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管理创新与学校发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
学校管理创新,首先要克服现存学校管理的四大弊端:封闭性、单主体、单向度和低效能;其次要确立正确的改革观念和教育意识;此外,还要注重品牌管理,订立学校发展规划,加强人力资源管理,打造现代化学校。学校管理创新的最终目标是建立现代学校制度,促进学校发展。  相似文献   

Jean Piaget has surpassed most of his scientific contemporaries in influence, significance and productivity. Two questions of pedagogical interest can be asked: How did the boy Jean Piaget, with his peculiar interest in philosophy, become such an outstanding scientist, and what was the role of his teachers in this respect? Piaget's way into science demonstrates that personal ability, drive and creativity can be more important factors in the development of a young scientist than special fostering at school.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国社会经济的不断发展,在陶瓷艺术设计过程中加强创意思维开发变得越来越重要,各行各业都开始急需创新型人才。在陶瓷艺术设计教学过程中,教学者必须根据社会和行业的根本需求,加强对学生的创意思维开发与能力培养。陶瓷艺术设计是独立的艺术学科之一,相应的审美要求很严格。要想从根本上提升学生的陶瓷艺术设计水平,教师必须做好对学生的创意思维开发和培养工作。  相似文献   

创造性人才·创造性教育·创造性学习   总被引:84,自引:2,他引:82  
创造性人才=创造怀思维+创造性人格。创造性教育是在创造型的管理和学校环境中由创造型教师通过创造型教育方法培养出创造型学生的过程。创造性学习是创造性教育的一种形式。它强调学习的主体性;倡导学会学习,重视学习策略。创造性学习擅长新奇、灵活而高效的学习方法,具有创造性活动的学习动机,追求创造性学习目标。  相似文献   

创新教育与教师的使命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新教育是培养学生创新精神和创新能力的过程,是完善人性的教育,也是一种发展性教育。要培养创新人才,教师应不断更新教育观念,树立创新榜样,营造创新氛围,给予学生创新时间,创设创新情境。  相似文献   

一直以来的写作指导,包括创意写作指导作为一个闭合的体系,忽略了写作之前和写作之后的阅读过程。但阅读,尤其是创造性阅读或创意阅读和创意写作有着千丝万缕的联系。它至少在风格影响、写作研究、写作指导和素材积累等四个方面影响着写作过程,同时它们之间又具有内容、目的和技巧上的承接关系。  相似文献   


This article focuses on the identifying of ‘creative development’ as a desirable early years learning outcome by the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (SCAA, 1997). The article begins with a rationale for the inclusion of ‘creativity’ in the curriculum of young children in a post‐modern world at the turn of the century. It then goes on to look at the way in which ‘creative development’ is characterized by SCAA as a desirable learning outcome, and to unpick some of the messages which its inclusion in the curriculum may signify. There are several challenges posed by this part of the early years curriculum, which are then explored. Finally it proposes a framework for interpreting and translating it into practice.  相似文献   

The elements of global education should be at the heart of all learning and teaching. In ITE we often protect ‘our subject’ in the belief that it should have more prominence in the curriculum and more teaching time in school. In this article a group of ITE tutors comment on their learning about global education and its inclusion in their subject following a study trip, with students and teachers, to The Gambia. A truly cross-curricular strand develops and ideas within subjects are matched to key concepts of global education. An experiential model of tutor CPD evolves which includes personal challenge of values and attitudes.  相似文献   

21世纪是以知识经济为主导的世纪。知识经济的灵魂是创新,谁最富于创新精神和创新智慧,谁就能占领科学技术的制高点,随之也将拥有科技、经济等诸多方面的支配权。面对时代挑战,大学应以培育高素质创新人才为己任,而大学素质教育也应以铸造学子创新精神和创新智慧为真谛。回顾民族创造力滑坡的教训,应认真反思大学的理念,努力营造有利于高素质创新人才成长的优越环境。  相似文献   

