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尊重爱护学生、关心帮助学生是我们做好学生思想工作的基础,是增强全体学生的凝聚力和向心力的重要前提。在教育教学工作中,要尊重学生,就必须给学生提供满足合理的物质和精神需要的条件,善于发现每个学生的价值,尊重学生的个性,维持学生的自尊心。  相似文献   

The goal of inclusion is more or less credible depending in part on what it is that learners have in common. I discuss one characteristic that all learners are thought to share, although the learners I am concerned with represent an awkward case for the aspiration of inclusivity. Respect is thought of as something owed to all persons, and I defend the view that this includes persons with profound and multiple learning difficulties and disabilities. I also consider the implications of respecting profoundly disabled learners for teaching and learning, and three aspects in particular: treating the profoundly disabled learner as a person; the close relationship between teaching and caring for a vulnerable learner; and individualised learning as an element of a successful teaching and learning environment.  相似文献   

陈凌 《襄樊学院学报》2009,30(1):47-49,80
自古以来,古人“尚右”似乎成了定论;然而,从“东尊西卑”观念看,这种思想与中国传统方位尊卑观相冲突,“尚右”思想则是人们长期以来形成的一种误解。  相似文献   

在当前的课堂教学中,我们常常看到工业化生产的影子,如注重整齐划一、按部就班,用同一个程序或模式、同一种标准或速度要求学生,学生的创造性遭到无情的扼杀。所幸的是人们已经逐渐意识到教育应如农业生产一样,用生态的、久远的、使其合理生长的方式培养学生。为此,课堂教学应从尊重学生个性做起。1.重视学生的个体经验当今社会是信息时代,学生的知识和信息来源非常广泛,他们决不是“空着脑壳”走进教室的,而是早已通过各种形式的“学习”获得了一定的知识基础。更重要的是,他们是人,天生具有思维能力,对于所遇到的现象、问题,都会调动自己…  相似文献   

近几年,我国恶性案件不断发生,行为人的手段之恶劣、对生命的不尊重、对刑法的不敬畏,让人触目惊心.十八大以来,在反腐浪潮的声涛中,众多的高官纷纷落马.这些人对刑法竟然能够如此的漠视,在为他们惋惜的同时,也令我们深深地反思.  相似文献   

马克思的历史观与单线发展历史观的区别在于,马克思坚持每一种生产方式的特殊性,承认各种生产方式自己的再生产规律。西方先发国家有自己的文明积累过程,后发现代化国家是靠外部力量推动的,所以不能走自发、内生的道路,必须既坚持改革开放、融入世界的发展进程,又保持自身的民族特色。  相似文献   

For some people, respect is due to people of particular standing and involves formality and deference. For others, respect is based on regard and attention. This approach is essentially informal. This article explores young people's interpretations of respect and shows how an understanding of its theory and practice may enhance relationships between adults, especially those employed in the social professions, and young people. Two frameworks are employed to assist in exploring the issues involved; one is located in communication theory within educational contexts (Burbules, 1993) and the other in the politics of self-definition (Wilson, 1993). The discussion draws on three pieces of empirical research involving young people and professionals. The different interpretations of respect are shown to provide a means of understanding a source of conflict between professionals with positions of authority in young people's lives and the young people themselves.  相似文献   

本文从教师的职责角度出发。从抓教学文件建设、规范化备课入手。研究教材内容,改进课堂教学方法。加强实践性环节。敬业敬职。教书育人。  相似文献   

邓小平同志一贯强调尊重教师。邓小平同志关于教师的地位、作用、教师的生活待遇,教师的教育教学能力和业务培训等方面的谈话,是他尊师重教思想的具体体现。  相似文献   

汉代在继承先秦尊师传统的基础上,把尊师传统向前推进了一步,使尊师成为了一种社会风尚.一方面,官学教师的地位较高,政府对这类教师相对尊敬.这些人有官俸可享,有公舍可住,有进一步升迁之机遇.另一方面,在私学教师中,除"名儒世家"、"名师"有被察举征召之机会外,广大普通教师的社会地位则缺乏保障.实际上,汉代尊师更多的是一种民间行为,存在于社会众阶层中,尤其是师生之间.无论是统治阶级的掌权者,还是处于社会低层的劳动人民,都表现出对教诲自己的师长的尊敬和礼貌,这说明在汉代尊师具有普遍的社会性.这种尊师风尚的形成既是先秦尊师理论与实践影响的结果,也是当时众多有识之士大力呼吁、倡导乃至身体力行的结果,同时也与汉代确立的重视教育的文教政策有关.尊重教师,就是肯定教育,重视知识,这种尊师的风尚,成为汉代教育发展的一股强大动力.同时,尊师重道在学术思想上的表现即为严守师法、家法,这就严重地限制了学者主观能动性和聪明才智的发挥,不利于他们开阔眼界,增长知识,这种墨守成规的做法,也使经学步入了僵化的死胡同.  相似文献   

