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Children's Literature in Education - Providing spaces for adolescents to make sense of the world around them is often the work of educators, specifically those in Language Arts classrooms. In...  相似文献   

美国作为推崇多元文化的移民国家,青少年文学作品中存在相当数量的中国元素。三类中国元素的描写在作品中大量出现:神话传说,包括中国历史上的传说故事和美国作家在此基础上的改写;美国的中国移民和美籍华裔;中国人的衣食住行,节日习俗等常见文化点。但中肯而平实的作品不多:很多作品存在中国元素明显与现实不符的问题,对中国文化的细节描述个体性、地域性太强;对当代中国和第三波移民的描写太少,而对这个关键历史时刻的沉默和话语权的缺失,从客观上也给那些描写回忆与想象改革开放之前的中国的作品让了路。中国元素对美国作家而言,写起来要么非常沉重,要么就流于浅薄浮泛。  相似文献   

LGBTQ themes are often neglected in many schools' curriculum. Currently, an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum framework is not required in most school districts across the county. Therefore, it is important to understand how teachers regard LGBTQ issues; how they address the needs of students in the middle school and high school English classroom who identify on this spectrum or who come from LGBTQ families; and how they incorporate literature that may be considered “controversial” in their future school districts. In this study, English/Language Arts preservice teachers (PSTs) (certification 7–12) were invited to participate in a book club and self-select young adult (YA) literature centering on characters who identify on the LGBTQ spectrum. During two book club meetings, three themes emerged that embody how literature can become a mirror as well as a window for students and assist youth in identity formation and confirmation. Moreover, literature has the potential to empower readers to take action on controversial issues, especially when readers are in positions to make change (no matter how subtle). Although the data collected were from PSTs, our aim with this article is to expand these three themes as overarching messages for practicing educators today, urging the importance of a more inclusive curricula involving LGBTQ literature.  相似文献   

This article provides a rationale for using literature in the classroom to explore conceptions of curriculum and teaching. We discuss a number of exemplars from children’s and young adult fiction, both mainstream and less well known; offer a taxonomy for categorizing the range of visions of curriculum and teaching in the literature; and describe the responses of a group of middle school students to a unit that examined schooling in literature. We argue that reading literature which addresses student experiences in school can help students make sense of those experiences and, more importantly, open their minds to ideas about teaching and schooling that they otherwise might never have considered.John Kornfeld is Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the School of Education at Sonoma State University. His research in curriculum, children’s literature, school/ university collaboration, and the politics of schooling has been published in such journals as Theory into Practice, Social Education, and Theory and Research in Social Education.Laurie Prothro is a school library consultant and children’s librarian in Sonoma County, California. She specializes in collection development and young adult literature. Her most recent publication with John Kornfeld, entitled “Comedy, Conflict, and Community: Home and Family in Harry Potter,” appears in Elizabeth Heilman’s Harry Potter’s World: Multidisciplinary Critical Perspectives.  相似文献   

从广义修辞学角度阐释《组织部新来的青年人》批评话语:在语词层面,“真实”、“不真实”、“歪曲”构建了批评主体的精神世界;在语句层面,“反诘句”、“否定句”突显了批评的话语方式;在语篇层面,政治标准、教育功能、党性立场推动了批评的意识形态化.本文亦在阐释,在特定的修辞语境中,批评话语如何参与了批评文本和话语主体精神的建构.  相似文献   

This study identifies patterns in 11 English language young adult novels from the past three decades (1981–2011) which depict undocumented migration between Mexico and the United States. The increase in YA novels on this topic demonstrates rising public concern. These books offer sympathetic identification with border crossing youth. Eight of the 11 books use narration from the perspective of the border crosser. Six of the protagonists are transported by parents, while the others make the decision to enter the United States without authorization. The border crossers struggle against antagonistic forces of poverty, physical danger, and immigration laws. Migration is not a unidirectional movement from Mexico into the United States; most, but not all, of the border crossers live in the United States at the narratives’ conclusions. These literary works implicitly urge the “empathetic outreach” of Gloria Anzaldúa’s borderlands philosophy and argue for what Pablo Ramirez terms a “borderlands ethical stance” in which individuals justifiably violate laws. This essay advances discourse about Mexican immigration into the United States by establishing fundamental characteristics of the YA novel about undocumented migration, analyzing significant examples, and exploring implications for teachers.  相似文献   

