sense?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Educational policy on emotional intelligence appears to be based more on mass-media science journalism than on actual educational and psychological research. The first section of this article provides an overview of the research areas of emotional intelligence, social and emotional learning, and character education; it further examines how these areas became linked in the popular press. The second section examines the scientific evidence for whether emotional intelligence underpins social and emotional learning, how emotional intelligence relates to success, and whether it is central to character. We conclude that educational policy in this area has outpaced the science on which it is ostensibly based, and recommendations for the future are made.  相似文献   

This study documents our efforts to implement an ‘ethic of discomfort’ and a ‘pedagogy of discomfort’ in our undergraduate multicultural teacher education courses. Commitments to these moral imperatives inherently involve emotional work for teacher candidates and teacher educators. Such emotional work, particularly in academia, is often invisible and disincentivized. This study examines the following: (1) grappling with students’ emotional reactions that stem from discomfort, (2) engaging in public emotional discourses, (3) negotiating the political dimensions of teaching diverse students, and (4) remaining emotionally available to students as they work through these ideas in their own lives. The implications of this study address the types of preparation and support teacher educators need to facilitate the transformative potential of a pedagogy and an ethic of discomfort. While pre-service teacher education is considered a safe and productive learning space for students to be discomforted, questions are posed regarding the safety for pre-tenured teacher educators involved in this process. We offer a typology of emotional work from a teacher educator perspective in teaching multicultural education.  相似文献   

情绪情感是个体心理素质结构中的有机组成部分,学前教育专业学生积极健康的情绪情感是今后从事婴幼儿教养工作所必需的素质之一,新入学的学前教育专业学生在专业情感、情绪健康状态等方面还存在诸多问题,尤其是学前教育专业新入学的男生在情绪和情感方面的问题尤为严重。遵循青年学生情绪情感发展的一般规律,通过改造主观世界,创设教育环境,帮助解决心理内部矛盾等,不断提高学前专业新生的情绪情感素质水平,是实现学前教育专业培养目标的重要任务之一。  相似文献   

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