人们对历史的诠释,是随着时代的发展而不断变化的。但这并不意味着历史只是一个任人打扮的小姑娘。历史作为过去发生的事实,是一种客观存在。因此,尊重史实,是一切历史诠释的前提。真实是历史研究的终极目的,也是历史文艺作品的力量所在。从这个角度看,电视剧《走向共和》是一部违背历史事实的文艺作品,并没有达到客观展现中国近代历史的目的。电视剧《走向共和》并不是一部纯粹的商业剧,因为该剧的制片人和编剧将其定位为一部“全方位、全景式、艺术地展现近代中国的历史”的“历史正剧”,“创造出我们民族的、具有崇高悲剧意味的英雄史诗…  相似文献   

尊重是人的基本心理需要,对幼儿的尊重应是一种设身处地的全面尊重,包括尊重幼儿的生命价值、安全、自我发展的主体性等基础权利,尊重幼儿的年龄特点,尊重幼儿的个性特点。  相似文献   

The value that willed body donors provide to medical education is priceless. Their precious gift helps to teach anatomy, spatial relationships between morphological structures, anatomical variation, and professionalism to medical students in a way that plastic models, podcasts, and lectures cannot. They are also an important resource for medical research and a wide variety of postgraduate training opportunities. While many body donation programs throughout the world are nonprofit organizations, there are body donation companies in the United States that sell donors for-profit. These “body brokers” have accumulated large profits from this business. It is incongruous that others would profit from such a priceless, freely donated gift. To prevent this incongruity, it is proposed that the international anatomical community develop a normative culture (a bioethos) for body donation programs. This would involve the conscious and systematic development of ethical principles for the day-to-day policies and practices of institutions that collect and use human bodies. With the development of this bioethos, a cultural shift in how donors are treated would occur and, over time, this would become the normal practice. These principles would become fundamental and foundational for the procurement and use of priceless human tissues.  相似文献   

本文以解构主义的伦理观为切入点,从对待他者的道德态度上探讨了韦努蒂异化理论的伦理观,并理清了异化翻译实现的两条途径,这两条途径可以为彻斯特曼提出的交际伦理的实现提供参考。  相似文献   

Designing and reforming the subjects on the College Entrance Examination, based on the new curriculum, are the focal point and also the most difficult aspect of entrance exam reform. The entrance exam subject programs instituted in more than ten "subject reform" regions in China, including the provinces of Shandong, Ningxia, Guangdong, Hainan, and Jiangsu, each possess unique characteristics. Each has also given rise to a number of issues that urgently require resolution. In examining the present trend toward the entrance exam subject reforms characteristic of a developed country, the value orientation and the new pursuit of China's programs to design subjects for the entrance exam should be to reinforce opportunities to choose subjects, advocate both unification and diversification, maintain a certain level of subject coverage, emphasize overall quality appraisal, implement categorized and ranked tests, and pursue fairness and accuracy.  相似文献   

敬老与传统孝文化有着双重关联维度:其一,敬老是传统孝文化的源头.作为传统孝文化的起点和原点,后世的事亲之孝是由原始社会的敬老习俗转化发展而来的,是对原始社会敬老的狭义化.其二,敬老是全部传统孝文化的核心.在传统孝文化中,敬老既是事亲之孝的核心,也是“老吾老以及人之老”推己及人逻辑推演之孝和“移孝作忠”政治推演之孝的核心,更是中国古代帝王用以教孝成俗进而平治天下的重要手段.由敬老与传统孝文化的双重关联维度来看,传统孝文化的当代转换,定会有效解决中国进入老年化社会后所面临的各种社会问题,并对我国正在进行的和谐家庭与和谐社会建设产生十分深远的影响.  相似文献   

"人的发展"已成为现代教育追求的"终极目的"。人格尊重是一个古老而又现实的话题,实现人格的健康发展是人类几千年来的美好追求。学生人格的形成发展要靠环境的熏陶,潜移默化的感染。教师的敬业、热情、平等的态度,有助于提高教育教学质量,有助于学生健康人格的形成,有助于培养全面发展的高素质人才。  相似文献   

投资者创业劳动是有益于人民和社会的劳动,又是极其复杂、极其稀缺的劳动,应该受到尊重。企业主作为投资者、创业者、经营者、管理者,从事多方面复杂劳动,应该得到多方面劳动收入和要素收入,他们的一切合法收入都应该得到保护。这是关系到深化对社会主义社会劳动和劳动价值论认识、落实“十六大”精神、贯彻“三个代表”重要思想和“四个尊重”重大方针、鼓励创业劳动、发展民营经济、完善基本经济制度和分配制度的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

论尊重学生体育权利与体育教学模式选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文通过学生体育权利的阐述与体育教学模式的分析,进一步论证体育教学模式选择与尊重学生体育权利、学生身心发展的特点和校情的有机联系,为有针对性选择体育教学模式提供参考。  相似文献   

走出"尊重学生需要"的认识误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于对"学生需要"概念的不明确和对师生关系的误读,教学实践中出现了大量表面化、形式化的不合理教学行为,影响了教学实效性。本文对"学生需要"的内涵进行了分析,在此基础上指出,教学活动也要关注教师的需要和教师主导性,并将"尊重学生合理的需要"与"合理地尊重学生需要"相结合,确保学生的需要得到真正的尊重与满足。  相似文献   

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