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本文通过讨论一些语言模因存在或传播的时间的长短不一现象,阐述了模因生命力的决定性因素,揭示了文化科技等因素对语言模因生命力的影响,得出了语言模因的生命力取决于文化、科技、社会实践等因素的结论,以期为语言模因研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

关于Tfg—遗传环、Tfg—正则环   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文借助于左酉模范畴R1M中的遗传扭论(T,F)相对应的Gabriel拓扑G,定义并讨论了较平坦模,T-内射模[1、2]、f-内射模[3]、p-内射模[13]更为一般的Tfg-平坦模和Tfg-内射模,然后利用这两类模刻划了Tfg-遗传环和Tfg-正则环,见定理8、9、10和11,从而推广了遗传环和正则环t1-半单环[6]。  相似文献   

阐述了态射广义逆及其模的性质,给出了几个猜想,分析了投射模、平坦模、内射模的相互关系。  相似文献   

介绍了在生产实践中,对不同形状大小、不同材料及厚度的凸凹模模厚度和相对模壁厚度值;分析了影响最小模壁厚度的主要因素。与《冲压设计资料》推荐值比较,提出了更小的模壁厚度和相对模壁厚度。  相似文献   

“互文性”是语篇的基本特征。任何语篇都是由引语拼凑而成,任何语篇都是对其它语篇的吸收和改造。“模因”是文化信息的基本单位。模因的复制、模仿和传播才使得文化得以传播、继承和发展。文章探讨了互文性和模因的关系,指出模因的传播就是互文性形成的过程,并从模因的角度分析了广告语篇中的互文现象,以加深对广告语篇中模因的认识。  相似文献   

环上的自由模是域上线性空间的一种推广,因而线性空间的许多性质可以自然地推广到环上的自由模.文[1]指出,交换环上自由模的基所含元素的个数是自由模的一个不变量,即基元个数不变性.这里对任意环上自由模的基及相关矩阵进行了讨论,给出了任意环上两个自由模R^(m)与R^(n)同构的充要条件,R^(m),R^(n)分别是秩为m,n的自由R-模,并且Hom(R^(m),R^(n))是秩为mn的自由R-模,同时做出了使R^(m)≌R^(n)、但m=n不成立的反例.  相似文献   

根据基模高斯光场,运用Monte Carlo随机模拟方法,实现了基模高斯光场的模拟,直观地说明了基模高斯光束的横模.  相似文献   

关于半模的投射性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了半模范畴中投射半模的概念,讨论了投射半模的若干性质,进而证明了一个大R-半模投射的充分必要条件是它是一个自由左R-半模的收缩。  相似文献   

给出极大平坦模的定义,研究极大平坦模的性质,得到极大平坦模与平坦模、极大内射模之间的关系,并利用极大平坦维数刻画环。  相似文献   

一个左R-模R^A称为FCG-投射模,如果对于任一有限余生成模R^M,A是M-投射的。用FCG-投射模刻画了左V-环、半单环和QF-环,引进了FCG-遗传模和FCG-遗传环的概念,并对它们进行了刻画。  相似文献   

大学专业课程双语教学有助于学生在掌握专业知识的同时,巩固和提升外语应用能力。目前可供选择的双语教学模式很多,国外常见的主要有:沉浸型模式、维特型模式和过渡型模式等;而国内主要有:翻译型模式、渗透型模式、穿插型模式、半外——混合——全外型模式等。双语教学模式的选择应根据各校自身的条件,选择适当的模式,并可从语言目标、学术目标、文化与社会目标几方面进行评价。  相似文献   

借鉴工业模块化设计的原理,从高校大学生思想政治教育的实际出发,建立了高职学生内隐胜任力培养的六大模块:职业心理教育模块、职业道德教育模块、职业观教育模块、职业能力培养模块、职业生涯教育模块、职业综合素质教育模块。通过这种教育以期改变传统的教育模式,促进学生内隐职业胜任力的全面综合发展。  相似文献   

The following research delivered a web-based module about plagiarism and paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism in both a blended method, with live instruction paired with web presentation for 105 students, and a separate web-only method for 22 other students. Participants were graduates and undergraduates preparing to become teachers, the majority of whom were pursuing certification in elementary education. After the module, students practised paraphrasing with their own written example, then took a Likert-scale survey about their perceptions of the module and provided demographic information. The majority of students expressed a high level of satisfaction with not only the module itself but also their own increased knowledge about paraphrasing and plagiarism. Graduate students and students in the live group felt that pairing an instructor with the module furthered their understanding of paraphrasing. Students who identified themselves as having cheated felt that they had better learned how to paraphrase from the module compared with students who reported themselves as never having cheated. Responses from the web group were low considering the amount of students invited to participate. Students in the live group who had instructor-led discussion felt it contributed to their understanding of paraphrasing, while students in the web group wished for more instructor-led interaction. Outcomes on the student-written paraphrase were weaker than anticipated, with only half of the group producing good or excellent paraphrases.  相似文献   

"音乐与戏剧表演"模块与当今那些在流行音乐的浸染中成长起来的学生有较大差距。要想让学生能够自主地加入到该模块教学中来,必须要激发学生的学习兴趣,并在模块教学理念的指导下选择合适、有效的教学方法去指导选修学生,这样才能将"音乐与戏剧表演"模块教学的目标落到实处。  相似文献   

“电路分析自动命题系统”由交互测试模块、自动命题模块以及试题库管理模块组成,能够实现交互自我测试、试卷的自动生成以及题库的维护功能。该系统既能使学生检测自己的学习情况,又能辅助教师出具试卷,减轻教师的工作量。  相似文献   

在线学习是一种师生分离的自主学习,对学习者的学习行为进行监控,能提高在线学习效率。利用电子学档对学习者的在线学习行为进行监控,不仅有助于促进学习者的学习反思、激发学习动机、开展更为有效的学习,而且有助于实现对学习者学习行为的全面监控。基于电子学档的在线学习行为监控模型一般包括行为信息的提取模块,整理和分析模块,成果及评价模块,反思模块,行为标准制定模块等五部分。采用这个模型,可以实现对在线学习行为的全面监控。  相似文献   

文中将投射模、内射模进行推广,引入A-投射模,A-内射模的概念,并且分别研究了它们的一些性质,由此构造出一种环,称为A-半单环,充分体现模对环的刻画.  相似文献   

This study explores pre-service teachers’ perceptions of movement education, the benefits they perceive from participating in a 12-week movement education module in a course on play, and the module’s effects on their confidence and competence in regard to incorporating movement into a curriculum. Findings suggest that the pre-service teachers achieved a deeper understanding of movement education and appreciated the module as a worthwhile professional growth experience. Specifically, they viewed the module as enabling them to build a new understanding of movement, to express themselves physically, to develop movement skills, to engage in social interactions, and to teach a variety of subjects using movement education principles. The study demonstrated that the module of this nature constitutes a useful educational tool for fostering the professional development of pre-service teachers in regard to their beliefs, attitudes, and skills pertaining to movement education.  相似文献   

This paper describes a module provided to first year elementary participants in a two-year after-degree Bachelor of Education program. The module was specifically designed to address the fact that pre-service teachers can enter the B.Ed. degree with little or no science knowledge. Science experiences were explicitly incorporated into the B.Ed. module described here linking science content knowledge to specific science pedagogic content knowledge. The pre-service teachers were surveyed and interviewed during and after completion of the module. It was found that the inquiry based approach increased the pre-service teachers' level of science knowledge, their confidence with regard to teaching elementary science, and improved their attitude toward science teaching and learning.  相似文献   

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