谈培养学生的创新意识与创新能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪是激烈竞争的信息化、高科技时代。是一个创造性的世纪,我们现在面对的学生将来要在21世纪中工作和生活,他们素质的高低,将决定着我国未来的发展。因此,开发学生的创造能力,促进学生的创造能力的提高是时代的呼唤,是社会的要求。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,对教育提出了新的更高的要求:实施素质教育,提高国民的整体素质,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。顺应时代要求,高校教学管理干部只有优化自己的知识结构,培养创新的能力素质,具备求真务实的创新精神,才能更好地为实施创新教育服务。  相似文献   

培养具有创新思维、创新精神、创新能力的高素质人才,是当前我国高校一项重要而紧迫的任务。张扬主旋律,提升文化品味,创新校团文化,营造一个良好校团文化氛围,为创新人才的培养搭建平台。  相似文献   

创意阅读和创意写作作为创造性处理文本的不同方式,是一个共生的过程。两者之间存在各种文本互动,包括创意阅读将写作纳入到一个互文圈中,为写作提供文本动力,建构写作中的"隐含读者"和"理想读者"形象。同样创意写作也逆向作用于创意阅读,并对创意阅读提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

创新型人才的培育需要创新型教学方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家的强盛和社会的发展需要创新型人才,创新型人才的培育需要创新型的教学方式。文章论述了如何通过问题式教学、探究式教学激发学生的问题意识、探索意识和创新意识。  相似文献   

为了更好地培养学生实践能力和创新能力,加快实验教学改革和实验室建设,我系实施实验室结构重组、创建特色实验教学体系、改进教学方法和手段、加强实验队伍建设、建设大学生科技创新基地等一系列举措,效果良好。为创建国家级实验示范中心打下了坚实基础,为实验教学建设树立了创新品牌。  相似文献   

学习既是教育的本体或本原,也是教育的目的或归宿。不同的教育观又蕴涵着不同的学习观。主体建构的生成性学习以创新发展为价值追求,与创新教育关系密切。本文论述了生成性学习的概念、要素特征及其与现代创新教育的关系,旨在拓展有意义学习和教学的思路、方式和态度或心态。  相似文献   

创新教育与思维能力的培养有着密不可分的关系.着重探讨联想与想象思维能力的培养对于创新教育的重要意义.即在思想政治课教学中,通过联想与想象思维能力的培养,培养学生的创造性思维能力,提高学生的创造意识和创新精神,成功地进行创新教育.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to: (1) identify the types of subjects used in published speech communication research; (2) report the results of a survey of 100 speech communication departments to determine existing practices and policies regarding the use of subjects in research; (3) explain the potential effects of existing subject selection practices on generalizing from research results; and, (4) provide methods for resolving generality problems arising from subject selection practices and policies. This review indicated excessive use of male college students and subjects enrolled in basic speech communication courses. The departmental survey indicated that most subjects participate as part of a course requirement. The generalizing of speech communication research to non‐college populations is questioned. It also is suggested that researchers should take more cognizance of ethical considerations when requiring subjects to participate in research projects.  相似文献   

Decoding disciplinary expertise for novices is increasingly part of the undergraduate curriculum. But how might area studies and other interdisciplinary programs, which require integration of courses from multiple disciplines, decode expertise in a similar fashion? Additionally, as a part of decoding area studies and interdisciplines, how might a sequential experience of library-based research practice support that curriculum? Finally, how might a program introduce students to fellowships and career opportunities in the field early in their studies? Area studies and interdisciplinary departments face particular challenges in this regard because of multiple entry points into the major and the lack of a consistent pattern of student movement through the major (due to students studying abroad or because of the array of different disciplinary courses comprising individual programs of study). A tested course designed to address these issues, and adaptable for other area studies or interdisciplinary programs, is part of the required curriculum for Asian Studies at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN.  相似文献   

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