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INTRODUCTIONOursisanincreasinglyglobalera .Nowitisbecomingcommonsensethatweallhavetoliveinaworldwide ,multiculturalsociety .Buttolivewelltogetherisneveraneasything ,andtofacethechallengesofglobalizationmaybringuswellbeyondcommonsense .Inwritingthisessay ,I…  相似文献   

大学生群体道德认知与道德行为脱节现象解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文试图从大学生群体的道德现状入手,以道德认知与道德行为的逻辑关系作为理论起点,在对道德发展各学派研究成果的比较中,推导出道德认知不能必然导致道德行为的产生,并对我国高校大学生群体道德认知与道德行为之间存在严重的脱节现象的原因进行论述。  相似文献   

《论语》与《圣经》分别代表着中国文化和西方文化的根基,过去我们只关注两种文化的差异性,本文拟通过道德教育这一平台寻求两书的共同之处。在道德教育内容、道德教育目的、道德实践、道德依归、道德情感、道德教育对象、道德典范等方面对《论语》和《圣经》若干相似之处进行了比较,发现两种古老文明最初都有着共同的道德观念,这正是我们现代人应当努力从先辈继承的宝贵精神资源。  相似文献   

Certain difficulties pervade the course of moral education and in this essay a broad picture of these shall be sketched. Moral educators need to understand the problems they will face if they intend to enhance their performance; this includes knowing the limits of moral education, and not going beyond their capacities. These difficulties may be put in two groups, one internal, which is within the control of moral educators; the other external, which is beyond the control of moral educators. Internal difficulties concern the gap between moral cognition and moral conduct. Since moral educators are not saints and suffer from vices themselves, students might learn the contrary of what educators mean to convey. External difficulties are more complicated. In this essay the author concentrates on proving how moral education provides an incentive to breach morality itself. The author shall also endeavor to show that a higher standard of morality might cause greater failure in moral education. Under this logic, we need to first deal with the external difficulties in order to tackle internal ones, for they are intertwined.  相似文献   

The actual effect is a big problem in current school moral education. By analyzing the problems in the theory and practice of the current school moral education, the author points out that the reason is that, for a long time, the meaning of morality has been dissimilated, and moral education is considered as a kind of knowledge input and neglecting it is the life-style of human beings. By exploring the meaning of morality in the traditional Chinese culture, the author fully affirmed the rich life connotation both in the dynamic conversion between Tao and virtue and in the Taoist saying “Great virtue is growth”. In the article, the author suggests that nowadays, we should reconsider and understand the moral connotation in traditional culture and explain the traditional morals in a modern way. It is also necessary to construct a new moral education system such as a “life-practice” model. __________ Translated from Journal of Educational Studies, 2005 (5)  相似文献   

文章阐述了网络社会和网络带来的伦理问题:道德冷漠、人际情感疏离、网络安全问题、计算机犯罪、信息垄断,分析了网络伦理问题产生的根源,并提出了加强网络伦理建设的措施。  相似文献   

略析科技与道德   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界是一个高科技时代 ,科学技术一方面带给人类巨大的福祉 ,另一方面又让人感到恐慌和不安。科技的发展带来了许多伦理道德新问题 ,科学与道德到底是怎样一种关系呢 ?本文试从科学对道德的促进作用 ,科学所表现出的伦理二重性以及道德对科学的制约作用等几方面进行探讨分析。  相似文献   

在人类道德流变史上,宗教对其影响巨大,为道德与宗教教义的重合的履行注入了科学色彩的内驱。在内容上,对道德规范及价值予以神学性诠释;在思维上,使得社会主体对道德的认识、理解神性化与模式化;在实践上,它在强调人对神的“信”、“望”、“爱”的基础上突出道德义务、道德服从的必要性。  相似文献   

