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在经济较发达国家的一些中学后教育的院校中,网上学习已成为传递远程教育课程的一种常规模式.本文论述网上学习的普及程序及范围,并探讨为什么有些院校已经采用了网上学习的策略,而有的院校在这方面的步伐会较慢.最后,针对中国远程教育的现状,作者提出一些成功运用网上学习的适切条件.  相似文献   

梁红丽 《成人教育》2012,32(12):98-100
如何在网上实时交互教学中引导学生探究式学习值得研究。在教学策略上应从交互主题设计、交互问题设置、交互氛围创设、交互过程调控四方面加以改进。交互主题设计要以课程教学目标为主要依据、适应学生的需求及兴趣、贴近社会生活和学生生活。交互问题设置应注意启发性、层次性、开放性。交互氛围创设要多用陈述性语言,少用评价性语言,与学生平等相处,恰当使用富有感情色彩的语言,加强师生互动。交互过程中要根据实时交流的情况灵活调整,及时做好过程调控。  相似文献   

The Internet offers a huge array of teaching resources for statistics. Here we present a selection of engaging Web‐based tools, ranging from class surveys to individual simulation experiments.  相似文献   

在教与学的过程中,学生与教师都会提出反馈,也会收到反馈.课程应该提供不会让人感到威胁的环境,学生在其中能够向教师和其他学生充分地表达自己.学生需要得到针对他们工作和表现的、持续的、及时的反馈.提供有效的反馈有助于保证学生的需求得以满足,有助于保证他们能够开展高质量的学习.(Co-hen,2003:Thurmond 和 Wambach,2004)本文主要讨论的是对学生提供的反馈,而反馈本身也是对学习者的工作和活动的回应,帮助学习者更好地理解他所取得的进步,或帮助学习者改善他的学习或表现.反馈可以在教师和学生之间、学生与学生之间,也可以是学生对自身的长处或改进学习活动的某一方面进行的反思和评价.要使反馈真正有效,对学生提供的反馈应着重于缩小学生当前的表现与期望目标之间的差距.文中所提出的案例均来自于本人在线教学经历过的或访谈在线教师过程中了解到的.  相似文献   

浅析项目化教学过程中的有效学习与有效教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工作过程导向的项目化教学的有效性,要从教师角色、教学内容、教学方法和教学评价四个角度来分析,其中教师角色的多样化是有效学习的基本前提,教学内容的优化是有效学习的内在必然,教学方法的灵活多样是有效学习的根本途径,课堂评价的发展性是有效学习的必要手段。  相似文献   

随着课程改革的深入实施,新的课程理念能否转化为教师的教育教学行为是课程改革顺利推进的关键。而支持学生发展的有效教学,是新课程理念在教育教学中的集中体现。教师有效的教育教学行为,可以具体为有效教学策略的掌握和应用,这一策略可以从教学准备、教学实施、教学评价三个方面来研究。  相似文献   

外语学习的真正内涵是指语言与文化之间的学习。对语言的学习,不仅包括对单词、语法规则、动词变化、发音和写作形式等语言知识的学习,还一定包括对该语言丰富的背景文化的了解。语言是文化的载体。学生通过对语言的学习,获得对该民族文化的认识;反过来只有了解了文化情境背景的深刻内涵,学生才能更准确地把握语言材料的真正意义。所以外语教学的真正内容,与其说是关于语  相似文献   

康承满 《现代教育科学》2007,(6):100-101,16
初中思想品德课具有现实教育性、实践性,必须抓住课堂教学有效性.有效教学需要教师授课有激情、用真情、升华感情等情感深入;通过学生与文本对话,师生对话,生生对话,使课堂流彩飞扬;要把小组评价和自我评价作为有效教学的落脚点,检验其教学效果.  相似文献   

信息技术在当今社会的各个领域都得到丁广泛应用,在教育领域尤其受到人们的青睐。与以往任何一种先进媒体的应用相比,信息技术的引入,使传统的教育方式发生了更加深刻的变革,甚至可以说是引起了一次革命。计算机辅助教学已经成为广大教育工作者探索、研究和实践的新领域,如何将计算机与传统教学相结合,不断地优化中学数学教学,提高学生的动手能力,需要我们不断地研究、探索和实践。  相似文献   

