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This paper outlines the findings of a study in which the concept of electricity was introduced to young children in a child care centre. Three areas were examined: first, the perceived difficulties associated with the teaching of science to very young children (3–5 year olds); second, a discussion of the approach used to teach electricity to young children, and finally, the study and its findings. When the teaching of electricity (through a unit on torches) followed a socially constructed approach to learning, all of the children were able to connect up a simple electric circuit and talk about the electricity flowing around the circuit. Specialization: early childhood science education.  相似文献   

This case study reports on a student with special education needs in an inclusive seventh grade life science classroom using a framework of disability studies in education. Classroom data collected over 13 weeks consisted of qualitative (student and classroom observations, interviews, student work samples and video-taped classroom teaching and learning record using CETP-COP) methods. Three key findings emerged in the analysis and synthesis of the data: (1) The learning experiences in science for Wizard are marked by a dichotomy straddled between autonomy [“Sometimes I do” (get it)] and dependence [“Sometimes I don’t (get it)], (2) the process of learning is fragmented for Wizard because it is underscored by an emerging disciplinary literacy, (3) the nature of the inclusion is fragile and functional. Implications for classroom practices that support students with learning disabilities include focusing on student strengths, intentional use of disciplinary literacy strategies, and opportunities for eliciting student voice in decision making.  相似文献   

Objective setting and evaluation for learning in the affective domain are often neglected in educational programs, largely because affective learning is a poorly understood phenomenon. This is particularly problematic in nonformal science education facilities, which are uniquely suited to facilitate affective learning. To address this problem, a heuristic model of affective learning in nonformal educational facilities was developed. The model, referred to as the Meredith Model, displays a sequence of events occurring in the affective responses of learners in nonformal educational experiences and identifies factors which may influence individual events within this sequence. The model is proposed as a conceptual framework for gaining an increased understanding of affective learning and for making recommendations for practice of nonformal science education and for further research. J Res Sci Teach 34: 805–818, 1997.  相似文献   

创新是教育事业发展的根本动力.随着信息社会的发展,学校教育应当改变传统的教育方法与手段.在教育教学活动中,要用先进的教育理论武装教师头脑,更新教师的知识结构,促进教师走科研性、创造性发展之路;要以培养创造性学生为出发点和归宿,促进学生个性化的发展,充分发挥学生的创新潜力和发展潜力.  相似文献   

Research on learning science in informal settings and the formal (sometimes experimental) study of learning in classrooms or psychological laboratories tend to be separate domains, even drawing on different theories and methods. These differences make it difficult to compare knowing and learning observed in one paradigm/context with those observed in the other. Even more interestingly, the scientists studying science learning rarely consider their own learning in relation to the phenomena they study. A dialectical, reflexive approach to learning, however, would theorize the movement of an educational science (its learning and development) as a special and general case—subject matter and method—of the phenomenon of learning (in/of) science. In the dialectical approach to the study of science learning, therefore, subject matter, method, and theory fall together. This allows for a perspective in which not only disparate fields of study—school science learning and learning in everyday life—are integrated but also where the progress in the science of science learning coincides with its topic. Following the articulation of a contradictory situation on comparing learning in different settings, I describe the dialectical approach. As a way of providing a concrete example, I then trace the historical movement of my own research group as it simultaneously and alternately studied science learning in formal and informal settings. I conclude by recommending cultural-historical, dialectical approaches to learning and interaction analysis as a context for fruitful interdisciplinary research on science learning within and across different settings.  相似文献   

A learning model for science education was proposed by Appleton (1989), based on Osborne and Wittrock’s generative learning theory (1983) and the Piagetian notions of disequilibrium, assimilation, and accommodation. The model incorporated many aspects of difficulties in learning science experienced by students, as revealed in the LISP projects and similar research. This paper examines how the model may be used to derive teaching strategies: components of the model are analysed in terms of specific types of teacher interventions which could facilitate students’ progress to accommodation. Some established teaching strategies are analysed in terms of these interventions. Specializations: primary teacher education, teaching strategies in science.  相似文献   