随着国内国际环境的变化,大学生的思想道德方面出现了许多新特点、新问题,高校德育明显呈现出滞后的趋势。笔者认为加强和改进高校德育的前提在于教育者能否及时转变制约高校德育实效性的一些不合时宜的观念。论文分析了当前高校德育中存在的观念误区,并进一步提出了应树立以人为本、德育首位、全员育人、德育是要促进学生道德知识、道德能力和道德素质的全面发展的观点。  相似文献   

法律与道德的关系论略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德与法律的关系问题是法理学研究的重要内容。本文从分析二者的辩证关系出发,试图把道德与法律、德治与法治真正统一起来,认为道德与法律各自的缺陷要求二者相互补充、相互渗透,法治国家所依赖的法律是有道德意蕴的良法,所依赖的人是有德、有羞耻的公民。  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基论公民道德   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
倡导及培养公民道德已经成为当前学校德育的重要内容。文章简要介绍原苏联著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基对公民道德的理解及其培养的观点,并揭示其对我国当前的学校德育的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Whether moral conceptions are universal or culture-specific is controversial in moral psychology. One option is to refrain from imposing theoretical constraints and to ask laypeople from different cultures how they conceptualize morality. Our article adopts this approach by examining laypeople’s associations of moral character in individualistic- and collectivistic-oriented cultures. Using correspondence analysis we found that the concept of moral character yielded widely shared associations with justice and welfare concerns. Yet, there were also clear cultural differences with individualistic-oriented samples associating more frequently rights-based features and collectivistic-oriented samples more frequently associating duty-based attributes. When matching freelisted trait categories with Schwartz’s value types, moral value hierarchies were similar across cultures and correlated significantly with explicit moral value ratings. We conclude that imposing constraints through an expert-designed category system can narrow the scope of inquiry to common moral aspects related to problem-solving, promotion of prosocial actions and control of antisocial behaviour.  相似文献   

文章阐述了司法道德的基本内涵在于其法律与道德的双重标准的交叉,更强调其道德价值的体现。在阐述司法道德含义后,文章着重阐述了司法道德的现实要求和培养途径。  相似文献   

讨论了体育教学如何培养学生的思想品德,以及体育教学与思想品德教育的关系,本着科学、求实的精神,对当前我国体育教育如何渗透品德教育做作进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

西方“真人秀”节目中存在着常见的几种道德失范行为,商业主义的泛滥、言论自由的滥用、监管的不力、从业人员整体素质的下降是造成西方“真人秀”节目出现道德失范问题的主要原因。  相似文献   

浅谈加强大学生职业道德教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了加强大学生职业道德教育的必要性。从德育课程、营造全方位育人环境、加大师德建设等方面论述了加强大学生职业道德途径,并指出了当前应该着力注重的几个方面。  相似文献   

道德需要是人们基于对道德的价值性认识而产生的遵守道德规范的心理倾向。道德需要不足表现在社会的道德需要和个体的道德需要不足,它们都有多方面的原因。增强道德需要必须解决人们的认识问题和社会的道德机制问题。  相似文献   

从认知语言学的角度,讨论道德概念的比喻体系与中英文语言的隐喻以及它们之间的逻辑关系。结论是:生动形象的比喻语言是能够揭示出不同文化对于道德比喻体系的相同认识,人们共有的道德规范和具有普遍意义的道德观。  相似文献   

提及"道德论",人们常常会感到不知从何说起,看上去似乎道德与伦理异名同谓,可是提起伦理也没有一个明确的概念在人类脑中浮现。从词源上看伦理英文单词为"Ethics",而道德一词的单词则为"Morals",单单从词面上看,两者不难看出一定有着差异,伦理和道德的区别,一是取向不同,伦理是中性词,道德是正面取向;二是大小不同,伦理不仅包括道德,也包括权利(权利是道德的前提),本文将着重分析西方伦理学大家休谟、亚当.斯密、卢梭的有关"道德论"的思想,从而更好的为大家阐释当今社会下的"道德论"含义。  相似文献   

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