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《宝剑记》主要取材于我国古典小说《水浒传》中"林冲落草"这段故事。相较来看,《宝剑记》继承了《水浒传》的很多方面,包括主要人物设置,故事情节内容,"忠奸"主题思想。除此,《宝剑记》在人物形象、情节脉络、中心矛盾、起因结局等方面又有所创新。《宝剑记》对《水浒传》的改编凸显出明中叶反封建专制统治的社会思潮和人的自我意识的觉醒,也是作者李开先个人心灵世界的直接映现,具有明显的进步性与现实意义。  相似文献   

《实践论》和《矛盾论》是面向中国问题的哲学,是毛泽东哲学思想的两篇核心著作,开创了马克思主义中国化的先河,在实践基础上产生了马克思主义中国化的第一次飞跃——毛泽东思想,进而指导中国革命、建设和改革,取得了一次又一次的重大胜利。时至当今,《实践论》和《矛盾论》所蕴含的马克思主义哲学立场、观点和方法仍具有十分重要的价值。  相似文献   

Japanese kanji reading can be divided into two types: On-readings, derived from the original Chinese pronunciation and Kun-readings, originating from the Japanese pronunciation. Kanji that are normally given an On-reading around 50% of the time were presented in a context of other kanji that had either a highly dominant On-reading or a highly dominant Kun-reading. The reading that was given in this experiment was very much biased toward the type of phonological environment in which it was embedded. So native Japanese speakers easily shifted between On and Kun readings, depending on phonological context, suggesting that separate On and Kun sub-lexica exist within the phonological lexicon.  相似文献   

作为著名的后殖民理论批评家,为了削弱帝国主义的主宰地位和文化霸权,促使后殖民地非主流群体的身份被认同和接受,斯皮瓦克从理论指导和方法论的高度提出了一系列丰富的翻译思想。斯皮瓦克在“作为阅读的翻译”中阐述了“爱欲”“服帖”“忠实”和“直译”的翻译观,这些翻译观有积极的一面,同时也有与现实不符、存在矛盾等局限性,这些局限性注定了她的翻译思想只能是一种美好的乌托邦。  相似文献   



Koundinya Vajjha 《Resonance》2010,15(9):843-849
A Pythagorean triple is a triad of positive integers (x, y, z) which satisfy the Pythagoras’ equation x 2 + y 2 = z 2. In this article, we shall consider triples of the form (i, i + 1, k), and the recurrence relations governing them. In the process, we also solve completely the equation i 2+ (i + 1)2 = k 2.  相似文献   

鲁普平 《唐山学院学报》2016,29(2):89-91,97
选取《说文解字·羊部》中的羊、羍、羭、、羯、、群、等词,通过据音系联的音系法,即在不明语根的情况下,不分源流,只将部分同族词系联起来,说明这些词的命名依据。  相似文献   

托尼·莫里森在小说《秀拉》中创造了一个主流社会主宰下的黑人社区——“底部”,书写了“底部”的黑人勇士秀拉、伊娃、夏德拉克等挣脱白人压迫、建构主体身份的艰辛努力。在巴赫金狂欢化理论视域下,小说《秀拉》的三个狂欢化特征——狂欢化的"边沿"时空、狂欢化的怪诞人体和狂欢化的死亡形象,深化了作品的批判性主题,彰显了作家的创作意图。  相似文献   

The piggyBac transposon has been long used to integrate foreign DNA into insect genomes. However, undesirable transgene expression can result from random insertions into the genome. In this study, the efficiency of chimeric Gal4-piggyBac transposase in directing integration onto a DNA target plasmid was evaluated in cultured silkworm Bombyx mori Bm-12 and fruit fly Drosophila Schneider 2 (S2) cells. The Gal4-piggyBac transposase has a Gal4 DNA-binding domain (DBD), and the target plasmid has upstream activating sequences (UAS) to which the Gal4 DBD can bind with high affinity. The results indicate that, in the Bm-12 and S2 cells, transpositional activity of Gal4-piggyBac transposase was increased by 4.0 and 7.5 times, respectively, compared to controls, where Gal4-UAS interaction was absent. Moreover, the Gal4-piggyBac transposase had the ability of directing piggyBac element integration to certain sites of the target plasmid, although the target-directing specificity was not as high as expected. The chimeric piggyBac transposase has the potential for use in site-directed transgenesis and gene function research in B. mori.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to address the pragmatics of integrating virtual worlds for teaching and learning for K-12 education. Specifically this qualitative investigation focuses on a reflective dialogue gathered from a group of K-12 (primary and secondary school) educators about their experiences using both Active Worlds Educational Universe and Second Life. Reflections consist of both their experiences as (a) a learner within both applications, (b) developing instructional content in both applications, and (c) perceptions of value of each application for teaching and learning. The goal of this research is to investigate how K-12 teachers’ perceptions of virtual worlds may impact the integration of new tools for teaching and learning.  相似文献   