This study discusses applying virtual reality (VR) and Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) to promote health science education in Taiwan. It first describes the needs of health science education in Taiwan, and the advantages of using computer technology in health science teaching and learning. A networked desktop VR-based system and courseware entitled “Travelling with Our Food” were developed for health science learning. The design of the course, the development of the system (platform and software), and expert-based and user-based evaluations are reported. Evaluation results, research issues, and possible future work are also discussed.  相似文献   

高校人文精神的丧失,已经引起了世界各国的关注.欣赏诗文对于培养大学生道德修养、审美观念和加强专业素质起着重要的作用.因此高校中可以开设诗文修养课,根据其特点,对课程的内容、开课方式、考核方式进行一系列的改革创新实践,以提高大学生修养,从而全面推进素质教育.  相似文献   

Background: Blending collaborative learning and project-based learning (PBL) based on Wolff (2003) design categories, students interacted in a learning environment where they developed their technology integration practices as well as their technological and collaborative skills.

Purpose: The study aims to understand how seventh grade students perceive a collaborative web-based science project in light of Wolff’s design categories. The goal of the project is to develop their technological and collaborative skills, to educate them about technology integration practices, and to provide an optimum collaborative, PBL experience.

Sample: Seventh grade students aged 12–14 (n = 15) were selected from a rural K–12 school in Turkey through purposeful sampling.

Design and methods: The current study applied proactive action research since it focused on utilizing a new way to enhance students’ technological and collaborative skills and to demonstrate technology integration into science coursework. Data were collected qualitatively through interviews, observation forms, forum archives, and website evaluation rubrics.

Results: The results found virtual spaces such as online tutorials, forums, and collaborative and communicative tools to be beneficial for collaborative PBL. The study supported Wolff’s design features for a collaborative PBL environment, applying features appropriate for a rural K–12 school setting and creating a digitally-enriched environment. As the forum could not be used as effectively as expected because of school limitations, more flexible spaces independent of time and space were needed.

Conclusions: This study’s interdisciplinary, collaborative PBL was efficient in enhancing students’ advanced technological and collaborative skills, as well as exposing them to practices for integrating technology into science. The study applied design features for a collaborative PBL environment with certain revisions.  相似文献   

A framework is presented for thinking about cognitive factors involved in model construction in the classroom that can help us organize the research problems in this area and the articles in this issue. The framework connects concepts such as: expert consensus model, target model, intermediate models, preconceptions, learning processes, and natural reasoning skills. By connecting and elaborating on these major areas, the articles in this issue have succeeded in moving us another step toward having a theory of conceptual change that can provide guidance to teachers in the form of instructional principles. Taken together, the articles remind us that individual cognition, while not the only factor in learning, is a central determining feature of learning. However, we must work to further develop the present partial theory of conceptual change to fill in the missing cognitive core of the present shell.  相似文献   

Conclusions Almost all teachers recognize the value of hands-on science instruction in the laboratory setting. Many will even recommend that instruction should be not only hands-on, but also cognitively challenging. Moving from recognition of the need for enhanced laboratory instruction to implementation, however, is more effective with guidance. Formal schemes such as Laboratory Learning: An Inservice Institute provide this guidance by employing the most powerful teaching strategy available—modelling. In the workshop, participating teachers and their peers demonstrated effective practices, then analyzed and discussed the behaviors making those practices useful. If participant attitudes measure a workshop’s success, then peer modelling is clearly a powerful approach to instruction. Modelling, small-group work, cooperative learning activities, and theoretical and research-based suggestions for enhancement all targeting a single element of science teaching were blended together to produce Laboratory Learning: An Inservice Institute. This material is based upon work supported in part by a grant from the Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Act (Grant No. S164B 10015-12) through the Iowa State Board of Regents. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Act or the Regents.  相似文献   

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