In this article I question whether or not African American young adult literature serves as a primer for, and a version of, African American adult literature. Using the Black Aesthetic as my literary theory and the Coretta Scott King Award as the young adult canon, I note that while the content of adolescent literature is consistent with the tenets of the Black Aesthetic and African American adult literature, the literary elements and style are not. As such, young readers of African American young adult literature are not necessarily prepared for the literary elements and style of canonical African American adult literature. Further, I note that editors, publishers, and literary critics may contribute to the construction of young adult literature, in that editors may discourage authors from experimenting with form and style. Finally, I call for reorienting Black children’s and adolescent literature away from White literary elements and style and toward Black literary elements and style.  相似文献   

This promising practice explores the use of young adult literature as a supplement to texts in an undergraduate introduction to a special education course. Literature portraying adolescent characters with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were used to build schema of preservice teachers. Participants' knowledge and attitudes about ASD were examined before and after reading a young adult novel of their choice. Results indicated that students in the literature group out-performed peers in the control group on measures of ASD content. Exemplars of students' responses suggested students who read the novel expressed increased knowledge and interest, recognition of commonalities, and complex and nuanced views of ASD. Participant satisfaction with reading the novels outside of class was also high, suggesting students found the authentic literacy experience enjoyable.  相似文献   

计算机动画可以显示动态的变化,表达抽象的概念,因此医学教育中越来越多地应用计算机动画。然而,动画的优越性会因学习者个体差异如知识储备和空间认知能力的不同而不同,动画并非一直有效。本文介绍了相关的研究成果,描述了动画在医学教育中的应用,根据认知负荷理论为动画的设计和使用提供了原则,为未来研究提供了方案。  相似文献   

The aim of my critical literature review is to identify studies where students are engaged as partners in teaching in higher education and to analyze how tutors and tutees benefit from peer teaching. Thirty studies were included for review. Thirteen countries are represented and two thirds of the studies conducted in the United States of America or the United Kingdom. There is a significant representation of studies from natural- and physical science. The dominating pedagogical belief and theory is social constructivism. The most frequent study design is the use of quasi-experimental pre- and post-testing. University teachers do not comprise the view of peer teaching necessarily resulting in greater academic achievement gains or deep learning. University teachers identify and esteem other pedagogical benefits such as improving students’: critical thinking, learning autonomy, motivation, collaborative and communicative skills. The main finding of this review is the clarification that the training of generic skills benefits from peer teaching.  相似文献   

Poverty reduction is deeply implicated in structures of politics, economy, culture, and technology, from the global down to local levels. Irrespective of the particular political ideology of a nation and of the specific strategy of mobilization, adult and life-long education can and must play a significant role in reducing poverty, including preventing its inception. Yet the adult-education sector does not seem to be ready for this challenge. The present study argues that the re-education of adult educators is a dire necessity for effective poverty reduction. It also maintains that adult educators must be re-socialized in terms of their potential new roles as intellectual-activists. Only so can they work successfully towards introducing systems of adult and life-long education that are truly comprehensive and genuinely commensurate with the goals of poverty reduction.
Zusammenfassung ERWACHSENENBILDUNG UND LEBENSLANGE BILDUNG FüR DIE VERMINDERUNG VON ARMUT: EINE KRITISCHE ANALYSE VON ZUSAMMENH?NGEN UND BEDINGUNGEN – Die Verminderung von Armut ist tief verankert in den Strukturen von Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Technologie, von der globalen bis hinab zur lokalen Ebene. Ungeachtet der jeweiligen politischen Ideologie einer Nation und der spezifischen Strategie zur Mobilisierung kann und muss die Erwachsenenbildung und die lebenslange Bildung eine bedeutende Rolle dabei spielen, die Armut zu vermindern, was mit einschlie?t, ihrer Entstehung vorzubeugen. Dennoch scheint der Sektor der Erwachsenenbildung für diese Herausforderung nicht gerüstet zu sein. Die vorliegende Untersuchung legt dar, dass die Neuausbildung der Erwachsenenbildner eine unbedingte Notwendigkeit für eine wirksame Verminderung der Armut darstellt. Sie stellt auch fest, Erwachsenenbildner auf ihre m?gliche neue Rolle als Bildungsaktivisten neu vorbereitet werden müssen. Nur so k?nnen sie erfolgreich darauf hinarbeiten, Systeme von Erwachsenenbildung und lebenslanger Bildung einzuführen, die wirklich umfassend sind und den Zielen der Verminderung von Armut tats?chlich entsprechen.