In Rabelais and His World Mikhail Bakhtin traces the history of laughter and the specific impact of Francois Rabelais upon that history, but more important it is the most definitive example of the carnivalesque available to Western scholars to date. By carnivalesque he refers to the traditional language and spectacle associated with folk culture within the carnival season, language and images that represent the universal truths of life, death, and renewal through the grotesque body. Bakhtin’s theories of the characteristics of unbridled freedom illustrate the universality and dissident effects of laughter. The revolutionary or subversive, carnival spirit displayed by the clash between official and unofficial culture bear particular significance upon the Harry Potter series. At the heart of carnival imagery is what Bakhtin defines as the three elements of laughter: “universalism, freedom, and… [their] relation to the people’s unofficial truth” (p. 90). These are the elements of laughter that most adequately characterize Harry Potter’s subjective view of what is good and right. He is at the most basic level an initiate of change who works within the realm of the carnivalesque to illustrate the subversive qualities of laughter in opposition to the official culture the muggle world represents with regards to race. The carnivalesque and grotesque in Harry Potter illustrates an appeal to social transformation through the power of laughter and the reversal of the dominant order of race and racial difference.  相似文献   

The activities of enzymes responsible for lignification in pepper, pre-inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus ofGlomus intraradices and/or infection with pathogenic strain ofPhytophthora capsici, and the biological control effect ofG. intraradices on Phytophthora blight in pepper were investigated. The experiment was carried out with four treatments: (1) plants pre-inoculated withG. intraradices (Gi), (2) plants pre-inoculated withG. intraradices and then infected withP. capsici (Gi+Pc). (3) plants infected withP. capsici (Pc), and (4) plants without any of the two microorganisms (C). Mycorrhizal colonization rate was reduced by about 10% in pathogen challenged plants. Root mortality caused by infection ofP. capsici was completely eliminated by pre-inoculation with antagonisticG. intraradices. On the ninth day after pathogen infection, Peroxidase (POD) activity increased by 116.9% in Pc-treated roots but by only 21.2% in Gi+Pc-treated roots, compared with the control, respectively. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activities gradually increased during the first 3 d and dramatically decreased in Pc-treated roots but slightly decreased in Gi+Pc-treated roots, respectively. On the ninth day after pathogen infection, PPO and PAL decreased by 62.8% and 73.9% in Pc-treated roots but by only 19.8% and 19.5% in Gi+Pc-treated roots, compared with the control, respectively. Three major POD isozymes (45000, 53000 and 114000) were present in Pc-treated roots, while two major bands (53000 and 114000) and one minor band (45000) were present in spectra of Gi+Pc-treated roots, the 45000 POD isozyme was significantly suppressed byG. intraradices, suggesting that the 45000 POD isozyme was induced by the pathogen infection but not induced by the antagonisticG. intraradices. A 60000 PPO isozyme was induced in Pc-treated roots but not induced in Gi+Pc-treated roots. All these results showed the inoculation of antagonisticG. intraradices alleviates root mortality, activates changes of lignification-related enzymes and induces some of the isozymes in pepper plants infected byP. capsici. The results suggested thatG. intraradices is a potentially effective protection agent againstP. capsici. Project supported by Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) through the Agricultural Plants Stress Research Center (APSRC) at Chonnam National University, Korea  相似文献   

We use data from a nationally representative survey of Italian graduates to study whether Alma Mater matters for employment and earnings 3 years after graduation. We find that the attended college matters, and that there are important college-related differences, both among and within regions of the country. These differences, however, do not persist over time and are not large enough to trigger substantial mobility flows from poorly performing to better performing institutions. We also find evidence that going to a private university pays off at least in the early part of a career. Only part of this gain can be explained by the fact that private universities have lower pupil–teacher ratios than public institutions.  相似文献   

A known species, Physarum melleum, was found fruiting on living leaves of Dendrobium candidum, which was collected in China in 2004. Its morphological characters were revealed by light microscopy (LM), environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Character variations were distinguished by its olive-yellow peridium and its always thinner capillitium containing globulose granular material between the large calcareous nodes. The calcium carbonate granules, deposited on stalks, peridium and hypothallus as well as within stalks, were globose and smooth. Project (No. 2001BA744C) supported by the 10th Five-year National Key Technologies R & D Program, China  相似文献   

Insecticidal effects of different doses of the dust and methanol extracts of Garcinia kolae on Collosobruchus maculatus and Sitophilus zeamais were tested. The dust had no significant effect on the two insects; none of them died even at 3 d after treatment. The methanol extracts, however, had rapid lethal effects on both C. maculatus and S. zeamais. The mortality of C. maculatus by the lowest concentration of methanol extracts ranged from 95%∼100% whereas in S. zeamais, the mortality ranged from 87.5%∼100% and 70%∼100% in concentrations of 1 g extract+3 ml methanol and 1 g extract+5 ml methanol, respectively, from 24 to 48 h. The least concentration of 1 g extract+15 ml methanol had no significant lethal effect on Sitophilus zeamais.   相似文献   

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