Fostering the development of students’ critical thinking (CT) is regarded as an essential outcome of higher education. However, despite the large body of research on this topic, there has been little consensus on how educators best support the development of CT. In view of some of the controversies surrounding the teaching of CT skills in higher education, this study examined the effects of embedding CT instruction systematically in domain-specific courses (Immersion vs. Infusion) on the acquisition of domain-specific and domain-general CT skills and course achievement. First-year university students (N = 143) enrolled in an introductory physics course were assigned to one of three instructional conditions: Immersion, Infusion, and control. The Immersion and Infusion conditions followed lessons designed systematically based on the First Principles of Instruction model, whereas the control condition followed a regular instruction. Results showed that participants in the Immersion and Infusion conditions significantly outperformed those in the control condition on domain-specific CT proficiency and course achievement. However, neither the Immersion nor the Infusion condition was helpful in fostering the acquisition of domain-general CT skills. The findings generally demonstrated that embedding CT instruction systematically in domain-specific courses requires greater clarity about what set of CT skills could be targeted in domain-specific instruction, how specific subject-matter instruction could be designed considering CT as an integral part of domain-specific instruction, and how best CT outcomes be assessed. Some considerations for the design of CT-supportive learning environments are discussed.  相似文献   

文章分析了《商务英语》课程的教学现状,探讨了网络环境下课堂教学有效性的内涵,并从网络的认知工具性、信息化教学设计、教学模式等方面对基于网络的商务英语课堂教学有效性进行思考和探讨。  相似文献   

韩姗姗 《电大教学》2014,(5):97-103
复杂学习是一种为达成多种学习目标的综合学习。它不是孤立知识碎片的简单组合,而是将知识、技能和态度进行协调与综合从而成为一个整体,并使之能够灵活运用在真实情境中以解决实际问题。网络教学环境所具备的灵活、开放、可共享、支持个性化学习等优势对复杂学习的进行十分有利,但同时,这些优势本身并不能保证学习者适应这种学习形式。针对复杂学习特点,在网络教学环境的设计上应:有利于真实任务情境的呈现、有利于知识与教学资源的结构化组织、有利于多元化的知识表征和应用、有利于多用户角色的交流互动、有利于进度监控与反馈。  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores the process of implementing effective online teaching practices through interviews with thirty exemplary instructors. Emergent themes include providing students with constructive feedback, fostering interaction and involvement, facilitating student learning, and maintaining instructor presence and organization. Analyses of the findings and implications for online instruction are presented.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education.Cassandra C. Lewis is a research assistant at the University of Maryland University College. She is also a doctoral candidate in the department of Education Policy and Leadership at the University of Maryland, College Park. Husein Abdul-Hamid is Associate Provost and Executive Director of the Office of Evaluation, Research, and Grants at the University of Maryland University College. He holds a Ph.D. in Statistics from American University.  相似文献   

Teaching with the Case Method Online: Pure Versus Hybrid Approaches   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The impact of hybrid classroom/distance education approaches is examined in the context of the case method. Four distinct semester‐long treatments, which varied mixes of classroom and online discussion, were used to teach a graduate MIS survey course. Specific findings suggest that by using Web technology, college instructors may offer students the option of participating in high‐quality courses using the case method pedagogy in an online environment. Students not only appear to do as well as in the traditional classroom, but the data suggest that students in the online environment may perform better at multiple levels of learning outcomes, especially when using a blend of classroom and online technologies. Furthermore, the precepts of the case method pedagogy may be enhanced by the use of online discussions. Instructors employing the technique may find their own importance devalued, while the time demands of the approach can be much greater than for traditional classes. The findings infer that it is the model of learning and its fit with supporting technologies, rather than the presence of technology per se, which enhances learning outcomes.  相似文献   

为了进行有效的跨文化交际,英美文化知识的习得非常重要。但当前的大学英语教学体系中没有专门的英美文化知识系统教材。探索在现有的教学条件下大学英语课堂教学中有效贯穿英美文化知识的途径与方法。  相似文献   

"教师为主体"教育文化影响下的教学设计,教学的流程就是一个个问题的解决过程。这种以问题为纽带的推进方式,并没有很好地关注学生的学。基于学而教,是小学语文课堂改进的有效路径。用学生的学习活动串起课堂,教学的流程就成了学生连贯的自主学习过程。这样就能真正彰显学生的主体地位,全面提升学生的语文素养。  相似文献   

教与学的有效互动--简析支架式教学   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
支架式教学是近二三十年来国外流行的教学模式,它在处理"教"与"学"二者之间的关系方面提出了富有创造性的见解.本文对支架式教学进行了简要的介绍与分析,主要阐述了支架式教学的内涵、理论基础及其特色,最后分析了支架式教学给予我们的若干启示.  相似文献   

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