Resumen EDUCACIóN DE LAS PERSONAS ADULTAS Y DURANTE TODA LA VIDA PARA LA REDUCCIóN DE LA POBREZA: UN ANáLISIS CRíTICO DE CONTEXTOS Y CONDICIONES – La reducción de la pobreza está profundamente implicada en las estructuras de la política, la economía, la cultura y la tecnología en todos los niveles, partiendo desde niveles globales y bajando hasta los niveles locales. Independientemente de la ideología política particular de cada nación o de la estrategia específica de movilización, la educación de las personas adultas y durante toda la vida puede y debe desempe?ar un papel importante en la reducción de la pobreza e incluso en la prevención de sus comienzos. Sin embargo, el sector de la educación de las personas adultas aún no parece estar preparado para enfrentar estos retos. Este trabajo sostiene que la reeducación de los educadores adultos es imperiosamente necesaria para lograr una reducción eficaz de la pobreza. También sostiene que los educadores adultos deben ser resocializados en cuanto a sus potenciales nuevos roles como activistas intelectuales. Solamente de esa manera podrán trabajar con éxito para implantar sistemas de educación de personas adultas y durante toda la vida que sean realmente completos y que, efectivamente, cumplan con los objetivos de reducción de la pobreza.

Résumé éDUCATION DES ADULTES ET TOUT AU LONG DE LA VIE EN FAVEUR D’UNE RE′DUCTION DE LA PAUVRETé : UNE ANALYSE CRITIQUE DES CONTEXTES ET DES CONDITIONS – La réduction de la pauvreté est profondément impliquée dans les structures de la politique, de l’économie, de la culture et de la technologie, du niveau global jusqu’aux niveaux locaux. Indépendamment de l’idéologie politique particulière d’une nation et de la stratégie spécifique de mobilisation, l’éducation des adultes et tout au long de la vie peut et doit jouer un r?le significatif dans la réduction de la pauvreté, y compris en empêchant son commencement. Cependant, le secteur de l’éducation des adultes ne semble pas être prêt pour ce défi. L’étude présente soutient que la rééducation des éducateurs d’adultes est une dure nécessité pour la réduction effective de la pauvreté. Elle maintient également que les éducateurs d’adultes doivent être resocialisés en termes de leurs nouveaux r?les potentiels en tant qu’activistes intellectuels. C’est seulement ainsi qu’ils peuvent travailler avec succès afin d’introduire des systèmes d’éducation des adultes et tout au long de la vie qui soient vraiment complets et véritablement adaptés aux objectifs de la réduction de la pauvreté.

Poverty reduction is deeply implicated in structures of politics, economy, culture, and technology, from the global down to local levels. Irrespective of the particular political ideology of a nation and of the specific strategy of mobilization, adult and life-long education can and must play a significant role in reducing poverty, including preventing its inception. Yet the adult-education sector does not seem to be ready for this challenge. The present study argues that the re-education of adult educators is a dire necessity for effective poverty reduction. It also maintains that adult educators must be re-socialized in terms of their potential new roles as intellectual-activists. Only so can they work successfully towards introducing systems of adult and life-long education that are truly comprehensive and genuinely commensurate with the goals of poverty reduction.  相似文献   

In teaching young adult literature in a teacher education programme at the undergraduate level, I pose the question of how I can best introduce my personal theoretical stances into the formal curriculum and syllabi, without unintentionally conveying such theories to my students as necessary postures. I first outline the theoretical underpinnings that inform my own work: which include psychoanalytic theory, ideas of fantasy and loss in reading experience, the concept of adolescence as a psychic and cultural relation, and the dynamics of forgetting in teacher education. In theorizing part of the process of learning to teach as the productive activation of a person’s internal archive, I then describe the methodological choices I made while constructing my course in young adult literature, where, in reference to Lynda Barry’s One Hundred Demons, my students consider the ways to best approach their own adolescent ‘demons’.  相似文献   

This synthesis of the literature on cross-cultural immersion experiences gives emphasis to the need for effective pedagogy for enhancing multicultural counseling competency, with cultural immersion being a potentially valuable training tool. The authors examine the empirical literature towards identifying both helpful and hindering structural and process factors in immersion experiences. Consideration is given to enhancing training experiences and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

批评文章首发于网页上是在线批评区别于非在线批评的一大标志。由于在线匿名特性和无编辑把关带来的自由和在线即时评论,在线网络批评以俏皮、调侃、幽默的话语点评,啸聚网民,营造出旺盛的人气,其所具有直觉性、特指性、明晰性、生活化、短小犀利、批评客体边缘化等特征,推动了网络写作的兴旺和网络原创文学的发展。  相似文献   

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